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Understanding the Economic Model

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Understanding the Economic Model - 4/1/2010 11:12:39 PM   


Posts: 45
Joined: 12/13/2007
Status: offline
Forgot to post this here after uploading the files.

Note there where several small issue but the big one is the economic meltdown after 6-7 years.

Setup Galaxy Size Dwarf Alien Life Young Expansion Young Aggression Normal Research Speed Normal Space Creatures Normal Pirates Normal

Home System Normal Size young Tech Level Basic Government Republic Race Human

2 Empires where added but had no impact on play never saw them. They where set to distant.

Victory conditions (Sand Box mode)


2758.07.19 Start

2759.05.20 All ships Deconstructed and Concussion Beam developed Income at +28711 Buid 4 Explorers

6 Escorts

1 Construction Ship

2759.08.28 First Save (Autarkis1967_1styear) Income +38081 Lots of Freightors being built Fleet not being built there are bays open.

2759.11.15 Scrapped Fleet as it appears to be Phantom not listed in the Starport but showing in fleet menu. Very painful process had to select each ship in fleet menu then exit then scrap.

Would be helpful to give orders from this screen.

2760.0.03 All those new freightors jut sitting around further appears they are the obsolete design not the new one with weapons.Apparantly lost credits from trying to build ships so could only build 4 explorers and 5 escorts to start before running out of credits. Construction ship building just fine at planet.

2760.01.11 2nd Save taken

Think I screwed this save up and may have overwritten one of the 2 saves I have in the directory.

2760.05.28 Income at +33022 lots of spaceport income.

2760.09.22 Gas mining base ordered.

2760.10.14 2nd save taken (Autarkis1967_2ndyear) Due to above error this is named 2nd year.

2761.0.08 Fleet tactics setup wrong for escorts. thier superior firepower is wasted as the are forever running away from pirates and only getting 1 out of 6 weapons fireing. Takes 2 Escorts to take out a pirate one to be cahsed and the other chasing the pirate. Lost Gas Mining station to pirates. Not sure why construction ship didnt fire to protect it. Guess either you build or shoot but not both. Beginning 2nd try at building Gas mining station.

2761.07.27 Construction ship vanished. Nothing about it being under attack it is pretty close to my main

starport to have been attacked. Doesn't show up in fleet or anywhere. Beginning another at -8500 credits.

2761.08.12 3rd save taken (Autarkis1967_3rdyear) Income at +22664 Empire still not expanding due to ship issues escort still in process of being built.

2761.10.12 All escorts finally built (6 added an extra one) Found a destroyer as well all added to fleet 1

2762.02.10 Didn't realize colonies where fully automated planets building colony ships. Colony ships of new design. Construction ship finished and autodeployed to repair a Capitol ships we found (World Annhilator)

2762.04.16 Pirates becoming a nuisance managed to wipe out a pirate base.

2762.09.03 4th save taken (Autarkis1967_4thyear) Income +8055

2762.11.10 Sudden influx of credits. Looks like masive starport gains +36000.

2762.12.21 A new colony founded.

2763.04.32 Lost antoher mining station to pirate attacks.

2763.09.03 Another new colony built. 5th Save taken (Autarkis1967_5thyear) Income +27641

2763.11.09 Began construction of new construction ship since repair the capitol ship is taking so long. Income +54721

2764.01.16 Another station destroyed fleet not close enough to respond.

2764.01.11 Income suddenly at -10680. It appears spaceport income is down and colony taxes can't pay for base maintenance. 6th Save taken (Autarkis1967_6thyear)

2764.04.23 Income came back to +7611.

2765.02.19 Gas mining station attacked again fleet killed 2 pirate ships but not before they wacked it. This station appears like its destined to not be. Started it again. 7th Save taken (Autarkis1967_7thyear) Income +1538

2765.04.25 Was looking at F12 screen and this is the first time Private sector had zero income. They have a large treasury however so this shouldn't be much of a issue. Income 14k with 62k in treasury.

2765.08.19 Killed last visible Pirate base.

2765.4.23 Looks like there is anther base around somewhere as pirate attacks continue.

2766.02.19 8th Save taken (Autarkis1967_8thyear) Income at -22859. Colony tax is only 22k in F12 and almost not starport income although I see lots of private ships moving around.

2766.06.20 Income at -32k Private sector at -32k looks like the economy is on a downward slide.

2761.10.05 Ran into refuel bug ordered fleet 1 to refuel but only does the lead destroyeer then deselects mission tried numerous times. Set to auto and all ships are jumping to another system so perhaps I am out of

fuel at this base.

2767.04.11 Pirates again attacking the 1 Gas mining station (only station left other than starport). managed to save base this time and kill pirate. 9th save taken (Autarkis1967_9thyear) Income -24769

2768.02.26 Another colony made.

2770.04.17 Last save taken (Autarkis1967_10thyear) -25682 income treasury at -26252. Economic Death spiral at this point.

Post #: 1
RE: Understanding the Economic Model - 4/2/2010 12:17:18 AM   


Posts: 3
Joined: 4/1/2010
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I think i figured out what is causing this. Check if there is any resource from which ship are build whit higher galactic demand then galactic stock. High demand increase increase the price of the ships, bases etc. And ship prices increase maintenance cost. All because price of the goods is tied whit galactic demand&supply. I think it should be local resource price for your empire(building, maintenance etc) and global price only then trading.

P.S. Sorry for bad English

(in reply to autarkis1967)
Post #: 2
RE: Understanding the Economic Model - 4/2/2010 5:15:12 AM   

Posts: 768
Joined: 12/6/2009
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I will start with assuming that you patched via the update option from the starting menu?

Next I would ask if you have any monthly deals with pirates. This is the only thing post 1.02 patch to cause economic meltdowns. You will show a positive inflow, but continue to lose money. Also the F12 report does not report any pirate outflows.

So double check your deals with pirates.

(in reply to Nameless)
Post #: 3
RE: Understanding the Economic Model - 4/2/2010 12:04:14 PM   


Posts: 45
Joined: 12/13/2007
Status: offline
There where no deals with Pirates. The report above states any expenses I made such as ship purchases.

(in reply to lordxorn)
Post #: 4
RE: Understanding the Economic Model - 4/3/2010 12:02:01 AM   


Posts: 45
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(in reply to autarkis1967)
Post #: 5
RE: Understanding the Economic Model - 4/3/2010 10:08:51 AM   

Posts: 3597
Joined: 9/10/2007
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Please feel free to upload your savegame autarkis1967, and we can take a look at this and advise what's happening.

Thanks Elliot

(in reply to autarkis1967)
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