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RE: Choices

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RE: Choices - 4/15/2010 6:52:29 PM   

Posts: 7336
Joined: 6/25/2002
From: Chicago, Illinois
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Landing at Diamond Harbor, it looks to me like you can get stuck easily at Calcutta. You need to have at least 3 Divisions prepped for Calcutta and NOT Diamond Harbor (where you shouldn't face more than a Bde or so).

Chittagong is easier to get ashore, except for the CD gun unit there is nasty if you don't plan for that. It's not as "deep" as Calcutta, but I don't think in any case you will cut-off the units in NE India. They will escape. It's the ones in Burma that are in trouble.


(in reply to PresterJohn001)
Post #: 361
A Japanese BB is sunk - 4/15/2010 7:28:40 PM   

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Jan 2: A BB is sunk!

KX is still one hex due east of Camranh Bay as BB Hyuga makes her way again to finish repairs at the large shipyard at Kong Kong. She gets her second torpedo hit of the war.
I had BB Hyuga set to "meet and merge" with more escorts on her way to Hong Kong. In the afternoon she had headed back to Camranh Bay and runs over KX for the final time as she is hit with another 2 torpedoes and sunk. I should have been more patient and sent the escorts back to base and reformed the TF before sending it out and used the "waypoints" to move 1 hex NE and stayed in a coastal hex to avoid KX.

KB2 is exactly midway between Makassar and Koepang (5 hexes from each).
Mini-KB is 2 SW of Ambon.

Taiping - 28th Gurkha Brigade is again the target of ground attacks. Some Zero sweep in to ensure the skies are clear. Over 50 Sally come in to hit the troops. Then, the remaining 29 Sally hit the RAF Base Force.

Singapore - 45 Lily hit the AF to prevent fort building.

Batavia - Zero escort in 61 Nell/Betty to sink two AMc in port.
Brunei falls!

Bataan - Zero escort in Mabel to hit the AF. Sally and Lily come in unmolested. the afternoon attack by Betty from Takao hit the AF.

SRA (East):
Kendari - 9 Zero are on CAP over the base when 5(1) B-17D Fortress (appear to be from Soerabaja) attempt to hit the transports unloading supplies. xAK Keiyo Maru avoids being hit. A second wave of 4 B-17D Fortress miss xAK Kumagawa Maru (hopefully the zeros did just enough to ruin their aim).

Koepang - 7 Zero from Mini-KB operating just to the SW of Ambon sweep in to find 10(0) 75A-7 Hawk on CAP. In the afternoon, KB2 (which had moved one day east after hitting Soerabaja) sends in 34 Zero to escort in 23 Val to find 5(2) 75A-7 Hawk to sink xAK Egra with 7 bomb hits. 32 Zero are on CAP over KB2 when a surprise strike of 9(4) Fulmar II escorting in 32(20) SBD-3 Dauntless from the base. Both of these types are CV types moved to a shore AF. The SBDs are from CV Saratoga!

Japanese Ships
BC Hiei
CV Shokaku
BC Kirishima
CV Amagi
CV Akagi

I have the 38th Division one day march out of Singapore. The 14th Army will arrive at Bataan next turn (whenever we get the turn back ). Thus, I will launch deliberate/shock attacks at both bases.

The DBs from Sara showed a total loss of 38 planes. Since this was FOW info, i would say that it will take two months to re-train those pilots to be able to be useful. That CV is effectively out of the war unless they want to use the TBs only.

The lose of a BB hurts and it shows that there are still more lessons to learn.

KB2 and Mini-KB will move due east of Lautem to support the landings.

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by ny59giants -- 4/15/2010 7:30:14 PM >

(in reply to PresterJohn001)
Post #: 362
RE: A Japanese BB is sunk - 4/15/2010 7:37:34 PM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
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From: La Salle, Colorado
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Been waiting for Michael to Post on these topics:

1.  Those SBDs were dropped off and the CV is somewhere.  We suspect Perth perhaps...  This is an interesting decision to move those planes there.  I can understand not wanting to lose the CV but losing her aircraft is fairly serious too.

