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Assorted Comments and Questions - 9/25/2010 1:19:15 AM   


Posts: 411
Joined: 10/8/2002
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How do I increase the size capacity of my military ships?

How do I build a research station next to a black hole? I've read the posts and know to stay outside of the red circle but when I try to move a constructor ship to coordinates outside that circle and direct it to build a research station (it has all of requisite components for this - at least I think) it warps to the nearest star system and build there. If I order it to build a station at the specific name of the black hole, it warps inside the circle and is lost. I'm missing something here.

Colonization - there are too @#@ many moons and planets in this game. Heck I;m playing in a small galaxy and they must number in the hundreds. How do I edit a game to get these numbers down to a reasonable size?

Is there a tech tree available? Beats me exactly where I am and where the end is. BTW - research stations are veritable maintainence hogs - is this part of the game design to keep players from building tons of them and keeping the tech advances down to a slow (or reasonable) level?
Post #: 1
RE: Assorted Comments and Questions - 9/25/2010 2:00:56 AM   


Posts: 25
Joined: 6/11/2008
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Your ship (and station) sizes are restricted by your Ship Yard tech, I think it starts with ships @ 230 and bases in the 670's Get the Yard tech up and your capacity (once you've upgraded the Bases) increases.

That's a tricky one, I've managed it, and I've lost Constructors. I learned everything I know from the forums here.

I wouldn't mind knowing this too, does seem a tad high at times. The Pop-up (as I have it set) for "do you want to colonize XXXX planet" only appears once, so you can ignore the poor quality ones at least.

No, the tech and it's research is handled 'behind the scenes' by Civilians. You get to watch the progress, although I've had stuff nearly-complete get surpassed by other techs. Scrapping ships can help give boosts, but which boost and how that's determined is beyond me.

As to stations, I have adopted the idea of a poster here, I have one BIG base with bare essentials (ie: minimalistic modules) filled with Labs. I re-design all my other bases more or less the same way, bare bones. Helps cut down on over-heat and only have to defend one research outpost. I doubt it's to keep the tech research slow, there's a setting in game set-up for that after-all, you can have nearly any speed of R&D you like.

(in reply to BK6583)
Post #: 2
RE: Assorted Comments and Questions - 9/25/2010 2:25:36 AM   


Posts: 176
Joined: 1/6/2007
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How do I edit a game to get these numbers down to a reasonable size?

You do not have to colonize all planets. It's not moo2. :) Colonize some with more than three resources and build over those with luxury resources mining stations with some additional luxury.

< Message edited by AminMaalouf -- 9/25/2010 8:49:13 AM >

(in reply to BK6583)
Post #: 3
RE: Assorted Comments and Questions - 9/25/2010 11:59:29 AM   

Posts: 1345
Joined: 6/2/2010
From: Ol' Blighty
Status: offline
About the Blackhole, I see a lot of people on the forums saying its difficult to build around a Blackhole, but oddly I've never lost a Constructor to a Blackhole since I bought the game  Heres how to do it safely:

  • Find the Blackhole on the map, click on it and click zoom to object button
  • Next press the Solar System level zoom, you should now see the Blackhole on the map with a shaded circle (a very big one) around it, this shaded circle is the radius of the Blackhole where building a station will get its bonus
  • Now use the Next Constructor button until you have selected the Constructor you want to build the station with, when it is selected (you should now have it selected, but your view should not have changed, still on the Blackhole at system level) right click at the very edge of the shaded area (a long way away from the actual deadly bit of the hole) and build Research station.
  • Your Constructor will now fly to one of your spaceports to pick up the parts required, then head on over to the BH and build a station safely.
Hope this helps


"My body may be confined to this chair, but my mind is free to explore the universe" - Stephen Hawking

(in reply to AminMaalouf)
Post #: 4
RE: Assorted Comments and Questions - 9/25/2010 2:07:13 PM   


Posts: 411
Joined: 10/8/2002
Status: offline

You do not have to colonize all planets. It's not moo2. :) Colonize some with more than three resources and build over those with luxury resources mining stations with some additional luxury.

Well I never played MOO2 but did play MOO1 and that a very resonably small amount of actual coloizable planets. If I don't colonize moons the the AI has a habit of colonizing them smack dab in the middle of my empire. I still think colonizable moons in particular need to be culled considerably.

(in reply to BK6583)
Post #: 5
RE: Assorted Comments and Questions - 9/25/2010 10:09:29 PM   

Posts: 2529
Joined: 8/17/2010
From: The Briar Patch Nebula
Status: offline
Excellent instructions Woodman....that works perfectly for me also.


Shields are useless in "The Briar Patch"...

(in reply to WoodMan)
Post #: 6
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