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RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!!

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RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!! - 2/19/2010 3:41:15 AM   


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Hosho flies Tanaka south from Soerabaya -destination Kendari.

Tanaka is in a foul mood. If he was hoping to hear sympathetic agreement to his views, or hoping to recieve promises of support for whatever he was planning, Soerabaya had been a total bust.

Maybe there were people tired of the war, tired of the Dictator, but he had no chance to find out.
Everyone simply was too busy.
Almost at the moment they had landed, a grenade had lobbed from the desk of ADM Yamamoto
"Prepare 56th Division, 8th SNLF for Combat operations. Finalise preparations for an amphib assualt on objective ######## no later than 10Nov. Plan to sail no later 25 October. I will arrive for briefing with combined fleet 24 October.
Divert all available fuel supplies to soerabaya "

The objective was secret -mad -but in a away, not mad.
It was only mad because no allied commander could possibly expect an attack there now -which was why it just might succeed.

So Tanaka continued south while Soerabaya burst into activity. He knew the objective -and for him, it was the final proof that his plan was the last hope for Japan. The CDictator, is staff -the entire high command was bonkers -and doomed to drag Japan into the asylum with them.

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Post #: 1111
RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!! - 2/20/2010 3:51:42 AM   


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Juni climbs wearily from the cockpit.
He is -frankly, stuffed.
Limbs are literally shaking , vibrating with fatigue. Another numbing patrol completed - on the operations report it will be a single line entry.
The reality - another tricky take off -literally hundreds upon hundreds of take offs -and still the bitch tries to kill him on every one.
3 planes that fail the rendevou
The sudden alarm of "bandits" -that turned as usual, into something else -
That bloody right magneto - it is -he has to insist now, really, is acting up.

Then the mind numbing circles - but you can't switch off -you can't.
Especially if the ground radio link goes down -as it did, today-again.

But right now -more immediate matters
feet are barely on the ground, and he is struggling with his gear -moments later, blessed relief.
NOTHING -absolutely NOTHING, would ever happen to him to force a bladder to let go -He'd rather die first.

essentials done -the long hike back to the HQ area - nearly 2 kilometres today -he will really need that bath when he gets there.
The duty vehcile pulls alongside, crowded to the hilt with the other pilots of his flight -he waves it on -he needs to stretch limbs badly.
The day is good. the sun, setting, no longer glares. He is still alive.
Its as good as it can get.

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Post #: 1112
RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!! - 2/20/2010 3:55:42 AM   


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Captain Tama breathes another sigh of relief - the SS missed, rabual harbour looms.
Mission accomplished -65th brigade has been extracted to safety

The enemy are stalling again at shortlands
Many troops are stuck there still.
Captain Tama has no doubt where he will be going next.
A chance to use his torpedoes yet....................

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Post #: 1113
RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!! - 2/21/2010 2:54:34 AM   


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War is a muddle. Seldom, if ever, do things go to plan. For 47th, today never has a truer statement been made.
They begin the day confused, fight confused, finish confused.
But they fight.

Its well before dawn when the pilot transport truck delivers him to his fighter, many kilometers from the main staging area.
Miyazuki is in a fowl mood –he has missed breakfast –sleeping in just 5 minutes too long has proven fatal today –the vast numbers of extra pilots and crewmen who flew in last night has overwhelmed the galley – it either eat, or miss the truck.

The mood improves somewhat when the ground crew meet him –his plane is ready –even polished today –and the chief –who knows his man –has a good lump of bread for him.

The crew bustle about in the pre dawn light, and Miyazuki drinks in the cool air –a good time of day before the heat begins..
Orders for the day –CAP –again.
But first Nakamura has decided to strike south again –already the distinct beat of the Helens warming up down the other end of the base travels to them.
Rabual stirs –it will be a busy day.

He signs for his plane, climbs in – so much bloody crap to wear nowdays……….

Radio check.
IT Works! – a miracle. Both he and the chief grin.
Around him, the Tigers begin to spin up – a steadily growing canopy of noise –now being drowned out as the Helens begin to rumble down the strip –deep throated roars, heavy loads being dragged into the air.
All eyes watch carefully –will any pile into the mess at the end of the strip today?, or join the growing artificial reefs in the bay?

NO –but at least two will barely get airborne –they will come about, and at least this time, safely get down.

Miyazuki runs his plane to full throttle, then satisfied, idles –the 50th is getting away –they will follow next.

The last bomber circles –heads south –he wishes them luck –there is a thick band of weather between here and Shortlands –and again he thanks heavens he does not have to try to fly through that.

All eyes are now turned east –looking at the small tower, waiting for the green flare –waiting for the word to go.
The sun breaks the horizon.
And then they wait –engines shut down –for some reason unconveyed, they wait.
And wait
And wait
They slowly cook, and wait
His stomach grumbles

The radio chatter begins – the raid –apparently, is suffering from the weather.

New voices on the net.
The Americans!

A runner arrives –frantic, streaming with sweat
“switch to channel 6! –the amearican carriers are nearby –standby, we are arming bombers!