2.  The lose of that BB SUCKS.  Talk about doing what you don't want through orders.  Frustrating to watch.

My KB movement put the CVs 8 hexes from Sydney and they didn't LAUNCH!  Grrr...  My Vals took off and sank an AKL.  The cat-is-out-of-the-bag here but I decide, with executive advise, to move between Brisbane and Sydney to pick-off anything that try to flee south from Sydney while still planning a Port Attack.  Might be a highly interesting round of action down there.


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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(in reply to ny59giants)
Post #: 363
RE: A Japanese BB is sunk - 4/15/2010 10:09:43 PM   

Posts: 906
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Yeah, that is a real loss. The modernized Ise's are the best of your old BB's, because unlike the Kongo's they've got respectable armour. The dutch subs can be a real pain.

Look forward to seeing how things go in that raid...


(in reply to John 3rd)
Post #: 364
RE: A Japanese BB is sunk - 4/15/2010 10:25:39 PM   

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If you look up my AAR Spam vs Saki its on page 2 now, I did the landing in India at Diamond harbor in March and was able to trap and kill off a lot of India forces. Thus slowing his reconquest which resulted in Japanese autovictory at the end of 42 with 4 to 1 plus score.

In my other game where I am allied my opponent did the exact same thing except he landed at Chitagong then dropped para's to cut the raillines to the NE (very smart on his part). Unfortunatly for him and fortunate for me, I had some units there (accidently in transit ) which stopped the attempt to cutoff. I was aware of the danger due to what I did to Scott, so I quickly backed my units out by rail, and reset the new defensive line. Plus airlifted partials out of Burma so all was not lost.

Back to the original Spam vs Saki game, I landed at Diamond due to my opponent heavily guarding Chittagong I was able to advance out quickly but not able to take Calcutta due to 4x city defense plus his ability to rail in quickly, almost surrouding it I advanced out and cutoff and destroyed his armies to the east as I left only 2 divisions guarding calcutta. I can tell you the resources from the area just north flowed from there to Rangoon down to Singapore without me having to ship once I cleared all of Burma and the India territory to the east.

The resources alone plus destroyed troops make it worthwile. As Q-Ball my mention I was greatly overextended and open to attack but my navy had beaten the allied at sea, so that never materialized.

My other opponent was not able to bag many troops and has since been pushed out of India and back to Burma. Though he is still in a strong position on the map and in forces.

Good Luck, resources and trapping alone I highly recommend it.

(in reply to JuanG)
Post #: 365
RE: A Japanese BB is sunk - 4/15/2010 11:03:36 PM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
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From: La Salle, Colorado
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Thank you Good Sir.  Sounds llike you had a bit of fun doing all that.


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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(in reply to stldiver)
Post #: 366
RE: Choices - 4/16/2010 1:07:55 AM   


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The most important thing you can do, though the most difficult, is to kill alot of Allies warships, CVs preferably, but cruisers and DDs as well.

Agree thats why Ceylon and multiple operations is the most important to draw him out / and or defeat him . If he wont use him CVs you must punish him for it and attack him where not expected ( ey Sydney is good and Ceylon)


Underdog Fanboy

(in reply to Q-Ball)
Post #: 367
RE: Choices - 4/16/2010 1:10:50 AM   


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ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

Sounds like a bold plan with good potential to me - but just to clarify, bklooste's plan doesn't include a move on Calcutta/Diamond Harbor?

Also, while you're giving thought to this offensive, give nearly an equal amount of thought to where you WANT the Allies to attack you when they finally go on the offensive in late '42 or early '43.  In the place where you WANT them to attack you, create an appearance of weakness (up front) while crafting a nasty web of strong, interlocking bases just to the rear.  That way, once the Allies really commit, they end up getting bogged down in a slow, grinding advance.  In the places where you DON'T want them to attack you create the appearance of strength so that your opponents are persuaded to look elsewhere - to that deceptively weak area.

