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PBY problem

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PBY problem - 4/26/2009 11:38:52 PM   

Posts: 1057
Joined: 11/24/2006
From: far away from battlefield :-(
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I have a PBY squadron (VP-11) which refuses to fly at all, whatever setup I do and order I give. The base is fully supplied and of proper size (over 4). I sent this squadron to three different places now, to no avail. Even transfer to another base doesn´t affect the A/C (fatigue still zero!).
Do you have an idea what´s wrong here?
Post #: 1
RE: PBY problem - 4/27/2009 8:22:59 AM   


Posts: 233
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From: Germany
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This is a problem you will have to face as the US in 2.5. Lot of squadrons will be affected by this "freezing" of pilots. Usually not all pilots in the squadron are affected. Two or three will still fly.
This will happen to most of your 2 engine bombers as well. I also had the problem with carrier based attack planes that were based on land bases. I also noticed that not all freezed pilot refuse to fly. Sometimes they do fly without getting fatigue. Problem is that other pilots in the squadron will get fatigue much faster.
For example If you give a squadron with 16 planes orders to 50% naval search only three pilots will fly every day. The overall squadron has a low fatigue but the three pilots will have 50 plus after two or three days. Of course you get a lot of OP losses by this way. I tried allot to unlock those pilots but with low success. Putting them in different bases sometimes helped .Don´t now if this is a bug I just can say that it spreads across your air force like a flu.
I also noticed this problem with some Mavis squadrons way back when I played the Japanese.

(in reply to RGIJN)
Post #: 2
RE: PBY problem - 4/27/2009 8:52:39 AM   
Mike Wood

Posts: 2095
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send me a save.

(in reply to RGIJN)
Post #: 3
RE: PBY problem - 4/27/2009 9:32:18 AM   

Posts: 1057
Joined: 11/24/2006
From: far away from battlefield :-(
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send me a save.

Thanks for your attention to this issue.
file sent...


(in reply to Mike Wood)
Post #: 4
RE: PBY problem - 4/27/2009 9:38:41 AM   

Posts: 1057
Joined: 11/24/2006
From: far away from battlefield :-(
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ORIGINAL: fuelli

This is a problem you will have to face as the US in 2.5. Lot of squadrons will be affected by this "freezing" of pilots. Usually not all pilots in the squadron are affected. Two or three will still fly.
This will happen to most of your 2 engine bombers as well. I also had the problem with carrier based attack planes that were based on land bases. I also noticed that not all freezed pilot refuse to fly. Sometimes they do fly without getting fatigue. Problem is that other pilots in the squadron will get fatigue much faster.
For example If you give a squadron with 16 planes orders to 50% naval search only three pilots will fly every day. The overall squadron has a low fatigue but the three pilots will have 50 plus after two or three days. Of course you get a lot of OP losses by this way. I tried allot to unlock those pilots but with low success. Putting them in different bases sometimes helped .Don´t now if this is a bug I just can say that it spreads across your air force like a flu.
I also noticed this problem with some Mavis squadrons way back when I played the Japanese.

The problem here is that NO pilots at all feel like flying. Not a single one enters his plane. And I rotated this squadron to four different locations now, every possible mission assigned at various altitudes.

Maybe they´re sitting in a bar, drunken & drowsy. I really have no idea.

(in reply to fuelli)
Post #: 5
RE: PBY problem - 5/6/2009 9:58:54 AM   

Posts: 1057
Joined: 11/24/2006
From: far away from battlefield :-(
Status: offline
it is really weird... the Squadron in question suffers losses, though the pilots aren´t fatigued at all and no missions are added to their tally.

No response from Mike so far yet.

Attachment (1)

(in reply to RGIJN)
Post #: 6
RE: PBY problem - 5/6/2009 10:02:17 AM   

Posts: 1057
Joined: 11/24/2006
From: far away from battlefield :-(
Status: offline
one more pic of this

Attachment (1)

(in reply to RGIJN)
Post #: 7
RE: PBY problem - 5/9/2009 6:22:08 AM   
Mike Wood

Posts: 2095
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From: Oakland, California
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He hasn't gotten to it, yet.



it is really weird... the Squadron in question suffers losses, though the pilots aren´t fatigued at all and no missions are added to their tally.

No response from Mike so far yet.

(in reply to RGIJN)
Post #: 8
RE: PBY problem - 5/9/2009 4:47:02 PM   

Posts: 1057
Joined: 11/24/2006
From: far away from battlefield :-(
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He hasn't gotten to it, yet.

as I see. No problem, take your time.

In the meantime, another PBY squadron seems to tend into this trouble... (set to 100% search but only three pilots obey orders and fly)

(in reply to Mike Wood)
Post #: 9
RE: PBY problem - 5/9/2009 7:55:20 PM   


Posts: 233
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From: Germany
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He hasn't gotten to it, yet.

as I see. No problem, take your time.

In the meantime, another PBY squadron seems to tend into this trouble... (set to 100% search but only three pilots obey orders and fly)

As I said. The 2E Bombers will be next

(in reply to RGIJN)
Post #: 10
RE: PBY problem - 5/10/2009 9:47:34 PM   

Posts: 1485
Joined: 3/20/2005
From: Houston TX
Status: offline
i am seeing the 2E issue in another game. if I remember to set them to train for a turn then they will fly, but some turns they just sit in good weather. 

this game needs a patch badly

(in reply to fuelli)
Post #: 11
RE: PBY problem - 5/13/2009 6:13:03 PM   

Posts: 1057
Joined: 11/24/2006
From: far away from battlefield :-(
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ORIGINAL: borner

i am seeing the 2E issue in another game. if I remember to set them to train for a turn then they will fly, but some turns they just sit in good weather. 

this game needs a patch badly

whatever I try - nothing helps. In the meantime, two more PBY squads resigned duty!!! It´s a disease.
Sent one back. Maybe stupid, maybe the solution.

(in reply to borner)
Post #: 12
RE: PBY problem - 5/13/2009 10:55:16 PM   

Posts: 1485
Joined: 3/20/2005
From: Houston TX
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same game, 5 fighter groups at Lea went from escort at 50% cap to sweep. I have seen this happen at Lugna before, but never any other base.

(in reply to RGIJN)
Post #: 13
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