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RE: hexside control

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RE: hexside control - 6/4/2009 8:43:04 PM   
Kwik E Mart

Posts: 2447
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ORIGINAL: Tallyman662

Some prudish women would complain about it!

I try to make it habit to not participate in any kind of gaming with prudish women...


Kirk Lazarus: I know who I am. I'm the dude playin' the dude, disguised as another dude!
Ron Swanson: Clear alcohols are for rich women on diets.

(in reply to PeteG662)
Post #: 361
RE: hexside control - 6/4/2009 8:43:35 PM   

Posts: 1263
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Sometimes you can't avoid them unfortunately! LOL

(in reply to Kwik E Mart)
Post #: 362
RE: hexside control - 6/4/2009 8:45:20 PM   
Kwik E Mart

Posts: 2447
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ORIGINAL: Tallyman662

Sometimes you can't avoid them unfortunately! LOL

I've also noticed that some women that claim to be prudish actually have quite a good time at games like strip poker....but I digress....


Kirk Lazarus: I know who I am. I'm the dude playin' the dude, disguised as another dude!
Ron Swanson: Clear alcohols are for rich women on diets.

(in reply to PeteG662)
Post #: 363
RE: hexside control - 6/4/2009 10:05:56 PM   

Posts: 5905
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From: West Yellowstone, Montana
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ORIGINAL: Tallyman662

Sometimes you can't avoid them unfortunately! LOL

I've also noticed that some women that claim to be prudish actually have quite a good time at games like strip poker....but I digress....

please . . . . . . digress away.


(in reply to Kwik E Mart)
Post #: 364
RE: hexside control - 6/5/2009 3:10:52 AM   


Posts: 710
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From: WPB, Florida
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YH thanks for the quick reply. We will find out any implications once the game is out. IMHO I dont think it will affect much only in light resistance as you explained. Useless if a real fight is underway and you have to commit all your units.

You really have a knack for playtesting, wouldn't have given a thought to trying that move. LOL


(in reply to Yamato hugger)
Post #: 365
RE: hexside control - 6/5/2009 4:28:26 AM   
Yamato hugger


Posts: 5475
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ORIGINAL: medicff

You really have a knack for playtesting, wouldn't have given a thought to trying that move. LOL


Well, thats why I get the big bucks

Tree is out of town until sunday, so nothing new for a while here.


(in reply to medicff)
Post #: 366
RE: hexside control - 6/5/2009 8:54:56 AM   
castor troy

Posts: 14330
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ORIGINAL: Yamato hugger


ORIGINAL: castor troy

while I somewhat understood it at some point that itīs possible in an empty hex (while still being very ABSTRACT) I have no idea how you want to justify this "feature" in an occupied hex. You canīt move through them but in an abstracted way you do that as some of your troops are marching North and when the rest of your troops kick the enemy out of the hex you then order the "magic move" and perhaps your troops marching North have then marched 45 miles South. Boy, oh boy...

So at the same day your attacking troops kick out the enemy your marching North troops did in fact march THROUGH the enemy (if we think the enemy holds in the middle of the hex). Sorry, the miles are wrong though as I was thinking about a 60 mile hex. But itīs nothing different in a 40 miles hex. This "magic move" is just bullocks.

Quite easy to justify really. 46 mile hex. How much terrain does a - pick a unit - airbase company? They are going to freeze ANY movement "past" them? Lets say a division. A division on the defense covers an area about 3 miles wide if deployed in an open formation. Artillery support out to maybe 10 miles. Leaves plenty of room for maneuver, not to mention the minor fact that the guy doing the maneuvering still has to have enough force to kick that division out of the hex. So if the moving player has enough force to move the defender then likely the defender has enough to do without worrying about the unit that didnt bother to stop. His arty would be firing FPLs and interdiction fire (if even the maneuvering unit was even in range) would be out of the question. Like I said, in that regard it is no different than pursuit other than instead of chasing the retreating units you go in the direction that you want to go.

Actually whether you like it or not doesnt really matter. It has been reviewed and this is the way its going to stay. It isnt even on the pile of stuff to consider for the first patch.

