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Hows the patch coming? Basic idea of whats covered?

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Hows the patch coming? Basic idea of whats covered? - 1/6/2011 9:03:23 PM   
Chad Harrison

Posts: 1395
Joined: 4/2/2003
From: Boise, ID - USA
Status: offline
Hi all

Just finished my Soviet GC against the AI - Germany surrendered Jan 1944

I am now looking to start the German GC, but would like to wait for the patch to see if something are going to be added and/or tweaked - such as 1st winter or the CV of surrounded units.

So I am just curious, outside of what we already know from the v1.02 beta, is there anything big planned for the official patch? And do we have a general ETA?

Thanks in advance - superb game by the way!

Post #: 1
RE: Hows the patch coming? Basic idea of whats covered? - 1/6/2011 9:04:43 PM   


Posts: 684
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The last post from Joel....�

< Message edited by Zort -- 1/6/2011 9:05:15 PM >

(in reply to Chad Harrison)
Post #: 2
RE: Hows the patch coming? Basic idea of whats covered? - 1/6/2011 9:26:24 PM   
Joel Billings

Posts: 32265
Joined: 9/20/2000
From: Santa Rosa, CA
Status: offline
Not adressing first winter in the next patch (still awaiting more data on this). No change is in the works to modify CV of units attacked from multiple directions (understand that some would like to see it and understand the logic, but it would be a major change that was never intended and would no doubt have a balance impact that would need to be considered).

I've just finished putting together the list of changes that we have for the 1.02 Beta 2 patch. More may be done before it gets put out to the public. Here's what we have so far:

V1.02 Beta 2 – January 4, 2010

· New Features and Rule Changes
1. Air groups may now shift between Day and Night missions even if they have flown or moved during the turn.
2. Removed the AI button when in Air Transport mode. The player may no longer have the AI fly air transport missions.
3. Added Recon Escort ON/OFF to the air doctrine screen. When on, recon missions will be escorted as they have in the past. When off, no fighter escorts will be provided for recon missions.
4. Added Ground Support ON/OFF to the air doctrine screen. This can also be toggled by using the hotkey ‘x’. When on, ground support will be provided normally. When off, no ground support will be flown (fighters will still intercept enemy ground support). The current Ground Support status will be shown on the top bar next to the word MOVE when in move mode. The text will either be GS-on or GS-off.
5. HQs that have not moved during the current player-turn have an increased chance of committing support units to battle.
6. Reduced the chance each turn of a leader being killed due to the distance to the enemy by 2/3. In addition, any leader in an HQ that is more than 10 hexes from the enemy will have his chance of being killed reduced by an additional 2/3.
7. Eliminated German leader dismissals prior to 12/15/1941.
8. Support units that are attached to a motorized division or corps on map combat unit will now require additional vehicles.
9. Adjusted the way that air group mileage is logged when an air base moves.
10. Adjusted the way that the use of an air unit on an airbase could cause all other air units at that airbase to incur miles flown.
11. Changed the game default setting for Auto Save Game to On.
12. Changed the default Intercept value on the Air Doctrine screen to 50.
13. Changed Soviet ability to keep Cavalry tanks together with Light and Medium Tanks before 9/1941. Reduced the swap out probability. This is done to support very mixed compositions of Soviet Tanks divisions.

