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Eye Candy Turn Based Strat Game?

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Eye Candy Turn Based Strat Game? - 10/28/2009 1:56:24 AM   

Posts: 1928
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So you all know my son is teaching in China. Time zones are not conducive to playing an RTS online.

My son is an RTS fan primarily because he likes stunning graphics.

So my question is are there ANY beautiful turn based strategy games, any genre that exists in computerdom.

Dominons 3 is not pretty enough just so you have an idea of what I'm looking for.

He has a penchant for fantasy and space. He also likes the current crop of FPS like Bioshock, etc...

Needless to say he rolls his eyes at games like JTCS.

Thanks for the help.
Post #: 1
RE: Eye Candy Turn Based Strat Game? - 10/28/2009 2:12:47 AM   
V22 Osprey

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You can try Shattered Union.Turn Based(and Hex based) Strategy game with plenty of graphics.This game should warm him up to JTCS.


Art by rogueusmc.

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Post #: 2
RE: Eye Candy Turn Based Strat Game? - 10/28/2009 2:39:02 AM   

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Thanks Osprey, I will check it out.

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Post #: 3
RE: Eye Candy Turn Based Strat Game? - 10/28/2009 10:58:15 AM   

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Some of the fantasy games are pretty enough. I'd recommend Kings Bounty: the Legend in particular as good fun, if not quite the TBS game to end all TBS games.

No MP though. For that, you might take a look at Elven Legacy

And, to be fair, Civ 4 still looks pretty good, particularly compared with Dominions 3. Which is, of course, a better game than any of them, but then once a graphics whore always a graphics whore, as somebody probbaly once said!

Maybe you should just buy him a copy of of WitP:AE. Sometimes a father has to be cruel to be kind!

< Message edited by Hertston -- 10/28/2009 11:10:15 AM >

(in reply to sabre1)
Post #: 4
RE: Eye Candy Turn Based Strat Game? - 10/28/2009 12:04:04 PM   

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Regarding turnebased and eye candy, HoMM 5 comes to my mind. However, King's Bounty has realtime movement and lacks on base building. I did not like it much.

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Post #: 5
RE: Eye Candy Turn Based Strat Game? - 10/28/2009 1:05:37 PM   

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Yes I considered Kings Bounty until I saw it had RTS to it. I can't do MP, time difference is not conducive to being online together. It has to be a TBS PBEM game with high end eye candy, because as Herston so eloquently stated, "but then once a graphics whore always a graphics whore, as somebody probbaly once said."

I agree Dominions 3 is the "best" choice. He didn't seem to like CIV IV when I showed it to him, and that was my first choice. Osprey's choice looks good and I sent him off an email about Shattered Union, and I'm waiting to see what he says. It will be a couple of days before he gets back to me.

HOMM, how does the combat work out. That could get tough for each battle, or can you autoresolve battles when doing a PBEM game? I think he has HOMM V, and maybe 3, but 3 is dated graphics wise, although considered to be the best of the bunch. HOMM V from screenshots appears to be geared towards graphic whores.

So post your suggestions, and I do appreciate the ideas and comments.

Thank you Lutzow and Hertston.

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Post #: 6
RE: Eye Candy Turn Based Strat Game? - 10/28/2009 1:12:51 PM   


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I didn't realize King's Bounty was multi-player.  Or was that not part of your criteria?  Do agree it's a fun game though!

(in reply to sabre1)
Post #: 7
RE: Eye Candy Turn Based Strat Game? - 10/28/2009 1:37:05 PM   

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ORIGINAL: sabre1

HOMM, how does the combat work out. That could get tough for each battle, or can you autoresolve battles when doing a PBEM game? I think he has HOMM V, and maybe 3, but 3 is dated graphics wise, although considered to be the best of the bunch. HOMM V from screenshots appears to be geared towards graphic whores.

I may be wrong, but I don't think HoMM 5 even has PBEM? It's got TCP/IP in assorted flavours. That might well be your biggest problem in that the aforementioned graphics whores just don't 'do' PBEM even for TBS; Fantasy Wars/Elven Legacy is the same, although there were requests for it from previous Fantasy Wars players.

I'm running out of ideas at this point.