Edit: and 1 other thing. Its a GAME. It has limitations. There is a lot about AE that people arent going to like. I dare say no one will be 100% happy with it. But then, name any game that can claim that everyone is 100% happy with.

yeah, it doesnīt matter at all if I like it or not. There are lots of things that doesnīt matter at all. But the fact that you call it "workaround" alone is funny enough as I honestly have to ask, if itīs such a fine feature, why isnīt it just included in the game? I mean, why not just set your troops to march South and they actually do that? Why having a "workaround" to have the troops march North and when theyīve marched 5, 8, 10, 15, 25, 30,... miles North then they magically have marched that distance South? And if you say it wonīt make it for the first patch it nearly does sound as if someone would consider it a strange "feature" and while itīs no game breaker it may be fixed in patch number 117.

No matter how you turn it, it stays strange if you have a "programme" where you order your troops to march North and when you decide itīs the right time then they have marched that distance South. No matter how you turn it, if a base force is defending, a division, 12 children from kindergarten, it just stays a "workaround" like you call it.

Now my question: What if an Army of 500.000 men are defending this hex? How do you justify that workaround then? I guess 500.000 men could defend the hex that you can not do your magic move? Honestly, I donīt consider it a game breaker but it is how I said, a strange thing as it always works, no matter if one or one million squads are defending the hex and therefor it just stinks and itīs one of those exploiting a not perfect game engine. Thatīs why I donīt like it when people get pointed out how to exploit the game engine and itīs limitations even before the game is released. And no, Iīm not saying that thereīs a chance to get any game that is perfect. Not possible.

But I really do like statements like this from "officials": Actually whether you like it or not doesnt really matter.


(in reply to Yamato hugger)
Post #: 367
RE: hexside control - 6/5/2009 12:32:57 PM   
Yamato hugger


Posts: 5475
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ORIGINAL: castor troy

Now my question: What if an Army of 500.000 men are defending this hex? How do you justify that workaround then?

Very simple. Listen carefully because this is the LAST time I am going to address this to you. I have said the exact same thing each time. Ready?


Now, if I had the force to retreat your army of 500,000 men, then I think I deserve to get 1 days march out of the guys that DIDNT ATTACK.

Plain enough for you now? (actually dont care if it is or not, Im done addressing this).


(in reply to castor troy)
Post #: 368
RE: hexside control - 6/5/2009 1:02:29 PM   
Flying Tiger


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From: ummmm... i HATE that question!
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Well. I guess we finally settled that little puppy to rest! Now back to the AAR.....

(in reply to Yamato hugger)
Post #: 369
RE: hexside control - 6/5/2009 3:42:17 PM   
castor troy

Posts: 14330
Joined: 8/23/2004
From: Austria
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ORIGINAL: Yamato hugger


ORIGINAL: castor troy

Now my question: What if an Army of 500.000 men are defending this hex? How do you justify that workaround then?

Very simple. Listen carefully because this is the LAST time I am going to address this to you. I have said the exact same thing each time. Ready?


Now, if I had the force to retreat your army of 500,000 men, then I think I deserve to get 1 days march out of the guys that DIDNT ATTACK.

Plain enough for you now? (actually dont care if it is or not, Im done addressing this).

You have NOT to retreat the defenders out of the hex, no matter how rude you stay. From what youīre saying it would also work if the enemy MARCHES out of the hex. Because your enemy holds the hex in the middle (with the current game model) and you have your march North troops, letīs say, 30 miles North and then change them to march South when the enemy decides to march out. What does that mean? You have marched through the enemy as you are 30 miles when the enemy starts moving out (at 20 miles).

Then you have your super ridicoulos we march North and back to the future we are now South "workaround" working too??? NO??? Which would again mean (same as if the enemy would be retreating ) feature that your troops are actually marching THROUGH the enemy. This is ridicoulos and actually no matter if you care or not, if you generally think about game exploits or broken features like this then say good night as AE will be in the same state as WITP was when it came out.

Plain enough for you? Iīm done addressing this...


(in reply to Yamato hugger)
Post #: 370
RE: hexside control - 6/5/2009 8:35:42 PM   
Yamato hugger


Posts: 5475
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ORIGINAL: Flying Tiger

Well. I guess we finally settled that little puppy to rest! Now back to the AAR.....

Tree is out of town until Sunday.


(in reply to Flying Tiger)
Post #: 371
RE: hexside control - 6/6/2009 1:54:31 PM   
CV Zuikaku


Posts: 442
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From: Legrad, Croatia
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ORIGINAL: Yamato hugger


ORIGINAL: Flying Tiger

Well. I guess we finally settled that little puppy to rest! Now back to the AAR.....

Tree is out of town until Sunday.

