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Is this game any good? Should I buy it?

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All Forums >> [Current Games From Matrix.] >> [World War II] >> Uncommon Valor - Campaign for the South Pacific >> Is this game any good? Should I buy it? Page: [1]
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Is this game any good? Should I buy it? - 7/16/2002 10:32:02 AM   
Mark Ezra


Posts: 340
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From: Jasmin Ranch, Acton CA
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I'm starting this thread so current players may express their views to newcomers to this UV and this site.

First: UV is an outstanding, hyptonic game that will keep you up past several bedtimes. LOL With it's huge scope and tremendous detail you can really learn what it was like to command in the Pacific. The game is easy to learn but with it's depth and intensity you should know you'll want to take time to master. I'm currrently playing 3 PBEM's and I can barely wait for the next turn to come in. Will my plan work, will I catch em...or will a rain squall, sneaky sub or lucky scout plane screw up my little master piece.

Should you buy this? I ALMOST DIDN"T!!! I thought it really wasn't for me. I hadn't played this style of game much and never ocean going. Had it not been for my CM PBEM friends Rick and Max I may have literally missed the boat...Look...this damned thing is great if you don't have a Rick or Max to push you then let me help you: Get!! If you don't believe me then just read the next post....
Post #: 1
re:uv worth it - definetly yes - 7/16/2002 10:52:27 AM   


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Having just finished my first Allied campaign, started a campaign as the Japanese - and embarked on a PBEM game of a scenario - prior to a campaign - I have certainly got my money's worth out of this jewel. UV totally captures the flavor of the desperate flow of the early battles and then as the tide turns, the nice feeling of power as the Allied juggernaut rolls up the Solomons - but that juggernaut has a glass jaw at times - as I learned when the Japanese AI handed me a good sharp blow to the nose on more than one occasion. The continual support that has occured also has me more than satisified with the game. My hat is off to Matrix and 2by3 for a superb job and the continuing support.

(in reply to Mark Ezra)
Post #: 2
- 7/16/2002 10:54:53 AM   


Posts: 2524
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From: Chico,california
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Well I knew I had to have this game since I was an avid PacWar player but actually I wish I had started with this game first as it is so easy to play and the turns actually go fairly quickly. It is not a pushover as mark just recently showed me in our pbem game. It is a first rate naval game and reading the threads tells me we have some guys out there who know their stuff. I know alot of the players like to play the AI which is extremely aggressive but I prefer the pbem mode and this game really shines when both players are hunting each others CVs. Great stuff Matrix!

(in reply to Mark Ezra)
Post #: 3
- 7/16/2002 12:24:19 PM   


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From: Frankfurt, Deutschland
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Agreed a great game and a must have for wargamers and fans of the pacific war. And you have to mention that it really only start to shine in PBEM.

(in reply to Mark Ezra)
Post #: 4
- 7/16/2002 12:37:52 PM   
Rob Roberson


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Forums tend to overemphasize the one or two bad things in any game. THis one...has them....

[SIZE=3]But it has a million awesome things[/SIZE]

so buy it buy it now!


(in reply to Mark Ezra)
Post #: 5
- 7/16/2002 1:21:05 PM   

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From: Wollondilly, Sydney
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I have had zero interest in matters nautical. But I love wargames.

I was apprehensive about buying a naval wargame but I am enjoying this game immensely. It is worth every cent.

It’s a great game.

(in reply to Mark Ezra)
Post #: 6
- 7/16/2002 1:56:32 PM   


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Believe me, if this game sucked there would be far fewer arguements about it, and those that were engaged in would be of ludicrously poor quality.

Grognards don't argue over a game that isn't worth arguing over. This one is.


Last time I checked, the forums were messed up. ;)

(in reply to Mark Ezra)
Post #: 7
- 7/16/2002 3:02:56 PM   

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[COLOR=red][SIZE=4]*****WARNING!!!!*****[/SIZE] [/COLOR]

This game will suck you in, to the point where you will forget to eat for days on end, your wife will forget who that man is in the study, your kids conplain that they have been abandoned, and you will look for any excuse to leave work early, or not even turn up! When you go to bed you will dream of ships and aircraft, Glen Miller will become your music of choice, and you will only drink Coke out of glass bottles.

Life will forever more be known to you as "Before UV" and "After UV".


Never argue with an idiot, he will only drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

(in reply to Mark Ezra)
Post #: 8
- 7/16/2002 4:38:55 PM   
Rob Roberson


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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Raverdave
[B][COLOR=red][SIZE=4]*****WARNING!!!!*****[/SIZE] [/COLOR]

This game will suck you in, to the point where you will forget to eat for days on end, your wife will forget who that man is in the study, your kids conplain that they have been abandoned, and you will look for any excuse to leave work early, or not even turn up! When you go to bed you will dream of ships and aircraft, Glen Miller will become your music of choice, and you will only drink Coke out of glass bottles.

