Oleg Mastruko
Posts: 4921
Joined: 10/21/2000 Status: offline
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Toast Master [B] I believe the problem is more likely to originate from an Allied player playing multiple games at the same time. If this player is receiving several save001.dat (replay) files from several different players and not saving the proper replay file prior to executing the game turn, then you've got problems! (Joe's replay was associated with Phil's saved game. Oops!). This might not be readily noticed, especially if the player is playing the same scenario and started the games from the same side at about the same time. [/B][/QUOTE] I followed you up to cca half of your post, and everything seemed OK. But in the above paragraph you say problems originate at allied side. If allied player is doing what you describe (ie. receiving several save001.dat (replay) files from several different players and not saving the proper replay file prior to executing the game turn) then HE (the allied player) is the one with problems, not you. He is having messed up replays, but - aside from him being confused - he cannot really mess up any of his games in REAL play (only in replays, and that's his problem). Being Jap player in both of your games, I don't see how this can affect you, as Replays are generated at your side anyway? To clarify further: 1. Regardless of who "messes up" the replays (you, while sending, or allied players while receiving) - it's the ALLIED player who's to be confused, not you. 2. Again - regardless of who messes up, and regardless of who's confused or not, both games thould not have ANY influence on one another. Hey, maybe the problem is even more trivial than this. Maybe the allied player simply forgot which slot is the one for you and saved his game in different slot, adding to the confusion? I'd like to reiterate my point from the first post - PBEM interface in this game is APALLING, constantly forcing players to think of trivialities such as described here, and what's even worse is that other games (from other developers) are no better. How hard it is to program a decent PBEM interface anyway?!? O.