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- 6/28/2002 7:06:34 AM   


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Wow! Very interesting after action report. I didn't think it was possible to take PM without a lot of luck on the side of IJN.

What about air transport of troops into PM?

Unless the airfield is shut down for a long time frame, air transport can easily move fresh troops into PM. It seems to me that one factor alone should make PM close to impossible to take.

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Post #: 61
Air Transport - 6/28/2002 5:36:30 PM   

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Hi, Japanese LRCAP over PM shoots down a lot of air transports.


I'm not retreating, I'm attacking in a different direction!

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Post #: 62
- 6/28/2002 9:58:00 PM   


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Are you guys playing with version 1.00 or 1.11?

I noticed with version 1.00, LR CAP would take down a lot of unguarded Dakotas. Although I didn't really notice what impact CAP had in defending air transports.

However in my 1.11 tests, if PM has any sort of CAP, the loss of Dakotas to Jap LR CAP has been negligible.

I don't think with 1.11 that LR CAP can stop air transport if PM can put up CAP. Which means air reinforcements into PM can't be stopped unless the PM airfield is completely shut down.

If the allies can move a fresh brigade into PM in a couple of days with air transport, I think it would be really tough for the IJN to match the allied reinforcement capability.

Which is one reason I was so impressed with your ability to take PM.

I guess another factor would be the amount of supplies stockpiled in PM early. Lack of supplies would negate the advantage of putting new troops into PM.

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Post #: 63
numbers - 6/28/2002 10:28:19 PM   

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Hi, I am interested in learning how many Japanese fighters you believe you can encounter in airbattles over PM

(then I will tell you)


I'm not retreating, I'm attacking in a different direction!

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Post #: 64
- 6/28/2002 10:44:00 PM   


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My experience is to see 15-20 zeros early in the game. I haven't seen it attempted later in the game. With additional fighter squadrons and CV fighters available, I could see quite a bit more.

It would be an interesting risk for the IJN CV's to put heavy duty CAP over PM. If the allies realized the Jap players intent and had CV's in the area, he could make a decisive strike against the IJN CV's dependent on their location.

Although I could see quite a few allied CAP as well. Myself I will usually keep around 5 squadrons of fighters in PM dependent on the threat.

Hehe, I am guessing you were massing large numbers of IJN fighters at critical time points?

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Post #: 65
Range - 6/28/2002 10:47:53 PM   

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If the IJN does not want to use the CV bombers yet (waits till fighters at PM have been reduced) he can use the range advantage. A full strength Japanese fighter sweeper over PM can be as high as 248 fighters. (If Japanese player has the CV sometimes you get them sometimes you don't)


I'm not retreating, I'm attacking in a different direction!

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Post #: 66
very first fighter sweep - 6/28/2002 10:57:19 PM   

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Hi, Japane can around May 5th launch a strike with
100 fighters and 50 bombers
but the best method for the very first attack is send only fighters set staggered to 15 16 and 17k

You need the weather to help a little.

You have 2 CV groups 2 LB groups and a small CVL group

send 3 hold 2 in reserve (approx 60 ac) then every day replace tired group with fresh.

after a few days send bombers at night

after a few more days start changing 1 group from night to day

then move CV and CVL to 8 hexes from PM and add their bombers to day attacks


I'm not retreating, I'm attacking in a different direction!

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Post #: 67
- 6/28/2002 11:32:01 PM   


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Hehe, sounds pretty good.

I didn't quite realize how much fighter strength could be massed by IJN and air force. I am going to have to test this in a head to head match.

I think the Japanese will have to cut off the air bridge very, very quickly though. The allies can move infantry brigades into PM in a matter of days.

And the US CV's will need to be beat when the invasion fleet moves in.

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Post #: 68
Air Transfer - 6/28/2002 11:57:54 PM   

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Hi, The Transports have to be moved to base where BDE are. they tire very fast, no vechicles or heavy equip, and no supply for when they get there unless allied CV are willing to risk battle.

(one of the thing the Japanese must do to capture PM is drive off enemy CV and surface assets)


I'm not retreating, I'm attacking in a different direction!

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Post #: 69
Hi folks - 6/29/2002 3:17:00 AM   

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Since the fall of PM nothing of importance has happened. Still trying to build up a strong defence in Australia and the Nomuea area. I have seen quite a lot of activity around Lunga which means that it is possible Mogami is building up an airstrip there. To early to tell if Lunga or PM will be used in an offensive but Mogami sure does have the resources needed for this but no signs yet. Will keep you posted if anything happens.

BTW: Noticed that this modest AAR now has over 1300 hits! Thank you!