· Bug Fixes
1. Eliminated the possibility of a leader commanding two HQ’s at the same time.
2. Fixed a problem causing some reinforcements to appear off the playable map area in small scenarios.
3. Fixed an issue preventing Rumanian units from moving into an area in the Soviet Union just north of the Rumanian border and just east of the Hungarian border.
4. Fixed a problem that occasionally prevented some valid transport air groups from being available to fly air transport (had to do with the method of picking which units would show up first in the pick air units for mission window).
5. Fixed a bug in the AI that was allowing units to move too far when nearly pocketed.
6. When using non-random weather, some December turns in 1942-44 were snow turns when they should have been blizzard. They will now all be blizzard.
7. Fixed a bug in the production display of captured equipment. Now captured items will show up in the display as long as there are some of the items either in the pool or in a unit.
8. Added code to ensure that AI units will not improperly attack across impassible hexsides.
9. Tank brigades are now correctly placed in the arrival queue when tank divisions are destroyed.
10. Made sure a message appears in the event log when lend-leased trucks (vehicles) are received.
11. Fixed a problem with fighter allocation to airstrikes.
12. Groups sent to the National Reserve are now shown in the arrival list.
13. Fixed the CR sorting on some columns when HQ chain filter is enabled.
14. Fixed several replacement problems that could cause some German panzer units to go way over TOE in tanks while others units lost tanks. As part of this fix removed the ability for Germans to swap Medium Tanks to CS Tanks.
15. Fixed a bug when replacements were adding to a unit but the ground element was staying with 0 exp.
16. Fixed a bug in the AI rail-repair function.
17. Fixed some sea zone and port mismatches.
18. Made the off-map city of Kiel contribute to the Baltic Sea zone transport.
19. Made sure that fort units do not start a scenario in static mode.
20. Fixed air group fatigue reduction.
21. Fixed intercept percentage doctrine setting effect.
22. Fixed a problem with the AP cost to build Soviet units.
23. Fixed a problem preventing some Soviet HQ units from being listed in the units that may be built.
24. Fixed the unit size filter in the CR screen so it works correctly when other filter or sorting is active.
25. Fixed a bug in the editor that prevented setting of the name/surname if current values are empty hexes.
26. Fixed a problem preventing some units from being able to disband/merge due to an incorrectly set withdrawal link to this slot.

· Data and Scenario Changes
1. Changes to 1941 Campaign, Barbarossa, and all 'Road to' Scenarios:
* Two 833rd Karl Siege batteries withdraw on 1 July 1941
* Added Karl Siege batteries to arrival schedule with appropriate withdrawals
* Fixed German motorized flak battalion withdrawal dates
* 5th, 8th, and 28th Jager Divisions have been rebuilt as Infantry Divisions and then withdrawn in Nov/Dec 1941 to rebuild as Jager Divisions
* 5th, 8th, and 28th Jager Divisions arrive as reinforcements in Jan/Feb 1942
* Added 156th Vicenza Italian Security Division to arrival schedule
* 2nd Fallschirmjager Division is now non-motorized
* XXXV Italian Corps arrives with Gen. Zingales as the Commander
2. 1942 and Operation Blue:
* 2nd Fallschirmjager Division is now non-motorized
* Gen. Wetzel now commands V Corps
3. Changes to 1943 Campaign:
* 339th Jager Division now rebuilt as an infantry division
* Gen. Zeitzler is now in command of OKH
* Guards Light Rocket Regiments are no longer attached to Soviet Cavalry Corps
* 2nd Fallschirmjager Division is now now-motorized
4. Changes to 1944 Campaign:
* Soviet 51st Army removed from front line and moved to Gomel as a STAVKA reserve
* Soviet 2nd Guards Army and 51st Army are now frozen for two turns as the STAVKA reserve
* Shuffled Baltic Fronts front line units to be more historical. 6th Guards Army is now properly situated north of Vitebsk.
* Removed Soviet artillery attachments to Soviet corps
* Resupplied all Soviet military district units so they no longer show over 100% supply
* Gen. Heusinger now commands OKH
5. Leader files:
* Added Wilhem Wetzel
* Added Adolf Heusinger
6. Data fixes:
* Fixed ZiS-30 start date and build cost
* Set 41 TD Battery OB (414) start date to 9/1941, end date 4/1942
* Set Build Cost for SU-57 to 0 (lend-lease)
* Set first month for MC.202 was set to 8/1942.


All understanding comes after the fact.
-- Soren Kierkegaard

(in reply to Chad Harrison)
Post #: 3
RE: Hows the patch coming? Basic idea of whats covered? - 1/6/2011 9:29:21 PM   


Posts: 339
Joined: 12/27/2010
Status: offline
Thanks, great work. Went back to 101 beta as its so much better will wait for multiplayer for full patch - cant wait.

(in reply to Joel Billings)
Post #: 4
RE: Hows the patch coming? Basic idea of whats covered? - 1/6/2011 9:29:38 PM   

Posts: 2208
Joined: 2/28/2005
From: Rapid City SD
Status: offline
Wow, its looking good, thanks for the intel update Joel 


(in reply to Joel Billings)
Post #: 5
RE: Hows the patch coming? Basic idea of whats covered? - 1/6/2011 9:34:21 PM   


Posts: 625
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From: Germany
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Three cheers as the Wünderwaffen makes its appearance on the battlefield to help the Soviets (the dreaded Zis-30)!! That looks like a great list of fixes, I hope it makes it public soon. Thanks for the hard work and effort.

