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Problem with MCLV

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Problem with MCLV - 5/16/2002 3:31:48 PM   


Posts: 12
Joined: 12/1/2001
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Howdy. I've run into a problem with Lost Victories. After finishing one battle and starting the next, while it was loading my computer hung up. I had to reboot. Now my .sav file for the scenario I was about to play [Russians and Mud, Donetz River] is corrupted and missing OOB data. Is there any way I can repair this, get a new .sav file or the OOB data for that battle, etc? Any help would be much appreciated, I don't want to go back and redo the hundreds of hours it took me to get here...

Post #: 1
- 5/16/2002 10:33:17 PM   

Posts: 1780
Joined: 7/6/2001
From: Boston, Massachusetts
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From what you say, it sounds as though you don't have many options, other than to start over. In the future, you might want to 'back up' your save files.

The way I do this is to open the SP:WaW folder. Then open the 'Megacampaigns' folder. Then open the save folder in the MC files page. Now right click on each of the three sav files for the individual game you want to back up and click on 'copy'. Right click on an open area in the save file screen and click on 'paste'. A copy of the save file will appear with a name 'copy of XXX.XXX'. Right click on the copy and click on 'rename'. Rename the copy to another name. For example all three save files of my current game are titled 'new', so I renamed the backup save files 'new2' followed by the extension for the specific file, .sav, .rec, and .cam.

I realize this is closing the barn door after the horse gets out, but, perhaps it will help you in the future.

Eric Maietta

(in reply to J.Wood)
Post #: 2
- 5/17/2002 2:12:34 AM   

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I too corrupted my save files and lost all of my progress in MCLV when I hit cntrl/alt/del to get out of a scenario after I chose the wrong option between scenarios.

After that I started to backup between scenarios. I just created a new folder within the save folder called "Backups." Then all you have to do is a copy/paste.

I also exit and save every other turn or so. It would be nice if the save game function was a little better in the MCs.

J.Wood, perhaps you could get someone to send you their saved game progress if they are past a certain point? That would jumpstart you towards getting to where you were.

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Post #: 3
- 5/17/2002 4:00:20 PM   


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Well, if someone has a save file from the donetz series they could email me, I'd be extremely grateful. Reply here and I'll send my email address. Thanks in advance to any who can help me out here.


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Post #: 4
- 5/18/2002 11:53:15 PM   
Sgt Popov

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me too!
I have had to restart LV sooo many times since i got it that it that i am burnt out on the 1st 8 battles, and havent played it in a while:( Thank God for Russian Steel. I am dissapointed in LV. It was unplayable when I got it, and after 3 or 4 patches, it still crashes to the desktop and screws up. I have tried everything under the sun to get it to work right, but to no avail. I will say I have played the first 8 or so battles 30-40 times each, with all the restarts and crashes, loops etc. I am not upset at Matrix at all, I just consider the price of LV a donation for their efforts, which they try soo hard at. I am looking foward to the new games coming out, and will buy Combat Leader, and Close Assault.


- Sergeant, what should I do if my parachute won't open?
- Bring it back and I'll replace it.

(in reply to J.Wood)
Post #: 5
- 5/19/2002 5:52:10 PM   


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Considering that one loses everything if the save file is corrupted, and the fact that there are THREE files in the save file, the game should allow at least TWO saved files aso that one would not have to restart.Perhaps an autosave at the end of the latest finished scenario would solve the problem.


(in reply to J.Wood)
Post #: 6
- 5/29/2002 6:40:41 AM   

Posts: 1837
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From: Phoenix, AZ
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I've been on vacation, so I didn't see these replies before today. I'd be happy to try to email my saved games to you guys. Let me know if you want any. I have about 3 or 4 games saved from 8 to 12 nodes into the Campaign. I think I'm about ready to attack the Stalin line or there abouts.

(in reply to J.Wood)
Post #: 7
Guys - 5/29/2002 11:18:41 AM   
Gary Tatro


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If you would like to I can send you my saved games. I have all the nodes saved up to Patapov Stikes. I am now it persuit. Having to restart a couple of times earlier I have made a habit of going into the directory and saving the game files to a different folder for each senario. This has saved me time and tremendous grief.

