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RE: Ocean of Blood. FatR (J) vs. yubari (A) - no yubari, please.

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RE: Ocean of Blood. FatR (J) vs. yubari (A) - no yubari... - 9/26/2010 1:47:10 PM   


Posts: 2522
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From: St.Petersburg, Russia
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April 29: Malden Island Massacre

Just as I expected, Yubari separated his convoy and sent ships in different directions. Yet quite a few of them ended up in the kill zones during the day phase. Over the day Japanese carrier planes finished off AK Castor, hit AP President Hayes with 7 bombs, surely damaging her fatally, and sank 3 small Commonwealth xAPs. Troop losses were shown on all but one of the small xAPs. And Allied troop loss score jumped by about 200-300 points at once - while Cebu fell on this day as well, I think this indicates that we toasted some tasty LCU. DMS Long and two small USN patrol crafts were sunk too. A few transports were spotted escaping towards Line Islands - we'll try to nail them on the way of our retreat towards Kwajalein.

I wonder about two things, though. How many extra prey the premature detection on the previous day cost me, and how exactly Yubari moves those short-legged xAPs and patrol ships across half of the Pacific, without having them fall behing large ships due to their habit of refueling every turn.

I hate AVG: These air bandits showed up again covering Chinese advance to Hong Kong. Sweeping and escorting Oscars took down 7 P-40E (+3 ops) in exchange for one of their number lost operationally. Unfortunately, this did not knock Allied squadrons out, and my bomber squadons from distant bases that depended on sweepers from Hong Kong/Canton to clear the airspace took extreme losses in the afternoon phase, for overall loss count of 36:14 in Allied favor. At the moment, I believe, AVG is responsible for about half of total Japanese a2a losses. But at least it seems, that we still kill Flying Tigers faster than they can accumulate experience, judging by their abysmal result against Japanese fighters today.

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Post #: 211
RE: Ocean of Blood. FatR (J) vs. yubari (A) - no yubari... - 9/26/2010 8:37:34 PM   

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From: Argleton
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The refueling every turn thing was fixed back in WITP. Now there is a check to see if the ship is below a certain percentage of its fuel capacity (I don't recall what that number is, maybe like 70%). That way destroyers don't get where they run out if they need to use high speed or engage in combat, but they don't refuel every turn either. I'm sure the code changes applied to any ship, so certainly small xAK's too.

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Post #: 212
RE: Ocean of Blood. FatR (J) vs. yubari (A) - no yubari... - 9/26/2010 11:14:30 PM   


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I certainly encountered slowdown for some of the convoys in which not all ships had enough fuel for the trip in this game. With Lihue invasion force it was clear, for example.

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Post #: 213
RE: Ocean of Blood. FatR (J) vs. yubari (A) - no yubari... - 9/26/2010 11:28:02 PM   

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From: Argleton
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Absolutely! What they fixed was that ships with much smaller fuel capacity would 'top-off' every turn even though they were 98% full. This was due to the only calculation being along the lines of 'if you don't have enough to get there, see if anybody has extra fuel.' They added logic so that ships above a certain % of fuel in their bunkers won't go looking for fuel. I found it greatly improved convoys by stopping destroyers from fueling every turn. If you have a convoy with a big mix of small ship models then I imagine they could go below the threshold % on different turns, resulting in slowing down for several turns. You might be able to head that off by forcing them all to refuel on the same turn by pressing 'Refuel at Sea'.

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Post #: 214
RE: Ocean of Blood. FatR (J) vs. yubari (A) - no yubari... - 9/27/2010 12:38:16 AM   


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In a quick update before the usual monthly report tomorrow, Lihue still holds somehow after three days of continuous assault, KB planes failed to sortie against anything, even though some targets were in range and Chinese army moving on Hong Kong seems to be twice as big as it initially appeared and moves faster than I expected. A 300-bomber attack is ordered against it tomorrow and Nagatos are steaming from Singapore to bombard the coast. Holding of Hong Kong is imperative!

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Post #: 215
RE: Ocean of Blood. FatR (J) vs. yubari (A) - no yubari... - 9/27/2010 2:12:51 AM   

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So, this mod should counter the allies sir robin until 44

Senario 70- the great equilizer.

< Message edited by bigred -- 9/27/2010 2:13:41 AM >

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Post #: 216
RE: Ocean of Blood. FatR (J) vs. yubari (A) - no yubari... - 9/27/2010 9:45:33 AM   


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Situation at the Beginning of May of 1942

China: Chinese Chuhsien force is about to slip away. The movement from Changsha seems to be a feint now. Hong Kong is under a severe threat. Advance in the north continues and Japanese are about to seize abandoned Yenan.

Burma: All quiet

DEI: Large Dutch forces remains in Langsa north of Medan and in Malang on Java. The former will be cleaned within days, the latter, I'm not sure.

The Pacific: Tabiteua was seized. Movement towards Solomons by Allies did not materialize.

Hawaii: Lihue is gonna fall within 1-2 days. Hilo might hold a bit more - forts are at 0 and air raids prevent them from being rebuilt, but my troops are currently resting to recover disruption and fatigue. 5 more divisions are on the way, but more important are 3 Naval HQs that should allow Kona (now Airfield 6/Port 4) to freely reload older battleships. Convoys on the way to Kona are rerouted to the south, to be closer to KBs location.

Philippines: With the fall of Cebu, just about cleared entirely.

Sub Wars: My efforts are very ineffective, despite anemic Allies ASW, that allows my subs to hang right next to major ports. LBA and KB air attacks at the end of April killed off more Allied shipping that subs did over the last two months.