The stomach flips –bomber escort?.
Its been a long time since they have done that – channel 6 is the bomber channel

If only nakamura would let them know what is going on
Then movement –4 bombers are moving down the strip –they taxi past, turn, line up –is that all?
Eyes turn to the tower – green flare –commence CAP –yellow –escort the bombers…
Miyazuki can see the tiny figure raise its arm on the tower –here we go again , another day of circles………….
The fare is red
Not green
The radio blares –frantic –a full stop to the thud, thud, bark, bark of AA guns breaking out all around them.
Red flare
Air raid red!

Adrenalin dumps through his body –a mixture of fear, excitement rush through him

He sits his goggles –waves his arms frantically-pull chocks!
Canopy slamming shut
Throttle on, brakes off –the tiger leaps forqward –the chief sprinting at his right wing –he follows his every step –the great nose blocks all view –he must trust the NCO with everything.
Brakes on hard –the tail lifts –and the Tiger comes periously close to digging her great blade into the strip –“BUKA!”
And Juni goes barreling past his nose –canapoy open –scarf blowing in the breeze –he looks so bloody correct………..

The chief signals go –go now!
Brakes off, hard left rudder –she bounces and bounces hard on the uneven surfaces, the edge of the strip comes under his right wing –and he guns her –the great beast howls, and she squats momentarily, and then the earth is rushing under –opposite rudder against the torque –tail up, steady, steady, airborne – oil good, fuel good, magneto’s god, manifold good –all taken in in a single glance, and he begins to climb swiftly, shadow chasing him now across the bay, gear , gear up –

The PBYb’s are flashing across the harbour at masthead height – already BELOW and BEHIND him!.

More curses –he banks hard, as hard as he can, the bombers –towers of water trailing behind them as the eggs seek Tama’s cruisers, flashing behind and below him

One bomber, however, is inverted –a blazing horror –it slams into the side of the volcano –its own miniature eruption.

The bombers are already gone, and the radio is incessantly repeating, FORM ON ME!, FORM ON ME! –and several Flares arc from the calling fighter –Juni is calling his flock.

Miyazuki unfreezes his arm –frozen on the throttle –tries to breathe –the shock of such swift action upon him


The barsteds. Gutsy though –gutsy as hell.

47th, 85th, 65th, even some of the 50th, a swarm of fighters, are gathering over Rabual now- and now the muddle begins.
Who is escort?
Who is CAP?
Channel 6 bursts into life.
The commander of the ‘strike’ if 4 bombers can be called a strike, sounds old, old indeed.
“The enemy is 240 miles to our south. I am attacking. Those who are coming, come, otherwise $%^& off!”
he is 19years old

Miyazuki glances at his fuel gauge –almost full.
He will go

The muddle sorts itself out – 4 bombers escorted by 30 odd Tigers, 30 odd Oscars, equal numbers or Tonies

The Tigers settle in 1000 feet above and behind, the Oscars close in, the Tonies lurking 3000 feet above.
Not bad for a muddle.

The weather front, that has cause such chaos in the morning, is steadily shifting south, and now the allied task forces –for this is what recon now reports –task forces – have broken clear –and attack bombers are hitting gassamatta –hitting hard.

Rabuals recon is paying a heavy price today –few of these brave men will return –but while they live –they do their duty.
The Allied CV force is pinned to a metre.

“80 miles to target”

Juni comes over the air –“test guns men”
Some rookie reports
“My guns won’t fire”
“Sir, my guns won’t fire”

A long, painful silence

“Do you want me to come over and do them for you?”

One less plane, as the rookie turns for home

47th are on the right flank, 87th on the left –85th in the middle. 22nd further out to the left
10000 feet.

Ahead –bands of scattered cloud, steadily darkening on the horizon –here –bright blue.
The sea, green

“Bandits!” bandits, left flank!”

The hellcats –stubby, stocky, nasty –sweep into the formation from the left side , and the rookies of the 22nd begin to turn in, and begin to fall…..

The hellcat pilots have a new plane, a new attitude, they know what they fly –they know how good it is –and they attack with the confidence and the courage this knowledge gives them.

The first past is brutal –the sky filling with snarling, chattering fighters, Miyazuki wings over, rolls over, places himself on the tail of one of the stubby barsteds, throttle maxed, and it out turns him, out runs him, hitting another fighter even as it escapes his attack.
And now Miyazuki is wrenching hard at the stick as a deep blue fighter, the stars and stripes vivid on its tail, its pilot upright, and so, so clean looking, his plane so startling new looking, thunders under him –and his old bird bangs and groans in protest as he wrenches every rivet getting out of its killing way.

The fight seems to go forever –a great running brawl –the hellcats diving in, blasting, the Japanese rolling, banking, trying to avoid, then to attack.
It is no place for the unskilled, those that have to think –they die.

Trailing after the fight, the markers go down, Tiger, tiger, tiger, , then as the KI61’s get in, Hellcat, hellcat, hellcat –and then again, tiger, oscar, hellcat – it goes on, and on, no quarter given, nove expected

The bombers lose their nerve way, way out –they dive –drop at some way distant destroyer, and turn for home –no one see’s the cats home –type, size, who knows.

Its pilots fight –and that is all that matters.

They return, in ones, in twos, in ragged batches.
It will take ages to sort it out – the word Muddle again comes to mind –and it will be after midnight before nakamura knows the score
8 tigers all up lost –4 pilots –all rookies, gone
Their will be no ashes to send home, the ocean has claimed them.
Some Oscars, no tonies
11 confirmed kills –47th now at 57
A broken bomber force
2 carrier task forces only 240 miles to the south
And Captain Tama, frantically trying to refuel his ships in the harbour –trapped .

