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New Players Preparation Thread (Jumping into AE)

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New Players Preparation Thread (Jumping into AE) - 7/11/2009 7:52:42 PM   


Posts: 489
Joined: 6/25/2009
From: Hex 181, 36
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Like with any good invasion planning is essential.

I'm creating this discussion in an effort for new players and old rusty players jumping into AE (to get all the lurnin' done at once) to discuss things you have been, and will be, doing to prepare for the magnificent undertaking of learning to command your forces in WiTP/AE with meaning and purpose (and hopefully few embarrassing blunders ) over the course of either your first smaller scenario or a full campaign. Any nuggets of advice from experienced players are always much appreciated.

I'm not trying to start a full strategy guide or compendium, there are plenty of well established threads in the main WiTP forum for that. Many of which I have already benefited much by reading. Merely wishing to pool our (new guys) limited, but fresh, knowledge together to help each other in the first trying weeks, and inevitably months, all in the interest of setting everyone up for success and long enjoyment of your new investment. Pop in, ask for some help, and get back in the game.

There are no stupid questions in this thread (well, I'm sure there will be in the inevitable side conversations that always happen in these forums, but you know what I mean ) so ask away!


Onto the things that have been worthwhile in my preparation over the last couple weeks:

Reading AAR's - This has been the single most effective and fun method to learn just what it takes to actually play the game. Read as many as you can and try to put yourself in the mindset of the players. Reading these went a long way toward demystifying what WiTP/AE actually is, in addition to being fun and usually well written (thank you AAR writers!)

Reading the AE Manual Preview - speaks for itself.

Reading Strategy Guides - This is the next best thing to readin' the darn manual for those that don't yet have WiTP/AE. There are several great compilations of guides in the main WiTP forum. Read them! Print them! Hang them on the walls of your bathroom! And appreciate the work and time that went into writing them.

Reading Side/Theater/Battle Platform/Logistics/Production specific guides - These can get pretty dry pretty fast if you aren't actually playing the game but I would recommend starting with what your interested in and work from there. I happen to be fascinated with naval and logistical information so that's where I've started. Working on your strengths and interests can help you get into the game. Again these can be found in the main WiTP forum.

Reading historical books & looking at maps - Reading & studying any serviceable book & map is good to get the gears turning. All part of getting in the proper mindset so as not to feel hopelessly lost in the complexity.


So here is my tiny, tiny dent into the considerations faced by new players. I hope it helps someone and for those about to invade AE, I salute you!

< Message edited by FAsea -- 7/11/2009 8:11:47 PM >
Post #: 1
RE: New Players Preparation Thread (Jumping into AE) - 7/11/2009 10:23:18 PM   

Posts: 1409
Joined: 8/15/2003
From: Cave Creek, AZ
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Making sure you have notepads, post its, and #2 pencils.

I've taken to using a GTD (getting things done) project/todo application to organize operations.  It's been pretty handy so far, and helps get your thoughts organized.


<sig removed because I'm a bandwidth hog>

(in reply to AttuWatcher)
Post #: 2
RE: New Players Preparation Thread (Jumping into AE) - 7/12/2009 3:53:52 AM   


Posts: 489
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From: Hex 181, 36
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The todo app would be helpful for not letting things fall through the cracks...nice suggestion.

About evacuation: AE manual pg.79 says evacuation TFs are automatically formed during base capture...are they automatically given move orders too? And as the attacker, is there no way to surprise the base and prevent this?

(in reply to Crimguy)
Post #: 3
RE: New Players Preparation Thread (Jumping into AE) - 7/12/2009 4:03:26 AM   

Posts: 1063
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From: Saint Marys, Ga
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what is that app and where do you get it


You have the ability to arouse various emotions in me: please select carefully.

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Post #: 4
RE: New Players Preparation Thread (Jumping into AE) - 7/12/2009 5:07:17 AM   

Posts: 1429
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Just play, make mistakes and try to figure out how to avoid making them twice. That is pretty much what happened in Real Life (there was no manual telling the IJN that the US wouldn't have the PPs to move stuff from the Aleutians until turn 68)


Beezle - Rapidly running out of altitude, airspeed and ideas.

