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Joined: 10/17/2007 From: Houston, TX - USA Status: offline
Ade670, There are some game mechanics that necessarily depart from history. Generally speaking, land strike missions of various types typically were planned days or weeks in advance. If naval strike missions became an option due to patrol or other spotting missions, Commanders typically would usurp / cancel such land strike missions in favor of Naval missions (for those planes and crews capable of such missions). The game mechanics of this 'secondary' mission are best actualized (IMO) with naval strike as the primary mission with the ground / other mission as the secondary. The challenge comes in, like you mention, where you want a naval strike out to say 6 hexes, but a land strike to 9, where you want to exclude a target area for the naval strike (like an enemy base) but dont want to give up the range of the plane, where you want to use different altitudes / etc, use different escorts based on range to target (perhaps skip bomb a naval target because of pilot skill but level bomb a ground target), and where you would use different fighters at different alts based on what targets actually presented themselves. Cant say I've ever come up with a good solution for these problems. To add to the acuity of the issue for the allies, there is a chronic shortage of true naval and torpedoe attack aircraft in 42. Many squadrons are forced to multi role where you would do otherwise later in the war.
Andy M