Then, if you have some time and good will, can you tell us something more about replacement pilots? How can we increase their quality? Are we able to withdraw some crack combat pilots to act as instructors and help in training pilots in flight schools? Something like that was mentioned a year ago, but I don't understand what is it working like. Or if it has been implemented at all...

(in reply to Yamato hugger)
Post #: 372
pilot training. - 6/6/2009 3:56:03 PM   
Yamato hugger


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Then, if you have some time and good will, can you tell us something more about replacement pilots? How can we increase their quality? Are we able to withdraw some crack combat pilots to act as instructors and help in training pilots in flight schools? Something like that was mentioned a year ago, but I don't understand what is it working like. Or if it has been implemented at all...

Well, I will try, but frankly a lot of it wont make any sense to you, because honestly, it doesnt to me either.

If you hit the "I" key or click on the "view intell reports" icon on the top of the screen you get the top pix which is pretty much the same as WitP. When you hit the "pilot replacements" button you get the 2nd screen. I will try to explain what this means part by part.

This is where it gets confusing. If you look at the IJN line, I was under the impression that the "1615" was the number of pilots that had finished training, but I was told that this number is the total number of pilots in the complete training process. I dont understand how this could be true because if you add up all the pilots in training, its almost 2000 so that explanation doesnt wash.

When they finish training they come out with 35 experience. US Navy is the only ones that come out with more than this, they come out with 40.

150 pilots are added to this pool every month. I am not sure if this is on a daily basis (ie 4.5 pilots a day) or a monthly lump sum. These pilots are added to the "months 1-3" box. Im inclined to think its a monthly lump sum.

The next 4 "boxes" are various stages of training shown as number of pilots and their experience level. You can see from this that I have 438 pilots in this stage of their training, and if they were to be used, they would only have 1 experience! After a pilot has been in this box for 3 months, he moves to the next one (the 4-6 box). I have 463 pilots in this box currently and if they were to be used, they would have 12 experience. Again, after a pilot sits in this box for 3 months, he moves to the next. I have 457 pilots in the 7-9 box and if used they would have 21 experience. Another 3 months here and they move to the last box which has 444 pilots and if used here they would have 28 experience. After they are finished here, they go to the "pool" which I believe is the 1615 figure. Unless a coder comes in and says otherwise Im going to have to say thats how it works to the best of my understanding.

Pilots are used in the order that they were put in the pool. That is, the longest in training is used first. You dont select which box you use pilots from. First in, first out. Period. After you use up all the pilots you have in the "trained" pool, you start tapping those in the 10-12 box. If these are all used up, you then start on the 7-9 box, ect.

If you click on the "reserve pool" button you get the next screen. At the top it says that there are 117 pilots in reserve, either in a groups pool or in the general reserve. Note also, that this list shows your wounded pilots also (they wont appear in the groups pilot list). It isnt shown on this display, but of the 117 pilots here, only 2 arent assigned to a group. These both are listed as "patrol reserve" and 1 of them has 55 experience and the other has 47. Now its possible that when a pilot finishes his training in the 10-12 box from the last screen he is added to this pool, but frankly Im not sure.

Any pilot that has 80+ experience and is in this pool is eligible to be withdrawn to "training command". His name will appear in yellow and if clicked, a pop-up box will ask if you want to transfer him. This box does nothing at this time, and I was under the impression it was to be removed from the game but I see its still in there. Do NOT say "yes" as your pilot will go poof and it does nothing for you. The original specs were to have him boost the trainees experience or shorten their training or similar but was never implemented.

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< Message edited by Yamato hugger -- 6/6/2009 4:02:31 PM >


(in reply to CV Zuikaku)
Post #: 373
RE: pilot training. - 6/6/2009 5:10:26 PM   

Posts: 175
Joined: 5/19/2004
From: Boston, MA
Status: offline
Maybe the "Transfer to Training Command" functionality can be added in a future patch. That is a very nice little feature. Meantime I'll make sure not to make my 80+ experience pilots go "poof" that is sometime in July I hope...

(in reply to Yamato hugger)
Post #: 374
RE: pilot training. - 6/6/2009 7:55:26 PM   

Posts: 883
Joined: 7/26/2004
From: Glendora, CA
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I notice in the picture of the pilots in reserve, they show a number of the Japanese pilots as assigned to the 27th RAF Squadron.??

(in reply to Yamato hugger)
Post #: 375
RE: pilot training. - 6/6/2009 8:07:41 PM   

Posts: 881
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From: Texas, by God!
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Shhh. Don't say anything. You'll set the release back another 6 months.


