Andrew Loveridge
Posts: 606
Joined: 7/20/2009 Status: offline
Finally it is here, for those interested in being the first to try 1.70. This is a Beta patch, so please give us feed back on how it works for you. You must be a member to download the patch from the Members Club here. You will need to register your game, if you haven't already, and then go to Registered Downloads, to get the zip file with the installer. Change List Fixes - UBoats strike again events won't fire if UK and Germany are not at war
- Germany to attack Benelux event will fire if at least one of the lover countries is still active (213)
- Corrected Pearl harbor effect event, when USA tries to join allies which are wiped out (5311)
- Updated tooltips
- Corrected CTD caused by TABbing Turkish units
- Increased stability during Naval Battle
- Repaired nuke feature, now nuke can be properly dropped
- Corrected amph. assault and transport icons
- Deploy button active after new units are added to the pool by events
- Solved problems with doubled naval units IDs
- Corrected display of eyecandies
- Corrected Miedzyrzecz Fortified Region event to fire only if MFR is controlled by Axis and not before fall of Poland (15209)
- Berlin defence area will not fire until Poland is active (15217-15218)
- Leningrad in threat event won't fire as long as Estonia is active (336-337)
- Corrected German invasion event (921)
Events - Increased units level in Siberian troops events
- Increased units level in Saving USSR event
- Soviet garrisons upgraded to corps size
- Added polish partisans events (8901-8918)
- Added Early Barbarossa event (373)
- Added line that will increase German effectivity in Poland during planned and late Barbarossa (230 and 231)
- Bolshevik's industrialization event won't fire if Soviet WE is higher than 200 (366 and 367)
- Added some units in Moscow Rugged defense event (372)
- Increased level of forts in defenese of Leningrad events (336-342)
- Increased level of forts in defenese of Stalingrad events (352-353)
- Added some units in defenese of Stalingrad event (353)
- Added resources waste events for Germany (8101-8104)
- Added resources waste events for USSR (8111-8114)
- Added resources waste events for UK (8121-8124)
- Added resources waste events for France (8131-8134)
- Added resources waste events for Italy (8141-8144)
- Added resources waste events for USA (8151-8154)
- Added Kursk forces event (374)
- The Truth annoucement events added (375-376)
- Fall of Vichy events added (15247)
- Fall of Italy event added (2130)
- Italy falls event added (15248)
- Mussolini's liberating events (15249-15251)
- Salo Republic event added (15252)
- Soviet inland forts events added (8301-8314)
- Royal support event added (993)
- Soviet War Economy cooled down as long us not at war with other major (377)
- Added STAVKA Reserves events (378-384)
- Soviet surrender events added (385-388 and 15253-15255)
- Increased level of units in Defense of Stalingrad event (353)
Gamebalance - Changed Strategic Movement Points bought by USA, Soviet Union, United Kingdom, Germany, France and Italy.
Map - Daladier Line forts upgarded to level three
OOB - Daladier line units strength increased to 65%
Others - Added Aircraft Carrier assault on ports feature
- Added Aircraft Carrier assault on enemy units feature
- Added amphibious assault feature, now units can attack directly from sea
- New event method: Country.ChangeSMP (Country ID, int Value)
- Instant deploy feature added
- Auto reopen during unit's deploy feature added
- Added undo button for Air Units
AI - German AI will now have higher chance to correctly prepare for Barbarossa (15256 and 15257)