(in reply to CarnageINC)
Post #: 6
RE: Hows the patch coming? Basic idea of whats covered? - 1/6/2011 9:54:33 PM   
Chad Harrison

Posts: 1395
Joined: 4/2/2003
From: Boise, ID - USA
Status: offline
Wow Joel - you guys have been busy! Thanks for the prompt response and all the details. Looking forward to the patch!

(in reply to PMCN)
Post #: 7
RE: Hows the patch coming? Basic idea of whats covered? - 1/6/2011 10:37:21 PM   

Posts: 12108
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3. Fixed an issue preventing Rumanian units from moving into an area in the Soviet Union just north of the Rumanian border and just east of the Hungarian border.

Hah! I was puzzled by that but figured it was a Rumanian movement restriction.


"Measure civilization by the ability of citizens to mock government with impunity" -- Unknown

(in reply to Chad Harrison)
Post #: 8
RE: Hows the patch coming? Basic idea of whats covered? - 1/6/2011 11:02:33 PM   

Posts: 2208
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From: Rapid City SD
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Will this require a restart for any GC's going on?  I always worry about that, its a habit from WitP 


(in reply to Mynok)
Post #: 9
RE: Hows the patch coming? Basic idea of whats covered? - 1/6/2011 11:07:10 PM   


Posts: 497
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I don't think so, Joe would have said so. You'll just not see the data file changes at the bottom of the list.

What was the ETA for this? Sounds like in day or two?

(in reply to CarnageINC)
Post #: 10
RE: Hows the patch coming? Basic idea of whats covered? - 1/6/2011 11:12:38 PM   
Joel Billings

Posts: 32265
Joined: 9/20/2000
From: Santa Rosa, CA
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Unless we say differently, you'll always get the immediate effect of any of the bug fixes and new features/rule changes in existing games. However you'll never get the impact of data changes (you must start a new game to get data changes since all data is loaded at start).

I don't have a time frame other than that I'd like to get another beta patch out sometime next week.


All understanding comes after the fact.
-- Soren Kierkegaard

(in reply to CarnageINC)
Post #: 11
RE: Hows the patch coming? Basic idea of whats covered? - 1/7/2011 12:05:05 AM   

Posts: 593
Joined: 6/24/2002
From: Colorado
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Hi Joel,

Thanks for the continued great support, all the above sounds great.

Will you guys also be looking at:

1. Failure of German reserve units to activate during blizzard turns.
2. The massive stockpiling of FW-190s in the production pool.
3. The weak airbase attack results after turn 1 (or some kind of air superiority function).

thanks again!


"The Navy has a moth-eaten tradition that the captain who loses his ship is disgraced. What do they have all those ships for, if not to hurl them at the enemy?" --Douglas MacArthur

(in reply to Joel Billings)
Post #: 12
RE: Hows the patch coming? Basic idea of whats covered? - 1/7/2011 12:17:18 AM   


Posts: 3650
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1. Eliminated the possibility of a leader commanding two HQ’s at the same time.
woot glad you guys found the bug i reported even though my save wasn't able to reproduce it.


ORIGINAL: Joel Billings

Not adressing first winter in the next patch (still awaiting more data on this). No change is in the works to modify CV of units attacked from multiple directions (understand that some would like to see it and understand the logic, but it would be a major change that was never intended and would no doubt have a balance impact that would need to be considered).

I've just finished putting together the list of changes that we have for the 1.02 Beta 2 patch. More may be done before it gets put out to the public. Here's what we have so far:

