Posts: 8
Joined: 9/9/2000 From: England Status: offline
Originally posted by Wild Bill:
You know,guys, this campaign was probably the hardest and longest piece of work I've ever done in SP. It took over two months, counting the testing.
It was tested in whole or in part by 13 different testers, another first.
During it's development, I said to myself, more than once, "I wonder if this piece of work is worth all this effort."
From your responses, I see now it was time well spent. Many thanks!
We'll try to keep that same standard in the future.
Wild Bill
I finished the campaign at the weekend.....I felt like I'd been in the war and was so relieved when the remnants of my forces were able to say they survived. This is a viciuos set of scenarios and you need your wits about you. Many of my tank crews were on their fifth vehicle and half of my mech forces were footsoldiers at the end as I could not afford to keep replacing their halftracks. Those last battles, when supposedly the enemy was falling apart, are the worst and I suspect draw heavily on the credo of many of the wermacht figheters at the end who declared 'enjoy the war as you won't like the peace' ( very loose quote.
Thanks for a wonderful, if nail biting challenge.
"Do teachers go anywhere special when they die?" said Cohen.
"I don't think so," said Mr Saveloy gloomily, wondering for a moment whether there really was a Great Free Period in the sky. It didn't sound very likely. Probably there would be some marking to