No , i think Calcutta and Diamond are too risky especially with the CD routine and the compulsary garrison there . Though cutting Calcutta of from the East and West may be a good idea while in your hook for Burma.


Underdog Fanboy

(in reply to Canoerebel)
Post #: 368
RE: Choices - 4/16/2010 1:44:33 AM   

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PP usage for the rest of January is to buy out the 6 x tank rgt at Port Arthur and some of the support LCUs. Then, the 20th Division in Korea will be targeted.

Short hook - I would look at landing at Chittagong vs Diamond Harbor with a secondary at Akyab to have another base close by with para in follow up forces to be used asap. If the British/CommonWealth troops being either destroyed or pushed into China to starve. I'm for taking Calcutta area mainly to stall/push back the Allies in this area and gain whatever HI stockpile I can get from there.

< Message edited by ny59giants -- 4/16/2010 1:45:53 AM >

(in reply to bklooste)
Post #: 369
RE: Choices - 4/16/2010 2:10:21 AM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
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SEE what I mean???  I shoot for the moon and get ALLLLLLL excited and pulls me back down....sigh...


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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(in reply to ny59giants)
Post #: 370
RE: Choices - 4/16/2010 2:13:31 AM   


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I would definitely not go Ceylon first. That will make the possibility of a landing at Diamond Harbor seem much more possible, and he may plan accordingly.

Right now it looks like you're not that interested in the Bay of Bengal; keep it that way, until you come in force. The "Hook" is much more effective if you catch the Allies by surprise, which means catching the defenses unprepared, and troops shoved forward into Burma.

Disagree in early 42 , agree after April.

1. India has nothing at this time just enough for Garrison + the nomal Burma force
2. DIamond Harbour may be too risky anway (CD guns and a high AV garrison force next door) , with Ceylon out of the picture he is less likely to put significant forces there. I preffer the smaller ports as most of the Calcutta forces are stuck as a garrsion ( the air field will be a major pain though). And can you support your offensive through the smaller ports.
3. The attack on Ceylon failing is ok if he commits too many forces ( not that he has them) . The goal is the ships. If he has all his units in Ceylon just take a port and invade India :-)
4. Once his forces are in Burma ( which is happening now ) he will commit his forces , if he pulls them out and sits in Calcutta then my suggestion is to reinforce the South India diversion attack and he will loose most of India. Just like you NZ diversion. Remember he has few forces at this time. You then have a nasty garrison issue and Burma becomes India which is a nice war to have in early 42..
5. In both cases ( him reinforcing Calcutta) you will take Burma but with Ceylon you may get some Capital ships.
6. Ceylon will support your new Caladonia invasion by helping to cut of Oz a bit more.
7. Reinforcing Calcutta would be very risky unless he gives up Ceylon. ( not a good trade IMHO)

With his sig int you can make a complete invasion of India look very probable ( use your Manchurian divs) this would make reinforcing Calcutta very it would be sieged.

It comes down to a massive attack on Calcutta which he will prob know due to sig int or a number of smaller attacks which include Ceylon . The key is what size operation can you sustain through the smaller ports east ( or even West) of Calcutta , splitting his incomming forces with South India And Ceylon would seem less risky though more grand to me.


Underdog Fanboy

(in reply to Q-Ball)
Post #: 371
RE: Choices - 4/16/2010 2:38:57 AM   


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Agree with Michael on Chitagong & Akyab vs  Diamond harbour  ,  I think a small hook will do but Ceylon and ships are more important !  Normally i wouldnt be this aggresisve but you need to pull his Head out ( CVs) before they get better planes this is not a normal mod and all his CVs teaming up in mid 42 is BAD.