V1.02 Beta 2 – January 4, 2010

· New Features and Rule Changes
1. Air groups may now shift between Day and Night missions even if they have flown or moved during the turn.
2. Removed the AI button when in Air Transport mode. The player may no longer have the AI fly air transport missions.
3. Added Recon Escort ON/OFF to the air doctrine screen. When on, recon missions will be escorted as they have in the past. When off, no fighter escorts will be provided for recon missions.
4. Added Ground Support ON/OFF to the air doctrine screen. This can also be toggled by using the hotkey ‘x’. When on, ground support will be provided normally. When off, no ground support will be flown (fighters will still intercept enemy ground support). The current Ground Support status will be shown on the top bar next to the word MOVE when in move mode. The text will either be GS-on or GS-off.
5. HQs that have not moved during the current player-turn have an increased chance of committing support units to battle.
6. Reduced the chance each turn of a leader being killed due to the distance to the enemy by 2/3. In addition, any leader in an HQ that is more than 10 hexes from the enemy will have his chance of being killed reduced by an additional 2/3.
7. Eliminated German leader dismissals prior to 12/15/1941.
8. Support units that are attached to a motorized division or corps on map combat unit will now require additional vehicles.
9. Adjusted the way that air group mileage is logged when an air base moves.
10. Adjusted the way that the use of an air unit on an airbase could cause all other air units at that airbase to incur miles flown.
11. Changed the game default setting for Auto Save Game to On.
12. Changed the default Intercept value on the Air Doctrine screen to 50.
13. Changed Soviet ability to keep Cavalry tanks together with Light and Medium Tanks before 9/1941. Reduced the swap out probability. This is done to support very mixed compositions of Soviet Tanks divisions.

· Bug Fixes
1. Eliminated the possibility of a leader commanding two HQ’s at the same time.
2. Fixed a problem causing some reinforcements to appear off the playable map area in small scenarios.
3. Fixed an issue preventing Rumanian units from moving into an area in the Soviet Union just north of the Rumanian border and just east of the Hungarian border.
4. Fixed a problem that occasionally prevented some valid transport air groups from being available to fly air transport (had to do with the method of picking which units would show up first in the pick air units for mission window).
5. Fixed a bug in the AI that was allowing units to move too far when nearly pocketed.
6. When using non-random weather, some December turns in 1942-44 were snow turns when they should have been blizzard. They will now all be blizzard.
7. Fixed a bug in the production display of captured equipment. Now captured items will show up in the display as long as there are some of the items either in the pool or in a unit.
8. Added code to ensure that AI units will not improperly attack across impassible hexsides.
9. Tank brigades are now correctly placed in the arrival queue when tank divisions are destroyed.
10. Made sure a message appears in the event log when lend-leased trucks (vehicles) are received.
11. Fixed a problem with fighter allocation to airstrikes.
12. Groups sent to the National Reserve are now shown in the arrival list.
13. Fixed the CR sorting on some columns when HQ chain filter is enabled.
14. Fixed several replacement problems that could cause some German panzer units to go way over TOE in tanks while others units lost tanks. As part of this fix removed the ability for Germans to swap Medium Tanks to CS Tanks.
15. Fixed a bug when replacements were adding to a unit but the ground element was staying with 0 exp.
16. Fixed a bug in the AI rail-repair function.
17. Fixed some sea zone and port mismatches.
18. Made the off-map city of Kiel contribute to the Baltic Sea zone transport.
19. Made sure that fort units do not start a scenario in static mode.
20. Fixed air group fatigue reduction.
21. Fixed intercept percentage doctrine setting effect.
22. Fixed a problem with the AP cost to build Soviet units.
23. Fixed a problem preventing some Soviet HQ units from being listed in the units that may be built.
24. Fixed the unit size filter in the CR screen so it works correctly when other filter or sorting is active.
25. Fixed a bug in the editor that prevented setting of the name/surname if current values are empty hexes.
26. Fixed a problem preventing some units from being able to disband/merge due to an incorrectly set withdrawal link to this slot.

