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The Invasion of Canada (Opponent Found)

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The Invasion of Canada (Opponent Found) - 8/13/2002 1:08:54 AM   


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All right, you'll have to be reasonably dedicated this...PBEM or Online is your choice. Basically, the premisis is an alternate-future with some changes of what the Allies and Axis did.

The year is 1948. The June 6th 1944 D-Day has failed, with all the forces sent to Calais rather than Normandy. Germany has pounded the Americans back, and the Japanese has gained a foothold, and has succeeded in a second battle of Midway in 1945. A year later they capture Hawaii in a six-month invasion. The Russians began to be pushed back to Stalingrad, where most troops just plain surrendered, against their officer's orders. Stalin shot himself, an ironic twist on what happened in the real WWII, and Russia surrendered unconditionally. America, foolishly stubborn, attempted to drop an atomic bomb on the Northern Tip of Europe, the massive flak positions destroyed it before it could even open it's bomb-bay doors. On April 1946, the U.S called off all bombing missions on Occupied Europe. Two months later, Hitler approved Operation Sea Lion again, and prepared for one of the largest amphibious invasions of this war made by Germany. The Falinjager, the German paratroopers, were put to use again since the botched airborne drop of Paris in 1940. On June 25th 1946, an ironic month for the Allies, England was invaded. With supreme morale that the German army had never had before, jets, nearly all rifles replaced with the StG-44 assault rifle, and the Konigstigers replacing the Tiger tanks, all hope was lost for Britain. A year later, July 5th 1947, England was almost all under Nazi control. America surrendered a day afterwards. With England and America out of the way, the French Resistance was all but snuffed from France. The rest of the Allied forces, with the exception of Australia, and Canada, surrendered. Germany had seem to won the war, but there were still enemies in the way. In a year, almost 75% of the German Army had been convoyed to Pearl Harbor, to prepare for a Western invasion of Vancouver Island, Canada. Japan was to land in the Yukon at the same time.

With boats filled with troops, tanks, and artillery, it seemed like there was no hope for the Canadian troops. All they could do was stay, and fight.

Basically, there will be no During-Action Reports, but we'll keep you informed on how the invasion of Canada is going. Most of the maps are ready, I jsut need an opponent to play Canada. Anyone up for it?
Post #: 1
- 8/13/2002 4:47:53 AM   


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interesting reading....not sure im interested

do the canadians get rocks...or just sticks?



"Karate means never having to say you're sorry"
-E. Andrew Kovich

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Post #: 2
- 8/13/2002 4:59:08 AM   


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Canada's army still has some British reinforcements since they were invaded, and some convoys were able to reach them in time. To be put simply, this is a Britain-Canada force, but since they're out of the war, it's labelled the Canadian Army. It's actually quite interesting, what I've been able to rummage up. Just let me know if you want to play :)

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Post #: 3
- 8/13/2002 8:40:57 AM   


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While I find it funny that america would surrender without a single enemy troop touching it shores sure I'll take up poor old canada and try and save the world.



"The true measure of a hero is one who would lay down their lives in full knowledge that the people they save would never know their sacrifice"

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Post #: 4
- 8/13/2002 9:31:46 AM   


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Play by Email or Online?

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Post #: 5
- 8/13/2002 10:08:57 AM   


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email I have slots 3,6 open.


"The true measure of a hero is one who would lay down their lives in full knowledge that the people they save would never know their sacrifice"

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Post #: 6
- 8/13/2002 10:55:10 AM   


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Ok, well, in about 11 hours I'll wake up and get down to business. The first mission will take place on the shores of Vancouver as the Wehrmarcht attack, and the next will be at the Yukon, where Japan unleashes their fury against the Canadians. I haven't figured out how to add air support though, so all you got is ground forces :D

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Post #: 7
Battle Ready.... - 8/13/2002 1:07:38 PM   


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Sounds cool I would be happy to take the Canadians. what slot do you have open? A very cool twist to WW2 but I dont think America would surrender without a fight. Or at least a home land assault( maybe through Mexico). Do you actually have jet icons for Germany ? I always wondered if they would get ME-262's after 45. One last thought, if Britian did become occupied I would think the last of their army might flee to Canada Or Ireland.


Waffen Soldat Hesselbrock
11th SS Freiwilligen Nordland Div.
23rd SS PzrGdr. Reg. Norge.
7th Kompanie 1st Zug.
Capt.Stransky,"I will show you how a Prussian Officer fights!". Sgt.Steiner," And I will show you, where the IronC

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Post #: 8
- 8/14/2002 9:29:04 AM   


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Iron, your too late, maybe after my game with arctic. Mvoing on, I'm having personal problems right now arctic, I'll email you when your ready.