Phase1:(Start Feb)
So some BBs on Pacific defence Pacific duties between Truk and Marshals.

Mini KB , Timor and Bataan forces ( +Maybe rabaul) + KB 1 tasked with Java and Darwin , Mini KB attacks and KB1 comes around behind Java to get the fleeing ships  ( this can net you a LOT of ships i have seen 10 tankers and 10 APs and 30 or so AKs) and then help the landings. Once KB1 is spotted Mini KB heads to the pacific. ( with some Netties , Daities of Zeroes and the BBs it will be a decent force)

Burma forces go slow invading . ( as per Johns plan )

Singapore forces go to Ceylon with KB 2.  Time is more important than preperation here.
Malay troops after clean up of Malaysia take Palambang
Darwin is taken

Phase 2 ( march to April)
John makes lots of noise forum about taking India is /should be possible and lots of unit prep for ports in India and Oz.
Malaya forces when Ceylon is taken quickly land at Chittagong & Akyab. Paras cut of the rail . Push into Burma is harder.
Evaluate a landing West of Calcutta to seige it and  help the hooks supply.
landing in South india from Ceylon 

Phase 3 ( Start ~June) pull most of the troops back and crush Southern and Northern China esp with the Burma supply issues. The allies wont have the troops yet to launch a major offensive ( esp after losses) though you could loose some places in the Pacific ( who cares ...) . Use Divisions in CHina to lead the attacks and once decimated buy them out . The idea is to take a lot of the forces out of China to make a nasty perimiter and to hurt him enough so he cant launch major offensives in CHna opeing the rail to Vietnam is also nice to ship resources and units around.

< Message edited by bklooste -- 4/16/2010 2:54:27 AM >


Underdog Fanboy

(in reply to bklooste)
Post #: 372
RE: Choices - 4/16/2010 2:44:07 AM   


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re Manchuria and home islands i wouldnt buy the armour yet ...My list in order would be

1. redeployable CD  guns  ( though it can wait a few months)
2. Air support and Daitai especially recon / Nav search capable.
3. 75mm+ AA guns
4. Heavy Art
5. Armour
6. Art & high exp infantry.


Underdog Fanboy

(in reply to bklooste)
Post #: 373
1-3-42 - 4/16/2010 10:58:34 AM   
John 3rd

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As we discuss High Strategy the war does go on...

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Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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(in reply to bklooste)
Post #: 374
RE: 1-3-42 - 4/16/2010 11:26:00 AM   

Posts: 6813
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Hmm I see alot of people on here claiming that (atleast it sounds that way) that taking Chittagong will be easy...
In my ongoing games, I would just love to see the Japanese land a few div's in Chittagong. That way I would not need to worry about their location, and I have them trapped.

Something I would keep in mind;
-those Brit fighters are a pain to Oscars and Zeroes
-the Allies will have several AFs to base their fighters at
-look at the reports, are the bases on the line Chittagong-Ledo being developed as far as you can tell?
-recons, do they show the Allies staying in Burma?
-if you (your enemies that would be) take their time to really go over the forces in India, you will be surprised just how many AVs can be freed up by relocating in the interior.
-If the enemy is preparing to run from Burma, you will need to cut the line Chittagon-Ledo FAST. The raillines in Burma means that the enemy will have their forces at the dot-base NE of Schwebo in a few days if they are ready to flee, and that transform into quite a few AVs heading towards the mentioned line.
-how about mines?
-for the future, the dot-base NW of Imphal becomes an excellent AF if developed, it is at 0/7 at the start I believe.

I think the plan might work well, and if successful will net you alot of PoWs, but it should not be considered an easy task in any regards, and you will need to make sure you bring enough forces.

Just my two cents, so feel more than free to completely disregard/laugh at what I've said
Going to be fun to see how this evolves!



"Hun skal torpederes!" - Birger Eriksen

("She is to be torpedoed!")

