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The Big Campaign Game

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The Big Campaign Game - 7/24/2002 8:33:57 PM   
Black Cat


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Have any of you guys completed the full campaign scenarios like # 17 against the AI ? I am playing it as the US, modified to Historical ( Midway occured ) with the Editor and the Japanese AI
seems to have gone into Hibernation by 9/42.

They have about 6 Eng. units in Shortlands building that up and they seem to be attempting to supply Lae, but that`s it. No airfields being built on Gasmata (sp ?) They have lost a slew of AP`s to LBA attempting to take Buna and Gili Gili in the first few turns.

I have 2 Divisions and 4 Eng. units in Guadacanal and other then 2 Toyko Express runs no attempt to counterattack.

I have moved the 7th. Australian Div. up to Salamaua, and have Buna and Gili Gili. I have mined the shore hexs around Shortland and leading to Guadacanal.

The Japanese have lost a CVL and a CV. I have all 4 CV`s and suspect that, the massive LBA in PM, and the mines are the problem.

Unless they suprise me, the rest of the game looks like an exercise in Troop & Supply Movement.

So......With a view to self-imposing some House Rules ( and/or asking Matrix for some " AI tweeks" ) for playing the US vs the AI, what are other peoples experiences.
Post #: 1
- 7/24/2002 8:54:31 PM   

Posts: 6520
Joined: 2/8/2002
From: Melb. Australia
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After the first six months....which [I]were[/I] tough, the rest of the game was just mopping up operations. Human THAT is different!


Never argue with an idiot, he will only drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

(in reply to Black Cat)
Post #: 2
Re: The Big Campaign Game - 7/24/2002 10:45:02 PM   

Posts: 1910
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From: Colbert Nation
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Black Cat
[B]So......With a view to self-imposing some House Rules ( and/or asking Matrix for some " AI tweeks" ) for playing the US vs the AI, what are other peoples experiences. [/B][/QUOTE]
As far as I am concerned, the AI is only there for you to LEARN the game. The PBEM works quite well, and will produce your most enjoyable experiences with UV.


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Post #: 3
Re: Re: The Big Campaign Game - 7/24/2002 11:15:13 PM   
Black Cat


Posts: 615
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by dpstafford
As far as I am concerned, the AI is only there for you to LEARN the game. The PBEM works quite well, and will produce your most enjoyable experiences with UV. [/B][/QUOTE]

Yes, of course, however with all due respect I think the vast majority of folks who buy the game play against the AI.

Hence my request for some feedback on how, through self imposed House Rules or AI tweaks to generate a good game vs the AI. This may even be useful for Spooky`s FAQ.

As an example: As the US.

I don`t use the B 17s for low level Naval Strikes.

I will no longer do offensive mining with the Subs.

I will not invade Gudalacanal until the 1st. Marine Division HQ comes in.

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Post #: 4
- 7/24/2002 11:38:20 PM   

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#17 modified to account for Midway is still wildly ahistorical

if you take the carriers out you still have all these beefed up aircraft and ground troop replacements

play yamamotos prophecy as the japanese instead - it starts a month later but its much much tougher for the japanese

it's probably better to learn the game as the underdog, since you have fewer toys to play with and be distracted

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Post #: 5
- 7/25/2002 4:00:01 AM   


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Try Scenario 19 as the Japanese, hard or very hard AI, and small boost to Japanese ship commitment. The additional 50% plane replacement rate makes the game much more interesting.

It is Nov. and the Japanese still have 150 fighters in Rabual and 60-70 and have only lost 2 CVs.

