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Taking a break...

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Taking a break... - 8/24/2009 8:00:37 PM   


Posts: 306
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From: Los Angeles
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I'm not trying to start any flames, just asking for info.

XBOX 360 will be releasing IL-2 Sturmovik, Birds of Prey and Heroes over Europe next month.

So here is the questions:
1) Which is better for the PC - realism?
2) Which is better for the XBox - arcade?

Bonus Q: Anyone know of an excellent flight contol -- with Rudder -- system?

Post #: 1
RE: Taking a break... - 8/24/2009 9:03:06 PM   

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By xbox live marketplace?

< Message edited by jjax -- 8/24/2009 9:04:03 PM >



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Post #: 2
RE: Taking a break... - 8/25/2009 12:15:38 PM   
Hard Sarge

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From: garfield hts ohio usa
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I can't help with the XBox stuff

but I used to have a rudder/flight stick/throttel system from Thrustmaster that was pretty good (had trouble getting used to the rudder, it was more a slide up and down to work, where it felt like it should be a push/pull system)

my only hassle was the springs either broke or got too weak in the stick

had a sticked called a Talon that was awsome, but the way it connected to the computer, didn't let me use it for long

after that, sort of stuck with the sidewider (lousy cheap stick that did what you wanted it to do)

since then, I have had good luck with the logictech sticks, but there are some good ones out there, if you want to go fancy

BASICLY, it still comes down to the guy behind the stick, all the bells and whisles are not going to help much, if you not got the skills, and if you got the skills, it don't take a fancy stick to bring them out, so over all, would say, what feels good, looks good, works for you, is what is best


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Post #: 3
RE: Taking a break... - 8/25/2009 4:56:47 PM   


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Whats XBOX



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Post #: 4
RE: Taking a break... - 8/26/2009 5:53:26 PM   


Posts: 306
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From: Los Angeles
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Thanks for the ideas. Your thought about the man behind the stick is right on!

I just got a new computer -- not the console -- that will truly allow me to play online, and I always thought it would be fun to set up a cockpit.
A little flight sim-like shooter would be a fun break.


< Message edited by TechSgt -- 8/26/2009 5:54:08 PM >

(in reply to Hard Sarge)
Post #: 5
RE: Taking a break... - 8/27/2009 2:29:19 AM   
Hard Sarge

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From: garfield hts ohio usa
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for flight simming, try out Fighter Ace, if you want to try online combat

can be a little ruff at first, but normally a pretty good group of guys

used to be able to find me there as HARD_Sarge

now I would be BANZAI_HD_Sarge, but any more, I am more behind the lines, then in the air flying :(


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Post #: 6
RE: Taking a break... - 8/27/2009 8:29:36 AM   


Posts: 223
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From: Ft. Lewis Washington
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Ok, here is something from a Simulation guy here.

For the most part, if you are really planning on doing some simming you will in general be disappointed with the XBox and PS3 games. Even games like IL2 Birds of Prey are arcadish at best. Since the game is technically based upon the original IL2 engine you will get some crossover but there but the flight models will not have the fidelity of the original game. In addition I don't know of any real joysticks that are made for the Xbox360. Some Logitech sticks will work with the PS3 but the only one that I have heard of that has true HOTAS (hand on throttle and stick) functionality is a stick and throttle that will be shipped with Ace Combat 5. I don't think that is out yet.

Online games has a lot of areas where you can play. Fighter Ace is one of them. Aces High ( is another one. Generally the 'hardcore' flight nuts fly there. Warbirds is another one ( For flat out flying IL2:1946 is a cheap way to play. Online through Hyperlobby ( can net literally hundreds of dogfight or coop missions. These can range from hard core total realism with no icons or padlock to arcade style games. The source code for IL2 was hacked so there are a lot of mods for the game out there. I don't condone hacking in any way, shape or form and don't fly the game with a hacked version but a lot of fliers do and that means you have to be careful about what mods you do add if you want to fly online. IMHO it has just made flying online even more confusing.