· Data and Scenario Changes
1. Changes to 1941 Campaign, Barbarossa, and all 'Road to' Scenarios:
* Two 833rd Karl Siege batteries withdraw on 1 July 1941
* Added Karl Siege batteries to arrival schedule with appropriate withdrawals
* Fixed German motorized flak battalion withdrawal dates
* 5th, 8th, and 28th Jager Divisions have been rebuilt as Infantry Divisions and then withdrawn in Nov/Dec 1941 to rebuild as Jager Divisions
* 5th, 8th, and 28th Jager Divisions arrive as reinforcements in Jan/Feb 1942
* Added 156th Vicenza Italian Security Division to arrival schedule
* 2nd Fallschirmjager Division is now non-motorized
* XXXV Italian Corps arrives with Gen. Zingales as the Commander
2. 1942 and Operation Blue:
* 2nd Fallschirmjager Division is now non-motorized
* Gen. Wetzel now commands V Corps
3. Changes to 1943 Campaign:
* 339th Jager Division now rebuilt as an infantry division
* Gen. Zeitzler is now in command of OKH
* Guards Light Rocket Regiments are no longer attached to Soviet Cavalry Corps
* 2nd Fallschirmjager Division is now now-motorized
4. Changes to 1944 Campaign:
* Soviet 51st Army removed from front line and moved to Gomel as a STAVKA reserve
* Soviet 2nd Guards Army and 51st Army are now frozen for two turns as the STAVKA reserve
* Shuffled Baltic Fronts front line units to be more historical. 6th Guards Army is now properly situated north of Vitebsk.
* Removed Soviet artillery attachments to Soviet corps
* Resupplied all Soviet military district units so they no longer show over 100% supply
* Gen. Heusinger now commands OKH
5. Leader files:
* Added Wilhem Wetzel
* Added Adolf Heusinger
6. Data fixes:
* Fixed ZiS-30 start date and build cost
* Set 41 TD Battery OB (414) start date to 9/1941, end date 4/1942
* Set Build Cost for SU-57 to 0 (lend-lease)
* Set first month for MC.202 was set to 8/1942.


1. Eliminated the possibility of a leader commanding two HQ’s at the same time.

(in reply to Joel Billings)
Post #: 13
RE: Hows the patch coming? Basic idea of whats covered? - 1/7/2011 1:20:38 AM   
Joel Billings

Posts: 32265
Joined: 9/20/2000
From: Santa Rosa, CA
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: dwesolick

Hi Joel,

Thanks for the continued great support, all the above sounds great.

Will you guys also be looking at:

1. Failure of German reserve units to activate during blizzard turns.
2. The massive stockpiling of FW-190s in the production pool.
3. The weak airbase attack results after turn 1 (or some kind of air superiority function).

thanks again!

We'd need a save that we could run for number 1 to see if there is a bug versus just the way things work in blizzard. I seem to recall that Pavel made some changes to address number 2, but I'm not 100% sure. Not looking at an air superiority function. May look at tweaking airbase attack results down the road. Anybody have some good data on how effective airbase attacks were? How often were they done, and how many planes were destroyed/damaged per attacking bomber?


All understanding comes after the fact.
-- Soren Kierkegaard

(in reply to dwesolick)
Post #: 14
RE: Hows the patch coming? Basic idea of whats covered? - 1/7/2011 1:34:34 AM   

Posts: 1276
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From: Laramie, Wyoming
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ORIGINAL: bwheatley

1. Eliminated the possibility of a leader commanding two HQ’s at the same time.
woot glad you guys found the bug i reported even though my save wasn't able to reproduce it.

The "Manstein Problem" for me. I was able to get a save game where he was able to to command AGC and 16th Army at the same time.

(in reply to bwheatley)
Post #: 15
RE: Hows the patch coming? Basic idea of whats covered? - 1/7/2011 1:37:58 AM   
Joel Billings

Posts: 32265
Joined: 9/20/2000
From: Santa Rosa, CA
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It was because when Manstein was taken from 16th Army and the computer went to pick a new leader, it judged Manstein as the best leader and put him back in charge (even though he was now also in charge of another HQ). Maybe it figured out how to clone him.


All understanding comes after the fact.
-- Soren Kierkegaard

(in reply to PeeDeeAitch)
Post #: 16
RE: Hows the patch coming? Basic idea of whats covered? - 1/7/2011 1:52:49 AM   
dazoline II

Posts: 400
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Excellent! hotkey!

4. Added Ground Support ON/OFF to the air doctrine screen. This can also be toggled by using the hotkey ‘x’. When on, ground support will be provided normally. When off, no ground support will be flown (fighters will still intercept enemy ground support). The current Ground Support status will be shown on the top bar next to the word MOVE when in move mode. The text will either be GS-on or GS-off.


Moscow by winter? Only if you send Fast Heinz to Kiev.

(in reply to Joel Billings)
Post #: 17
RE: Hows the patch coming? Basic idea of whats covered? - 1/7/2011 2:03:21 AM   

Posts: 15793
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2. The massive stockpiling of FW-190s in the production pool.

Still not decided how to deal with it properly. So far it seems to require both code and data tweaks.