Victory Points:

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< Message edited by FatR -- 9/27/2010 10:06:11 AM >

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Post #: 217
RE: Ocean of Blood. FatR (J) vs. yubari (A) - no yubari... - 9/27/2010 9:53:53 AM   


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Detailed Air Losses

I lost hell of a lot planes on the ground and operationally. Very few to flak, which was a great and pleasant surprise (April 30 is a statistical aberration). Maybe Allied AA units at Hawaii did not upgrade to modern guns yet, or maybe bombing from distance reduced casualties, but whatever the case, I'm now able to start phasing obsolete 1E bombers from IJAAF frontline units. Japanese and Allied air losses are about equal, due to all bombers shot down in China.

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Post #: 218
RE: Ocean of Blood. FatR (J) vs. yubari (A) - no yubari... - 9/27/2010 9:58:58 AM   


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Pilot Losses and Pilot Situation

Mostly under control. I'm even able to increase the standards of training. Some bomber groups that fly Sonyas and other trash in China are replenished with green pilots right from replacement pools at the moment, because I don't want to lose well-trained airmen when their junk planes are ambushed, but otherwize frontline units are replenished only from reserve.

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Post #: 219
RE: Ocean of Blood. FatR (J) vs. yubari (A) - no yubari... - 9/27/2010 10:04:26 AM   


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Heroes of the Empire

Commanders and pilots of 3rd Ku S-1 achieved unparallelled honor of breaking both the back of Oahu CAP and Yubari's will to fight for Hawaii. Whatever the final outcome of the war will be, their glory will not fade.

14th and 60th Sentais (flying Ki-21-IIa) also should be given a honorary mention for starting the bombing campaign against Oahu, that now is close to complete success, with the airfield close to 90% of damage.

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Post #: 220
RE: Ocean of Blood. FatR (J) vs. yubari (A) - no yubari... - 9/27/2010 10:15:01 AM   


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Japanese Industry

Japan finally achieved positive recourse balance, thanks to taking various island bases in Philippines/DEI and advances in China. During April the resource reserves have grown slightly, while oil/fuel remain practically on the same levels. Heavy industry in Singapore was expanded to about 70 and the only fuel shortages are sometimes noted in Peiping, so HI points are flowing swiftly. First regular convoys are starting to arrive from SRA, bringing resources and fuel to Home Islands. At the moment two recource mega-convoys run from Singapore and, as soon as my Tonan Whaler tanker fleet will return after unloading a haul of fuel, it will be set in a regular convoy to haul oil (lifted from lesser DEI ports to Singapore by convoys of small TKs) and resources. A recourse/oil convoy of Yusen xAKs is about to start running from Soerabaja. Many lesser convoys are hauling resources to Takao, from where they will be lifted off for Home Islands with a regular convoy.

I'm significantly short on escorts, though, and cannot give a proper number of them to many more convoys. Hopefully, in the future I'll be able to free some destroyers for this duty.

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< Message edited by FatR -- 9/27/2010 10:17:32 AM >

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Post #: 221
RE: Ocean of Blood. FatR (J) vs. yubari (A) - no yubari... - 9/27/2010 10:19:55 AM   


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Japanese Industry Screen

Note how few points the air production consumes relative to the naval production.

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< Message edited by FatR -- 9/27/2010 10:35:07 AM >

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Post #: 222
RE: Ocean of Blood. FatR (J) vs. yubari (A) - no yubari... - 9/27/2010 10:26:06 AM   


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Aircraft Production

A6M3 factory is about to be restarted, and shoud upgrade to A6M3b automatically now. I had a crisis on my hands in the middle of April, and even was forced to downgrade several non-essential units to Ki-27/A5M, but by now, as Allies are avoiding battle, the plane pools are starting to more than recover.

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Post #: 223
RE: Ocean of Blood. FatR (J) vs. yubari (A) - no yubari... - 9/27/2010 10:28:21 AM   


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Engine Production

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Post #: 224
RE: Ocean of Blood. FatR (J) vs. yubari (A) - no yubari... - 9/27/2010 10:31:16 AM   


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Aircraft Research

Had I expected our latest houserule, most research would have been devoted to A7M2, not Ki-84.

EDIT: Also, it seems that research factory expansion accelerates with time, irrespective of the date when the plane becomes available. So, there is not much progress in researching Ki-43-IIa, because this factory was switched from Ki-43-IIb relatively recently - research for some of 1945 planes, which research factories were expanded right after the beginning of the game, advanced as much or more. So the important lesson is: bring your research programm into shape you want it to have on DAY 1.

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< Message edited by FatR -- 9/27/2010 12:10:32 PM >

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Post #: 225
RE: Ocean of Blood. FatR (J) vs. yubari (A) - no yubari... - 9/30/2010 3:10:53 PM   


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May 1-5: Feints and Strikes


Lihue fell on May 1, but the main event occured on 5th:

Ground combat at Hilo (183,111)
Japanese Shock attack
Attacking force 40239 troops, 389 guns, 247 vehicles, Assault Value = 1416
Defending force 9050 troops, 331 guns, 370 vehicles, Assault Value = 269
Japanese adjusted assault: 1127
Allied adjusted defense: 364
Japanese assault odds: 3 to 1 (fort level 0)
Japanese forces CAPTURE Hilo !!!

