Posts: 335
Joined: 12/19/2007 From: Germany Status: offline
ORIGINAL: xe5 @Mafi - any thoughts on the possible 5CC grayscale rounding issue (4 meter elevation increments) Oddball mentions in post #18 of this thread? Hi xe5, hi Reboot, thanks for the support. And in deed, when looking at the new threads at Ryan's HQ I feel the old times coming back. There was a statement by K.Z. in his "about me" as a novel author (already deleted by him) concerning the times as Atomic-CiC: "... dealing with cats, or even wrangling cats". Now I know what it means. The greyscale rounding issue: Basics: - we have 256 grey values when it comes to the RGB-model. - in RGB, on a monitor, you will see grey if Red=Green=Blue. - if you want to have minor differences between two values (for example "1" and "2"), the human eye will hardly see it. - human eye will have more problems to identify grey differences for "very dark / nearly black" and "nearly white". - another problem is the internal handling what you will see. CC graphics are 16bit, monitor output is 24bit. - map terrain data is based on 10x10 pixel squares. So we have 100 pixels for each data tile. 5CC will make pure mathematics: - Taking the pixel values, calculating the average value of Red+Green+Blue for every pixel to get a single grey value between 0..255, - then calculating the average grey value of all 100 pixels of one data tile, and the result will be stored in the data tiles elevation. - then calculating the next data tile and so on... The problem is: - Cpl_Filth invented the method using a greyscale image (by decoloring the BGM) to make elevation editing easier, because in those days we had no better alternatives in rapid elevation modding. He also made a good tutorial, which I can not find on my HD anymore. His tool "CCmold" is still online and requires JavaVM and the graphics to be shrinked down to 10% (one pixel representing one data tile). A possible solution: - more contrast (that means larger grey steps, example: "1" and "6", - importing the image to generate the elevation, - then using 5CC's "Data actions" / "Elevation" to multiply all elevation by "0.2" to eliminate the contrast effect, - then elevating the entire map using the "Data actions" / "Elevation" adding a value. While writing this, I have an idea how to improve visiblity for the human eye and to avoid rounding effects: - paint your greyscale over the BGM, - shrink the size to 10% as requested by Cpl_Filth's tool, - then expand the size by 1000% and you will have squares and no roundings. I use for this GraphicConverter, not PS. So far on this... Cheers Mafi
< Message edited by Mafi -- 7/25/2010 5:38:11 PM >