(in reply to Herrbear)
Post #: 376
RE: pilot training. - 6/6/2009 8:13:29 PM   

Posts: 10525
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Er, we will look at the group assignment bug!


AE Project Lead
New Game Project Lead

(in reply to bstarr)
Post #: 377
RE: pilot training. - 6/6/2009 8:48:24 PM   

Posts: 5905
Joined: 9/5/2001
From: West Yellowstone, Montana
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Oh NO, another 6 month delay!! . . . . . . .


(in reply to jwilkerson)
Post #: 378
RE: pilot training. - 6/6/2009 8:52:57 PM   

Posts: 175
Joined: 5/19/2004
From: Boston, MA
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Thanks I wasn't sure if you were going to fix the bug or remove the feature...Hopefully I havent upset any timetables.

(in reply to Nomad)
Post #: 379
RE: pilot training. - 6/6/2009 9:06:34 PM   
Yamato hugger


Posts: 5475
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ORIGINAL: Herrbear

I notice in the picture of the pilots in reserve, they show a number of the Japanese pilots as assigned to the 27th RAF Squadron.??

Good catch - I missed that one even, and I dont usually miss the obvious ones


(in reply to Herrbear)
Post #: 380
RE: hexside control - 6/6/2009 9:10:07 PM   

Posts: 3870
Joined: 5/14/2003
From: Pax River, MD
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Shoot, and I was about to send my 'concur' email to Joe stating the air team was ready for GOLD...



(in reply to Kwik E Mart)
Post #: 381
RE: pilot training. - 6/6/2009 11:05:46 PM   
CV Zuikaku


Posts: 442
Joined: 12/18/2008
From: Legrad, Croatia
Status: offline
Thanks for such an informative answer, YH
I hope they'll fix that training command to work properly- it's a very, very handy feature vhere player can decide wheather to use his top pilots in combat until death, or to use them to help train fresh pilots!

(in reply to Yamato hugger)
Post #: 382
RE: pilot training. - 6/7/2009 1:21:56 AM   

Posts: 5798
Joined: 10/18/2002
From: The Imperial Palace.
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So the IJN pilots in the "trained" pool all have XP of 35? No more "free" high-XP pilots at all, right? In stock, for example, we get about 10 65-ish pilots a month.

That's OK with me -- I assume we now have to train everyone on the map. I gather that supply runs won't work for fighter pilots. What are you doing to train your new pilots on-map, YH?


(in reply to CV Zuikaku)
Post #: 383
RE: pilot training. - 6/7/2009 2:20:28 AM   
Yamato hugger


Posts: 5475
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So the IJN pilots in the "trained" pool all have XP of 35? No more "free" high-XP pilots at all, right? In stock, for example, we get about 10 65-ish pilots a month.

That's OK with me -- I assume we now have to train everyone on the map. I gather that supply runs won't work for fighter pilots. What are you doing to train your new pilots on-map, YH?

Well the few that arent in combat (the Japs start with about half as many combat squadrons as in WitP) I simply put them on training missions. This unit for example has been "training" for about 10 days:

I reported how fast the training mission was a few months back and it was ignored, so I have to assume that its working as designed. A few of these pilots gained 30 points in air to air combat in 10 days. Their defense still sucks, but once they get into Tojos (or even Oscars), they will make their weight felt.

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(in reply to Grotius)
Post #: 384
RE: pilot training. - 6/7/2009 2:32:17 AM   
Yamato hugger


Posts: 5475
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Tree actually sent me a turn. Nothing of note to report other than Manila fell to the 33rd div and one of my APD groups heading south on the west side of Borneo was shot up and sunk. Nells and Bettys continued to hammer the Repulse and PoW in Singapore. I just got an air HQ to Kota Bharu this turn, so hopefully they will start carrying torps on these runs now. I also reloaded my 5 midget sub carriers and they are now enroute to the area. One of my BB divisions just arrived at Kuching to put an end to his CL harassments. Landings on Ambon also. The KB is finally rearmed and awaiting marshalling forces at Truk. I have 2 divisions at sea near Guam, 1 south of Tokyo, and 1 near Yap. These forces will sail as a unit and sweep over eastern New Guinea (including Moresby) supported by 8 carriers adn a BB division. I intend to take out New Caledonia and Fiji while Im at it.