The war has arrived –one for one today
He will take that.
Rabual works deep into the night, what will dawn bring tomorrow?

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Post #: 1114
RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!! - 2/21/2010 3:04:05 AM   


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Bridge of the Akagi

Namura and Yamamoto are observing the loading of the last of the torpedoes, the last of the reserve fighters.
All around them, the huge fleet also is completeing the last preparations.

They have been in Japanese waters a long, long time. The urge to go -to get into the war, is now , from Admiral, to lowest gunner -almost overwhelming.

Namura" And todays carrier raid in the solomon sea?"
Yamamoto scratches his chin. "A diversion. our discovery of the broome concentration may panic him into some sort of action. I hope so. I would prefer to sail when full strength. "
Naguma nods in agreement
"Three extra carriers, 3 extra fighter groups. These next 8 days are going to be very interesting"
"Yes, the stress is killing me'

Nagumo laughs "Gambling my friend, gambling -nothing good ever come of it!" he turns his back to the harbour, wipes his brow. " We need to get into the war Admiral"
Yamamoto grips the railing hard. "8 days Nagumo -then I promise you -more fighting than you could ever wish for"

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Post #: 1115
RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!! - 2/22/2010 7:04:17 AM   


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It is no Diversion. The Allies have come to fight.

All day rabual recieves the reports on the enemy carriers - they lurk near shortlands -cutting of the belegured troops there.
Captain Tama has a snow flakes chance in hell of getting to them.

On the field, every effort is bent to the bombers - but its a sorry affair -a mere 5 GM2s, a mere 5 helens to join them will be available.
Nakamura hangs fire on the field for as long as he can, hoping more bombers can be readied -it becomes a forlorn hope.
By midday, with the carriers firmly pinned, he must act. the rising tide of frantic signals from Truk, from Lae -signals showing a total disconnect to the situation here -demanding an attack, screaming for an attack -have to be obeyed.

Nakamura goes for the best compromise he can.
ten bombers -a beehive of fighters in escort -fighters with orders to find the enemy, and fight. Bombers told, preservation,preservation.

65th fighter lead the pack, 31 tonies, 23 oscars, 23 zeros, a big strike indeed for Japan
The circle the field once -then head south, and the waiting begins.

The waiting - how many ground crews are spending the war doing this?
The weather plays hell with the radios- its as if the world has swallowed them up -so they must wait, and look, and wonder.

An hour before dusk, they begin to return.
First a single drunken bird - one wheel dangling loose - it ground loops in a cloud of dust.
Its pilot dead even as they reach it -maybe dying on japanese soil was enough.........

Others begin to trickle in -and the carnage slowly, horrifically reveals itself.
So many planes damaged. So many missing. So much blood.
Nobody claims a kill -if anyone did -they have not survived to boast of it.

The new fighter -the hellcat - fills all the reports -what can be dragged out of shocked white men.
"I hit him -he just shrugged it off.............."
"too fast...................."
'I could not keep with him, he was too good..................."
"Too good"
"Too good"

35 planes are missing, 30 damaged. The enemy screen not even penetrated...........
And then, as the sun sets, another report.
The carriers are returning North................

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Post #: 1116
RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!! - 2/22/2010 7:21:42 AM   


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The knock on the door is hesitant, almost shy.
Nakamura looks up from the mountains of work he has -sweat flowing freely from every pore.
Captain tama stands at the door -almost apologetic.
"Friend! -what brings you from your element?" Nakamura warmly smiles.
"I regret I am here to say goodbye and thankyou -we have been ordered out - can't stand against carriers Im afraid"
"Nakamura nods, yes, there is that. "I understand - we will do our best to cover you -but..........."
Tama shuffles his feet.
"Nakamura - I have a favour to ask. 65th brigade. We have to get it out. If I try to load them tonight, tomorrow, can you protect them?"

Nakamura steps forward, takes his hand. "47th left holding the can again for the Navy. yes, we can -we never haven't"

Tama bows. 'A lot depends on your men, tomorrow -they must come." We thankyou. goodluck old friend"

Yes -a lot depends on tomorrow.
The men must be warned. Tomorrow we fight for our very lives.

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Post #: 1117
RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!! - 2/22/2010 7:54:25 AM   


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Nakamura looks below. In rabual harbour some ten fat transports are at anchor -some of Japans finest amongst them.
65th brigade is loading -the ant trails of barges busy, busy, busy.

The ships look so vulnerable............

Nakamura is where he should be, needs to be today -in the sky, with his men.
All is as ready as can be - 61 tigers are aloft, above them 21 swallows.
The enemy are coming -bold as brass.

The sighting reports begin -and soon the dots appear, growing in size, profile -swinging into the attack. 50plus? -the new hellcats so blue.
he takes a big breath, presses the mike.
"Tigers attack! - and let none through!"

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Post #: 1118
RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!! - 2/22/2010 8:14:07 AM   


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Miyazuki screams.
It is a howl of despair, pain, anger, anguish. Juni holds his shoulders, grits his teeth, holds him down, hard. 'easy Miyazuki -easy -the doc almost has it"
"Almost - Oh crap -that hurts!'