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), disruption(-), experience(-)
Attacker: shock(+)

Japanese ground losses:
5019 casualties reported
Squads: 99 destroyed, 132 disabled
Non Combat: 82 destroyed, 119 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 20 disabled
Guns lost 13 (1 destroyed, 12 disabled)
Vehicles lost 7 (1 destroyed, 6 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
6383 casualties reported
Squads: 283 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 673 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 88 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 417 (417 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Vehicles lost 392 (392 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Units destroyed 12

Assaulting units:
5th Ind. Engineer Regiment
17th Infantry Regiment
38th Division
65th Naval Guard Unit
24th Infantry Regiment
48th Division
42nd Naval Guard Unit
27th Electric Engineer Regiment
16th Infantry Regiment
67th Naval Guard Unit
11th JAAF Base Force

Defending units:
2nd Marine Regiment
2nd USMC Engineer Regiment
754th Tank Battalion
1st/298th Infantry Battalion
1st/102nd Infantry Battalion
21st Infantry Rgt /1
109th USN Base Force
1st Marine Defense Battalion
808th Engineer Aviation Battalion
70th Coast AA Regiment
810th Engineer Aviation Battalion
205th Field Artillery Battalion

17th Regiment got wasted (again), other units are in pretty good shape. I think even if Yubari saved fragments from destroyed units, these fragments still should be on Hawaii. Unfortunately, all destroyed infantry units were parts of bigger units, so none of them is really gone. Overall, Japanese likely have lost more squads at Hilo than Americans, but much less vehicles and guns. This already reminds of the siege of Port Arthur - hopefully the end result will be similar too, though. A horde of engineers is marching from Kona to start working on building a level 5 port (I'm not landing anything on Lahaina until it is a cratered ruin). And the fact that now we'll be able to spread planes between two CAP-interlocking airbases will make the Japanese position much stronger too.

In other good news, a huge succession of convoys, carrying three divisions, fleet and army HQs, supplies and fuel either made it to Kona already or is within our Betty patrol zone. I rerouted them to the south of Johnston, to where KBs retreated after their raid. The latter, meanwhile, approach Kwajalein.


USN Cruisers retreated promptly after their detection on 31st. In their place appeared Dutch ships, who attempted to bombard Port Moresby. Jakes from PM bombed them on the inbound leg (May 1), scoring a single non-penetrating hit on CL Sumatra. The bombardment was completely ineffective (Yubari complained that his planes failed to sortie againt PM, so that was supposed to be a combined arms attack), and on May 2 Betties from Lae struck the Allied TF at Cooktown. Four planes and three pilots were lost to Allied fighters, but a torpedo hit De Ruyter, and the cruiser was disbanded in the port. On the next day Yubari tried to move her out. Maybe De Ruyter managed to reach safety, but suspicious sinking sounds on the night of 3th-4th give me hope that she floundered. While this is probably the crummiest cruiser in the game, it always good to take out a capital ship at minimal cost. Oscars from Lae (then from PM) also tangled with Allied CAP over Cooktown when escorting raid on 2nd (they lost contact and arrived before it, though), and in a sweep on 3rd, taking down about 10 Allied planes in exchange for 3 or 4 planes and 3 pilots of their own.

My cautious attempt to move a light TF to Australian coast and intercept retreating Dutch ended in no contact with the enemy whatsoever. I also moved my DEI cruiser squadron towards Horn Island, and it burned quite a lot of fuel and suffered serious system damage on the way, which very negatively impacted the disposition of my forces for the next major event.

Port Blair

On May 4, Nells from Port Blair spotted what looked like the entire RN, plus invasion convoys approaching the island. I decided to take a risk, flying 50th Sentai (Ki-43-Ic) and some Vals to Port Blair, in hopes that the former will provide air cover for Netty raids from Rangoon and Bangcock. Unfortunately, none of these bases had an Air HQ. So my bombers sortied on May 5, losing 6 planes to Fulmars and Martlets (but thankfully only one pilot missing and two wounded) despite air cover from Hayabusas on CAP from Port Blair - and scored only one minor hit on a xAK. And Vals did not fly. Yubari is landing 17th Indian Division, and I have only 1st Raiding Regiment and an AF Company, so, seeing how my land attackers utterly failed to score, and I have very little in terms of surface assets around, I'm airlifting my troops out right now. It is frustrating to lose an important perimeter point, but fighting at a severe disadvantage makes no sense.

The loss won't be permanent, anyway. Yubari is overconfident, if he thinks that the British air force - or, indeed, the combined Allied airforce - can challenge my land-based air might at the moment, particularly from an isolated island airfield. 26th Air Flotilla just arrived in the theater (22nd got blasted by a sub while being transported to Padang, but will revive soon), and I will place it at Victoria Point (a ready lvl 4 airfield), with other air support units, and I'll launch a bombing campaign to demolish all that can be demolished in Allied-held Port Blair. If Yubari keeps a small garrizon, I'll retake the base once I have a proper force to invade and hold. Ih he keeps a large force (hopefully), I'll keep Netties threatening the area from Victoria Point, and then I'll land on Small Andaman, and build it up into a divebomber airfield, to keep Port Blair extra safely blockaded. And then I'll retake it sometime in late 1942, once the garrizon is properly starved.


Lots of action. See the map below.

(1): Japanese troops continue marching to Sian, across the both roads leading to it from the east. Armored spearheads drive stragglers before them. Unfortunately, they have completely destroyed 83rd Chinese corps in the process. The defending forces seem mighty, and I'm not looking forward to a river crossing attack, but at least my main body is about to reach open terrain. Cutting off Sian from the north and strong air attacks will likely be the key to victory.

(2): Yubari launched a strong probe towards Nanyang and started to pull back after seeing that the garrizon is strong. My forces are in pursuit.

(3): Nanchang is threatened too, but with level 5 forts and over 800 AV it is now safe.

(4): My southern army marches with all due haste to the zone #5, clearing stragglers on the way with independent regiments.

(5): The former Chuhsien force is quite slow in its move to safety, even though only a recon regiment blocks the way. The latter will soon be joined by an infantry regiment, though (should have moved it earlier). Chinese should have no supply whatsoever, so I hope to catch up with them and crush them. An air group is detached to slow them down further.

