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Harpoon (Red Storm Rising)

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Harpoon (Red Storm Rising) - 1/28/2011 9:13:36 PM   

Posts: 31
Joined: 1/30/2010
From: Aberdeen, Scotland
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Because I'm enjoying Harpoon so much and not sure where the time is going, I've started listening to and reading Red Storm Rising and started to wonder if we have all the scenarios based on the action in the book.

I've tried looking through various sites.

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RE: Harpoon (Red Storm Rising) - 1/31/2011 1:45:57 AM   

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I'm not sure that everything has been covered. I've organised permission from Larry Bond to convert all the Miniatures Harpoon scenarios he's published to ANW. There are at least a few that cover naval encounters from Red Storm Rising. I'll attempt to get a list together ASAP. Possibly Ethan (J Ryan) might be able to help with a list from the Official publications.




Editor HUD-II/HUD3 Harpoon Databases

Development Team H3ANW v3.8, v3.9, v3.10 & v3.10.1

(in reply to saruwatarikaito)
Post #: 2
RE: Harpoon (Red Storm Rising) - 1/31/2011 2:32:56 AM   

Posts: 555
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What would you like me to get Bucks? I will do what I can..

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RE: Harpoon (Red Storm Rising) - 1/31/2011 8:02:49 PM   

Posts: 31
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From: Aberdeen, Scotland
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I was thinking of a Battleset " hope I'm using the term correctly " that is based on the book.

Battleset Name: Red Storm Rising


Chapter 1 (Book Chapter 11) - Order of Battle (**example**)

Hope this helps

Post #: 4
RE: Harpoon (Red Storm Rising) - 2/1/2011 3:02:30 AM   

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You may want to take a look at Sitrep #34 (April 2008) where Larry Bond presents "Dance of the Vampires," the Harpoon scenario that provided the material for creating the large carrier/Keflavik attack used in the book.


Tony Eischens
Harpoon (HC, HCE, HUCE, Classic) programmer Co-Owner

(in reply to saruwatarikaito)
Post #: 5
RE: Harpoon (Red Storm Rising) - 2/1/2011 7:36:14 AM   

Posts: 679
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From: Melbourne, Australia
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What would you like me to get Bucks? I will do what I can..


I was thinking since you seem to have almost every Harpoon Minis release you might perform a quick visual search and see what was covered and when.

For example:

The GDW Harpoon minis release came with a small scenario booklet. Although there's no specifically derived from, Red Storm Rising scenario included there is, "The Hundred Fathom Curve" based on Chapter 17 of Tom Clancy's, The Hunt for Red October. I'll need to add the Red October to he HUD3 to allow this conversion, alhough I'm working on "synching" the HUD3 platforms to the new sonar model more fully and adding a modified Typhoon class SSBN would present any issues.

The 1994 Harpoon Naval Review (HNR) included Larry Bond's, "Shootout at 25 West". In the novel the battle takes place in Chapter 36 - Shoot-out at 31 West!


The scenario is loosely based on a chapter in Tom Clancy's Red Storm Rising. It depicted the defense of a 50 ship convoy against a Soviet sub wolfpack.

If you had time Ethan work through the HNR's and check for RSR scens if any so we can list the "Official minis" scens that might have been covered already.



< Message edited by Bucks -- 2/1/2011 9:47:29 AM >


Editor HUD-II/HUD3 Harpoon Databases

Development Team H3ANW v3.8, v3.9, v3.10 & v3.10.1

(in reply to JRyan)
Post #: 6
RE: Harpoon (Red Storm Rising) - 2/1/2011 9:17:18 AM   

Posts: 679
Joined: 7/27/2006
From: Melbourne, Australia
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ORIGINAL: saruwatarikaito

I was thinking of a Battleset " hope I'm using the term correctly " that is based on the book.

Battleset Name: Red Storm Rising


Chapter 1 (Book Chapter 11) - Order of Battle (**example**)

Hope this helps



All looks good to me. I'd imagine the first scenario would be based on:

Chapter 15 - The Bastion Gambit. USS Chicago tracking Soviet SSBN's just before hostilities officially open. Stay alive while a host of coastal ASW vessels cover your operating area. No Minefields yet so we restrict the Chicago's patrol zones with Exclusion Zones and then we have Penguin 8 & the "good" Doctor Lykes/Julius Fucik...

I'm always happy to add required platforms to the HUD3.




Editor HUD-II/HUD3 Harpoon Databases

Development Team H3ANW v3.8, v3.9, v3.10 & v3.10.1

(in reply to saruwatarikaito)
Post #: 7
RE: Harpoon (Red Storm Rising) - 2/1/2011 9:45:09 AM   

Posts: 679
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From: Melbourne, Australia
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ORIGINAL: koelbach

@Darren: Old friend, if you have something to test - shoot it over to good ole Germany.



Thanks for the offer. Although not a scenario based on Red Storm Rising, I've been working on converting a GDW minis scenario with a "hint"/minor reference to the novel.

The scenario I'm referring to is, The First Team. It pits the USS Midway's Carrier Air Wing againgst Soviet Forces along the Kamchatka Peninsular within the RSR timeline. I seem to a recall a reference to the, "Pacific being quiet and Midway not possessing the means to go after Kamchatka alone."

I decided to change that and have players take Midway and cause a disturbance up there.

I've also noted the Battleset email and yes I've had the same issue. Will get it looked at ASAP. I have a little work to do with some new mission profiles and I'm also introducing "clean" air to air loadouts i.e. no drop tanks since the AO (Artificial Opponent/Computer) can't use the "J" hotkey. This will allow both scenario designers and players to employ Fighter and Interceptor loadouts that, don't incur a penalty due to aircraft load status (lightly or fully loaded).

I'll send some material shortly Ralf and thx again.



Editor HUD-II/HUD3 Harpoon Databases

Development Team H3ANW v3.8, v3.9, v3.10 & v3.10.1
Post #: 8
RE: Harpoon (Red Storm Rising) - 2/1/2011 12:25:38 PM   

Posts: 555
Joined: 3/29/2005
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OK Bucks, I think I know what you are asking, I will look this evening and see what I get. I have not read all of them but I do own a copy of most......

(in reply to Bucks)
Post #: 9
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