(in reply to sabre1)
Post #: 8
RE: Eye Candy Turn Based Strat Game? - 10/28/2009 11:38:28 PM   
V22 Osprey

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You said he likes fantasy, so Herston's suggestion about Elven Legacy seems to fit the bill perfectly.Plenty of Graphics, Turn Based and Hex based.I would've recommended Battle for Wesnoth, but the graphics probably won't look good enough for him.I enjoy BfW though, and is the only fantasy game I'll ever play because the gameplay is so fun and addicting.

However, if we want to get him into wargames eventually, you are going to have to expose him to more real-life and historical things eventually, which is when Shattered Union(not historical, but real-life units) comes in.I don't know, we'll see.


Art by rogueusmc.

(in reply to Hertston)
Post #: 9
RE: Eye Candy Turn Based Strat Game? - 10/29/2009 12:32:45 AM   


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A game I don't care for but is fantasy and I'm pretty sure PBEM playable is the Age of Wonders series. Age of Wonders:Shadow Magic is the one most made and patched and modded for multiplayer I know that.

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Post #: 10
RE: Eye Candy Turn Based Strat Game? - 10/29/2009 2:12:39 AM   

Posts: 1928
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I will check Age of Wonders, and make the suggestion to my son, and thanks Killroyishere I appreciate your time.


My son is 24 a graduate and loves literature. He lives on Greek, Celtic, Norse, Egyptian, mythology. I try to adapt to his tastes so that we maintain that father son relationship. I don't want that Cats in the Cradle song to haunt me.

I agree that Wesnoth would be a good choice excpet for the graphics. Shoot, even Dredd is a GW when it comes to computer games.

I need a PBEM Turn Based game because of the time difference. JTCS would be perfect, but he doesn't like Matrix style games. He loves Sins of a Solar Empire, Age of Empires III, HOMM V. Lord of the Rings stuff, etc... He also likes WWII flightsims, but that doesn't work time wise, and no Bombing the Reich ain't it.

Anyway, I digress, and truly appreciate everyone posting their suggestions. We all are busy with real lives, and I never take for granted the responses I get from the members at Matrix. You are a great bunch of people.

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Post #: 11
RE: Eye Candy Turn Based Strat Game? - 10/29/2009 2:33:12 AM   
Erik Rutins


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Try Sword of the Stars - turn-based and very good network play support.


Erik Rutins
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(in reply to sabre1)
Post #: 12
RE: Eye Candy Turn Based Strat Game? - 10/29/2009 2:37:07 AM   

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I was going to mention Wesnoth because the graphics surprised me but I checked and no PBEM. And they have PC, Mac and Linux versions. I've just started with it and looks like a good one.

(in reply to sabre1)
Post #: 13
RE: Eye Candy Turn Based Strat Game? - 10/29/2009 3:28:05 AM   
V22 Osprey

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Sorry to say Sabre1, but I can't find any game that has it all.Most of graphical turn based strategy games are ones designed for casual gamers, most of which probably don't know what the heck PBEM is.(Hopefully someone doesn't get pissed off by that comment)So, it comes down to:

-Civilization 4 - Only game with decent graphics, turn based and includes PBEM.
-Shattered Union or Elven Legacy(No PBEM)
-Lowers his graphical standards and play Battle for Wesnoth(Again, no PBEM)
-Or, he sucks it up, lowers his Graphics standards even more and play some Wargames.

I realize this post may sound more harsh than I want it to....don't take offense.....please...


Art by rogueusmc.

(in reply to junk2drive)
Post #: 14
RE: Eye Candy Turn Based Strat Game? - 10/29/2009 4:18:30 AM   


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Here you go Sabre1

The long list of turn based PBEM games.

(in reply to V22 Osprey)
Post #: 15
RE: Eye Candy Turn Based Strat Game? - 10/29/2009 5:18:09 AM   

Posts: 1928
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Thanks guys!

Killroyishere, I will check out the link and email it to my son.

I never take offense Osprey. I'm a special education teacher.

Erik and Junk2drive, thanks for the suggestions.

I have Sword of the Stars, and if memory serves me correctly I don't think it has PBEM, and the RTS combat is the heart of the game in my opinion.

CIV IV I have and I will have to convince him into playing that one I guess. There is a ton of mods and interesting scenarios.

