Posts: 210
Joined: 7/4/2001 From: Portland, OR Status: offline
As far as I can determine, no skip-bombing takes place when altitude is set to 100 ft for a level bomber. The level bomber will strafe (even in 1.11), and the shell hits are bullet hits, which do nothing, except to subs and APs. My idea is that when set to 1000 ft on a naval attack, the pilots are conducting skip bombing missions, which explains the Allies greater success at these altitudes than the Japanese Bettys, which can come in at 6000 ft, and are presumed to go down to 200ft for their torpedo runs. Their results are quite good, since they make the drop for their torpedo runs. The Allied level bombers at 6000 ft will level bomb from that Altitude, and not have anywhere near the success of 1000 ft missions. So, in my view, it is a documentation change required, rather than a code change. Just explain that if you want the B-17s to skip bomb, then set them to 1000 ft, and they will drop to 100 ft for the bombing run automatically, like the Bettys drop to 200 ft for the torpedo run. kp
The Earth is but a hollow nougat, reverberating with the sounds of the big bands... :cool: