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Joined: 2/2/2008 From: England Status: offline
ORIGINAL: Skanvak I was not sure that reducing the stategic option of the AI would simply or not the programming of the AI. I won't mind if it is not in the first game. What I would like is to be able to face an AI that "try" (emphasize the "try") to mimmic the historical leader strategic thinking and believes. Otherwise I am quite open. quote:
As a programmer, I insist on tight definitions of what I am suppose to code. You remind a friend of mine when I request some program to help for our games... I understand your concern, even thought I know good part about WWII and game theory, I thought that someone with more historical knowledge of WWII and WiF should be chosen to make a tight definition. That why I was voluntarily vague. One of the limitation, I really find, is that some of the thinking to be pertinent take into account what will happen after the game (Patton in Flame :p) and somehow that should be important for the game but this is not for this thread. Shannon, I am curious of your definition of an historical AI? Warspite1 I would be interested to hear what your definition is Skanvak - I must confess I struggle to see how the AI tries to mimic history without making things predictable - and then, if things go badly for the AI (i.e. follow an ahistorical path)...then...what? Just as important is what the human player is allowed/not allowed to do. Unless there are a whole raft of prohibitions on options for a player to pursue, this won`t work. To illustrate: So, world leaders must act historically (within a few allowed deviations). I assume a few "historical givens", many of which are central to WIF rules anyway, e.g: - A Nazi-Soviet pact has been signed - As per Mein Kampf, Hitler wants Lebensraum and the war will be fought thanks to that one aim; the rest is just a means to that end. However to get to the Soviet Union, Hitler must invade Poland first, and that will bring trouble in the west. - The CW and France must react by declaring war (but neither Chamberlain nor Daladier/Reynaud are prepared/feel able to take the war to Germany). - Roosevelt will not intervene (he realises that Hitler must be stopped and will escalate US entry as much as public opinion allows, but nothing more) - Mussolini, fearing the outcome, will not declare war unless the CW / France are on their last legs and he needs "a few thousand dead to bring to the table" when carving up the French / CW pie. If Hitler rolls a few bad dice early, Italy will not enter the war. - Japan is fighting China and has no wish to look north to the Soviet Union; she needs oil and the other resources that only Malaya, Burma and, in particular, the NEI can give her. If she does not get out of China the USA will embargo vital resources; Japan will not leave China... So now what? Do the British and French have to land in Norway? If in the real war they had done so before the Germans intervened (as was planned), what would have happened? Does this bring the Norwegians (and possibly the Swedes?) into the Nazi camp? Having been caught off guard and with the Allies now in northern Norway, maybe the German attack there is less successful - they would certainly not land at Trondheim or anywhere north. With a little success under his belt, does Chamberlain not now get replaced by Churchill? What does that mean in game terms - in historical terms even?? This one event, very early in the war could have completely changed history - but we do not know how - and that is just one of the problems. Or in the historical AI version can the Allies not seek to land in Norway before a German attack? Suppose in a game the WIF dice god mirrors the real thing and Hitler knocks down Poland, Norway (lets ignore the problem above for the moment), the Low Countries and France. We get to 1941, Italy are in the war and Hitler nows decides it would be a good idea to "kick in the Russian front door so that the whole edifice comes crashing in". What has that meant to the AI? As the Axis player do I need to fear any CW attacks anywhere or will they remain on the defensive and leave me free to build up forces for Barbarossa in peace? Greece, Turkey anywhere? As the CW player, can I simply forget any fears of Gibraltar being attacked? Will the German AI be able to build any "what if" naval vessels, or can I plan my naval builds with certainty? Can I attack Spain? If so, how will a historical AI react to that? Can Germany launch Sealion?? Must Vichy be declared? What French ships go to the Axis? Does Mussolini AI have to invade Greece or Yugoslavia? or attack Egypt? It is impossible to have an even vaguely historical AI without one of the first two and definately the latter taking place. What if the latter succeeds and the CW lose Egypt - what happens historically then? How does this affect Japanese intentions? Does Japan ignore everything that may be happening in the near east in order to follow their historical path? Does that mean Australia is always safe from attack? If, as in the example at the beginning, Italy does not enter the war, are the CW allowed to base additional units in the Far East? Notwithstanding this, does Japan still have to attack Pearl Harbor? How does this work?
England expects that every man will do his duty. Horatio Nelson October 1805 ![](http://www1.matrixgames.com/forums/upfiles/23929/D32E00241F0647B7B674889E8A01BE38.jpg)