"Got it!"
The doctor holds the remains of the shrapnel up in triumph "getting hit in the arse is no big deal - nothing vital there you know" he grins despite the blood " have you patched up in no time -now stop winging, I've plenty worse to attend to"

Two transports lie burning in the harbour - just two -and 65th were not on these.
Nakamura has been true to his word -but at a cost
85th sentai has lost 15 men
87th 2
47th, just one -and Miyazuki hors de combat
47th have 5 kills for today -Nakamura will not claim the 2 he has.
As far as he knows -only 8 enemy have gone down

20 Tigers have gone down, the tonies -who knows -its been a brutal day.
Dogfights across the sky -dogfights that went on, and on. Bombers adding to the carnage -and the attacks of the new dive bombers -what big unstoppable brutes they were!

The base stinks of fuel oil -the tanks hit will burn for days -a marker for the turning of the tide.

A brute of a day.
Only the Flak saved them today - hammering, disrupting the bombers -throwing so many of aim.

Nakamura catches Juni's eye.
"We need to talk"
Something, he notes, has changed with this man - there is no stink of alcohol for a start. he seems -calmer?
No, not Juni -surely
" I need to know if the ships are getting away"
Juni already knows " they are sailing now - heaven help us if we have to protect them tomorrow"
Nakamura can only agree. 'Did you score today?"
A rueful shake ofthe head -I hit three of them today - how is it our planes fold up like paper when hit -and they just ignore us! -God -but for a cannon"
Nakamura grins " same old, same old hey?
"same old same old -getting too old for this crap"
'getting old? -thats a joke Juni"
'That it is. That it is"

Juni looks around at the medical mayhem about them -there are far, far too many injured men today. far too few planes left.
"Tomorrow boss?"
'Same old, same old -we fight em until we can't fight em anymore"

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Post #: 1119
RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!! - 2/22/2010 8:21:28 AM   


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extract from Shattering the sword -a cantona production.

.......and few could be disapointed in the hellcats true debut - it truly was superior to what Japan could put up against it.
Yet the attacks on Rabual cannot be rated a total success. Under a whilting air cover, Japan pulls of a major operation, the evacuation of 65th brigade, the safe departure of the shipping. 65th, if it got away, would live to fight again.
If it got away - if the 8th strained rabuals defences, the 9th promised to be a nightmare.
On the allied side -the plans..................

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Post #: 1120
RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!! - 2/23/2010 7:08:39 AM   


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Amongst the pilots at Rabual, there is little sleep this night.
Too many men are facing mortality. But equal numbers too –are seeking to fight.
This is a clean fight –man on man –fighter on fighter, gladiator against gladiator.

The press are here –even a movie crew – High Command wants all of Japan to know that its bushido warriors fight here.

Despite yesterdays losses, morale is still high – many of the pilots shot down yesterday have returned in dribs and drabs –all with tales to tell.
The Navy is paying back the debt it owes with valiant service in the harbour and the surrounds –no pilot has had to swim for long.

The day will dawn bright, clear and hot. No clouds here today.
Rabual will shake to the beat of many engines well before dawn, and Nakamura again leads as many fighters he can into the soft yellow dawn light.

They climb – a steady climb, the fighters circling rabual in a great circle – spreading out, 36 Tigers only today, and already beginning to string out across the sky.
Above, well above, launched almost an hour earlier, the swallows circle, they glint occasionally in the sun..

The Tigers are passing through 19000 feet when the P38’s attack –40 odd twinned tailed devils –doing what they do best –diving in from the heavens.
Its telling who see’s them first, Juni, Nakamura, Shiramaya – the guys who have racked up the kills –they all simultaneously give the warning, and the Sentais turn into the attack.

The 38’s, some blinding silver, others dark green, crash into the Japanese formation, and fighters scatter, guns hammer, engines scream, and two tigers explode, pieces scattering all over the sky.

The 38’s begin the pull up –and the Tonies, the swallows, strike.
No rookies these –these pilots are good, very, very good.
Never give a sucker an even chance………….

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 P38’s go down -shattered in the counter attack, and the swallows continue the dive, fuel done, ammunition done .

Nakamura is, as always breathing hard – fighter pilot is a young mans game –already he is sweat soaked, limbs aching, mouth dry.
He levels out, glances at the tumbling brocken 38’s, at the remaining sharks climbing again into the sun……..
“All sentai on me!”
He wheels into a turn, begins to circle –never taking eyes of the fighters climbing away above. The Tojo can climb, climb brilliantly –but the 38 is better.
Fighters begin to join him, and the circle grows, each man protecting the tail of the next.
The engine roars. The world vibrates. Sweat flows. And eyes squint as they pierce the sun, seeking the devils now so far above.

Fuel?, ammo?.
Fuel already 50%, his guns are full, but many are not………
“85th, 87th- anyone needing ammo, break for home –47th, we will cover. I think this is going to be a long day”
The acknowledgments come in, and a dozen fighters peel away, begin to circle lower, and lower, seeking the nest, seeking sustenance.

The 38’s dive into the attack again.

A dozen or so break into the circle, and the mad dance begins – I bag you, you bag my mate, my other mate bags you, and the world gets very, very busy.