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Post #: 70
PM - 6/29/2002 3:53:44 AM   

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Greetings, the capture of Port Moresby in essense doubles the logistics required. It takes a while to get the supply system organized. The support units moved and assign areas of responsibilty for defense. 8th Area Army Has been tasked with completing the occupation of NG bases and driving the allied remains away from PM. 17th Army will deploy to Lunga. Observation and emergancy airfields and fueling bases are to be established. Airgroups have to be rebuilt. Ships repaired/returned to Japan. I am only going to maintain enough force to respond to any allied move while keeping the bulk of my forces where they will present the least amount of strain on the supply system and be kept fresh.


I'm not retreating, I'm attacking in a different direction!

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Post #: 71
Planning styles - 6/30/2002 4:11:34 AM   

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Greetings, I am wondering about the differant ways people come up with operational plans in UV. Is it "Well I have this many ships so I'll do this" or "I am going to do this as soon as I have the required resources"

In both games now we are in a period of quiet build up.

Using the game where I am Japan.

I am certain that if the base control status remains the same as present Japan will win the game.
This means the Allies must attack some where or admit defeat.
Time is not a problem in this regard they have over 14 months remaining.
No doubt even with out Port Moresby they possess or will possess in the near future enough bases for offensive operations against isolated Japanese bases.

The Japanese fleet can not protect everything (if it splits to cover multiple bases it will be out numbered at the base the Allies attack.)

It is my conclusion that in this game I must continue the offensive to meet the auto victory conditions. This would have the effect of ending the game before the allies could grow strong enough to reclaim the lead.


I'm not retreating, I'm attacking in a different direction!

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Post #: 72
Re: Planning styles - 6/30/2002 4:22:53 AM   

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From: Västerås,Sweden
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Mogami
It is my conclusion that in this game I must continue the offensive to meet the auto victory conditions. This would have the effect of ending the game before the allies could grow strong enough to reclaim the lead. [/B][/QUOTE]

Hi folks

This is indeed disturbing news. I was getting the feeling that Mogami would leave me alone and then set a trap for me when I went on the offensive. Given Mogami's brilliant strategic mind an offensive will be a challenge.
If an offensive will be launched in the near future my guess is that it would come against Australia. I come to that conclusion because with the fall of PM he will be able to support it with land based air. Mogami's most southern Salomons bases are not large enough to support an attack against the Islands around Nomuea. So if theres any offensive directed to that area it must surely depend on CV protection.
I must say that I have been given plenty of time to prepare myself for any Imperial storm. Lets see if it was enough.


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Post #: 73
good questions - 6/30/2002 6:50:48 AM   

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First off, I am playing my first pbem with Scenario 17 as Japan and have sunk both USN CV's with no major losses during first week of game (May 42). I am confident I will capture PM by the end of May (I have more troops there than the allies currently). I may be giving away my stategy to all my opponents but the Japanese should ALWAYS strive for Automatic Victory when possible if the conditions favor it. After Jan 43 the Allies will quickly gain the upper hand and rout your air and naval forces. Occupation of Imperial bases will certainly follow. Personally, I have no desire to face Hellcats, Lightnings and Corsairs...



"I propose to fight it out on this line if it takes all summer."-Note sent with Congressman Washburne from Spotsylvania, May 11, 1864, to General Halleck. - General Ulysses S. Grant

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Post #: 74
Re: good questions - 6/30/2002 6:52:18 AM   

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From: Västerås,Sweden
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by brisd
:D [/B][/QUOTE]


Please dont encourage him!:D


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Post #: 75
BIG BATTLE - 7/2/2002 2:15:03 AM   

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Just wanted to inform you that a BIG and DECISIVE battle for Luganville has started. Unfortunately an update on this will come tomorrow first I think. If this battle becomes the big battle both of us expect the game will be won or lost within 2 gaming days. Time will tell.



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Post #: 76
- 7/2/2002 5:06:47 AM   


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Isn' there a pretty major bug if the Japs capture Luganville or is that just in an AI game?


SW Episode 2:Good movie, bad love story

Happiness is the only good. The time to be happy is now. The place to be happy is here. The way to be happy is to make others so.

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Post #: 77
- 7/3/2002 2:23:21 AM   

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The battle for Luganville is over and as soon as I get the text file from Mog and some time I will post it here. Without giving anything away it is an epic CV battle.

What I do want to post is the AAR and thoughts about the days prior to the battle.

Two days prior to the 25/8 my convoys in the Noumea area had reacted to the presence of carriers and thus withdrew.This sort of gave me a hint that something was about.

Suddenly on the 25th of August 1942 two IJN CVs and 2 CVLs was spotted a few hexes NW of Luganville. A massive wave of 60 Zeros and 60 Vals headed for my AF which was only protected by 24 Cobras. The first raid did not much damage but would grow in accuracy over the coming days. My response was a mixed strike of B-17s, B-25s and B-26s and I manage to score two 500 ILB on the Ryujo and 1 500 ILB on the Shoho. Not much damage but I was satisfied if this exchange could continue for a few days.