(in reply to John 3rd)
Post #: 375
RE: 1-3-42 - 4/16/2010 1:26:13 PM   


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is this in Jan-Feb 42 though ?

Not sure whether you really want those big air bases they may be used against you later.


Underdog Fanboy

(in reply to terje439)
Post #: 376
RE: 1-3-42 - 4/16/2010 2:13:01 PM   
John 3rd

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It is a two-edged sword.  Anything we take and build-up WILL be used against us later...


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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(in reply to bklooste)
Post #: 377
RE: 1-3-42 - 4/16/2010 6:32:33 PM   

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ORIGINAL: bklooste


is this in Jan-Feb 42 though ?

Not sure whether you really want those big air bases they may be used against you later.

I started freeing up AV from the interior in Dec, and by Feb I believe I had something like 600 AV and alot of artillery ready in Chittagong (which of course also include units shipped in from Aden). Remember that Chittagong is rail-linked with the rest of India.
And I had fully extracted my Burma forces within 10 days after the Japanese stood outside Rangoon (but then again I never intended to stick around in Burma).



"Hun skal torpederes!" - Birger Eriksen

("She is to be torpedoed!")

(in reply to bklooste)
Post #: 378
RE: A Japanese BB is sunk - 4/17/2010 2:53:57 AM   


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ORIGINAL: John 3rd

Been waiting for Michael to Post on these topics:

1.  Those SBDs were dropped off and the CV is somewhere.  We suspect Perth perhaps...  This is an interesting decision to move those planes there.  I can understand not wanting to lose the CV but losing her aircraft is fairly serious too.

It cleary shows the intent - wait till the newer planes come and protect the CVs tills then . Loosing the planes wont be too bad as over a home port he will get most of his pilots back and the planes are waiting to upgrade anyway.


Underdog Fanboy

(in reply to John 3rd)
Post #: 379
RE: A Japanese BB is sunk - 4/17/2010 4:15:49 PM   
John 3rd

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The planes were over our TF abot 200 miles from Koepang.  They're DOA! 


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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(in reply to bklooste)
Post #: 380
RE: 1-3-42 - 4/18/2010 1:19:07 PM   


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ORIGINAL: terje439


ORIGINAL: bklooste


is this in Jan-Feb 42 though ?

Not sure whether you really want those big air bases they may be used against you later.

I started freeing up AV from the interior in Dec, and by Feb I believe I had something like 600 AV and alot of artillery ready in Chittagong (which of course also include units shipped in from Aden). Remember that Chittagong is rail-linked with the rest of India.
And I had fully extracted my Burma forces within 10 days after the Japanese stood outside Rangoon (but then again I never intended to stick around in Burma).


600 AV is not that much a lot of this is very low exp and has liitle anti armour ( which would be good to kill before it becomes experienced) With Burma there is prob 7 or so divs commited + the 6 or so arm units from Manchuria ( i was incorrect in my earlier comment about not priotizing these ,they would be awesome in Southern India).

You bring up an important point and why i preffer Ceylon , if Ceylon is invaded he has to choose what to protect eg Ceylon , South India , Calcutta and Burma. The result will prob be these units going to South India and some being barged into Ceylon this may mean you loose Ceylon but you will have achieved your goal eg Force him to fight on your turf ( it will require his assets) and you will take Burma and maybe calcutta . If he rails the forces into Calcutta you will still take Burma , and you will be rampant in South India and own Ceylon . If he splits his forces he defends nothing.

However if you just do the hook , you could have issues with 400AV garrison in Calcutta + Burma forces + whatever he can rail in. To me doing both small hook and Ceylon is less risky.


Underdog Fanboy

(in reply to terje439)
Post #: 381
1-4-42 BANZAI! - 4/19/2010 4:26:48 AM   
John 3rd

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Is it a record for Singapore to FALL on January 4, 1942??!!

Just asking....