It’s the other fighters that do the damage –they break the patteren they have followed for so long –they dive –and keep on diving –seeking those unable to fight.
Tigers begin to fall – and yells for he;p fill the air.
Nakamura can only curse.
Juni, as ever now, is still on his wing –they break down hard, a spiraling spinning break – a desperate dive.
A 38 follows them, and both break again, Nakamura to the left, Juni to the right –scissors – the 38 blasts through between them ----- is expected to blast between, but it knows this trap too well, it barrel rolls, and breaks even harder away.

Fighters are falling, and the sky is now a scattered mess of individual fights – and then, as so often happens, its suddenly all over, and the fighters begin to return.

Juni pulls up hard, and his crew race out, one man up the wing – canteen in hand.
Two others race to the guns, the great belts heavy on his shoulders.
2 more scramble the hose into the tank, struggle with the dolly and drums.
Nothing can be said, or heard over the engines great beat, the propeller blows the dust hard.

All over the field, the picture is being repeated.
To his left – Nakamura is scribbling some sort of note –he hands it to a crewman, the note comes to him. “report from HQ –enemy carriers still to south. We must get higher!”

The crewman taps him on the shoulder – he is ready.

A glance around –other fighters are rising again back into the air, 3 in formation roar past, climbing hard.
He slams the throttle, and races down the strip, begins to climb hard.

A blazing mass fills his screen, flashes past, he bursts through the smoke, a gun is hammering behind him – and gear still down or not, at a mere 500 feet, he slams stick and rudder, standing her on her wingtip, wings vertical to the sky –and the p38 snarls behind and past him –still firing, still hitting the second of the 3 tojo –and it joins the first in a blazing trail into the harbour.
He keeps her on its tip –sinking, sinking into his seat, the G forces crushing him –the gear lever is so, so heavy, he gets her around, flashing across the field –and some idiot is shooting at HIM, and suddenly, genuinely frightened, he swings her hard the other way, out over the jungle, and around and behind the mountain of rabual.
What a trucking way to make a living…………

12 Tojos down today
No kills
The Tonies score those 5

47th lose 4 men, 5 planes.
There will be no time for funerals.
The fight will continue.

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Post #: 1121
RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!! - 2/23/2010 7:19:16 AM   


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At last -coming into service!

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Post #: 1122
RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!! - 2/24/2010 9:49:53 AM   


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Hosho is tired
Its been a frantic few days. Soerabaya, Dilli, Kendari

Was Tanaka making progress?. There certaintly had been enough pilots to talk to – Hosho has a fair idea where the bulk of Japans forces are lurking now.
He’d even caught glimpses of battleships – looking a little tattered –but still menacing.

Kendari - a party.
Some GM2 pilots had snuck into Broome harbour last night –and slotted a cruiser –a brave and well executed mission. Drinks all round.
Broome harbour -apparently – was stuffed with ships –as some one suggested – drop a torpedo anywhere near there and it had to hit something.

Still, Hosho has to admire the skill shown.

By now Hosho has started to work Tanaka out –is this coup he plans really for the “Empire” –or was it really to satisfy a revenge for a career cut short?.
Or a mixture of both?
Whatever –both reasons are dangerous enough.

Kendari has another surprise.
A signal for Tanaka
Congratulations on your new command
Battleship Yamato
Report to combined Fleet Tokyo –immediate.

Hosho can only whistle at the news. Then a thought strikes him –one probably racing through tanaka’s mind as well.
Its hard to stir up trouble from the bridge of the flagship –especially with the commander in chief only feet away…………….

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Post #: 1123
RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!! - 2/24/2010 10:26:23 AM   


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Some battles victory –and defeat, come quickly.
Some , the decision comes unexpectantly.
But most battles the decision takes time to reveal itself –often the battle is well decided long before the combatants know it themselves.

So it is today over Rabual

Nakamura begins the day with just 33 Tigers, 21 Swallows, and 11 zeros available – pilots a plenty, planes are a problem –the ground crews simply cannot keep them in the air.

Nakamura cannot put them all up at once – that is madness –with Shortlands operating, carriers stalking –he must try for a continuous defense.

The Allies go for continuous attack.

No massed formations today –just packets of planes rising, fighting, the survivors returning, rising again.
It starts well – 47th leading the way taking down a British hellcat, then the 63rd takes another.

The snarl of engines is faint overhead –and the thousands watching on the ground can only guess who kills who as the long black trails begin to show the dead as they plummet into the sea.

Half an hour later, the first real numbers of hellcats arrive – and now the fight is all over the sky – within 30 minutes, half a dozen tigers are down

By nine Am, the battle seems to die down a bit, and 47th come in to refuel.
A single hellcat races across the field at 500 feet – is he the one who almost got Juni last time? –and he enters the circuit from the opposite direction – attacking head on the Tojos turning into finals, or flaring out.

He takes down five –4 pan caking to ruin, one flipping, stalling, plunging into the very center of the strip.

The Japanese are now no longer fighting, they won’t admit that –now they are in survival mode –and as the numbers decrease –and the Allies increase –the pressure begins to tell.
At midday, 25 P38 sweep in –and now the fight becomes a hunt
The helldivers arrive –and the corsairs – now manned by far better pilots than when they debuted – take revenge –the helldivers need no real escort – by now a mere 8 tigers remain in the air……………..