(in reply to Yamato hugger)
Post #: 385
RE: hexside control - 6/7/2009 8:35:15 AM   

Posts: 2625
Joined: 7/3/2007
From: El Paso, TX
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ORIGINAL: Yamato hugger

Heres a handy workaround I have found:

You will see that I just entered Alor Star with 3 units. The NE hexside is red (Jap controlled) while the east and SE are green (other guy controlled). I give the artillery and the armor unit orders to move to the next base (Georgetown) while the remaining infantry unit goes combat mode and will attack the base.

"But you cant move to the next base because of the green hexside" you AFBs cry! This is true, the units ordered to move are moving to the north east (you can see the little movement direction indicator on the unit), but worry not JFBs, after you take the base, NEXT turn all those hex sides will be red, and although the units will still be heading NE, when you re-order them to move to Georgetown, they will point south east like they should and the miles they went THIS turn doesnt re-set. So you are basically getting a "free move". The armor unit will probably move about 15 miles. So you can seriously speed up your advance if the allied player does a "Sir Robin" on you like this.

I've given this a lot of thought, and YH is describing a feature, not a bug. Keep in mind that the whole idea of hexes is arbitrary, and is just a means for the game to track unit locations and such. And 40 miles is a pretty big area, so a lot could be going on there, if it were RL instead of a game abstraction.

Forget for a moment that it sounds crazy that a unit moving 10 miles N could suddenly turn that into 10 miles S. Think of it as an ABSTRACTION FOR SOMETHING ELSE. If this were real life and I had enough forces to attack AND to maintain a ready reserve to exploit the results of that attack (in game terms, the reserve would be the group moving N), then it makes a great deal of sense that if the enemy retreats, my attacking force would be slowed down by the need to replenish ammo and other supplies, while my reserve would not! They are ready to go, and nothing should stop them from following hot on the heels of the retreating force.

For this tactic to work, the attacker has to have enough forces to win the battle and evict the enemy. If they don't retreat, then the tactic won't work, and maybe you would have been better off using the reserve in the battle. So the tactic isn't without risk. And even if there is no battle, but one side retreats before an attack can be launched, isn't it more crazy that the enemy wouldn't have noticed and wouldn't at least have the POSSIBILTY to send some forces in hot pursuit?

There's more than enough to do in WitP, so there's no way I'd routinely be using this tactic, but in the right place and at the right time, it would absolutely replicate the full effect of a disintegrating front line and an enemy that never leaves you alone.

This is definitely a feature.

(in reply to Yamato hugger)
Post #: 386
RE: hexside control - 6/7/2009 10:04:39 AM   
Yamato hugger


Posts: 5475
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Actually the tactic works just fine as well in WitP. Always has. But people seem to forget the minor detail that a unit cant move and attack at the same time, so those people I think erroneously think that not only are units attacking, but moving at the same time and this is where they have a problem with it, as would I if that were the case. But it isnt. You either attack OR move, not both.

In WitP you cant move from an enemy occupied hex to an enemy occupied or contested hex, but as long as the hex you are moving to is friendly controlled or not controlled by either player (in other words, when you hit "W" there is no "J" in the hex if you are allied or "A" in the hex if you are Jap) then the move is allowed.

AE is different in that regard that enemy control of a hex is meaningless, or almost so. Its the HEXSIDES that count. You CAN move from an enemy occupied hex to another enemy occupied hex (even an enemy controlled base to an enemy controlled base as I will show) as long as you control the hexsides between them. I will give you several examples (that may make your head hurt ) In the first 3 following examples, let us assume that both Clark and Manila are allied controlled and both are Japanese occupied (meaning both allied and Jap units in the hexes). Note, Im not saying either situation 2 or 3 could ever occur but showing how movement works. (picture below for 1, 2, and 3 - Termmy taught me how to draw, so dont blame me. C is Clark, M is Manila, and the lines are who controls the hexsides between them).

Example 1) The hexsides between them are allied controlled (in other words, no Jap units moved between the 2 in either direction). Allied units can move freely between the 2 hexes in either direction, the Japs can not move direct between them in either direction. This would be the normal situation as long as neither of them fell to the Jap.