Life will forever more be known to you as "Before UV" and "After UV". [/B][/QUOTE]

Preach on my brother..

ITs 2:30 in the morning...Im analyzing the latest move from yea in 6 hours...thank god the football season doesnt start for two more wife now brings my dinner into my study...good wife..I may give her a battlefield commision or something...sleep I dont sleep anymore I dream of P40s..subs....

(in reply to Mark Ezra)
Post #: 9
- 7/16/2002 5:54:16 PM   


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From: Out in the Sticks of Rockingham County, North Caro
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I too must praise this game. It is the only wargame I have made time for, CM has been shelved, that is how good it is.

Concerning all the bug and concerns posts; just look at the variety of the threads, the number of posts, the effort put into many of the posts, and the reader base of those posts.

The quality and quantity of the posts, some critical, is a strong indicator of how much this game is being enjoyed.

Excellent game.

(in reply to Mark Ezra)
Post #: 10
Gary - 7/16/2002 6:50:44 PM   


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Gary and company are they only people coding true wargames.
There it is. If you like wargames this is the only one your gonna see. Is it good? Compared to what?

The only comparison is to Gary's other efforts.

would I pay 200$ for it? NO
would I pay 50$ for it YES

I am not in the habit of rubberstamping games. If you have any interest in the genre get the game.

(in reply to Mark Ezra)
Post #: 11
- 7/16/2002 9:35:35 PM   
Admiral DadMan

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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Mark Ezra

[B]Is this game any good?[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=BLUE][SIZE=4]*****YES!!!!*****[/SIZE] [/COLOR]

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Mark Ezra

[B]Should I buy it? [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=BLUE][SIZE=4]*****YES!!!!*****[/SIZE] [/COLOR]

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Raverdave

[COLOR=red][SIZE=4]*****WARNING!!!!*****[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
This game will suck... you in, to the point where you will forget to eat for days on end, your wife will forget who that man is in the study, your kids complain that they have been abandoned, and you will look for any excuse to leave work early, or not even turn up! When you go to bed you will dream of ships and aircraft, Glen Miller will become your music of choice, and you will only drink Coke out of glass bottles.

Life will forever more be known to you as "Before UV" and "After UV". [/B][/QUOTE]When I start my new job in a few weeks, I'm going to have to adjust to my biggest concern being not getting caught in the commuter express lane of rush hour traffic, as opposed to getting caught by a Tokyo Express @ PM/Lunga (take your pick)

Originally, I wasn't going to bother with UV. I was just going to keep playing SSI/Grigsby/Matrix's PacWar until the release next year of "War in the Pacific: The Struggle Against Japan", but something caught me about UV. I'm not even sure what it was, maybe that it could be regarded as a microcosim of WitP . The more I read about it, the more I looked at it, and I became attached, and that was the end (or beginning) of it.

It's not perfect. It is a victim of our desire that it be so. What I find truly incredible is the level of SUPPORT this game gets, from us Grogs, and from Matrix/2x3. There is only one other game company/publisher that I have worked with/purchased from that has responded as they have.

The bottom line is that people are different. We all have our differing tastes, opinions, and experiences. Keep in mind that this forum is to identify/test/prove our theories of what we each view as true.

If you're expecting SimCity, Railroad Tycoon, Starfleet Command, Kings's Quest, Carriers at War, Silent Service II, etc. (all of which are sitting on my shelf above my desk here, and were addictive in their day), you won't find that here. What you will find is a game that looks to take historcal properties/conditions and allow players to enact a-historical theories. And boy do we...


Scenario 127: "Scraps of Paper"
(> <)

CVB Langley:

(in reply to Mark Ezra)
Post #: 12
a reluctant no - NOW YES - 7/16/2002 10:30:42 PM   

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From: San Diego, CA
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Two weeks ago I would have said yes, this is a great wargame and worthy of your money and time. Then after some more serious play and encountering flaws in the air to ship combat system (see B17 thread), I ceased play. I have even considered selling my copy. Recent comments by Joel Billings offer hope of a patch that may correct the problems encountered. Time will tell.

If you like lots of detail and the ability to kill lots of evil Japanese in a fantasy world resembling WW2, this game is for YOU! Pass the ammo and pop another nip, ooo-rah! "jingoisitic mode" OFF

Personally, I am looking forward to War In the Pacific much more. My talents and interests have always been strategic rather than tactical.