Mid afternoon –and now the horror begins –the heavy bombers come thundering in –smoke from the burning victims of the helldivers slows them not at all..
Rabual takes a hammering – the first real bombing of the war.
Another wave –and they leave the now usual allied calling card –a tower of smoke, fat, black, wide.
A sign post to Japans future……….

Juni gets shot down.
It’s a terrible fight – a never ending parade of fighters shooting at him, endless avoiding the attacks, futile climbs, desperate rolls, hurried, desperate snap shots.
Too many. Too good. Too fast.

Maybe its exhaustion. Maybe its despair. He goes left and up –when he should have gone down and hard right.

The Corsair only hits with two cannon shells –one throws the entire engine out -the second passes straight through the instrument panel –adding to the engines destruction.

He is sprayed with shrapnel, glass –then oil, hot, hot oil.
Blinded, screaming in pain and shock –and anger, there is nothing for it – he almost lets her throw him clear –, away from the shattering noise and chaos.

Blinded he almost by instinct pulls the rip cord – and mercifully it works.
He is hurt –he knows it –and when the ocean rises up to smash him –there is very little resistance…………

HQ South east Fleet
8th Area Army

In light of Navy withdrawal of all remaining shipping, Rabual – consider it prudent to with draw your Air forces to positions as advised.

Navy thanks you for your co operation.

Losses Rabual today
18 tigers various Sentais – 2 tony
7 enemy claimed
47th sentai – now 15 planes left available –30 pilots
Juni also listed as WIA
47th, and other remnants have retired to Admiralties.

However –the fight is not finished –Japan will try to strike back!

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Post #: 1124
RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!! - 2/25/2010 6:48:54 AM   


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In the Autumn
The great mountain roars
Tears in our eyes



47th sentai awaits its final refugees to escape the dragons maw.
85th sentai is down to 10 men. 87th, 15

Some how 47th can still muster 30 –but most are relying on transports to get here.
Planes are few –and unlikely to be received here in the middle of no where

Juni has the most terrifying flight of his life – eyes bandaged, blind –he has to endure the torture of sitting in the hold of a seaplane –a Mavis –as it skirts the multiple hazards of an evacuation from rabual.
Terrifying, to fly as a passenger, worse, flying blind.

Knowing Miyazuki shares his flight is some comfort –he will look after him, he knows this.

He is told he will recover –given time.
If he gets home to Japan.

Japan. Home. Now there is a thought. But will he be welcomed, or scorned –a defeated man?

That is true terror in Japan in late 43.

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Post #: 1125
RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!! - 2/25/2010 6:50:10 AM   


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From Imperial HQ
Combined Fleet

Initiate SHO GO 1

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Post #: 1126
RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!! - 2/26/2010 4:30:20 AM   


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Just eleven men remain from the 85th. Roughly the same from the 87th.
15 grim unhappy men alight from a transport -47th are still at full strength pilot wise.

A big fat transport sits in the lagoon - and a very welcome sight greets Nakamura - shiny new fuselages are being unloaded, and there appears every chance of rebuilding the units in numbers -if not in spirit.

Along with the fat transport, a half dozen transport planes fly in -and unload a blessing -and a curse -literally dozens of fuzz faced youngsters -uniforms frighteningly fresh -Japans so called trained fighter reserve.
Nakamura grits his teeth -alright -he has trained before -he will train again.

First, most importantly, rebuilding moral. There are too many men with hang dog faces here, too many men with out direction.
He moves towards the HQ of the 87th -Col Kobuki -who has taken this so hard -it is unspoken, but known -some of the men here only live because they ran away..........
He will restore this mans honour first........

He enters the office -and faces carnage
Col Kobuki lies dead, hunched over on the floor -his entrails spilling -the sword still in his stiffening hand.
Col Noguchi stands over him, ashen faced -the pistol at his temple.

"Our shame is too much............"
Nakamura freezes , he speaks, coldly, calmly......." Colonel Nogubichi -I absolutely order you to live -lower that pistol immediately!"

"We ran away. We do not deserve to serve the empire." tears begin to flow -"Col Noguchi has honour......"

"Col Noguchi has honour yes - but he cannot fly a plane for me now -fly or fight -all he can do now -is rot!"

"better planes , more planes. We will have new planes soon. Now stop this foolishness, put down that gun!"

"I'm sorry Sir - we ran away.."
The shot is flat, the results terrible.

Nakamura stares at his dead friends. 'You stupid barsteds.'

he leaves the office, strides to the mess of the 87th.
A dozen men are playing desolutory cards, many bottles are scattered about
"LT Anabuki ! -'

A thin, thin man -stands -he carries the air of a veteran -a veteran who does not care anymore.....
'You are promoted to Major -commander of the 87th! -I want a training program on my desk 0600 hours tomorrow!"
He jabs a finger brutally at the others
'there is a cowardly mess in the HQ -clean it up!"

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Post #: 1127
RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!! - 2/26/2010 4:36:36 AM   


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The enemy have returned to majuro
Just 2 regiments -expecting to find little opposition.
They are right -but what remains fights hard -and the battle rahes into its second day.

For the Army men -a moment passes that will sear them to the day they die.

A row of bunkers -a wide, cleared area in front, swept by machine guns.

The artillery pounds down, plowing the earth, tearing the bunkers apart

And disinterning the thousands of bodies left behind from the last failed invasion.
Japan took no prisoners.....................