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

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(in reply to bklooste)
Post #: 382
RE: 1-4-42 BANZAI! - 4/19/2010 10:42:36 AM   


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PzB took it on the 19th but he also took Palembang at about the same time.


Underdog Fanboy

(in reply to John 3rd)
Post #: 383
The calm before the storm - 4/19/2010 5:54:37 PM   

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Jan 3: Just a few more pieces getting in place

S-38 misses the retiring transports midway between Manado and Babeldoab.

Mini-KB and KB2 are still due east of Lautem.

Taiping - The 112th RAF Base Force is again targeted by 59 Sally escorted in by Nates. 28th Gurkha Brigade is targeted by 20 Sally.

Singapore - Oscar escort in 45 Lily to get Airbase hits 1 and Runway hits 10.

Japanese forces CAPTURE Tavoy !!!

Langsa - Zero escort in 19 Val to sink AMc Cheribon with 2 bomb hits.


Bataan - 13 Sally and 13 Lily get limited damage on the AF - Airbase hits 1 and Runway hits 2.

SRA (East):
Koepang - Zero escort in 13 Betty to find two targets - AM Warrnambool, Torpedo hits 2, and xAKL Patris, Torpedo hits 2, are sunk.

Shock attack with 1721 Assault Value is ordered for Singapore. A deliberate attack at Bataan is ordered with 947 Assault Value.

Transports at Saigon and Camranh Bay are ordered to Mersing in anticipation of Singapore falling next turn. Some are loading supplies and fuel. My 6 DMS leave Saigon for Mersing.

(in reply to bklooste)
Post #: 384
The Storm - 4/19/2010 6:29:50 PM   

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Jan 4: With fixed bayonets, the Imperial Army captures....

S-36 is at Hong Kong as my mildly damaged CLAA, CL, and 4 DDs arrive. It is a draw.

Mini-KB and KB2 remain 1 hex due east of Lautem.

Singapore - All available level bombers in Malaya are ordered to attack the ground forces. First is Singapore Fortress as 50 Sally and 4 Lily come in at 16,000. Then, 79 Sally hit Singapore Base Force. The 22nd Australian Brigade is targeted by 54 Lily.

Japanese Shock attack

Attacking force 52064 troops, 651 guns, 321 vehicles, Assault Value = 1739

Defending force 23897 troops, 325 guns, 204 vehicles, Assault Value = 465

Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 0

Japanese adjusted assault: 2174

Allied adjusted defense: 375

Japanese assault odds: 5 to 1 (fort level 0)

Japanese forces CAPTURE Singapore !!!

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), preparation(-), experience(-)
Attacker: shock(+)

Japanese ground losses:
1621 casualties reported
Squads: 4 destroyed, 89 disabled
Non Combat: 5 destroyed, 95 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 13 disabled
Guns lost 1 (0 destroyed, 1 disabled)
Vehicles lost 5 (0 destroyed, 5 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
46003 casualties reported
Squads: 1106 destroyed, 123 disabled
Non Combat: 3164 destroyed, 809 disabled
Engineers: 91 destroyed, 1 disabled
Guns lost 585 (585 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Vehicles lost 149 (131 destroyed, 18 disabled)
Units destroyed 23

Assaulting units:
16th Infantry Regiment
2nd Engineer Regiment
38th Division
33rd Division
5th Division
2nd Recon Regiment
24th Infantry Regiment
5th Mortar Battalion
1st Hvy.Artillery Regiment
2nd Mortar Battalion
3rd Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
3rd Mortar Battalion
18th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
25th Army
2nd Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
1st RF Gun Battalion
3rd Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment
14th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion

Defending units:
2nd Gordons Battalion
2nd Malay Battalion
1st Malay Battalion
3/16th Punjab Battalion
3rd Cavalry Regiment
Singapore Fortress
22nd Australian Brigade
2/17 Dogra Battalion
1st Manchester Battalion
2nd Loyal Battalion
27th Australian Brigade
SSVF Brigade
5/2nd Punjab Battalion
29 Battery/3 HAA
22nd Indian Mountain Gun Regiment
III Indian Corps
Singapore Base Force
224 Group RAF
2nd HK&S Heavy AA Regiment
Malayan Air Wing
AHQ Far East
1st Indian Heavy AA Regiment
Malaya Army
1st HK&S Heavy AA Regiment

Palembang - Zero escort in 37 Nell/Betty to hit the AF - Airbase hits 4, Runway hits 10.