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Post #: 5
RE: New Players Preparation Thread (Jumping into AE) - 7/12/2009 8:29:30 AM   


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Just play, make mistakes and try to figure out how to avoid making them twice. That is pretty much what happened in Real Life (there was no manual telling the IJN that the US wouldn't have the PPs to move stuff from the Aleutians until turn 68)


but this seems like the difference between knowing how to do something and knowing why you do something. New players may know why they chose a particular strategy or whatever, but knowing how to do it in the game environment (and know how to do it well) has to be learned from somewhere.

(in reply to DrewMatrix)
Post #: 6
RE: New Players Preparation Thread (Jumping into AE) - 7/12/2009 10:44:56 AM   


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Making sure you have notepads, post its, and #2 pencils.

I've taken to using a GTD (getting things done) project/todo application to organize operations.  It's been pretty handy so far, and helps get your thoughts organized.

That's how I used to do it, now I use the LCU screen on Tracker.

(in reply to Crimguy)
Post #: 7
RE: New Players Preparation Thread (Jumping into AE) - 7/12/2009 2:08:07 PM   
John Lansford


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Well, since Matrix is going to require new gamers to either WitP or AE to buy both games, my suggestion would be for them to play some of the shorter WitP scenarios first before leaping into AE.  They paid the $130 to get both games, they should take advantage of that expense and play the less complex one first before moving onto the more complex one.

Of course, I predict few dual purchasers will do that, but it's the best suggestion I can think of.

(in reply to Chris21wen)
Post #: 8
RE: New Players Preparation Thread (Jumping into AE) - 7/12/2009 2:29:43 PM   

Posts: 4443
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I would say the usual way to learn this game is to jump strait into the big campaign, to play up to February - May 1942, to realize the stupid mistakes you have made in the initial turns, to decide to start over again - and to repeat this for about two or three years .  


(in reply to John Lansford)
Post #: 9
RE: New Players Preparation Thread (Jumping into AE) - 7/12/2009 2:40:32 PM   

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From: Somewhere in the South Pacific.
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That's how I used to do it, now I use the LCU screen on Tracker.

Hell… I use WitPTracker, a plot-map for Intel, a large convoy note- book, and a general ‘things to do’ notebook.

P.S Also piles of stickies.

< Message edited by DivePac88 -- 7/16/2009 6:04:09 PM >


When you see the Southern Cross, For the first time
You understand now, Why you came this way

(in reply to Chris21wen)
Post #: 10
RE: New Players Preparation Thread (Jumping into AE) - 7/12/2009 5:53:22 PM   


Posts: 5145
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What do you do with the sticks?


Appear at places to which he must hasten; move swiftly where he does not expect you.
Sun Tzu

(in reply to DivePac88)
Post #: 11
RE: New Players Preparation Thread (Jumping into AE) - 7/12/2009 7:54:22 PM   

Posts: 3119
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From: Somewhere in the South Pacific.
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ORIGINAL: kaleun

What do you do with the sticks?

Stick them on things old chap, what do you do with them?


When you see the Southern Cross, For the first time
You understand now, Why you came this way

(in reply to kaleun)
Post #: 12
RE: New Players Preparation Thread (Jumping into AE) - 7/12/2009 8:58:33 PM   


Posts: 489
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From: Hex 181, 36
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ORIGINAL: John Lansford

Well, since Matrix is going to require new gamers to either WitP or AE to buy both games, my suggestion would be for them to play some of the shorter WitP scenarios first before leaping into AE.  They paid the $130 to get both games, they should take advantage of that expense and play the less complex one first before moving onto the more complex one.

Of course, I predict few dual purchasers will do that, but it's the best suggestion I can think of.

That's good, sensible advice, and your prediction that few people will do that is probably correct

I have notebooks handy, I'm looking into WiTP tracker, and these "stick" devices as well.

< Message edited by FAsea -- 7/12/2009 9:00:48 PM >

(in reply to John Lansford)
Post #: 13
RE: New Players Preparation Thread (Jumping into AE) - 7/12/2009 10:18:07 PM   

Posts: 1409
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From: Cave Creek, AZ
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I have two apps, both for the Mac.

I use Omnifocus for work. Incredible piece of software, but a bit overpriced. Has an iPhone app.

For Witp, I've taken to using my old GTD app - Things. Things is a lot more streamlined, and allows for quick and easy addition of projects and tasks.