(6): The main action zone is around Canton/Hong Kong. Almost all of IJAAF bomber groups were flying there on May 2-4, but on 5th my entire air force in China decided to take a break... I hope they disrupted the Chinese force quite a bit, though, because things look dangerous. Canton is under no immediate threat, with 2-3k Chinese AV at most, including those on the way. On 4th and 5th Chinese corps elements attempted river crossing shock attacks in Canton. Needless to say, Pearl River carried a lot of corpses to the sea, and these strange attacks did not make any dent in almost 700 Japanese AV and level 5 forts. In Hong Kong, though, forts are only at level 3, and Yubari brought there almost 5000 AV against 500. Even in heavy urban terrain this just might be too much. Two tank regiments hopefully will unload tomorrow, and 4th brigade convoy is approaching Formosa, but will they be in time? My main DEI surface fleet even moved there, to help in the desperate effort, although the results of the first coast bombardment by Nagatos on May 5 were fairly disappoining.

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< Message edited by FatR -- 9/30/2010 4:02:33 PM >

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Post #: 226
RE: Ocean of Blood. FatR (J) vs. yubari (A) - no yubari... - 9/30/2010 4:10:36 PM   


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From: St.Petersburg, Russia
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Big Note: Amphibious Bonus Ends on April 30!

I thought before that it did not last past March. But a huge drop in loading/unloading efficiency and a spike in casualties during landings appeared, without doubt, on May 1.

Lesser Note: Bomber Payload

I believed that if you set Netties or Japanese torpedo bombs to Port Attack with torpedos, they, after the first days at PH, will carry 800-kg bombs, instead, which is nice as well. But today Betties at Hawaii, set on Port Attack as a secondary mission, sortied against the harbor of Oahu with smaller bombs... More testing is needed.

Another Lesser Note: "Full Speed" actually means "Barely Crawl" more often than not

At so far, whenever the TF in question was more than one move increment away from the target, the movement was really minimal. That's, apparently, why my Fast Transport TF was so slow at reaching Molokai, and that's why my light forces failed to timely deploy into position allowing to intercept the Dutch ships a few day ago.


Yet Another Note

Once a late modification of a plane is available, you can switch a factory that produces its precedessor in the upgrade tree to such modification manually, without suffering any damage to the facilities.

< Message edited by FatR -- 9/30/2010 4:29:23 PM >

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Post #: 227
RE: Ocean of Blood. FatR (J) vs. yubari (A) - no yubari... - 10/1/2010 8:06:26 PM   


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May 6: Inevitable Setback

The entire AF company and half of 1st Raiding Regiment were successfully evacuated by air before British stormed Port Blair. After promptly shooting prisoners taken during capture of Port Blair in December and stranded on the island since then due to lack of sea communications, the rest of the regiment died, but they managed to radio the mainland about the composition of the enemy force:

Ground combat at Port Blair (46,58)
Allied Shock attack
Attacking force 7479 troops, 125 guns, 98 vehicles, Assault Value = 567
Defending force 469 troops, 0 guns, 0 vehicles, Assault Value = 14
Allied adjusted assault: 344
Japanese adjusted defense: 1
Allied assault odds: 344 to 1 (fort level 2)
Allied forces CAPTURE Port Blair !!!

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+)
Attacker: shock(+)

Japanese ground losses:
418 casualties reported
Squads: 14 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 19 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Units destroyed 1

Allied ground losses:
103 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 16 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled

Assaulting units:
17th Indian Division
16th Light Cavalry Regiment
1st Burma Division
7th Armoured Bde /1

Defending units:
1st Raiding Regiment

Talk about overkill. I wonder if Yubari is going to lift these troops right back. Massive Allied fighter concentration at Calcutta and then Chittagong probably indicates he intends to fight for Port Blair, though. Maybe this is even a prelude for a move against Northern Sumatra... but such a move is likely too late, as the only remaining Dutch base is Sorong, and it is not even in rough terrain.

Day of the Subs

I-32 hit CVL Hermes with two torps off Little Andaman on her very first combat patrol and took a shot at CL Hobart, but unfortunately missed. Escorts achieved a few near misses in return but nothing serious. Hermes is clearly not sunk, despite heavy damage indicated in combat report, but I hope she will perish on the long way to Colombo. At the same time, RO-61 took two shots at the Dutch SCTF off Brisbane, but missed both times. Accuracy of my subs is quite appaling, in general. They had Allied cruisers in crosshair about 4 times in May alone, but failed to score. I now have three subs on position around Andamans, though, with the fourth (distinguished I-155) almost there, and hopefully they will be able to score again in such target-rich environment.

In return, SS Trigger scored a very bad torpedo hit on CA Mikuma off Molokai, after Yamato SCTF, to which she belonged, bombarded Lahaina to little effect and was retreating towards Kwajalein. This single hit caused 51 flotation damage! Barring additional damage, Mikuma is not in immediate danger, though.

< Message edited by FatR -- 10/1/2010 8:12:28 PM >

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Post #: 228
RE: Ocean of Blood. FatR (J) vs. yubari (A) - no yubari... - 10/1/2010 11:11:14 PM   


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The revealed size of British force continues to bother me. I can't operate on the assumption that Yubari just miscalculated bringing the army of this size and entire RN. just to conquer Port Blair. It is possible that the siege of Malang should be abandoned to release enough infantry for reinforcement of Burma/Northern Sumatra. Northern Sumatra is a dead end for Allies at the moment, but the coast from Moulmein to Georgetown is practically undefended (will change soon with movement of troops to Victoria Point and Tavoy, but these primarily will be air support units). Thankfully, the Hong Kong crisis seems to be past the most dangerous stage, with two tank regiments bringing AV to 600 and the Chinese army in the field moving away from the city. 5000 Chinese AV likely won't be able to take on 600 Japanese in heavy urban terrain. 4th Brigade still moves towards Hong Kong in case Yubari decides to attack tomorrow, but if no assault comes for 2-3 more days, it will probably be safe to send it to DEI.