These young people (Osprey excluded) can't seem to appreciate the historicity of hardcore wargames, and the intrinsic teaching that is garnered from playing them.

(in reply to killroyishere)
Post #: 16
RE: Eye Candy Turn Based Strat Game? - 10/29/2009 2:15:39 PM   


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I also like the looks of that new xbox 360 game Panzer General:something something something. I doubt it's PBEMable but I believe I read you can play a game online in less than an hour. Graphics wise it looks pretty good and the reviews for it so far have been of good quality and fun.

(in reply to sabre1)
Post #: 17
RE: Eye Candy Turn Based Strat Game? - 10/30/2009 12:49:07 AM   

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Killroyishere, I don't own an Xbox, I have to stick with my trusty desktop. I don't even own a TV.

So far,

Shattered Union, and Civ IV are the prevailing PBEM eye candy games out there.

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Post #: 18
RE: Eye Candy Turn Based Strat Game? - 10/30/2009 2:11:04 AM   


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For a wonderful turn-based game with some real meat and pleasant enough eye-candy, check out Cryptic Comet's Armegeddon Empires.

Or the best-of-breed Galactic Civilizations II Twighlight of Arnor.


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(in reply to sabre1)
Post #: 19
RE: Eye Candy Turn Based Strat Game? - 10/30/2009 5:20:43 AM   

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Galactic Civilizations II Twilight of Arnor, is a great game, but sadly it has no PBEM capability. The game I am looking for "has" to be PBEM, and high on graphics.

I will check out Cryptic Comet's and thanks for your suggestion.

(in reply to mllange)
Post #: 20
RE: Eye Candy Turn Based Strat Game? - 10/30/2009 6:21:36 AM   
V22 Osprey

Posts: 1593
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Hey, what about Combat Mission:Shock Force?When it was first released it was pretty bad, but with latest patches its very fun and playable game.Great graphics, and includes PBEM.

EDIT:Don't get the base game directly from battlefront, as you can get the base game for very cheap if you look around the net.NWS online gaming store has it for just $13 bucks.I would recommend NWS for any game purchase.

< Message edited by V22 Osprey -- 10/30/2009 6:24:10 AM >


Art by rogueusmc.

(in reply to sabre1)
Post #: 21
RE: Eye Candy Turn Based Strat Game? - 10/30/2009 9:52:31 AM   

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I tried Shattered Union, couldn't finish it.

Dunno what that says about me, lol.


Pride of the League

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Post #: 22
RE: Eye Candy Turn Based Strat Game? - 10/30/2009 1:39:42 PM   

Posts: 1928
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Thanks, I forgot about Shock Force. I will check it out, and yes NWS is a good place to buy games.


Thanks for your input, having never played Shattered Union, I cannot form an opinion of your personality based on your lack of commitment to completing it.

(in reply to Rabbitman)
Post #: 23
RE: Eye Candy Turn Based Strat Game? - 10/30/2009 3:00:39 PM   
Erik Rutins


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ORIGINAL: sabre1
Erik and Junk2drive, thanks for the suggestions.
I have Sword of the Stars, and if memory serves me correctly I don't think it has PBEM, and the RTS combat is the heart of the game in my opinion.

Sorry, didn't notice the PBEM requirement. I would agree with Age of Wonders (any of them) - CMSF is also quite a good game now, but it's not space or fantasy.


Erik Rutins
CEO, Matrix Games LLC

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Post #: 24
RE: Eye Candy Turn Based Strat Game? - 10/30/2009 3:08:39 PM   

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Given the two games, I would prefer AoW for it's tactical approach, which was, in my opinion, always superior to HoMM. Unfortunately for todays standard it lacks on eye candy as well.

(in reply to Erik Rutins)
Post #: 25
RE: Eye Candy Turn Based Strat Game? - 10/31/2009 1:36:56 AM   

Posts: 1928
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Thanks, I have emailed a list of games to my son, and it could take a few days for him to get back to me. I will post when he picks one.

Thanks again everyone, your help was much appreciated.

(in reply to Lützow)
Post #: 26
RE: Eye Candy Turn Based Strat Game? - 11/1/2009 11:42:58 PM   


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Koei Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11 is a great game on the waring period of the same name.


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Post #: 27
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