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scam? - 2/24/2010 12:36:57 AM   

Posts: 2264
Joined: 3/28/2009
From: Toronto Ontario but living in Edmonton,Alberta
Status: offline
I have no proof,but it seems very odd the only purchases I make with a certain credit card are from Digital River.My bank called me asking if i had made a purchase in USA for $3.95,and the same day in another place very far away from that for $400.i said no and thankfully,i dont have to pay these charges to my credit card.Could this be an employee of digital River?An investigation is currently underway.I have tried contacting Digital river but no response.Has anyone else experianced something similiar?
Post #: 1
RE: scam? - 2/24/2010 12:52:05 AM   

Posts: 591
Joined: 1/19/2009
From: Boston, MA
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that's why I try to use Paypal whenever possible

(in reply to bairdlander2)
Post #: 2
RE: scam? - 2/24/2010 10:38:15 PM   


Posts: 3198
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Paypal has fraud too.  And they blame everyone but themselves.

(in reply to htuna)
Post #: 3
RE: scam? - 2/24/2010 11:20:35 PM   

Posts: 591
Joined: 1/19/2009
From: Boston, MA
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Paypal has fraud too.  And they blame everyone but themselves.

Yes, but it's like a double layer of protection.. when paypal denies you, you call the Credit Card company, and they just take away from paypal...

I had a situation once, where I bought some DVD's from an online site.. the site disappeared immediately after.. Paypal said I was right, but then said there was nothing they could do for me, since the company was gone.. I then called the Credit Card company and got my refund...

Never ever give Paypal your Bank Routing numbers.. then you have no chance of refund, the money is gone..

(in reply to Joram)
Post #: 4
RE: scam? - 2/25/2010 9:51:52 PM   


Posts: 3198
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Good advice, as that's what I've seen happen. Your need a good credit card company too though as if you don't, they will just send you back to Pay Pal. I've seen that happen too.

(in reply to htuna)
Post #: 5
RE: scam? - 2/26/2010 11:56:51 AM   


Posts: 41
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Use Debit Card is the safest and also the online security feature where you need to key your personal passsword for a purchase to go through  


(in reply to Joram)
Post #: 6
RE: scam? - 2/26/2010 1:18:07 PM   


Posts: 3198
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Sorry, online debit card is NOT the safest. It is no better or worse than a credit card for online safety. However, if someone got ahold of that info, many banks will offer no recourse whatsoever. With a credit card you can at least dispute the charge or ultimately cancel it if you don't like the result. So use a debit card online at your own risk. The personal PIN (or password) can actually apply to any card and indeed is a good countermeasure if the bank offers it. Though that may be by association, I know I have it on one of my cards.

(in reply to sliver_bullet)
Post #: 7
RE: scam? - 2/26/2010 6:04:14 PM   

Posts: 38
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From: }8-]![#= Hither & Yon (it has a GIFT shop, even!)
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Very true about the credit advantage. Another aspect to worry about (yayy) is overdoing your security measures. The new credit/debit w/e cards or really any security protocol/countermeasure using RFID is not really as great as it sounds. You either need to further purchase special shielded wallets to "cloak" it or avoid taking them out in public altogether, as the frequency they emit virtually eliminates the need for old-school pickpockets, as they at least needed to establish solid physical contact (not that they're lacking in technique there, but still), whereas now, without proper gear/wallets they only have to be within a range as whatever their receiver limits them to. Theoretically, you could grab a joe/knosh at a mall/venue & leave with everyone's info. (I know that isn't a realistic ratio but am embellishing simply to ephasise point-even the banks will (off-record) admit this is weak.

I would wait for more solid methods (why not make them like a Drvr's Lcnc or even streamline all such info into a card whose # matches file in updateable gov database-not like they don't already have one(least somewhat & I'm Canadian)...@#$%, most department stores do to a degree-

"ZeitGeist, anybody?"

(in reply to Joram)
Post #: 8
RE: scam? - 3/18/2010 5:05:55 PM   


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Your not alone, last November my wife discovered 2 unauthorized purchases from Digital River totaling $250. And contacting their CS department also ended in being ignored. We both have separate debit card accounts through our bank specifically for online purchasing. In order to get the charges reversed she just had to fill out some paper work and was issued a new number, small inconvenience but it would've went un-noticed if she hadn't checked her statement!
I'm posting this here because I just recently tried purchasing WiTP:AE from Matrix and found out my bank has blocked DR, as they should. It seems this is an ongoing issue with this company and I have found similar stories in many different Sim forums and at places like this:*

I would love to complete my collection with the War in the Pacific series and have asked Matrix if they provide any other payment options. It seems dealing with DR is like playing Russian roulette with your money.


(in reply to blemishednicely)
Post #: 9
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