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Joined: 9/21/2005 Status: offline
I am in late 1945 and the AI Soviets have activated. I am curious how others deal with them as they seem to be quite nearly invincible. After they crossed the border and invaded my positions in Manchukuo, they attacked my position at Mutanchiang. I have 3000 Assault Value there along with nearly all my artillery units (but no armour) behind a fortification level of 9. All the units are from the same command, it has a Corps commander, is in range of the Command HQ, is well rested, and is very well supplied. The single Soviet field army that attacks it (about 3000 AV) is making inroads. So, I move in an additional 14,000 AV, cut off the Soviets, and surround it so that it receives no supplies. I now fight it out and get my ass kicked badly. The combat ratios of 3:1 or better are favourable, but lose I 10x the Soviet losses even when conducting deliberate attacks. After a long grudge match, I run the Soviets out of supplies, yet they still slaughter me every time I attack. Even near the end (when the ratios are 100+:1 in my favour), I am barely able to get even losses. I manage to wipe out the position, but only have 7000 AV surviving. Talk about a Pyrrhic victory. I am flabbergasted. Is there any way to effectively fight the Soviets? It seems as though I am simply throwing human bodies under their tank tracks. (And this was just one of 5 field armies!) Does anyone have a tactic or suggestion on how to handle the Soviets?