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One week review - favorite new feature

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One week review - favorite new feature - 8/3/2009 9:00:52 PM   

Posts: 9869
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I haven't gotten as far as some other players, but I found a few new features to love already. After one week of play, more or less, mine has to be the more realistic....

Ship repair routine - I didn't lose any ships at Pearl vs AI, but many of the BBs were hurt bad. I like how you have to wait a few days for a ship to be available after you give orders for her to be pulled out of the shipyard. No longer can you go instantly from the shipyard into a TF and put out to sea.

Second, would be the patrol zones. Doing all those subs at Manila was fun.

What are yours??
Post #: 1
RE: One week review - favorite new feature - 8/3/2009 9:36:33 PM   

Posts: 359
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From: Alberta
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Thanks to the design and development team. Great job.

There are too many good things to say about AE . . . so I'll just stick to my few gripes.

1) The initial "Zero bonus" (also "Oscar bonus") - at least for a few months - is regrettable. The first shock, as Allied pilots encountered the new Japanese machines and tactics, should be returned to the game.

2) That infernal pop-up of a frozen-in-place info box center-floating over the crucial map events is simply poor design. It bugged me in WitP, and I expected it to be gone with AE. Get the *%$%! info box off to one side (Northeast corner of the screen) so that the box does not cover up the event hex on the map. Thanks.

(in reply to ny59giants)
Post #: 2
RE: One week review - favorite new feature - 8/3/2009 9:44:30 PM   
Cap Mandrake

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ORIGINAL: hjalmar99
Get the *%$%! info box off to one side (Northeast corner of the screen) so that the box does not cover up the event hex on the map. Thanks.

That does seem like a good suggestion.

(in reply to DeriKuk)
Post #: 3
RE: One week review - favorite new feature - 8/3/2009 9:51:08 PM   

Posts: 7336
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1. Increased realism in Jap merchant fleet. Though it is making my head hurt, it's a better representation
2. Different Ops commands for land units. Nice!
3. MAP rocks!
4. So does the plane art
5. Realistic Pilot Training. Even though I did plenty of bombing of Chinese hordes to train in WITP, it's better.


(in reply to Cap Mandrake)
Post #: 4
RE: One week review - favorite new feature - 8/3/2009 9:52:42 PM   
Cap Mandrake

Posts: 23184
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I like the troop loading routine much better...and the land movement routines...much better thought out.

Lastly, there is something about seeing battalion and company-sized units that makes my eyes glaze over. It is so cool but I do wonder how I am going to resuce the poor sods on those tiny islands in the South Pacific.

(in reply to Cap Mandrake)
Post #: 5
RE: One week review - favorite new feature - 8/3/2009 9:53:53 PM   

Posts: 913
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From: Trollhättan, Sweden
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First of all, AE is a fantastic improvement of an already larger than life game! Second, my 2 cents on the comment below: Why not make it an option? May be hard to accomplish from a programming standpoint, but you may end up with two opinions here.....


ORIGINAL: hjalmar99
1) The initial "Zero bonus" (also "Oscar bonus") - at least for a few months - is regrettable. The first shock, as Allied pilots encountered the new Japanese machines and .


(in reply to DeriKuk)
Post #: 6
RE: One week review - favorite new feature - 8/3/2009 9:56:24 PM   

Posts: 520
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1. Patrol routes
2. Loading/unloading rules along with amphip versus transport fleets
3. Leaky CAP
4. Awesome surface TF routines that will attack all ships now and make unescorted transports cannon fodder
5. Island size differences

(in reply to Q-Ball)
Post #: 7
RE: One week review - favorite new feature - 8/3/2009 10:06:23 PM   


Posts: 1944
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Waypoints. Waypoints & Waypoints.

As great as many of the other new features may be, it's the one thing I could never again do without.


(in reply to Graymane)
Post #: 8
RE: One week review - favorite new feature - 8/3/2009 10:24:43 PM   

Posts: 2358
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Tough call but I'll agree and state the ship repair routine.
Many great new features make this game an absolute blast.


"There’s no such thing as a bitter person who keeps the bitterness to himself.” ~ Erwin Lutzer

(in reply to mjk428)
Post #: 9
RE: One week review - favorite new feature - 8/3/2009 10:39:17 PM   

Posts: 218
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Late war goodies for the Allies (just one small example, have you guys looked at all the heavy bomber groups that they get in 45-46 )
Air combat system
More realistic logistics.
Aggressive AI
Restricted HQ's that prevent unrealistic withdrawals from places like the Phillippines
WITP Staff comes with the game
Improved graphical stuff (shore bombardment, air bombing missions)

My only complaint:

Lack of the '42, '43, '44, and '45 full map campaigns, though I completely understand the issues about OOB research and accuracy.