In fleet terms, I'll move Mini-KB (minus damaged Junyo) to Singapore. Should be enough to send Brits running to mommy. If I'm lucky, RN might even walk into a trap, considering that it will need to support Port Blair, lest it will be leveled by naval bombardments. KB proper will rest and train pilots at Kwajalein. Yamato and Nagatos, plus about 6-7 CAs will form the surface arm, with old battleships left for bombardment runs at Hawaii (Yamato cannot reload anywhere in the Pacific, and Nagatos won't be able to in foreseeable future).

One more thought I missed initially: now that I know where RN is I might grab Port Hedland right away without bothering with carrier and heavy surface cover! Time to look if there are any free infantry anywhere. In a pinch, moving a regiment from Malang might be an option...

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Post #: 229
RE: Ocean of Blood. FatR (J) vs. yubari (A) - no yubari... - 10/4/2010 8:23:25 PM   


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May 7: IJN Intelligence hates CL Leander

Seriously, it is the second time she's put on a sunk list in place of another Allied cruiser. First time it was CL Phoenix near Paramushiro, and now it is CL Sumatra, sunk by I-21 one hex from Sydney. This time I would have actually preferred to bag Leander, though. Sumatra is another weak-ass Dutch cruiser. Definitely better than nothing, though.

By the way, I need to complain more about my sub performance. Barely I had wrote about their habit of only scratching their prey, as I-21 launched a perfect 3-hit salvo with her last 6 torpedoes, sending Sumatra to the bottom right away. A good final accord for the rather eventful combat patrol, that saw multiple failed attacks and sinking of AM Punjab four days ago. How about hitting some actually valuable Allied warships now, guys?

Pounding Lahaina: Is about to begin in earnest. Enough naval support to reload 356mm guns should be unloaded at Kona on this turn.

Bloody Nose for IJAAF: The entire mass of Allied fighters remained at Chittagong, and I, in my overconfidence, send 1st Sentai into battle with only the understrength Tojo chutai for support. This did not end well. We lost 19 Oscars and 1 Tojo for 13 Allied fighters, including Bufallos. Nothing fatal, but at this rate Allies can attrite my pilot reserves too much.

< Message edited by FatR -- 10/4/2010 8:24:43 PM >

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Post #: 230
RE: Ocean of Blood. FatR (J) vs. yubari (A) - no yubari... - 10/15/2010 11:56:08 PM   


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May 8-11, 1942

We had a fairly long pause in the game, due to a failed attempt to update the database. So, not much happened so far.

The Pacific

Naval bombardments of Lahaina had little effect. It seems that repeated naval bombardments at the same hex are subjected to swiftly diminishing returns. Will try to rest my ships for a day or two and try a 4-battleship bombardment run, instead of 2-battleship runs every day. I have some time for experiments. And with 7 divisions on the Big Island or on the way, I can just swamp defenders at Lahaina with numbers (only one division seems to be on the island, but we'll see what the intelligence bomb will show now). Hyuga ate a bomb from night-flying Dauntlesses and lost one of forward main gun towers.

Airfield at Pearl is at 100% damage now.

BB Tennessee ate a torpedo from I-10 right next to San Francisco.

I'm doing some surface raiding in various regions, but no catch so far.

Yubari withdrew back his aviation that briefly appeared in Cairns-Cooktown and Darwin-Katherine areas after losing some planes to night bombing.

Burma and Andamans

Allies are landing on islands south of Port Blair. My support units are moving towards Victoria Point and also Tavoy, which is also in range. I launched a few night attacks on the airfields, with limited success. Tried to launch night naval attack too, but none flew. It seems the only reliable way to nightbomb ships is when they are detected by coast defenders in a friendly hex.

350 Japanese AV are driving Dutch/British survivors to Sabang, the last Allied base on Sumatra.

Massive Allied troop concentration is spotted at Chittagong.

EDIT: This, and a slip-up by Yubari in one of his emails strongly indicates that the short-term Allied target is the mainland of Burma, not obtaining a foothold at northern Malaya or northern Sumatra. If so, I believe this is a major misstep. He's placing his air force on a spit to be roasted (with Hawaii already done for, I easily can accept even 2:1 exchange rate - not very likely, after I get aifields in normal Oscar range up and running - and still grind the British down), and, possibly, strands many of the best British infantry units away from real action. Of course, that all might be a campaign of deception, but we'll see soon enough.


If you look at the map in post #226, the situation developed as follows in each of the numbered hotspots.

(1): Not much happened. The main Japanese force will envelop Sian from the north. I'm faking a river crossing attempt straight to Sian, with a holding force, to hopefully keep my esteemed opponent guessing.

(2): 32th and 116th Divisions, plus two armored car companies pursued the 4-corps strong Chinese force, and inflicted rout on one corps initially and on three later. However, this battle was costly, because of a river crossing shock attack against much higher unmodified AV. Aviation helped carry the day, but both armored car companies got wiped out completely. Crap. But at least about 600 more Chinese squads got destroyed. So far, only in, IIRC, February, Chinese squad losses were anywhere close to their replacement rate of 200. I hope they will run out of men someday.

(3): Chinese have retreated without giving a fight.

(4)-(5): Chuhsien escapees made it to safety, unfortunately. I'm not yet sure, how to press the offensive in this theatre. If only I knew what Chinese supply situation is...

(6): No Chinese assault on either city, yet. I wander what this was all about. Hong Kong now has over 800 AV. Once forts are at level 4 (75% to level 4 now), I'll start lifting unrestricted troops from there. So far, their southern adventure cost Chinese about 160-180 destroyed infantry squads, at practically no cost to Japanese but caused significant, if temporary force diversion on my side. On the other hand, had Nagatos been in Singapore, when Allies moved on Port Blair, I might have been too tempted to give a surface battle, which, in the hindsight, was way too risky.

