Shannon V. OKeets
Posts: 22095
Joined: 5/19/2005 From: Honolulu, Hawaii Status: offline
ORIGINAL: paulderynck quote:
ORIGINAL: Shannon V. OKeets quote:
ORIGINAL: paulderynck quote:
ORIGINAL: Shannon V. OKeets Post 2 in a series of 3. This game is using the 1D10 CRT. These are very poor attacks, but I wanted to show the use of defensive HQ support. The attack on Kharkov has defensive HQ support as shown by the 'D' in the hex. Things didn't go well for the USSR as shown inthe Result panel. For 1D10, there has to be a roll for the HQ support. Only a 1 or 2 would give a defensive column shift. With 1D10, a roll of 3 on 2-1 down 2 columns would yield a loss fo two attacking units on either Blitz or Assault. The combat ratio is 19.5:5 => 20:5 => 4:1. The 2:1 shown is after/net the column shifts. Thanks. So the roll for the HQ Support took place before the point shown in the screen shot? Yes. Here is the sequence of play. Notice that declaration of HQ support occurs well before land combat resolution.
pInvasion, // RAC 11.14.
pParadrop, // RAC 11.15.
pLandCombatDeclaration, // RAC 11.16.1.
pIgnoreNotional, // RAC 11.14.
pEmergencyHQSupply, // RAC 2.4.3.
pShoreBombardmentD, // RAC 11.16.2.
pShoreBombardmentA, // RAC 11.16.2.
pHQSupportD, // RAC 11.16.3.
pHQSupportA, // RAC 11.16.3.
pGroundSupport, // RAC 11.16.4.
pLandCombatResolution, // RAC 11.16.5 & 11.16.6.
The rolls for HQ support occur at the very beginning of the Land Combat Reosultion phase, before the subphase Land Combat Selection.
// ****************************************************************************
// Land combat resolution subphases.
// ****************************************************************************
TLandCombatResSubPhase = (
LCRspLandCombatSelection, // RAC 11.16.5.
LCRspDefSnowUnits, // RAC 8.2.7.
LCRspAttSnowUnits, // RAC 8.2.7.
LCRspChooseCombatType, // RAC 11.16.5 & 11.16.6.
LCRspLandCombatResolution, // RAC 11.16.5 & 11.16.6.
LCRspAssignLosses, // RAC 11.16.5.
LCRspConvertShattered, // RAC 11.16.5.
LCRspHexControl, // RAC 11.11.6 (overruns)
LCRspRetreats, // RAC 11.16.5.
LCRspAdvanceAfterCombat // RAC 11.16.5.
Steve Perfection is an elusive goal.