One thing for the tech guys. I noticed the game no longer does the senario loop but I also notice that my game crashed 2-3 times on the Kolkoze - Malin senario. The one with the collective farm in it. Also the OOB Data corrupted twice moving from that senario to Patapov Strikes senario. Forcing me to restart the Kolkoze senario all over. Finally I saved the game just before ending the senario and keeped reloading it until I got though with out crashing. I can send my saved game file if you would like to look at it.


"Are you going to do something or just stand there and bleed"

(in reply to J.Wood)
Post #: 8
NO MORE! - 6/3/2002 8:13:45 AM   
Sgt Popov

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From: Ga USA
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After playing a battle today for 4 & 1/2 hours, it crashed to the desktop:( I have ALL the patches, have reinstalled the game, tried playing of the mech.exe, deleted the PRF file, etc. etc. I have literally hundreds of hours of time on this LV, and have NEVER gotten past like the 6-8th battle:mad: I have replayed everyone of the first 6-8 battles, uh I dont know, maybe 50-60 times. I gave it 1 last chance, and tonight was Megacampaigns last chance, and it failed. I am uninstalling SPWaW, and will not reinstall LV when I reinstall SPWaW for the 30th or so time. I know I am not the only one to be having these problems with LV
--guys, I am very dissapointed. I sure hope the long wait for CA and CL means they will be playable. What really dissapoints me, is I have never recieved a response to a support / help e-mail I sent to Matrix MONTHS ago

(in reply to J.Wood)
Post #: 9
you have my sympathy - 6/4/2002 7:03:32 AM   


Posts: 79
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From: Dallas
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You have my sympathy, Sgt Popov. To some degree, I understand your pain as I had to replay some scenarios due to program crash as well. But I must be luckier than you as my system only crashes infrequently, and I've been able to make steady progress in the campaign. If you like I can email you one of my saved games.

(in reply to J.Wood)
Post #: 10
- 6/4/2002 9:52:27 PM   


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I have been experimenting stability problems with SPWAW since I migrated my computer to win xp.

So after the end of EACH turns, I exit the megacamp, as all the crashes I can remember happen during the AI phase.

Then my game is auto-saved, so I can resume it.

Quick and efficient.

Also I do a backup of my save game before each game session I do on my computer.

Hope that helps.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wagh'nagl fhtagn.
Yaah ! Yaah ! Cthulhu fhtagn ! Cthulhu fhtagn !

(in reply to J.Wood)
Post #: 11
Same Problem - 6/12/2002 12:45:09 PM   
Richard Pfost


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The scenarios are great, but I am feeling like the Russians in 1941 with the system. It had been remarkably stable until the Malin Collective Farm Scenario, then it did the same exact thing to me that it did to Gary Tatro as described in his 5/29/02 posting. I have apparently lost everything, can somebody help me. Do I have to re-start from the begining. The concept of reloading a campaign that has been fought to this point sounds appealing if I could obtain help in making this happen.

Any interest would be appreciated. Thanks

(in reply to J.Wood)
Post #: 12
- 6/13/2002 2:09:58 AM   

Posts: 1837
Joined: 1/31/2002
From: Phoenix, AZ
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I were to send Richard my LV progress, would I just send him the 3 or 4 files in the Save folder? There is no secret to this is there, as long as we are running the same version (v7.1 plus patch).

(in reply to J.Wood)
Post #: 13
- 6/13/2002 4:42:34 AM   


Posts: 5166
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You would have to send the files in the MatrixGames\SPWAW\MegaCam\save folder compressed into a zip file, that are associated to that Mega save. For it to work the best you both would have to have the same version of SPWAW, LV patches, and the same OOB's (meaning none modified or changed) if any of these are different when he attempts to load your save a corruption could occur. But it's worth a shot many gamers send their save files to others who experience corrupted save deep into their MegaCampaigns.


(in reply to J.Wood)
Post #: 14
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