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Post #: 1128
RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!! - 2/26/2010 4:40:57 AM   


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Mr Iwaya is drunk

Its been a day he never thought would come.
CV Taiho commissions
The new fighter, the N1k shinden, completes deck qualifications on the same ship
And the last carrier, the Ikoma -commissions tomorrow.

He has done as the empire has asked.
Forged a mighty sword
Now to shatter the allies with it.

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Post #: 1129
RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!! - 2/26/2010 4:48:34 AM   


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Miyazuki, Juni have bothreached siapan
Juni -burns to face, eyelids -will make full recovery -in time
Miyazuki - also will fully recover -both are headed to a naval hospital Hiroshima

(I have no idea how long before the game gives them back)

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Post #: 1130
RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!! - 2/27/2010 7:40:10 AM   


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Nakamura leads 15 tigers North, once again they are headed to manilla -once again the sentais will have to rebuild.

Flying is easy today - a large number of transports are accompanying them, some carrying spares, many personal who escaped from Rabual

The war is -for the moment -receeding behind them.
Nakamura holds the stick with his usual softness.
But his whole arm is shook by tremors -a strange feeling.......................

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Post #: 1131
RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!! - 2/27/2010 9:05:48 AM   


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Extract from Shattering the Sword, A Cantona Production

The fighting at Majuro moved to inevitable climax.
There would be no mercy, could be no mercy.The crime unearhted at majuro infected every man there with an indivisable rage, a rage that as the word spread, passed to the fleet, and swiftly made its way home...........

To now, the Americans had been fighting for, for what -freedom?, democracy ?.But the news, and soon, the photos, of those trenches full of marine dead, gave the great giant something far, far easier to understand...........

As one, a great people unite, and sets itself to the task at hand..............

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Post #: 1132
RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!! - 2/27/2010 9:16:55 AM   


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Mr Iwaya faces Yamamoto.
The great ship is raising its anchor -and the last boat awaits his departure -but he must know, must know the truth

"They murdered all of them?" he can barely comprehend it......

Yamamoto sadly nods -"I knew nothing of it"
"Then, we are doomed"
The great Admiral nods his assent " Even if SHO Go 1 is a success - it willl only delay the inevitable..."
"What a mess"
"What will you do now Iwaya?"
He has to consider -"And this order -it came?"
The Admiral spreads his hands -a gesture -who knows?- "We can guess friend -we live in dangerous times" The Admiral smiles -gestures at the fleet about him " I think I would prefer to face the Americans"
Iwaya laughs "me too"

Iwaya watches the last ship sail, sliding into the mist.
His friend goes to war, the last great hope of Japan.
He will not dally - Mr Iwaya is a practical man, time to begin planning for the unthinkable

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Post #: 1133
RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!! - 2/27/2010 9:23:40 AM   


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Captain Tama is asleep in his bunk -exhausted from no sleep in 72 hrs - the time this troop run has taken to get into rabual, and away.
With the base clear, and Yubari cleaving the water at 32 knots, Truk due tomorrow, he can safely hand the wheel to the ex.

Mercifully -the first torpedoe kills him instantly -better than the slow horrible death of drowning, trapped in the shattered forward half of the cruiser -where the next two torpedoes strike - killing so many.
Yubari simply plows into the ocean, gone in a minute.

The Navy continues to pay the price of "leave no man behind"

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Post #: 1134
RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!! - 2/28/2010 6:29:58 AM   


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The remains of Nakamura's command begin to arrive in Davao

They land, they eat, they find somewhere to fling themselves down.

They sleep.
Sleep brings release from the nightmares that chase many of them............

Tanaka arrives by floatplane alongside the mighty Yamato.
The ships size, is well -daunting.
The formation she sails in -stunning.

Almost in a daze, he is lead up, and up, and up - up to her fighting bridge.
ADM Yamamoto awaits him.

They step out to the observation deck -
'Welcome aboard Tanaka" the voice is flat, level -the eyes, piercing, searching.
"Thankyou Admiral" careful, cautious. The cat approaches the mouse. But who is the mouse?, or are they both just the cheese?
"A good tour of the empire?"
So, he knows that much
"yes -it was.............enlightening" the words hang in the air

Yamamoto stares forward. below, ants line up - men at exercise. God, how big was this ship?
"This ship -this whole squadron is yours Tanaka - if"........

"If I am sure the man who commands it would do anything -and I mean anything" -the eyes search him again -and yes, they are as one " to defend Japan, her people, her way of life"
"I have always put Japan first Admiral"

There is a silence for a while, the Admiral again stares out at the formation around them.
"After your last loss , many, including myself, felt that you should never be given Command again. I have changed my mind. I need a man who will never hesitate to attack - attack his enemies, Japans enemies -and fight to the death."

Tanaka remains silent.
"We have many enemies Tanaka -not all of them are white. But one enemy at a time"

So, we agree. Good

The Admiral has made his decision, for better, for worse. "This is a mighty warship Tanaka, and you are in charge of Japans spear. I intend to deliver you to the heart of the enemy. When you get there -tear it out"

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Post #: 1135
RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!! - 2/28/2010 6:39:19 AM   


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Hosho awaits his passengers on the broad strip at Siapan.
Tanaka is gone, gone to the fleet, but his staff remain. A staff more detirmined than ever to do their duty. There is a vast number in Japan today, who simply cannot understand the rage America feels over Majuro - is it not the dutyu of a warrior to die?, that one who surrenders should not only expect death -but demand it?