(in reply to Black Cat)
Post #: 6
Corsairs and AI games - 7/25/2002 4:42:11 AM   


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The problem with the Corsairs was quasi-real, quasi-doctrinal. The Corsair was originally designed as a carrier plane, but as it developed it didn't have good look-down vision in landing. When it was tested, the initial conclusion was that is was safe for the carrier or the pilot to operate the plane from carriers. Ultimately that changed, perhaps because with more carriers there was less concern about putting one out of action, or perhaps as they got more experience with the plane they decided they could train the pilots up to the level needed to land on a swaying CV despite the poor look-down vision.
We ocassionally get postings looking down on those who play the game AI. I fully understand that AI is a poor substitute for human opposition but I wonder how two people with lives - (both family and careers), find time to play the game on a consistent enough basis to make progress on these endless games. It would seem that when one person had the time to make more than a move or two a day, the other wouldn't. Even playing the computer version seems hard to reconcile with the demands of job and family.

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Post #: 7
typo - 7/25/2002 4:43:30 AM   


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From: Decatur, GA, USA
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Sorry. Of course the Corsair was thought not to be safe for the carrier landings.

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Post #: 8
Re: Corsairs and AI games - 7/25/2002 4:54:38 AM   
Robert Roberson


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[QUOTE]Originally posted by wpurdom
We ocassionally get postings looking down on those who play the game AI. I fully understand that AI is a poor substitute for human opposition but I wonder how two people with lives - (both family and careers), find time to play the game on a consistent enough basis to make progress on these endless games. It would seem that when one person had the time to make more than a move or two a day, the other wouldn't. Even playing the computer version seems hard to reconcile with the demands of job and family. [/B][/QUOTE]

It aint easy to be honest with you. I currently juggle three games (PBEM) with my three year old, my wife, my job (I work in football and things are about to heat-up) and I am also doing two AARs. More and more I find myself playing after midnite after all those outside distractions are sleeping. This game has achieved that "Sid status" just one more turn status, at least on my computers...but it will suck the time out of your life if you arent careful.

(in reply to Black Cat)
Post #: 9
Re: Corsairs and AI games - 7/25/2002 6:02:52 AM   

Posts: 6520
Joined: 2/8/2002
From: Melb. Australia
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by wpurdom
We ocassionally get postings looking down on those who play the game AI. I fully understand that AI is a poor substitute for human opposition ............. [/B][/QUOTE]

Yeah it sure is........but the AI is a good filler while you are waiting for the PBEM turns to come in.....also a good place to try out strategys. I always have an AI game running even with 4 PBEM games on the go.


Never argue with an idiot, he will only drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

(in reply to Black Cat)
Post #: 10
Re: Corsairs and AI games - 7/25/2002 6:19:11 AM   
Black Cat


Posts: 615
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[" We ocassionally get postings looking down on those who play the game AI. I fully understand that AI is a poor substitute for human opposition but I wonder how two people with lives - (both family and careers), find time to play the game on a consistent enough basis to make progress on these endless games. It would seem that when one person had the time to make more than a move or two a day, the other wouldn't. Even playing the computer version seems hard to reconcile with the demands of job and family. [/B][/QUOTE]

I know this was not directed at me, but I would hope no one here is so much in need of Self Ego Boosting that they look down upon anyone who "just" plays the AI.

FWIW I played , over a period of one real time year, the complete 1941 Campaign of the original Pac War in a EMail file exchange. From both sides.

I will tell you that the net result of that ( and other similiar on line games ) is that the winner will almost always be the guy that is best able, through experience, to "Game" the Game system.

Hence the 5+ pages of Pac War " House Rules" that evolved for serious players.

No ladies and gentleman, it`s not the the Guy who plays historically, nor knows actual tactics or historical doctrine, has read all 15 Volumes of S.E. Morison, or trys to re-create history on his PC who will win in PBEM.

The " prize ?? " often goes to the Dude who has doped out the idiosyncrasies in that particular AI and exploits them in ahistorical ways.

To beat up a newbie. :mad:

To crush a historical actual tactics type player. :(

To Win by _whatever_ means possible...Editor opened to his units experience levels anyone :rolleyes:

Nope, I don`t look down upon the AI only player and in fact have tried to do my little bit to help them into a great Game just as it is, against a pretty fair AI.

(in reply to Black Cat)
Post #: 11
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