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Joined: 7/12/2010 Status: offline
At some point (on topic 4 or 6 or such), the flag needs to go up... That done, lets continue... <Speculation Mode=ON, HIGH> If I follow correctly, the game works on 2 mechanics for distributing supplies: - Demand supplying -- Port xyz needs 123 of ABC. A ship is dispatched to deliver some from a nearby source -- The range searched for the supply is limited by how far the ship can travel. Further, closer sources may be considered before distant sources
- Supply supplying -- Port xyz has surplus of ABC. A ship is dispatched to deliver some to a nearby port that has less of this resource. Again, distances are limited by how far the ship can travel.
Other observations: Space Ports cargo appears identical to the cargo for the same planet. This implies the two are pooled. If a planet with a resource is out in the back of beyond (as were 3 of my 4 special resource planets in my last game), ships will find them too far to travel to and will not bother. Supply at the port won't matter in filling the demand half of the process, all I can hope for is that surplus finds itself moved to other ports timely enough for me to make money on it (not that I saw any of that happening, but I had hopes). </Speculation Mode> Trying to get back on the original topic, I have noticed that pirate ships will flee a base I kill, and join other pirates clans... it is possible... <Speculation Mode=ON, LOW> ...that the pirate base marker on the map (the flag) does not go away until the pirate clan is flushed from the game, and that includes all pirate ships either being reassigned or destroyed. It's possible this reassignment process only happens when a new pirate base is spawned onto the map, so if you kill 2 pirate bases in a row and no pirates spawn (which I think might happen when a pirate base joins your empire...), and you miss those pirates as get away, the flags may remain on the map until you hunt down one more base. </Speculation Mode> I am sure that testing this is possible, but may not be the easiest of things (helps having a galaxy-covering sensor-net to spot all pirate bases). //Torrenal
< Message edited by torrenal -- 8/19/2010 2:12:21 AM >