I'm not sure what's out there for Windows. There are online services like and


ORIGINAL: miller41

what is that app and where do you get it


<sig removed because I'm a bandwidth hog>

(in reply to kfmiller41)
Post #: 14
RE: New Players Preparation Thread (Jumping into AE) - 7/13/2009 2:06:53 AM   


Posts: 2390
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From: Citrus Heights, CA
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Years ago, I had the perfect gaming setup.  I had two tables set up in a corner of my apartment.  My PC was on one and an old MAC SE/30 was on the other.  I'd turn them both on, play on the PC and when I needed to make notes, I'd swivel my chair to the left and type it into the MAC.  Worked out great.

Then I got married.  That worked out great too, but it has cut into my playing time and gaming space.

(in reply to Crimguy)
Post #: 15
RE: New Players Preparation Thread (Jumping into AE) - 7/13/2009 5:19:56 AM   
Flying Tiger


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From: ummmm... i HATE that question!
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ORIGINAL: kaleun

What do you do with the sticks?

he uses them to beat himself about the head when he makes a mistake!

(in reply to kaleun)
Post #: 16
RE: New Players Preparation Thread (Jumping into AE) - 7/13/2009 4:21:53 PM   


Posts: 1155
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Crimguy- I seem to recall in a VERY early post re AE, that AE would have a modified Tracker included. Is this correct?

My reasoning is, if tracker is included, I don't have to get tracker for WITP. Comments, anyone?

Hugh Browne

(in reply to Crimguy)
Post #: 17
RE: New Players Preparation Thread (Jumping into AE) - 7/13/2009 4:35:36 PM   
Flying Tiger


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From: ummmm... i HATE that question!
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from what i was told - tracker is included, but still as a seperate .exe file. So it is not incorporated into the game, but it is included with the game. make sense?

(in reply to hbrsvl)
Post #: 18
RE: New Players Preparation Thread (Jumping into AE) - 7/13/2009 4:45:51 PM   


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Flying Tiger-About as clear as mud-oh well, that's the way war is.

Thanks for your reply. HB

(in reply to Flying Tiger)
Post #: 19
RE: New Players Preparation Thread (Jumping into AE) - 7/13/2009 4:51:46 PM   

Posts: 741
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It's an AE version of Woos' WITP Decoder application, not Tracker. It's a separate exe as has been said. What I do in WITP is save my turn just before finalizing, then read it into Decoder. From that I will make any last-minute changes to the turn before finalizing.

In my WITP games I find Decoder especially useful as the Japanese for keeping track of production, and for both sides keeping track of ship upgrades. I would assume Decoder for AE will be similar.


An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile- hoping it will eat him last
- Winston Churchill

(in reply to hbrsvl)
Post #: 20
RE: New Players Preparation Thread (Jumping into AE) - 7/13/2009 4:53:33 PM   

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WitpDecoder - 10/25/2008 11:08:11 AM

Can't say much on the jumping people in the Sig picture but yes, WitpDecoder will be part of WitP AE. Or something with the same functionality (Some people on the development team don't like the name, so if you have a suggestion that me and them like ...).

It is not integrated into WitP AE but will run in its own window.
The tool will be installed automatically but you will have to install Java on your own.
It still follows the philosophy of not displaying what you can see in game, so it has less tables than WitpTracker.

It uses the same database engine as WitpTracker (hsqldb) but not the same database schema, so Tracker can not directly use the database but maybe the Tracker guys will be able to import the data from it (direct access from the savegame files will no longer be possible as those use 'industry level' encryption).

I am currently adding a mode where it behaves a little bit like Bodhi's utility (which I also like) but I won't write the parsers for the turn reports. Someone else will have to do that (I can provide info on how to put the data into WitpDecoder's database).

Did I forget any question?

This is the last entry on it I could find.

< Message edited by DivePac88 -- 7/16/2009 2:07:27 PM >


When you see the Southern Cross, For the first time
You understand now, Why you came this way

(in reply to hbrsvl)
Post #: 21
RE: New Players Preparation Thread (Jumping into AE) - 7/13/2009 11:47:47 PM   
Kwik E Mart

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ORIGINAL: kaleun

What do you do with the sticks?

Stick them on things old chap, what do you do with them?

u might get even more confused if you ask him what he does with "rubbers"...


Kirk Lazarus: I know who I am. I'm the dude playin' the dude, disguised as another dude!
Ron Swanson: Clear alcohols are for rich women on diets.

(in reply to DivePac88)
Post #: 22
RE: New Players Preparation Thread (Jumping into AE) - 7/14/2009 2:36:50 AM   


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ORIGINAL: kaleun

What do you do with the sticks?