(in reply to SuluSea)
Post #: 10
RE: One week review - favorite new feature - 8/3/2009 10:57:25 PM   


Posts: 1184
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There's so much, but top 5 so far..

1 - Better AI -and it's expandable too :)
2 - The map - big and beautiful!
3 - Air Combat - all the extra elements involved
4 - Waypoints - and love the 'patrol around' feature!
5 - Repairs - Far better than the old system.

Oh, and one more;

6 - Printed manual - if it ever arrives.. My best chance at ever fully understanding this game!


(in reply to 88l71)
Post #: 11
RE: One week review - favorite new feature - 8/3/2009 11:49:21 PM   

Posts: 628
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From: Florida, USA (formerly Chicago)
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I love the game. Huge improvements, too many to list.

Some of my favorite improvements so far (in no particular order):
1. Much improved AI. (I am seeing Jap. subs off the coast of Canada & US sinking cargo ships).
2. Waypoints & patrol zones (probably one the the best improvements).
3. Smaller scale hexes.
4. The improved "global" nature of the game with off map ports and shipping channels
5. Improved repair abilities with shipyards and way of categorizing repair levels and prioritization.

The staggering amount of units, subunits, etc. is daunting (but not necessarily a bad thing).


Feel free to drop by and chat about whatever is on your mind.

(in reply to Banquet)
Post #: 12
RE: One week review - favorite new feature - 8/4/2009 12:39:47 AM   

Posts: 10525
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ORIGINAL: hjalmar99
1) The initial "Zero bonus" (also "Oscar bonus") - at least for a few months - is regrettable. The first shock, as Allied pilots encountered the new Japanese machines and tactics, should be returned to the game.

I think he means the "removal" of the "Zero Bonus" ... "is regrettable" [there never was an "Oscar Bonus" at least in WITP stock].

It was one of our goals to "un-hard-code" as many things as possible - and to try to represent historical phenomena by the in game systems.


AE Project Lead
New Game Project Lead

(in reply to DeriKuk)
Post #: 13
RE: One week review - favorite new feature - 8/4/2009 12:43:34 AM   

Posts: 85
Joined: 7/29/2009
From: Toulouse, France
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In love forever with this incredible game... Imortality is no more a curse !!!
Best new features:
1 - damaged/maintained planes : air wings on cv's are a pure pleasure to manage now (and a mess too after clashes or long operations)
2 - waypoints + patrol zones + preparing TF's : quick and easy now
3 - air combat : details of the dynamic are so nice and issues less predictable
4 - day and night surface combat : slow but extremely immersive
5 - FOW is simply great (Guadal played > 2 months then checked back, uncertainty works good !)
Suggestions :
1 - allow to see ONLY chosen ANIMATIONS (want to choose AIR and NAVAL combat but not BOMBINGS or GROUND for instance : turn ON/OFF butons in option menu)
2 - more KILLS than damaged in sweeping DOGFIGHTS and CAP defending CV's + zero initial bonus (too often 1-3 when dogfighting with 20/25 !)
3 - clicking on the hex numbers in REPORTS to move the map (interactive reports)
4 - capital ships sinkings announced by NEWSPAPER or INTELLIGENCE when the news has reached both countries (random delay)
5 - I trust Andy for future AI improvements and "surprise" scripts ! And mods if modable, in order to ensure imortality (but not our's)...


There is only two kinds of operational plans, good ones and bad ones.
The good ones almost always fail under unexpected circumstances that often make the bad ones succeed.
-- Napoléon.

With AE immortality is no more a curse.
-- A lucky man.

(in reply to Chijohnaok2)
Post #: 14
RE: One week review - favorite new feature - 8/4/2009 12:50:17 AM   
Sonny II


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Three of the features I like are -

Verify load


Naming TFs - even though I mostly forget to do this.

(in reply to Tazo)
Post #: 15
RE: One week review - favorite new feature - 8/4/2009 1:26:28 AM   

Posts: 3907
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Waypoints are great.
New OOB is great.
Improved AI is great , not perfect, but great. And if does some really stupid things now and again, then I just ignore it.
Love the map.
New art is awesome.


" Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room. " President Muffley

(in reply to Tazo)
Post #: 16
RE: One week review - favorite new feature - 8/4/2009 1:29:05 AM   


Posts: 262
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Naming TFs
Sub warfare
Big, fast transports.