< Message edited by FatR -- 10/16/2010 1:52:28 AM >

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Post #: 231
RE: Ocean of Blood. FatR (J) vs. yubari (A) - no yubari... - 10/17/2010 9:41:11 PM   


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May 12-13, 1942

Not much new. My sub patrols off Andamans are pretty ineffective ever since damaging Hermes. There are intercepts, just not successful ones. RO-33 also get damaged badly enough to withdraw. Unfortunately, with this and torpedos running out, I cannot maintain more than four subs on position around Port Blair yet.

Victoria Point and Tavoy airfields are activated, but cannot operate Netties yet. Bad weather prevents any air attacks on British troops on the mainland.

Belated Response: Nagatos, 3 CAs, 2 torpedo CLs and 17 DDs are moving towards Andamans, in three 8-ship TFs. The first stop is Georgetown, then the fleet will move to Victoria Point (both bases have Oscars on CAP already). From there, a bombardment run against Port Blair will be launched. British probably have a ton of torpedo bombers on watch, but with their pathetic range I doubt they will be able to intercept effectively. Plus, I will have LBA assistance. Yubari has to accept a naval battle or have the British airforce nuked on the undersized airfield. If it is obvious that most of RN still hangs around Port Blair, I'll wait until I can bring Netties to play, before sending the surface fleet in. British have lost many of their light cruisers, but their heavy hitters still are intact or mostly intact.

Raid on Suva: Kako and Kinugasa bombarded Suva on 12th, but found no ships around the harbor and succeeded only in destroying a single Bufallo on the airfield.

< Message edited by FatR -- 10/17/2010 9:42:32 PM >

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Post #: 232
RE: Ocean of Blood. FatR (J) vs. yubari (A) - no yubari... - 10/19/2010 12:03:29 AM   


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May 14-15, 1942

Port Blair Bombardment Run: Ordered for tomorrow and it should be followed by massive Oscars sweeps. Allied fleed retreated entirely, and my TFs weren't spotted, as they reached their positions within correct range of Port Blair, so, unless my esteemed opponent is prescient, the operation should proceed without much hindrance. Port Blair appears hideously overstacked, so I expect solid results.

Two-day pause isn't enough to reset naval bombardment routine... Well, exactly what it says. The damage to Lahaina still was pathetic.

How the choice of bombs works after all? No, I was wrong thinking that ordering to carry torps will lead torpedo bombers to load 800-kg bombs on Port Attack. Looks like there is a roll that determines the ammunition bombers launch with. This sucks. And means I still cannot clear Oahu harbor, even though battleships there ate 30-40 250-kg bombs each by this point. (The fact that weather predictions are always wrong doesn't help to plan Betty raids, and I don't want to attack Pearl Harbor with them constantly, both because they are more fragile than Sallies and actually lose someone almost every raid and because they need to fly searches and be present as the threat to Allied ships.)

Go forward or wait? I have over 4000 AV at Hawaii, but the problem is, most units have little preparation for Lahaina. Forces that took Hilo were preparing for it, and two of the fresh divisions prepared for Pearl until I got a measure of enemy forces. So, in the light of disappointing naval bombardment results, should I rely on overwhelming AV, or wait until my troops gain more preparation and defenders, hopefully, start starving?
Defenders appear to have one full division (American Division), two CD units and a lot of armor. 2nd Marine regiment apparently is recovering there too (probably all of the units destroyed at Hilo are). In my experience, though, a saved fragment of a Marine regiment requires up to half a year to rebuild, so, hopefully, they won't recover too much. My own units are all fine by this point.

Shipwrights' bill: Most of my ships heavily damaged during Hawaian operation you can see below. Kumano hit a mine, both carriers are subs' work. CL Yahagi (mine) is in transfer to Home Islands. CA Mikuma (sub) and CL Tokiwa (PT boat torpedo) are being patched at Kona, before setting on the long road home. 2 DD and 4 DMS were lost. Fairly cheap I say, although damage to carriers sharply reduces my operational capabilities at the moment.

British ASW on the rampage: Several subs were hit in these two days by escorts of the retreating British fleet, as they unsuccessfully tried to attack. I-164 was significantly damaged (about 30 sys) after an unsucceful attack near Colombo on 14th. I decided not to retire it, and on 15th it managed to sink xAP Haresfield with two torpedoes, but was sunk by AMC Cornwallis in return. Sigh. Looks like subs should be sent back to port every time they take noticeable damage.
I-164 is the seventh Japanese subs lost during the war and third by surface ASW. Coincidentally, I-11 was comissioned the same day, bringing the number of active subs back to 56. In terms of operational value my current sub fleet is even superior to what I had at the start of the war (only one ocean-going sub was among the lost). But I definitely don't like the teeth British ASW shown during these days.

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< Message edited by FatR -- 10/19/2010 2:02:51 AM >

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Post #: 233
RE: Ocean of Blood. FatR (J) vs. yubari (A) - no yubari... - 10/19/2010 10:13:18 AM   


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FatR, why are you actually planning to go for Lahiana first?  Wouldn't it be smarter to concentrate ALL of your available force in Hawaii for a quick attack on Pearl, and take out the most prestigious, valuable (fuel, yards, ships, port, etc) target first?  Although it is better defended, and may incur heavier losses on your LCU, this would give you several benefits.