Example 2) The Japs had taken Manila and moved into Clark from there. The allies re-take Manila and the Japs move back into Manila from another hex (but not from Clark). So both bases are allied controlled, and both are Japanese occupied but the hexside in Clark that borders Manila (the SE one) is Jap controlled (because Jap units moved in from that hex and thus were the last to pass through this hexside) but the NW hexside in Manila (the one bordering Clark) is allied controlled (because when you take a hex and force all the defenders out you get control of all the hexsides in that hex). So now what can happen is Jap units can move FROM Clark TO Manila, but the Jap units in Manila can NOT move to Clark. The reverse is true of the allies. The allied units in Manila could move to Clark (because they control that hexside in the Manila hex) but could NOT move from Clark to Manila (because that hexside in the Clark hex is Jap controlled). Head hurt yet? Theres more

Example 3) Same situation as above. But now IF the Japs move from Clark to Manila they would then control the Manila NW hexside because they were the last to move through this hexside. So in this situation you have both Manila AND Clark allied controlled and occupied, but only Jap units could move between the 2. Your head hurt yet? More coming

Edit: Each hex has its own hexsides for control purposes. So in reality each hexside between 2 hexes has 2 hexsides: hex A || hex B so here 1 player can control the east hexside of hex A while the other controls the west hexside of hex B.

Example 4) A Jap unit and an allied unit both enter a non-base hex that was vacant last turn (so neither side controlled any hexsides in it last turn). Since both sides moved in on the same turn, the Jap controls the hexside they moved in from, the allies control the hexside they came in from, and neither player controls the rest. So in this situation, either side could move to any adjacent hex EXCEPT the one the enemy moved in from.

Example 5) As in 4, only now both are moving to the same hex. Let us say the allied entered from the west, and the Japs from the east, and both move NW from there (neither stops to fight). I have never tested this (maybe I should) but what I THINK would happen is they would both move into the next hex and after doing so all hexsides would be uncontrolled except the one they both came from which would be Jap controlled (because the allies move first). Now its possible that since the allies would be leaving hex A first, they would get control of the NW hexside before the Jap movement which would block the Japs move, but like I said, I should test that.

Now supply is another matter, and frankly, it drives me crazy. Since you only "control" the hex you are physically in at the moment and no one controls any hexsides of unoccupied hexes, its actually possible for both sides to use the same rail line supplying their forces (or road, or whatever supply path).

In the attached pic, if you imagine that hexes 1 and 2 are unoccupied then the Chinese and Japs can both trace supply along this same rail line in the same turn because neither side controls any of the hexsides along it (shown by colored arrows).

In the base hex on the north, if the Chinese controlled the SW hexside, their supply could move through that hexside, but their control of that hexside doesnt stop the supply from coming INTO that hex.

So the general rule of thumb is this: hexside control only stops movement FROM that hex through that hexside. It does NOT stop movement from another hex INTO that one. It takes a while to adjust your mind to this, but its actually a nice concept for unit movement but I personally have reservations on the supply movement (my own opinion).

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< Message edited by Yamato hugger -- 6/7/2009 11:01:00 AM >


(in reply to Kull)
Post #: 387
RE: pilot training. - 6/7/2009 10:51:42 AM   

Posts: 2004
Joined: 2/3/2003
From: brisbane oz
Status: offline
I was in great fear for the Japs when you said there was about half as many a combat squadrons as in WitP but when you showed how quick they can train in there combat groups i was at ease again.

ORIGINAL: Yamato hugger



So the IJN pilots in the "trained" pool all have XP of 35? No more "free" high-XP pilots at all, right? In stock, for example, we get about 10 65-ish pilots a month.

That's OK with me -- I assume we now have to train everyone on the map. I gather that supply runs won't work for fighter pilots. What are you doing to train your new pilots on-map, YH?

Well the few that arent in combat (the Japs start with about half as many combat squadrons as in WitP) I simply put them on training missions. This unit for example has been "training" for about 10 days:

I reported how fast the training mission was a few months back and it was ignored, so I have to assume that its working as designed. A few of these pilots gained 30 points in air to air combat in 10 days. Their defense still sucks, but once they get into Tojos (or even Oscars), they will make their weight felt.


You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life

(in reply to Yamato hugger)
Post #: 388
RE: pilot training. - 6/7/2009 12:55:48 PM   
Yamato hugger


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Well, Im still trying to figure a quick and easy way to get their raw experience up because seemingly only the lowest guys train.


(in reply to tigercub)
Post #: 389
RE: hexside control - 6/7/2009 1:07:58 PM   


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Joined: 11/21/2005
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Shoot, and I was about to send my 'concur' email to Joe stating the air team was ready for GOLD...

Damn, funny how no-one noticed your brilliant and noble effort about that GOLD thing.


(in reply to TheElf)
Post #: 390
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