(in reply to Sonny II)
Post #: 17
RE: One week review - favorite new feature - 8/4/2009 9:54:11 AM   

Posts: 2787
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From: NSW, Australia
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ORIGINAL: mjk428

Waypoints. Waypoints & Waypoints.

As great as many of the other new features may be, it's the one thing I could never again do without.

This feature ROCKS!!!

Fleets can now maneuver, conduct sweeping envelopments and other tactical moves, rather than just moving directly to an arbitrary point on a map hoping they don't trip over a nasty on the way!!

Way to go guys!!



(One day I will learn to spell - or check before posting....)
Uh oh, Firefox has a spell checker!! What excuse can I use now!!!

(in reply to mjk428)
Post #: 18
RE: One week review - favorite new feature - 8/4/2009 12:17:06 PM   

Posts: 8622
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Too many nice new things to mention. I love "chrome"..


(in reply to ny59giants)
Post #: 19
RE: One week review - favorite new feature - 8/4/2009 2:45:06 PM   

Posts: 18715
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In love forever with this incredible game... Imortality is no more a curse !!!

That is the best "game review" that I've read! Great line, Tazo!



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(in reply to Tazo)
Post #: 20
RE: One week review - favorite new feature - 8/4/2009 3:36:35 PM   

Posts: 2493
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Actually I got three............1) Patrol zones 2)waypoints 3) repair system...................well make it 4............Andy's new and improved AI in a gorilla suit !!!!


"Git thar fust with the most men" - Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest

(in reply to ny59giants)
Post #: 21
RE: One week review - favorite new feature - 8/4/2009 3:48:50 PM   
John Lansford


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It's hard to pick just one new feature that's my favorite, but if I had to it would be the repair process.  I can now see how long a ship will take to be ready, assign priority repairs (Repulse is down below 60 flotation damage as a result of Singapore concentrating everything they've got on fixing her), switch between different levels of repair based on the ship and its damage, and the delay is realistic too.

Also like the waypoints, patrol zones, and while loading is a pain when you forget to switch a LCU to strategic a day or so in advance, I like it.

(in reply to captskillet)
Post #: 22
RE: One week review - favorite new feature - 8/4/2009 4:00:56 PM   


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Well I have found one feature that I do not like...........the one that makes me late for work most days.

(in reply to John Lansford)
Post #: 23
RE: One week review - favorite new feature - 8/4/2009 4:53:45 PM   

Posts: 196
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I love to finally be able to name task forces.  It makes it so much easier to manage all the supply and transport convoys by giving them a description.  

(in reply to Zaap)
Post #: 24
RE: One week review - favorite new feature - 8/4/2009 4:57:10 PM   

Posts: 2320
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I think the naming of TF's, repair, patrol, options with merging, refueling etc of the TF's are my favorites.

If I could get those lazy staff officers off their butts to give me a ETA of unloading and loading...

(in reply to Peever)
Post #: 25
RE: One week review - favorite new feature - 8/4/2009 4:59:08 PM   

Posts: 2320
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The way the PT boats actually do something besides being target drones for the Jap gunners is a real joy too .

(in reply to ny59giants)
Post #: 26
RE: One week review - favorite new feature - 8/4/2009 5:45:21 PM   

Posts: 238
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To many to list.

So I'll name the last thing I stumble upon.

In the editor you can edit both normal and extended aircraft weapon loads.


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(in reply to ny59giants)
Post #: 27
RE: One week review - favorite new feature - 8/4/2009 6:44:44 PM   

Posts: 8622
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ORIGINAL: PrivateWar

Well I have found one feature that I do not like...........the one that makes me late for work most days.

"WORK"?.......I think you were not told of the basics, which are:

1. Marry a woman who makes enough to pay the light bill.

2. Marry a woman who has the time to bring you food, beverage, toilet paper and a bucket.

3. Quit your job.

4. Don't (under any circumstance) answer the door nor the phone.


(in reply to Zaap)
Post #: 28
RE: One week review - favorite new feature - 8/4/2009 6:46:35 PM   

Posts: 9590
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It sounds corny but the support that Matrix games and the staff have given this game over the past six years.

The best feature of AE is that I already know they are working on making it better.


I am the Holy Roman Emperor and am above grammar.

Sigismund of Luxemburg

(in reply to R8J)
Post #: 29
RE: One week review - favorite new feature - 8/4/2009 8:09:11 PM   
Sonny II


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ORIGINAL: PrivateWar

Well I have found one feature that I do not like...........the one that makes me late for work most days.

We probably won't be able to make a patch to fix that.

(in reply to Zaap)
Post #: 30
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