- it could induce your opponent to attempt a major fleet operation, for support and/or resupply, particularly when your forces threaten to take the base.
- it would close the last major port between West Coast and OZ, even if only invested by your forces
- if you can take it, which may only be a mere question of time, you'll bag a lot of important enemy LCUs, the useless old BB's in port, the last planes on the field, the oil storage and yards.  More importantly, you will win a psychological victory:  Pearl is valuable, but Lahiana much less so.   Once Pearl has fallen, Yubari will not come back so quickly, but rather late in the war, with substantial CV and ground forces.  As long as Pearl remains in his hands, he will be tempted to come back as soon as possible to relieve it.  So taking out Pearl will give you very quickly the opportunity to transfer a number of divisions back into strategic reserve elsewhere, and give you a lot of time to deal with Lahaina without much worries of serious interference. 

< Message edited by janh -- 10/19/2010 10:14:25 AM >

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Post #: 234
RE: Ocean of Blood. FatR (J) vs. yubari (A) - no yubari... - 10/19/2010 11:17:11 AM   


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Once Allies are down to one base, I'll welcome their counterattack attempts, actually. At the moment, two groups of Sallies can keep Oahu's airfield at 100% damage indefinitely and at hardly any cost, so it will just be assaulting a Japanese stronghold with zero help from Allied LBA. I'm pondering if I should brave the CD guns at all. At least before Allies start starving.
Lahaina has much tamer coast defense and, it looks like, lesser garrizon. The probability of my forces being stuck on the enemy-held island, while the enemy has more supply than me is far less. Maybe I'll be able to make naval bombardments effective, too. The next time I'll try to bombard from beyond the effective range of 155mm CD guns. And finally, there is the question of not wasting preparation.

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Post #: 235
RE: Ocean of Blood. FatR (J) vs. yubari (A) - no yubari... - 10/20/2010 3:46:30 PM   


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May 16-18, 1942

A Whimper, Not A Bang: Results of bombarding Port Blair were extremely piddly, with only one Hurricane destroyed on ground. Well, at least the air battles were in my favor, with Allies losing more fighters in A2A. But those battles weren't very big, because initially most of my Sentais refused to fly, and then Yubari probably grounded most of his figters.

Range is the Key: Further bombardment experiments at Lahaina indicate that the range settings are the key for attacking protected installation. If the bombardment force stays out of CD guns range, it fires more accurately and bombards airfield and port, instead of being tied by the duel with shore batteries. Thankfully, 155mm guns that US CD units use initially have only 16k range, so even destroyers can bombard while stayng out of their reach. My last bombardment from 17k was quite effective again. Now, I need to look what CD guns British should have...

Death to ASW Patrols: Over the last week my subs sank two Canadian AMs near Seattle. (For the total of three AMs in this month.) Slow ASW ships, like AMs and YPs (or PBs on Japanese side) do not seem to be effective against subs... Although they managed to sink RO-65 in April.
Also, I-2 torpedoes SS Grampus near San Francisco. Like in two previous attacks on Allied subs, no sinking sounds were heard, so I afraid that, being one hex from port, Grampus got away.

Andaman Fortress: It seems that Allies landed as much forces on Little Andaman as in Port Blair. This means I'll need to use Car Nicobar as my blockade base.

China - Sian Blockaded: See the map below. My tank force finished the cutoff operation. I wonder why Yubari did absolutely nothing to prevent it. Sian's industry is FAR too small to feed the huge army he has here. Particularly under massive air raids. Maybe his supply situation was catastrophic anyway.

China - Retreat from Hong Kong: Looks like Yubari gave up without a fight and most of his army falls back to join the battle against my southern force... Well, I cannot deny that this offensive already served him well, by distracting much of my forces at the critical moment. And by paralyzing Hong Kong industry, although this is temporary.

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Post #: 236
RE: Ocean of Blood. FatR (J) vs. yubari (A) - no yubari... - 10/22/2010 10:49:50 PM   


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May 19-22, 1942: Quiet Days

Well, for a certain definition of quiet.

Naval Bombardment Puzzle Refuses To Be Solved: Well, the effects of my regular bombardment runs against Lahaina sharply decreased again. Ships at safe range still fire at the airfield, but without a devastating effect. Need more experiments!

Arizona Finished! She just suddenly sank on 20th, when Oahu harbor wasn't even attacked, from damage suffered a day ago. Somehow the firefighting effort failed for once

Assault Ordered In other news from Hawaii, I'm tired of this. As soon as my xAKLs convoys reach The Big Island, I'm invading Lahaina. Barges are practically useless for invasion purposes, because one barge TF cannot load anything larger than a NavGuard. So I'm going to use xAKLs to hopefully unload troops in one go. Also, losing them is not a big deal.

Come Out Sir Robin, Come Out, You Dirty Coward! Yubari refuses to contest airspace over Andamans against my figter sweeps. That's a rather unorthodox way of defending island strongholds, but he might have forgotten, that British have no AA guns with ceiling of 25k, as was empirically found over Singapore. Over last two days, test-of-concept Sally raids destroyed 8 Allied planes on ground from this altitude, without taking as much as a scratch. Despite bad weather and most of Allied airforce rebasing to Little Andaman on the second day. I think Allied aviation won't be able to sit my air attacks out without prohibitive losses. Maybe if Yubari withdraws most of his units...

The End on Sumatra The last Dutch defenders were repeatedly routed and finally eliminated at Sabang.

< Message edited by FatR -- 10/22/2010 11:02:08 PM >

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Post #: 237
RE: Ocean of Blood. FatR (J) vs. yubari (A) - no yubari... - 10/23/2010 8:28:14 PM   


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On Plans For The Future

A pretty titanic air battle took place over Little Andaman on 23th. Japanese lost about 32 Oscars and 33 (!) Sallies, as the sweeps failed to suppress the CAP. Allies lost 36 fighters, 23 of them Hurricanes IIb. This is a tactical defeat, but, even with a Sentai of Sallies shattered, a strategic victory, particularly as most of my fighter units instantly recovered their losses, and I have a fresh unit of Zeros to throw in the fray tomorrow. With this British already have lost 124 Hurricanes IIa and IIb. Their pools should be scraping the bottom. Still, I did a mistake not sending some small Nell units to attack the airfield in the night. In terms of pilots Japanese, of course, suffered greatly. But I still can replace at least 3-4 such days worth of bomber pilots and half a month worth of fighter pilots, before worrying about my reserves.