Stick them on things old chap, what do you do with them?

u might get even more confused if you ask him what he does with "rubbers"...

I'm afraid to ask...

(in reply to Kwik E Mart)
Post #: 23
RE: New Players Preparation Thread (Jumping into AE) - 7/16/2009 4:50:44 AM   

Posts: 2625
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ORIGINAL: rockmedic109

Years ago, I had the perfect gaming setup.  I had two tables set up in a corner of my apartment.  My PC was on one and an old MAC SE/30 was on the other.  I'd turn them both on, play on the PC and when I needed to make notes, I'd swivel my chair to the left and type it into the MAC.  Worked out great.

Then I got married.  That worked out great too, but it has cut into my playing time and gaming space.

An inexpensive KVM Switch will let you share a mouse, keyboard, monitor, and speakers between two different computer "boxes". So asuming that you have an older computer lying around, this would allow you to replicate the old setup, but with the same "footprint" of a single computer work area. I do this and it's a great way to leave your game running undisturbed while you pull up a web site or a game manual on the other PC. Very handy and it doesn't cause the instability or crashes that alt-tab can lead to when trying to toggle around in a single box.

(in reply to rockmedic109)
Post #: 24
RE: New Players Preparation Thread (Jumping into AE) - 7/16/2009 1:45:27 PM   

Posts: 2617
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ORIGINAL: kaleun

What do you do with the sticks?

Stick them on things old chap, what do you do with them?

u might get even more confused if you ask him what he does with "rubbers"...

I'm afraid to ask...

The safe response would be "wear them." After that, you're on your own.


"Action springs not from thought, but from a readiness for responsibility.” ― Dietrich Bonhoeffer

(in reply to AttuWatcher)
Post #: 25
RE: New Players Preparation Thread (Jumping into AE) - 7/16/2009 2:59:46 PM   

Posts: 3119
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The safe response would be "wear them." After that, you're on your own.

Now now Reverent… we look to you for our spiritual guidance, and not our sexual education. But maybe for some of us it is a little too late for any guidance on both subjects.


When you see the Southern Cross, For the first time
You understand now, Why you came this way

(in reply to RevRick)
Post #: 26
RE: New Players Preparation Thread (Jumping into AE) - 7/16/2009 4:58:06 PM   

Posts: 2617
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The safe response would be "wear them." After that, you're on your own.

Now now Reverent… we look to you for our spiritual guidance, and not our sexual education. But maybe for some of us it is a little too late for any guidance on both subjects.

If he is speaking of them in the British sense, he will be wearing them on his feet, I'll have you know!!!!


"Action springs not from thought, but from a readiness for responsibility.” ― Dietrich Bonhoeffer

(in reply to DivePac88)
Post #: 27
RE: New Players Preparation Thread (Jumping into AE) - 7/16/2009 5:53:55 PM   

Posts: 3119
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From: Somewhere in the South Pacific.
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The safe response would be "wear them." After that, you're on your own.

Now now Reverent… we look to you for our spiritual guidance, and not our sexual education. But maybe for some of us it is a little too late for any guidance on both subjects.

If he is speaking of them in the British sense, he will be wearing them on his feet, I'll have you know!!!!

Won't do him much good on his feet.


When you see the Southern Cross, For the first time
You understand now, Why you came this way

(in reply to RevRick)
Post #: 28
RE: New Players Preparation Thread (Jumping into AE) - 7/16/2009 10:53:21 PM   

Posts: 2617
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From: Thomasville, GA
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The safe response would be "wear them." After that, you're on your own.

Now now Reverent… we look to you for our spiritual guidance, and not our sexual education. But maybe for some of us it is a little too late for any guidance on both subjects.

If he is speaking of them in the British sense, he will be wearing them on his feet, I'll have you know!!!!

Won't do him much good on his feet.

Depends upon what he is trying to prevent catching!!


"Action springs not from thought, but from a readiness for responsibility.” ― Dietrich Bonhoeffer

(in reply to DivePac88)
Post #: 29
RE: New Players Preparation Thread (Jumping into AE) - 7/17/2009 1:02:57 PM   

Posts: 3119
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From: Somewhere in the South Pacific.
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In my book, Rev… Abstinence is the best form of protection.


When you see the Southern Cross, For the first time
You understand now, Why you came this way

(in reply to RevRick)
Post #: 30
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