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Enjoying Korea 2005

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Enjoying Korea 2005 - 11/30/2010 11:07:49 PM   


Posts: 4
Joined: 9/12/2008
Status: offline
Well with the latest North-Korea attack and the international tension following, it pushed me to try the Korea 2005 scenario which is impressive, and to have a "virtual" and "realistic" insight if a war broke out today.

What is surprising is that the frontline is static and very much like a WWI confrontation, trench warfare, I'm playing SK side, and in the the beginning the NK surge is enormous, I was pushed back from the DMZ trying to consolidate my lines, and organize reinforcements. I tried to counterattacks prudently not to spend my forces in vain, or view a spearhead breaking my front and putting havoc in the rear.

I have gained momentum, time was playing for me as reinforcements were massive, and the air support was incredible. From this moment the two sides fought a war of tiring, static and depressing fight; that's when the logical comes into play, I let NK consume its forces, will preserving mine with a strategy attack/defense/counterattack etc...

Moving the reinforcements is a big task, not mixing them to much to have the initial order of battle, Seoul is a mess to manage you have GHQs, HQs, support units, police units, AA all you can dream, except you can barely move units with the space allocation, which is normal but a bit frustrating; all the others units south of Seoul are of not much use, because Seoul is congested with troops, and the front is congested too in a sense.

Now to my gaming experience I would call it modest; I did not bore using helicopters, I did not use special forces as attended, I used SEALs to detect or take by surprise ports to disembark Marines; usually when I order engineers to repair bridge, I forget in the next turn to make them repair again so... or sometimes I scratch my head when crops, humid, sandy area or just bridges I did not saw were destroyed haha (when pushing fresh units into start position for attack), well in fact we don't see bridges, it is just a message that appear beneath screen indicating the nature of the terrain. Playing by rules require a big patience, or not to be bothered by real life; but TOAW is bigger than you, micromanaging divisions is not for the weaks

Ok let's back to my game, in the middle of the turns I sent Marines on the right side of Korea, and attacks and disrupt NK weaker forces; the side of the Yellow sea was too heavy defended, and disembarking works only in high water ports (?) and I did not know much what to do of ships, I mean how to use them correctly.

It took me very big time to retake the lost ground up to the DMZ, looked like I was scrolling like a snail (not on a razor blade); but there was no other solutions for me that to weakens NK divisions until they spent their major forces, for the advance on Seoul all the untried troops were welcomed, it is in the last march that you feel never having enough troops, roads, ammunitions to finish that extra mile to quick and decisive victory. At the of this post Pyongyang is almost in my hands, but I have a nightmare of reorganizing units...

To be continued
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