But this is still within my expectations anyway. The question is, how to react to the Allied movements in the long term. At the moment, I've in the process of reinforcing Burma with a number of artillery, airfield and construction units. I have failed to gather enough infantry for Port Hedland before the British fleet disappeared, so this invasion is out of the question (I might stage it a bit later, though, with Mini-KB laying in wait for RN responce). I have a division (33th) in reserve, and a strong guard on Northern Sumatra. Pretty soon Malang will fall, freeing about 1500 now-hardened AV. In the Pacific, KB+Ryujo train their pilots on Kwajalein. The rest of Mini-KB is in Singapore. Old BBs and LBA concentration guard Hawaii, and at the moment I've freed 3rd Ku from there, by replacing it with an Oscar Sentai. New Guinea-Solomons and Marshalls-Gilberts are guarded thinly, but the possibilty of KB presence should keep Allies in check. There is also enough aviation around to inflict severe losses on most Allied advances not covered by carriers.

The question is, will Yubari be able to launch a strong offensive elsewhere, while remaining committed to Andamans? I see no obvious signs of actively moving on Burma so far, therefore I'm reluctant to immediately commit my meager reserve there. There are no more signs of Allied activity immediately directed towards Solomons, so far. Maybe my esteemed opponent planned that activity as a strategic deception from the beginning, or maybe he was disheartened by taking losses for no gain.

Eastern DEI, though, remains very weakly covered. The only strong forward base is Koepang. I believe, even with naval communications to Darwin closed, I should reinforce this region powerfully, at least as soon as Malang is finished, instead of sending everything to Burma (an immediate counterinvasion in Andamns is off the table at the moment, I need to starve the garrizon first). And the Port Hedland operation should be executed right after that as well.

As about the northern Pacific, the Andaman invasion forced me to postpone any immediate designs for Aleutians. I'm continuing to fortify Kuriles in the meantime. Paramushiro and Shimushiri now are pretty powerful, if undergarrizoned, fortresses.

In China, I plan to continue besieging Sian and bombing the defenders into paste for at least a month. 45 units in the hex scare me a lot. As about southern China, the situation remains uncertain. My current goal is pushing Chinese out of Hong Kong and deblocading Canton, while establishing a frontline around Kanhsien. Considering how mighty their forces are, Kukong, which would be a better MRL anchor, is probably out of reach...

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Post #: 238
RE: Ocean of Blood. FatR (J) vs. yubari (A) - no yubari... - 10/25/2010 7:04:31 PM   


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May 23-26, 1942

DEI Conquered: Malang fell to a deliberate attack on 26th. It tied over 1400 AV for several months. But on the other hand, this was done at the cost of conceding fuel and resource hexes without a fight. And at least my troops got alot of experience during that siege. 21st Division, 65th Brigade and ImpGuards Brigade progressed from mediocre to crack units.

Andamans Situation: Looks like Yubari's aviation retreated from sight again. Well, it is nice that I was right about the strategic importance of our single big air battle, but I would have preffered to attrite his aviation much more. On the other hand, landing of a Japanese vanguard on Trinkat did not met any resistance.
Allies seem to have 2 Divisions in Port Blair and Little Andaman each. I suspect Yubari will return to contestin the airspace in the future, as otherwise these troops will become just prisoners.

Invasion of Lahaina: Loaded and about to proceed. Unfortunately, I miscalculated my sealift and 16th Division will not participate in the initial assault.
Three Betty groups and alot of fighters are on standby for any appearance of Allied surface forces.

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Post #: 239
RE: Ocean of Blood. FatR (J) vs. yubari (A) - no yubari... - 10/25/2010 10:03:32 PM   


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On Japanese Convoy System

At the moment I'm running three big cargo convoys from Singapore and two from Soerabaja, hauling resources straight to Home Islands. Resources from Philippines and Cam Rahn are first shipped to ports of Formosa, from where regular convoys carry them to Home Islands. Resources from minor bases in SRA are shipped to Singapore. I'm using the northern approach to Shimonoseki as the main shipping route, because it is all shallow water. Singapore convoys also hug the coast as much as possible. This burns extra fuel, and probably slows them down somewhat, due to escorts not having enough fuel, but increases safety. I'm mostly use Aden and 15-knot Yusen xAKs for SRA convoys.

The only permanent tanker convoy so far is a Tonan Whaler convoy (including all TKs of this class), which carriers oil and resources from Singapore. The rest of the tankers are redirected as needed. At the moment, a deficit of fuel for HI struck Manchukuo and China earlier, than I expected looking at stores at the major ports, so most new convoys (those that aren't devoted to supplying the fleet) are hauling fuel there.

Allies subs are mostly busy hunting my fleet at the moment (hopefully moving my best Helen ASW squadron to Hawaii will make this more costly in the nearest future), although recently SS Drum was encountered in the Sea of Okhotsk. They also should struggle with lack of bases for serious action against shipping from SRA. So convoy security wasn't top-notch recently. Still, I'm including a minimum of three escorts in each permanent convoy. Short range convoys carrying resources from the Northern Resource Area to Honshu have more, because there is more than enough short-legged escorts available. I'm also assign decent commanders to such convoys. Subchaser taskforces also patrol approaches to the main Home Islands ports, and the straits between Sakhalin and Hokkaido.

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Post #: 240
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