Another massive carrier strike caused heavy damage on Luganville AFB. Luckily for me my engineers fixed that prob within a day. My A/C groups did no harm this turn but I decided to send 48 Wildcats and 30 Dauntless to get better results.


Mogami send a POWERFULL bombardment TF to Luganville which causes massive damage. This is followed by another strike from his CVs. To my great surprise my engineers are doing one heck of a job there and keeps the AFB operational. My counter strike manages only a 500 ILB hit on the Junyo I believe.

My inability to score hits on his CVs and the fact that his bombardment TF was just one of many waiting to pound my AFB left me with one choice only. REACT!

While the sun was still down 51 USN warships divided into 5 TFs left Noumea bound for an area NW of Luganville. Mogami had left me with no option but to defend that base with my CVs. An epic carrier battle unfolded before us.

Text file of battle will be posted as soon as I possibly can. Thanks again for reading this AAR. 1600 hits is amazing.


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Post #: 78
Battle of L'ville - 7/3/2002 3:33:01 AM   

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Greetings, I would not pronounce the battle of L'ville over.

Prior to sending any transport TF to land troops it is required to knock out the airfield, remove any surface/CV Tf from area.
This procedure has commenced. How long it will last is unknown.
Every effort will be made and every resource commited to isolating and reducing the defense of the area. I expect the battle to last approx 60 days.


I'm not retreating, I'm attacking in a different direction!

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Post #: 79
- 7/3/2002 3:41:21 AM   

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It sure was too early for me to say that the battle was over. Perhaps phase 1 out of many is over but much more to come. Unsure how many days it will take to change Mogami's mind about invading Luganville or to be defeated myself. Too early to tell.


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Post #: 80
I hate it when - 7/6/2002 9:30:46 PM   

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Greetings, In game where I am Allied and Dan the Japanese I invaded his base on San Cristabol Island. The bad news I lost many transports, A CV damaged by LBA from Lunga and worse my 10k invaders discover 30k combat troops dug in.
2 IJN minelayers slip in among the transports and unload before being caught. USN bombardment finally hits Lunga but not before strikes from there cause much harm. Surface actions put many ships out of commision. On NG the allies are making their first offensive towards Lae after securing PM/Gili/Buna


I'm not retreating, I'm attacking in a different direction!

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Post #: 81
- 7/7/2002 10:23:36 PM   


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From: Gales Ferry, Ct
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I've just joined this forum as a result of buying Uncommon Valor and have followed these postings with interest. In game terms I think Port Moresby is a dead end(along with the pipe dream of invading Aussieland). I feel that the Japanese cannot muster enough troops, ships or aircraft to take Port Moresby against a human player. PM is a huge unsunkable aircraft carrier that the Japanese player needs to keep out of range of-why waste your biggest advantage butting heads against the Allies biggest advantage. I'm not opposed to a Gili-Gili strategy-the Allies must be kept busy in NG to split their forces but the focus of Japan must be on the Solomons and New Hebrides. One comment someone made-there are no bases there -comes to mind. That is the reason to go that route-the Japanese if they concentrate have the superior Naval forces that the Allies can't match right away. Attacking PM lets Allies respond with land based air(the Japanese cannot match them there) and use their carriers cautiously. Going GC forces Allies to use them if they want to counter and gives you the chance to knock them out(outside of landbased range-only Rabaul reaches GC area).
Develope GC and Tulagi as forward bases to use them in your attack on the New Hebrides. The allies only have the Americal Division to defend Noumea and the New Hebrides until the 1st Marine shows up in July. The whole idea is to do a GC in reverse using your strengths against the Allies weakness. It worked against the AI rahter handily but as we all know AI is AI(they all stink and they all cheat)

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Post #: 82
Epic - 7/7/2002 10:27:42 PM   

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Epic reports,
These posts of your battles remind me of the Japanese historical fiction novels so popular there which write of the Japanese "victory" over the USA in the Pacific. I would not be in the least surprised if some enterprising novelist were to use your AARs as the grist for their mill! I certainly have enjoyed them and I feel confidant that all my pbem opponnets will have interesting days ahead!




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Post #: 83
Mea Culpa - 7/7/2002 10:45:40 PM   


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I just finished reading all posts (I had only read ones about PM attacks and missed ones about Luganville)so my apologies for preaching to choir. Someone made comment about a program bug if Japanese captured Luganville. It's not a bug. The Japanese stopped their advance in the South Pacific-they were not stopped. They were confident that the war was over(prior to Midway) and after underestimated Americas speed of recovery and ability to counterattack.
In this game Japanese player should suffer no illisions. Unless you get really, really lucky-you will lose the long game. Your only hope is to continue the Japanese attack at the point of the Allies weakness-the Solomons and New Hebrides. They do not have big developed bases that the Allies can use as unsinkable CV and the Islands have few troops or planes defending them. Keep the Allies land based AC busy in PM (Gilli-Gilli diversion) and Buna along the trail, and use your carriers to support you invasions down the Solomons.