EDIT: I can recommend this game because the Matrix/2by3 staff support the game and issue patches promptly. Some of the players on the other hand wear blinders when serious issues are raised about uberbombers winning the war single handedly. Good to see the designers are rational and unbiased. The game is first-rate and will provide you many MANY hours of enjoyment. :cool:

(in reply to Mark Ezra)
Post #: 13
Re: a reluctant no - 7/17/2002 12:47:28 AM   


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From: Bristol, UK
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by brisd
[B]Two weeks ago I would have said yes, this is a great wargame and worthy of your money and time. Then after some more serious play and encountering flaws in the air to ship combat system (see B17 thread), I ceased play. I have even considered selling my copy. Recent comments by Joel Billings offer hope of a patch that may correct the problems encountered. Time will tell.

If you like lots of detail and the ability to kill lots of evil Japanese in a fantasy world resembling WW2, this game is for YOU! Pass the ammo and pop another nip, ooo-rah! "jingoisitic mode" OFF

Personally, I am looking forward to War In the Pacific much more. My talents and interests have always been strategic rather than tactical. [/B][/QUOTE]

This reply is a perfect example of the folks who don't like the game. The facts of this (AFAIK) are:
- B17's appear to be effective anti-shipping weapons at low level, and don't get too much flak damage. I have not yet encountered this issue.
- the same is true of Betty's, but no one complains about that (admittedly they are shorter range so easier to hide from)
- B17's are rare in the early game, so it isn't an issue there
- No one has yet proved that it is unhistorical, merely that it didn't happen (B17's at 1000-3000ft, not skip bombing)
- Matrix/2by3 are looking at the issue, and whilst it may not be planned in a patch yet, other issues certainly can be
- it can VERY easily be fixed by a house rule 'No B17 raids below 6000ft' (the AI never does anyway, so not an issue)

End summary, the the game is very good, but you will see a few people identify things that are 'game breakers'. I have yet to agree with one of these. Have fun


I have a cunning plan, My Lord

(in reply to Mark Ezra)
Post #: 14
Re: Re: a reluctant no - 7/17/2002 1:29:37 AM   


Posts: 29
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From: Frankfurt, Deutschland
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by HMSWarspite

This reply is a perfect example of the folks who don't like the game. The facts of this (AFAIK) are:
- B17's appear to be effective anti-shipping weapons at low level, and don't get too much flak damage. I have not yet encountered this issue.
- the same is true of Betty's, but no one complains about that (admittedly they are shorter range so easier to hide from)
- B17's are rare in the early game, so it isn't an issue there
- No one has yet proved that it is unhistorical, merely that it didn't happen (B17's at 1000-3000ft, not skip bombing)
- Matrix/2by3 are looking at the issue, and whilst it may not be planned in a patch yet, other issues certainly can be
- it can VERY easily be fixed by a house rule 'No B17 raids below 6000ft' (the AI never does anyway, so not an issue)

End summary, the the game is very good, but you will see a few people identify things that are 'game breakers'. I have yet to agree with one of these. Have fun [/B][/QUOTE]

Well B-17's B25's etc arent supposed to use the norden bombsight below 5000 feet they did so he has a point. Bettys get shot up fast you cant even compare the two.

Anyway i dont see a problem here since they already said it will be fixed like almost all toher issues.

(in reply to Mark Ezra)
Post #: 15
- 7/17/2002 2:40:27 AM   


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EVERYONE needs to buy this game.

Yes, there are some issues, but Matrix is committed to providing great support. What other software company would put out 2 patches (soon 3) in such a short time. And most of these patches fixed how the ships and planes interacted and how the combat routines worked, not really bugs in how the game run. I have games with worse bugs than UV that have never had any patches made for them.

(in reply to Mark Ezra)
Post #: 16
- 7/17/2002 10:22:09 AM   


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Personally I haven't seen any of the issues that are being harped on so much. I haven't tried to exploit the bomber problem and no one has against me either. Thus, I'm not sure how bad that is.

I must say that I love this game. It is definitely Gary Grigsby's best and I've pretty much liked all his games. It has all the detail that his games have always had, but it's quite a bit easier to play than most of his titles. You get the best of both worlds.

BTW, I'm the Rick that Mark mentioned in his first message, so you can see that I stand behind my word enough that I'll reccomend UV to friends.

(in reply to Mark Ezra)
Post #: 17
the best? - 7/17/2002 11:04:51 AM   


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Err I must object:

Alot of people like Kampfpanzer?

But it would be very hard to beat 'Gettysburg the Turning Point'
for accuracy of the genre it still stands unchallenged winner.
Hands down.

(in reply to Mark Ezra)
Post #: 18
- 7/17/2002 11:08:21 AM   


Posts: 2524
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From: Chico,california
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What memories. I must have played Gettysburg a thousand times from evey angle. Shiloh was pretty good too.

(in reply to Mark Ezra)
Post #: 19
- 7/17/2002 11:31:31 AM   


Posts: 41
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From: Clovis California
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The game rocks its as simple as that...but I am really waiting for War in the Pacific as I like the big scale better :-)....but until then UV is the #1 game at my house and the only one I play :D


****FUTURE 4 STAR****

(in reply to Mark Ezra)
Post #: 20
- 7/18/2002 11:02:32 AM   


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From: Kansas
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The game is good.