The biggest issue you probably will have is how far into this simming thing do you want to go. A really good simulation style joystick, rudder pedals and throttle can run close to 300 bucks and if you add things like the trackIR ( then you can really rack up the bills. A good simple joystick for beginners is something from Saitek or even an old Microsoft Sidewinder Precision Pro is great for getting into simulations. You can pick one up, new, for less than 40 bucks and it works very well in almost all sims. Of course you may be going up against guys (like me) who own CH Fightersticks, Pro Throttles and Pro Rudder Pedals, TrackIR5s and other crap so don't get discouraged if you find some guys are ahead of the curve on you. I have probably 900 dollars of flight sim gear on my computer but then again I am kinda stupid when it comes to buying junk.

If you have any questions fire me a PM, I am more than happy to give you any opinions offline.


Thomas S. Cofield
Feature Editor, (stopped the SimHq mail since I get nothing but spam)

(in reply to Hard Sarge)
Post #: 7
RE: Taking a break... - 8/27/2009 1:36:39 PM   
Hard Sarge

Posts: 22741
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From: garfield hts ohio usa
Status: offline
I can agree with Thomas's statements

I disliked the Warbirds and Aces High, but that may be based on how you see things, kind of odd to call them the HARDcore sim nuts, when they were based on anything but HARDcore settings (of course, things may of changed over the years, and it has been a while since I was in there, with those)

Fighter Ace, while it has a lot of things that are not right, they try to be a little of everything, you want to fly Arcade, you can, you want to fly with all the bells and wistles, you can also, you have free for all, Standard dogfighting, what is called TC for bombers and FB's and guys trying to stop them

most of the online simms, have a free trail, so, give each a try, and pick the one that feels best for what you like

while I have never flown in the IL-2 set ups, read too many "bad" things about them, never liked that game for, feeling real, know what is going on, is just wrong, and all the bragging about the flight model, just don't cut it (the P-40 is a great looping plane, because the Russians flew it, some planes that were known to be great loopers, can't do one, with out a major dive and zoom climb to begin it)

single player, I think IL-2 is great

if your not going to get into online stuff, make sure you check out BoB II, here from Matrix, very good single player game, I worked with the guys behind it, and they are very good, and care a great deal about the game, Buddie is outstanding programmer

here is a screen shot of Fighter Ace, my current pilot sitting on a airfield, showing 4 ACES (stars count as 5 kills, with out being shotdown/killed)

Attachment (1)


(in reply to TSCofield)
Post #: 8
RE: Taking a break... - 8/27/2009 1:38:38 PM   
Hard Sarge

Posts: 22741
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From: garfield hts ohio usa
Status: offline
just in case, when I got most of those kills, I was in a La-7 and Yak-3, while I love the bentwinged bird, I don't get to fly too often as US (with a Squadron name of BANZAI !!!)


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Post #: 9
RE: Taking a break... - 8/27/2009 5:21:19 PM   


Posts: 132
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Hard Sarge - you mentioned BOB II above. I live in Australia and so can't purchase the Matrix game. Also having gone into various Game shops (GAME; EB etc) they can't find it on their systems either. Any idea why it can't be sold outside of certain countries, and how I might get around that?

(in reply to Hard Sarge)
Post #: 10
RE: Taking a break... - 8/27/2009 6:13:31 PM   
Hard Sarge

Posts: 22741
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From: garfield hts ohio usa
Status: offline
Battle of Britain 2: Wings of Victory

did you try it under that name ?

other then that, I am not sure, maybe post something on the BoB II forum here and see if Buddye knows anything ???


(in reply to AndyG1)
Post #: 11
RE: Taking a break... - 8/27/2009 7:37:38 PM   


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Hard Sarge,
Fighter Ace? Never heard of that I think. Is that still available and where can I check it out? Is it any fun? Will it run on Windows XP?