Pavel Zagzin
WITE/WITW/WITE-2 Development

(in reply to dwesolick)
Post #: 18
RE: Hows the patch coming? Basic idea of whats covered? - 1/7/2011 2:05:59 AM   

Posts: 15793
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Excellent! hotkey!

Misread it as "Excellent! hockey!".. probably the waving maple leaf made me do it..


Pavel Zagzin
WITE/WITW/WITE-2 Development

(in reply to dazoline II)
Post #: 19
RE: Hows the patch coming? Basic idea of whats covered? - 1/7/2011 3:39:47 AM   


Posts: 117
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ORIGINAL: Joel Billings

* Removed Soviet artillery attachments to Soviet corps

why make this change? for game balancing or Historical Issues.


(in reply to Joel Billings)
Post #: 20
RE: Hows the patch coming? Basic idea of whats covered? - 1/7/2011 3:55:04 AM   

Posts: 7750
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Soviets were never supposed to have artillery attachments, nobody is. There were some scenarios that had these attachments and they were bugged.


WitE Alpha Tester

(in reply to jzz001)
Post #: 21
RE: Hows the patch coming? Basic idea of whats covered? - 1/7/2011 4:08:00 AM   
Oleg Mastruko

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ORIGINAL: Flaviusx
Soviets were never supposed to have artillery attachments, nobody is.

Please explain...

Do you mean "nobody" is supposed to have arty support units at corps level??

(in reply to Flaviusx)
Post #: 22
RE: Hows the patch coming? Basic idea of whats covered? - 1/7/2011 4:11:48 AM   

Posts: 7750
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Not part of the game design, Oleg. It's especially dubious for the Soviets given their artillery doctrine after Voronov's reforms.

Personally, even if I could do so, I actually wouldn't want to attach artillery to corps -- this would merely increase artillery losses and place more stress on the replacement pool. I much prefer concentrating my artillery production on arty divisions which aren't as exposed to enemy fire (the rifle corps are taking it in the chin on assaults.)


WitE Alpha Tester

(in reply to Oleg Mastruko)
Post #: 23
RE: Hows the patch coming? Basic idea of whats covered? - 1/7/2011 4:32:50 AM   
Oleg Mastruko

Posts: 4921
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Ah OK so you mean 43 corps and later, corps as combat units?

I thought it's about 41 corps HQ and we won't be able to have arty units there as support units....

(in reply to Flaviusx)
Post #: 24
RE: Hows the patch coming? Basic idea of whats covered? - 1/7/2011 4:35:52 AM   

Posts: 7750
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Yeah, I'm talking about the combat corps here, not the HQs.


WitE Alpha Tester

(in reply to Oleg Mastruko)
Post #: 25
RE: Hows the patch coming? Basic idea of whats covered? - 1/7/2011 4:42:29 AM   


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ORIGINAL: Joel Billings

It was because when Manstein was taken from 16th Army and the computer went to pick a new leader, it judged Manstein as the best leader and put him back in charge (even though he was now also in charge of another HQ). Maybe it figured out how to clone him.

I KNEW "The Boys from Brazil" wasn't really fiction!!!! (*grin*)


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(in reply to Joel Billings)
Post #: 26
RE: Hows the patch coming? Basic idea of whats covered? - 1/7/2011 8:46:09 AM   

Posts: 85
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From: france
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Great news thanks



(in reply to E)
Post #: 27
RE: Hows the patch coming? Basic idea of whats covered? - 1/7/2011 8:51:43 AM   


Posts: 2057
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The reason why airfield attacks seem weak after turn 1 is because turn 1 attacks get a bonus.

(in reply to Lannes)
Post #: 28
RE: Hows the patch coming? Basic idea of whats covered? - 1/7/2011 1:29:00 PM   

Posts: 1276
Joined: 1/1/2007
From: Laramie, Wyoming
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ORIGINAL: Joel Billings

It was because when Manstein was taken from 16th Army and the computer went to pick a new leader, it judged Manstein as the best leader and put him back in charge (even though he was now also in charge of another HQ). Maybe it figured out how to clone him.

In that case I would like to order a 6-pack of Mansteins, a couple of Models, and as many Guderians as you have left around please.

(in reply to Joel Billings)
Post #: 29
RE: Hows the patch coming? Basic idea of whats covered? - 1/7/2011 4:18:59 PM   


Posts: 903
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When can we get our hands on this beta 2 patch???

(in reply to Chad Harrison)
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