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Post #: 84
Re: Epic - 7/8/2002 12:21:10 AM   

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From: Västerås,Sweden
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Bosun
[B]Epic reports,
These posts of your battles remind me of the Japanese historical fiction novels so popular there which write of the Japanese "victory" over the USA in the Pacific. I would not be in the least surprised if some enterprising novelist were to use your AARs as the grist for their mill! I certainly have enjoyed them and I feel confidant that all my pbem opponnets will have interesting days ahead! [/B][/QUOTE]


Many thanks for your kind words Bosun. I personally think that I could have written better posts for this AAR but I am pleased when people enjoy reading this. Many months left in both of my PBEM games with Mogami so plenty more to come. Today I will post something about my IJN surprise attack on Mogami's amphib landing on my base.


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Post #: 85
Battle of San Cristabol - 7/9/2002 12:30:29 AM   

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My base at San Cristabol was intended to be used as a springboard for my invasion of Luganville. The CV battle that ended in a disaster changed all that over a night.

My first thought was to fortify this base otherwise it could be used against Lunga and Shortland which are both large IJN and IJAF bases. Therefore I ordered my engineers to build fortifications instead of an airbase. It is now at level 9 and I had placed well over 100 000 supplies there.

All the sudden I noticed a lonely AP/AK TF heading my way which struck me as very odd indeed. Mogami later said that he had no idea about the size of my force and that explains it. The convoy started to unload not knowing a full division was waiting in the jungle with plenty of rise and Sake.

While the transports were still unloading supplies and Marines over 10 000 screaming japanese soldiers of the proud 2nd Div and elements of the 38th stormed out of the jungle towards the beach screaming "Banzai!" and "GI you die!" in very bad english. The unprepared american Marines turned pale in horror. " My God! Japs all over the place!", "Theres no stopping them!", "Save yourselves!" could be heard from the American side. The beach was cleared within 3 days and the units are now cut off in a hex north of my base.

I sunk many transports thanks to my AF bases at Lunga and Shortland. Mogami is trying his best to shut down Lunga with surface TFs which is resulting in heavy naval combat as well. My ENTIRE IJN sub force was killed in the battle for San Cristabol but they did take a few DDs and APs with them. They served with honor and died with honor.

This battle is far from over but eventually I will lose because of the sheer power of the USA. The men of the 2nd Inf Div has bought my plenty of weeks however.

More to come.
* very sorry for the use of "Jap" in this thread but no offense meant. If you did then you cant watch any movie about the Pacific War or read any book on the subject. Most of the UV forum users knows by now that I love Japan very much.


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Post #: 86
San Cristabol...the true story - 7/9/2002 12:50:51 AM   

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" My God! Japs all over the place!", "Theres no stopping them!", "Save yourselves!" could be heard from the American side. The beach was cleared within 3 days and the units are now cut off".......U2

.Greetings, Pure propaganda. The USMC troops actually said
"*** **** Japs ******* all over the ******* place." The no stopping them is utter nonsense. The Marines executed a text book maneuver that placed them on the now cut off Japanese flank. The DD Aaron Ward sank 2 IJN Subs in one night. She was rewarded with a trip to Pearl for RR. As she left L'ville her crew manned the rails and mooned the awe struck crews of the fleet.
Needless to say the revelation of the complete demise of Japanese underwater forces leaves the crews of Allied ASW craft heartbroken.

(Just recieved new turn. Dan started e-mail with
"Your not going to like this turn".................):eek:


I'm not retreating, I'm attacking in a different direction!

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Post #: 87
- 7/9/2002 12:53:54 AM   

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I did my best to create a Japanese propaganda script for the battle. Pure BS but perhaps nice to read eh.


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Post #: 88
- 7/9/2002 1:01:33 AM   

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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Philbd
[B]I've just joined this forum as a result of buying Uncommon Valor and have followed these postings with interest. In game terms I think Port Moresby is a dead end(along with the pipe dream of invading Aussieland). I feel that the Japanese cannot muster enough troops, ships or aircraft to take Port Moresby against a human player:D [/B][/QUOTE]

Hi, Welcome aboard. Your not suggesting I give it back are you?


I'm not retreating, I'm attacking in a different direction!

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Post #: 89
I hate crow - 7/9/2002 1:36:28 AM   


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I prefer my crow served warm thankyou! :)

I wouldn't necessary give it back. But you could. Then take it back again. My question is do you think you could do it again and does U2 think there was something he could have done or not done to prevent it. Can your stategy produce repeatable results most of the time or is it a fluke. I've played quite a bit against the AI but just started PBEM.


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Post #: 90
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