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Post #: 12
RE: Taking a break... - 8/27/2009 11:11:56 PM   

Posts: 2787
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From: NSW, Australia
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Hard Sarge - you mentioned BOB II above. I live in Australia and so can't purchase the Matrix game. Also having gone into various Game shops (GAME; EB etc) they can't find it on their systems either. Any idea why it can't be sold outside of certain countries, and how I might get around that?

"Lookin' for love in all the wrong places....." (Waylon Jennings)

Try a real grognards games store. They have a long tradition of mail order if you aren't in Melbourne.

Catalogue - Matrix Games

Milsims Pty Ltd
311 Centre Road
Bentleigh, VIC, 3204
Phone: (03) 9576-5851

Mon - Fri 9:30am - 5:30pm
Sat 9:30am - 4:00pm

< Message edited by Reg -- 8/28/2009 12:51:40 AM >



(One day I will learn to spell - or check before posting....)
Uh oh, Firefox has a spell checker!! What excuse can I use now!!!

(in reply to AndyG1)
Post #: 13
RE: Taking a break... - 8/28/2009 1:08:05 AM   


Posts: 223
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From: Ft. Lewis Washington
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There is also another game, WW2 Online (Battleground Europe) which caters to the infantry, armor and flight sim fanatic as well. Moderately steep learning curve but not a bad game.

All online.

Used to play it a lot. Don't play anymore but I did enjoy it when I played.


Thomas S. Cofield
Feature Editor, (stopped the SimHq mail since I get nothing but spam)

(in reply to Reg)
Post #: 14
RE: Taking a break... - 8/28/2009 2:20:46 AM   
Hard Sarge

Posts: 22741
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From: garfield hts ohio usa
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ORIGINAL: kaybayray

Hard Sarge,
Fighter Ace? Never heard of that I think. Is that still available and where can I check it out? Is it any fun? Will it run on Windows XP?


yea, it runs on XP, got a offline mode and a online one, also has a rooky only room/rooms, the sharks can be pretty ruff on a baby seal when they are starting out


(in reply to kaybayray)
Post #: 15
RE: Taking a break... - 8/28/2009 7:05:55 AM   


Posts: 306
Joined: 9/19/2008
From: Los Angeles
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To all, thanks for the info.

XBOX=Girlfriend's gift means "you will like it!" If I want peace and harmony. Actually it is a good way to pass time with the kids,
Personally, I view XBOX to be like cartoons and BtR to be a novel. In my situation -- '43 campaign -- it's like "War & Peace"

Thomas => 300 bucks for controls! I'm not sure I am "that into" simming. But, I like your style.

Thanks Again for the good scoop. Maybe, this baby seal will see a few of you in the air after the peak season winds down.


(in reply to Hard Sarge)
Post #: 16
RE: Taking a break... - 8/28/2009 7:58:03 PM   


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I flew AW from the early days to its demise in 2000 and have been flying Aces High II for a few years. I never got the stick and rudder pedals.. Always just went with the cheap joystics. MS Sidewinder and now I run the Logitech 3D Extreme... $40 and you're good to go. I can kill the best of em when my slide show frame rate doesnt kill me first.

I highly recommend the chep Logitech stick. Twisty Rudder, Top Hat, Throttle flap, 12 programable buttons. Easy to use and cheap.. kind of like Submachine Guns... crude but effective.

I checked the FA page. Think I will download it and just run it offline for a while then do the free 2 week tour. The Wife and I got an understanding.... Max of 3 online games or I am on my own... runnin 2 now and recently dumped the third. So I have some "Wiggle Room"

But with the impending purchase of WITP AE and the Matrix BTR / BOB I may have to make a tough choice.

Anyways, TechSgt I would give it a check ride man. I have found that flying against other players is much harder but also much more rewarding when you rip their Elevator and Rudder off and watch them do back rolls forward on their way to the dirt.

It is very challenging at first and can be frustrating ..... kind of like BTR but well worth the ride.



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Post #: 17
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