Is there no shame in them, surrendering?
The Dictator was correct - there could be no other choice - besides, how do you feed 10000 men on an atoll -deep in enemy territory?
This is war - war to the death.

But Hosho's passengers know there is more to this. A giant is aroused in rightous anger against them - a giant that will never negotiate a settlement -not while herbiesan lives, not while that evil breathes.
So they probe, they argue, they gain support. They risk their lives.
The "tour of Japans munition situation", continues

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Post #: 1136
RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!! - 2/28/2010 6:43:22 AM   


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47th sentai arrive Clarke field.
Nakamura orders a standdown -his command is spread over 1000 miles -he will, needs to wait until it has straggled in.
Miyazuki, Juni arrive Hiroshima hospital.
Juni has the bandages removed -he will recover -he will be uglier than ever -but mercifully, he will still be able to see.
Miyazuki settles into his cot right alongside. This could be a good place. Clean sheets. Food. And nurses. Did we mention the nurses?

Really -did we mention the nurses?

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Post #: 1137
RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!! - 2/28/2010 6:53:55 AM   


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Akagi's bridge

Captain Hara stands beside Nagumo.
Around them, the watch is changing, shadows in the red light. Outside the phosphorous gleams as the great ships steadily cleave their way south.
"latest intelligence estimate Admiral"
'Ahhh-the latest guess captain -lets see, 16 carriers, 32 battleships, a 1000 planes destroyed yesterday I presume?"
Hara smiles in the dark. Nagumo is in fine fettle. His confidence, already sky high climbs just a little more
"hardly sir - but what we have is pretty solid"
'Lets have it"

The enemy task force south of Rabual is withdrawing -prepatory to further offensives - Kavieng deemed likely target, or Gassmatta"
Nagumo snorts -"which would be ideal for us"
"Yes sir -ideal"
Hara refers to the report -'This is pretty solid sir -Enemy identified so far - CV Bunker Hill, 4 CVL, the british CV, several minor CVE, CVL -but 2 more CV may soon rejoin the fleet - Essex should be back online sir"

Nagumo nods. 'The sooner we engage with the enemy -the better. It will be all or nothing Hara -all or nothing"

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Post #: 1138
RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!! - 2/28/2010 7:11:16 AM   


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Seamen Agarshi, Shimto are on watch below.
Ryujo's machinery is a pig -obstinate, smelly, always ready to bite the unwary.
But tonight, it produces steady revolutions, and they can spend the watch easily. It has been a long, long time since they have sailed -and many of the crew are sea sick -still finding sea legs.
Our pair of Stokers smile at the others misfortune, and think of the mornings breakfast.

They have seen the fleet about them -going below holds no fear tonight - no submarine is going to get to them tonight through this lot............

Extract from Shattering the Sword, a Cantona production.

And so, finally, the navy begins it move
we must quickly examine the fleet, and the plan, to fully understand the battles that lie ahead.

Ahead, Admiral Yamaguchi -, 6 CVLs, the 2 CS, 2 heavy cruisers, 7 dds. The search, the spunge -Yamaguchi knows his job, find the enemy carriers, strike with all he has, and absorb the return strike.
60 miles behind, Nagumo -the original 6 carriers of KB, plus Taiho. Taiho will provide CAP with her NK1 fighters, the rest -will strike -much is expected from her experienced pilots.
Then, a further 60 miles behind, the second carrier task group - the 6 new Unryu class -Osawa has his orders - cover the Battleships, get them into striking range -and then strike.
All know these ships pilots lack skill, it is hoped that KB's pilots will have worn down the enemy sufficiently for them to be effective.
The battleships - Tanaka with the Yamato, her sister, Komatsu with the 3 kongo class, and the remaining cruisers.

And hurrying from the east - Juno, Hiyo, the little Hosho, 3cve -and the remaining battle line.

They would gather at Truk - and , to quote Oswa's diary - attack the first damn target that presents itself.
This was SHO GO 1.
Nothing complicated. Nothing eleborate. No evasion. No deception. Simply, find the enemy -and attack.

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Post #: 1139
RE: herbiesan vs Cantona!!! - 3/1/2010 8:04:27 AM   


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Miyazuki is healing well -it will only be a few days and he will be discharged -probably to a reserve unit here in Hiroshima
Juni -a week, maybe more, the burns to his face need more time.
At the moment he looks quite heroic -head swathed in bandages -but finds it strangely embarressing.

The big embarressment comes after lunch- the nurses usher in a rather large school group of very young school children.
They line up in their sailor suits -and sing patriotic songs.

For a while -for juni -its painful, excruciating in fact.
A part of him feels that he shouldn't feel this way -that he should be smiling along with every one else -but something in him just won't allow it.
It feels -feels -so fake. They sing of victory, of steel eagles, of cherry blossoms, little sing song voices rising and falling.
What do they know of victory?
What does anyone here in Japan know of the war?

Its only when they are gone -all those small faces, that it strikes him.
He has seen what the liberators can do to a field. What of this city of wood and straw, bamboo and material?
So, it is a success this visit after all.
Juni knows now -maybe again, but definately now -what they are truly fighting for.........

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