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Joined: 7/27/2006 From: Melbourne, Australia Status: offline
ORIGINAL: FreekS Darren, Are you talking real life tactics or Harpoon? In Harpoon AI (sorry 'computer controlled') subs immediately go to flank and change course when a Mk46 is fired at them by a surface ship. When I make a scen I create helo 'formation' patrols, and behind them sprint-drift or random ASW-capable ships, and behind them the HVUs. When the whole group is on Transit, ASuW or Ground Strike mission (because thats their primary mission) then neither the helo's nor the DDs or FFs will fire on subs. You say that is any navies doctrine? In my opinion all 'computer controlled' planes or ships carrying ASW weapons should fire them on unknown submerged contacts on any mission. The 'computer' already is at a severe disadvantage as it can only follow the mission that the designer programmed for it. I bet you that YOU as a human player drop torps on 'computer controlled' subs whenever you encounter them espaecially in the vicinity of your ships. No reason why the AI (sorry computer) should not do the same, as it has been doing for many years untill this latest change. Freek Freek, You described this as a "latest change", and I'll admit I have no idea how many upgrades have taken place since July 27th, 2007 but that's when this was added to the coding. Yep almost two years down the track and now we have a problem with it? Sorry mate this should have been apparent to people well before this if the change was made 23 months ago... I'll have Don chasing me because of this but here's the Mantis entry for the change: ID: 0002159 Category: [H3 ANW - H3Cx] Simulation Severity: minor Reproducibility: always Date Submitted: 07-27-07 02:04 Last Update: 08-19-07 22:41 Reporter: ddearing View Status: public Assigned To: ddearing Priority: normal Resolution: fixed Platform Status: resolved OS: Projection none OS Version: ETA: none Fixed in Version: 3.8.1 B7 Summary: 0002159: Changed ASW Patrol missions to enaged unidentified submarines Description: Due to the difficulty of getting an exact ID on quiet subs, ASW Patrol missions will now treat unidentified submarines within their area of interest as hostile. Steps To Reproduce: Additional Information: Database ANWDB Looks to me like it was included as far back as 3.8.1, so I find it strange that it is now an issue where we'd not had any issues with it until now. So rather than argue about it, why don't we look at having it fixed? I mean if it's taken 23 months to show its head maybe something else has happened that's having an effect on the way unidentified subs are prosecuted. In actual fact we're simply back to the point where we needed to add this modified coding so lets collect some data and examples and help the poor guy (yes just Russell) doing the coding get it right. Of course "right" may not be what everyone thinks is the way it should work. I have to ask if once the hostile sub has fired, do your units under attack still, "do nothing"? Also if these complaints are based on using the PDB, as part of the Development Team and an interested observer can we take a look at the values that are being used in that Database? It may simply be yet another case of the DB having nothing but "assumed" PCS and Passive sonar input values to work with, which may in themselves be incorrect. I believe all Herman does is copy a similar platform, rather than individually calculate each platform or weapon's cross section values. IMHO that's a recipe for most of the issues. Another interesting point is attacking subs from the rear aspect, if the sub has no TAS and therefore the rear 90 degrees may in fact represent a "blind spot" where an attack will not cause the sub to go to flank and run, it didn't hear the incomming torp so why would it run from nothing? Lastly the issue of real life operations. Your surface group is ordered to move to Point X, according to higher command, you have a friendly sub in support. Therefore to avoid sinking your own sub, you're hoping he takes care of the bad guys. What happens when the bad guys take care of your mates in the sub first and you are operating unaware of this point? You detect a sub and simply fire on it? getting interesting with all of the possibilities now isn't it? Cheers Darren