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Re: Re: Re: Re: Conservative Play, Will often Pay

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Conservative Play, Will often Pay - 7/19/2002 2:33:49 AM   


Posts: 2008
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Didz


As for players howling because they can't do something they feel they ought to be able to do. Well we get that now anyway and TBH I'm probably one of the worst offenders. [/B][/QUOTE]

Amen to that!!:D :cool:

(in reply to Michael Peck)
Post #: 31
Re: Re: POLL: How many losses have you taken? - 7/19/2002 2:47:48 AM   


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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Nikademus


The points issue is another sticky one. Personally i never pay much attention to "points" because in the real world there were no "points".......the only condition(s) that matter are real world conditions.....have i held the line......did i successfully defend my bases.....take the enemy bases....sink his major warships....etc etc

Since the player is not going to be "pulled" by a higher power as in real life there's probably little that can be done short of implementing a set of harsh conditional/situational rules that will probably piss off more players than it pleases. ............[/B][/QUOTE]

But you see, the points to some extent represent you being pulled. If your opponent has twice as many points as you then you can pretty much assume that you would have been pulled IRL. But for game purposes (PBEM) that would just end the game cause there is no one to replace you. I think the auto victory conditions in UV are reasonable because they allow you to lose some and still make a comeback.

Here's an idea Matrix could put in: if at any time your losses are greater than a certain percentage (a sliding scale based on some sort of historical time table) then the AI takes over your position for a certain amount of turns (maybe like one month). At the end of that time - if you have not totally lost - then you get command back again. That way two rash players may have the AI smooth things out for a month before they can get back into action. This would simulate the high command pulling you.

O.K. a lame idea, but it might make you more cautious in your play.:)

(in reply to Michael Peck)
Post #: 32
Re: Re: Re: POLL: How many losses have you taken? - 7/19/2002 3:58:24 AM   
Robert Roberson


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I also pretty much ignore the points...I think of it similiar to how I use to play EU2.

Did I accomplish my goals, hold the territory, deny the enemy?

If so, then I won. Even if I paid a heavy price at the end of the day in terms of units.

I recently finished a great PBEM with Gus. IT was the Guadalcanal scenario. He won by points. I held Guadalcanal. To me that was more important.

Rob (at work)

(in reply to Michael Peck)
Post #: 33
Re: Re: Re: POLL: How many losses have you taken? - 7/19/2002 4:48:00 AM   

Posts: 25684
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by dpstafford
[B]Colonel Sanders, thy name is "chicken". [/B][/QUOTE]


Dem's figtin werds.

Com'here an say that


(in reply to Michael Peck)
Post #: 34
Re: Re: Re: Re: POLL: How many losses have you taken? - 7/19/2002 4:51:14 AM   

Posts: 1910
Joined: 5/26/2002
From: Colbert Nation
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Nikademus

Dem's figtin werds.

Com'here an say that
[/B][/QUOTE]At dawn then......pick your fleet.


(in reply to Michael Peck)
Post #: 35
Hmmmm..... - 7/19/2002 7:41:48 AM   
Ron Saueracker

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I find that if you choose a ship availability level much lower than 100%, attitudes change drastically.


Yammas from The Apo-Tiki Lounge. Future site of WITP AE benders! And then the s--t hit the fan

(in reply to Michael Peck)
Post #: 36
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: POLL: How many losses have you taken? - 7/19/2002 11:32:26 AM   

Posts: 25684
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by dpstafford
[B]At dawn then......pick your fleet. [/B][/QUOTE]

very well......i choose, a fleet of Star Destroyers with the SSD 'Executor' as my flagship.

the Force (in this case......Bill's Windows' O/S) will not help you. Muuuuuwhahahahha

(actually in all seriousness.....i'm lookin to play a PBEM if one doesn't mind a one per day turn sequence....that and me being unavailable for the first two weeks of Augest)

(in reply to Michael Peck)
Post #: 37
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: POLL: How many losses have you ... - 7/19/2002 9:45:29 PM   

Posts: 1910
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From: Colbert Nation
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Nikademus
very well......i choose, a fleet of Star Destroyers with the SSD 'Executor' as my flagship.

the Force (in this case......Bill's Windows' O/S) will not help you. Muuuuuwhahahahha

(actually in all seriousness.....i'm lookin to play a PBEM if one doesn't mind a one per day turn sequence....that and me being unavailable for the first two weeks of Augest) [/B][/QUOTE]
Well. Why don't you and/or "uncle" Bill get back to after your vacation. I wouldn't want to ruin that for you.


(in reply to Michael Peck)
Post #: 38
Re: Re: Re: Re: POLL: How many losses have you taken? - 7/19/2002 10:34:29 PM   


Posts: 2008
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Robert Roberson
[B]I also pretty much ignore the points...I think of it similiar to how I use to play EU2.

Did I accomplish my goals, hold the territory, deny the enemy?

If so, then I won. Even if I paid a heavy price at the end of the day in terms of units.

I recently finished a great PBEM with Gus. IT was the Guadalcanal scenario. He won by points. I held Guadalcanal. To me that was more important.

Rob (at work) [/B][/QUOTE]

Well, in EU II things were more wide open and even though the playing field was not entirely level it was closer than in UV. The VPs in EU II are not as relevent to the game as are the VPs in UV.

It is good that you thought you accomplished your goals by holding Guadalcanal. But the points say that in the long run you did more harm than good. It is the same as the "this is the last turn so **** the torpedoes..." syndrome. IOW you won the battle but lost the war.:)

(in reply to Michael Peck)
Post #: 39
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