SW Episode 2:Good movie, bad love story

Happiness is the only good. The time to be happy is now. The place to be happy is here. The way to be happy is to make others so.

(in reply to Mark Ezra)
Post #: 21
- 7/18/2002 2:10:15 PM   


Posts: 16
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From: Arkansas
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I purchased this game because it had Grigsby's name attached to it. As purchased, the game is unplayable, and a historical joke. It may be playable after this next patch; we will see.
I note there is an entire screen of the names of all the playtesters in the credits. Where were they? Most of the flaws in this game should have been caught long before the game reached the market. How could they have "tested" this game and not seen all the defects that the threads have shown were there!
I will wait for the next patch; it that doesn't make the game work, I'm gone. I didn't pay 50 bucks to spend my time patching and repatching a wargame every week.

(in reply to Mark Ezra)
Post #: 22
- 7/18/2002 5:35:58 PM   


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[QUOTE]Originally posted by arkansasbob
[B]I purchased this game because it had Grigsby's name attached to it. As purchased, the game is unplayable, and a historical joke. It may be playable after this next patch; we will see.
I note there is an entire screen of the names of all the playtesters in the credits. Where were they? Most of the flaws in this game should have been caught long before the game reached the market. How could they have "tested" this game and not seen all the defects that the threads have shown were there!
I will wait for the next patch; it that doesn't make the game work, I'm gone. I didn't pay 50 bucks to spend my time patching and repatching a wargame every week. [/B][/QUOTE]

CHILL OUT! What game are you playing???? "unplayable"? "Historical Joke"? Your statements are a joke.

(in reply to Mark Ezra)
Post #: 23
- 7/18/2002 5:37:22 PM   
Rob Roberson


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[QUOTE]Originally posted by arkansasbob
[B]I purchased this game because it had Grigsby's name attached to it. As purchased, the game is unplayable, and a historical joke. It may be playable after this next patch; we will see.
I note there is an entire screen of the names of all the playtesters in the credits. Where were they? Most of the flaws in this game should have been caught long before the game reached the market. How could they have "tested" this game and not seen all the defects that the threads have shown were there!
I will wait for the next patch; it that doesn't make the game work, I'm gone. I didn't pay 50 bucks to spend my time patching and repatching a wargame every week. [/B][/QUOTE]

unplayable? huh? Oh wait...he's from arkansas that explains everything.

I'm not sure what game you are playing, but before you make a statement like "historical joke", you might actually want to play a few hundred turns of it. The only thing it doesn't get right is the skip bombing issue, and that is about to be solved. Everything else is **** close. Unplayable :mad:

(in reply to Mark Ezra)
Post #: 24
- 7/18/2002 11:15:42 PM   

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From: Toulouse, France
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The answer is easy : don't buy this game if you're married :D

'nuff said ;)


(in reply to Mark Ezra)
Post #: 25
- 7/18/2002 11:59:53 PM   

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From: Denial Aisle
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Make sure you have a long attention span. To play the 600 trn scenario could take decades.


(in reply to Mark Ezra)
Post #: 26
- 7/19/2002 1:24:31 AM   

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[QUOTE]Originally posted by arkansasbob
[B]I purchased this game because it had Grigsby's name attached to it. As purchased, the game is unplayable, and a historical joke. It may be playable after this next patch; we will see.
I note there is an entire screen of the names of all the playtesters in the credits. Where were they? Most of the flaws in this game should have been caught long before the game reached the market. How could they have "tested" this game and not seen all the defects that the threads have shown were there!
I will wait for the next patch; it that doesn't make the game work, I'm gone. I didn't pay 50 bucks to spend my time patching and repatching a wargame every week. [/B][/QUOTE]

Has there ever been any wargame that didn't have flaws in it that needed addressing after the fact? either in historical data or in the code itself?

I seem to recall a certain very popular "The operational Art of war" that was revealed to have a **serious** flaw in it along with others that led to cries among the Internet community. This led to a series of patches that later fixed the problem and made it even more playable(by all accounts....i've yet to aquire a much time playing Steel Panthers and now UV ;) ) But OaoW was and remains one of the most popular wargames of recent times, and won many an award.

So i think your being very harsh in your judgement. Designing and researching a wargame is a tough job, not just because of the myriad of "facts" available to be picked up but in all the differing ways those facts can be interpreted as well.

The true blessing here is that this and these wargames produced here are published by a company that truely listens, and listens well to the feedback of the players and promptly patches up the product which only leads to a good game getting even better.

Give it a chance.

For all the other fence sitters.....BUY A COPY

no , buy Two copies

do it now.


(in reply to Mark Ezra)
Post #: 27
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