Out of Singkawang comes 13 Nell to sink two HDML outside of Palembang.

Shanghai - The cease fire may be in jeopardy as 4 A-29A Hudson, 5 DB-3M, and 10 SB-III x 10 hit the port - ACM Shinko Maru #1, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage.

Bataan - Zero escort in 24 Betty to hit AF.

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 27068 troops, 269 guns, 262 vehicles, Assault Value = 958

Defending force 31695 troops, 587 guns, 554 vehicles, Assault Value = 986

Japanese adjusted assault: 579

Allied adjusted defense: 1197

Japanese assault odds: 1 to 2 (fort level 3)

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), leaders(+), preparation(-), experience(-)

Japanese ground losses:
2071 casualties reported
Squads: 4 destroyed, 135 disabled
Non Combat: 8 destroyed, 152 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 9 disabled
Vehicles lost 63 (3 destroyed, 60 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
570 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 38 disabled
Non Combat: 17 destroyed, 112 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 11 disabled
Vehicles lost 90 (9 destroyed, 81 disabled)

Assaulting units:
65th Brigade
48th Division
20th Infantry Regiment
4th Tank Regiment
16th Engineer Regiment
7th Tank Regiment
9th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
14th Army
8th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
15th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
2nd Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion

Defending units:
192nd Tank Battalion
194th Tank Battalion
1st/45th PS Inf Battalion
21st PA Infantry Division
Manila Bay Defenses
4th Marine Regiment
11th PA Infantry Division
2nd/45th PS Inf Battalion
31st Infantry Regiment
14th PS Engineer Regiment
3rd/45th PS Inf Battalion
57th PS Infantry Regimental Combat Team
31st PA Infantry Division
26th PS Cavalry Regiment
1st PA Constabulary Regiment
200th & 515th Coast AA Regiment
202nd PA Construction Battalion
Provisional GMC Grp
Asiatic Fleet
Bataan USN Base Force
803rd Engineer Aviation Battalion
Clark Field USAAF Base Force
I Philippine Corps
Far East USAAF
201st PA Construction Battalion
88th PS Field Artillery Regiment
1st USMC AA Battalion
301st PA Field Artillery Regiment

SRA (East):
Lautem - landings commence
71 Kates hit 2nd KNIL AA Battalion.

With the quick collapse of Singapore, the 3 plus divisions have begun prepped for: Palembang (33rd), Merak/Batavia (5th), and Semarang (38th). The three regiments of the 2nd Division are now going to Tarakan (4 Inf Rgt) and Balikpapan (16 & 24 Inf Rgt). Various support troops from Kuantan south to Singapore are prepping and/or marching to Singapore for coming invasions.

Singapore damage is 15-33-10.
Fuel left behind is 49k.
Resources (2) x 18
HI (4) x 31
LI (5) x 35
Repair Shipyard (6) x 44

With the recent postings about what to do after the SRA is captured, I have multiple divisions in Korea, Manchuria, and Japan prepping for Geraldton/Perth, Cairns, Townsville, Rockhampton, Aukland, Rangoon, Chittagong, Calcutta, Madras, and Colombo. I want to keep their intel weenies busy.