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Post #: 9
- 8/14/2002 11:07:39 AM   

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If you're depicting an invasion of western Canada, I hope you'll include Prince George (where I live) in a battle somewhere ... we're just about the geographical center of B.C. and alot of the N-S and E-W rail and road routes run through here, the N-S route was improved to aid the movement of US troops to Alaska to retake Attu and Kiska. Also two major rivers, the Fraser and the Nechako converge in Prince George. So as a transportation hub in a sparsely populated region we would be an important objective for any advancing army ... (Also, it would be cool to fight a battle in my hometown :) ) .... don't forget the militia snowmobile units, stubby beer bottles are great for molotov cocktails!! :mad:


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Post #: 10
Re: Battle Ready - 8/14/2002 3:19:46 PM   


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Ok, when your ready I'll be waiting. Mean while Heinkel and I are planning the Finish invasion of Belgium or Holland 1944. Maybe If I win the Russian Winter Hell ,the Russian's might try an amphibious assault as well. Dont laugh about the pointed sticks... David son of Jesse killed a giant with just one rock....:D,"And this Assembly shall know that the LORD saveth not with the sword and spear: for the Battle is the LORD'S, and He will give you into our Hands".

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Post #: 11
- 8/14/2002 9:47:12 PM   


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Ok, I've bought my troops

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Post #: 12
- 8/14/2002 11:18:06 PM   


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Canada is prepared to repel the german scum.

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"The true measure of a hero is one who would lay down their lives in full knowledge that the people they save would never know their sacrifice"

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Post #: 13
- 8/14/2002 11:21:35 PM   


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That's what you WANT to think! But the fallinjager has been put to use again!

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Post #: 14
- 8/14/2002 11:42:32 PM   


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Although it was just a distraction ;)

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Post #: 15
- 8/15/2002 8:18:22 AM   


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Please turn OFF fast artillery.

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"The true measure of a hero is one who would lay down their lives in full knowledge that the people they save would never know their sacrifice"

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Post #: 16
- 8/15/2002 8:22:43 AM   


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Mum's the word...or something...

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Post #: 17
- 8/15/2002 8:30:05 AM   


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Reinigen Sie die Rampe! 30 Sekunden!
(Clear the ramp! 30 seconds!)

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Post #: 18
- 8/15/2002 8:54:48 AM   


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Pvt "Sir I think I hear something"

Col "Shut up and pass word to remove safties"

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"The true measure of a hero is one who would lay down their lives in full knowledge that the people they save would never know their sacrifice"

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Post #: 19
- 8/15/2002 9:13:55 AM   


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"Oberst! We have spotted ze obstacles!"


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Post #: 20
- 8/15/2002 9:36:42 AM   


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If you would be so kind as to not include directory structure in your zip file I would apreciate it.


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"The true measure of a hero is one who would lay down their lives in full knowledge that the people they save would never know their sacrifice"

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Post #: 21
- 8/15/2002 9:38:51 AM   


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Wrong slot bud :)

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Post #: 22
- 8/15/2002 9:50:52 AM   


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"The true measure of a hero is one who would lay down their lives in full knowledge that the people they save would never know their sacrifice"

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Post #: 23
- 8/15/2002 10:03:59 AM   


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All righty, were just at hte disembark point. Vancouver here I cme!

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Post #: 24
- 8/15/2002 10:26:16 AM   


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Um this is turn 3 all over again. I belive I did not update my zip file correctly or something (probly in the confusion of the other one I uploaded by mistake). The time stamps on my backups is 6:29 where as when I download the zip file I sent in they are 5.:47 (basicly I send you turn 2 over again).

So I am including the apropriate files for my turn 3. Did you not notice everything was set back a turn?

Edit : I have downloaded this and double checked the time stamps, these are the correct files. You should be on turn 4 now.

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"The true measure of a hero is one who would lay down their lives in full knowledge that the people they save would never know their sacrifice"

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Post #: 25
- 8/15/2002 10:34:24 PM   


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Arghh! your mines! I shall send them them all to hell :D

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Post #: 26
- 8/16/2002 8:12:01 AM   


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Well we never said we left the middle clear of obsticals :p

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"The true measure of a hero is one who would lay down their lives in full knowledge that the people they save would never know their sacrifice"

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Post #: 27
- 8/16/2002 8:29:29 AM   


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Indeed! I'm taking heavy casualties. How dumb was I to use the Fallinjager paratroopers as a distraction :rolleyes:

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Post #: 28
- 8/16/2002 9:14:22 AM   


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"Lay into them boys!!"

"Yes sir! They will never take Canada!

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"The true measure of a hero is one who would lay down their lives in full knowledge that the people they save would never know their sacrifice"

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Post #: 29
- 8/16/2002 9:24:58 AM   


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*Soldier breathes for air*

Oberst: SOLDIER! Get your *** down and get disarm ze mines!

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Post #: 30
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