< Message edited by ny59giants -- 4/19/2010 6:31:38 PM >

(in reply to ny59giants)
Post #: 385
Concerns - 4/20/2010 3:09:17 AM   
John 3rd

Posts: 17178
Joined: 9/8/2005
From: La Salle, Colorado
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I just sent this email to the 2x2 Players, Nemo, Canoerebel, and Paul Layne:

Dr. Nemo, There have been a series of Postings in the companion Thread of our 2x2 AAR that have offended individuals to the point they have copied the 'diagnosis' to me thinking that I should know about what is being said.  While I really don't care to much about the Postings, others are taking offense.  This concerns me.  When I first was made aware of this, I copied it to Michael and we had a pretty good laugh about it.   Let us be straight about this.  I am not concerned what others think about my style of play.  As a radical idea, I play to have fun. From what I've seen so far it appears everything within our 2x2 campaign is ascribed to me.  Nothing could be further from the truth when it comes to that.  Evidently you don't read our side of the AAR.  It is funny when I read this stuff knowing that Michael has been the guiding force in this campaign and it is he that offended AJ with his notes in the emails of the game.  Ken then said for Michael to keep it up.  Since I got deep into the games with Dan and Paul, I have backed off of my rhetoric a good deal.  There is very little inflammatory bomb-throwing by me right now. It is quite true that I have narcissistic tendencies.  Fortunately they are nothing to the degree of our current President.  Michael will enjoy commenting to both those statements! As a gentle reminder to you Sir---in the last three years of my life there has been very little positive.  Damned near lost everything due to a vindictive, foul ex-wife who sought to ruin my life.  Thought she came damned close by the grace of God this did not happen.  During much of that time the ONLY positive thing I had going for me was this stupid game!  I was able to release myself into a world where I had some illusionary control.  The game--with some irony--brought me close to a group of men whom I greatly respect and hope to meet sometime in the future.  The game has brought me friendships where I might least expect them.  Dan, Paul, and Michael are good friends whom I value a great deal.  Don't know where to go past this point.  Simply thought you should know. Will be Posting this onto Michael and I's AAR to help alleviate any tension with people who are concerned about this.   I am not.  It is perfectly fine and I bid you a Good Day. Respectfully,JRC3 Thought it is important to mention that I do not have the full context (though that is obvious) of these commentaries and NO operational information has been passed to me by the concerned individuals. 


Member: Treaty, Reluctant Admiral and Between the Storms Mod Team.

Reluctant Admiral Mod:

(in reply to ny59giants)
Post #: 386
RE: Concerns - 4/20/2010 3:48:08 AM   

Posts: 4239
Joined: 10/30/2009
From: Alberta, Canada
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I enjoy the banter of both AAR's and my 2 cents are just keep enjoying the game as you state you are. We all get out of this experience what we will, but I hope I can say after a few games and sharing posts with many interesting people on the forum, that I too can consider some of them friends one day. What's a little trash talk against your opponents when playing as the Japanese anyway , chances are your butt's will be handed back to you on a platter eventually. If your opponents tire of the jibes then of course they could comment on that to you personally. So until then, have fun and enjoy the rest of your matchup. I for one won't be looking to analyze your personality nor playing style, it is what it is and I'm just following along enjoying the matchup.

(in reply to John 3rd)
Post #: 387
RE: Concerns - 4/20/2010 4:12:37 AM   

Posts: 1400
Joined: 10/8/2007
From: Austin / Brisbane
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ORIGINAL: John 3rd

It is quite true that I have narcissistic tendencies.  Fortunately they are nothing to the degree of our current President. 

You had me up to that point...

(in reply to John 3rd)
Post #: 388
RE: Concerns - 4/20/2010 4:36:55 AM   

Posts: 9869
Joined: 1/10/2005
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It is quite true that I have narcissistic tendencies. Fortunately they are nothing to the degree of our current President.

This can be said of most politicians with varying degrees.

(in reply to Wirraway_Ace)
Post #: 389
RE: Concerns - 4/20/2010 5:23:49 AM   

Posts: 1400
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and many Cowboys fans

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