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Ground Tactics 2.0 (final version)

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Ground Tactics 2.0 (final version) - 12/16/2010 6:08:58 PM   


Posts: 343
Joined: 12/10/2009
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get it here:


TLD Ground Tactics mod ver2.0
Compatible with: TLD version 5.50.11b

-"ModSwap" version works with GameRanger
-"ModInstaller" version does not work with GameRanger

Summary of changes related to game play:
-Battle Groups do not recycle
-Retreat is enabled. In order to use the Retreat feature ...
"when force morale gets too low" needs to be activated (checked,in game)
-no night turns after June 6
-"Large Hedgerow" and "Bocage" ... vehicles can not enter this terrain
-Mortars have minimum firing ranges ... won't fire until beyond a certain range
example: Medium Mortars 200m
-GT Objective Bayeux Campaign notes at bottom of this page,
as well as suggested game play rules

-renamed for ModSwap version

-Corrected shell impact water sound
-60mm Mortar explosion animation reduced one size
-several sound updates

SAI Unit values changed back to original, to align with new path finding.
Vehicles crews have original abandon movement restrictions
-Buildings' window code changed for better soldier movement
-“Bocage” changed to “Large Hedgerows” values
-Campaign and Operational tabs graphic corrected
-Pz Lehr 130 Strat BG icon changed to Armor symbol
Other Graphic:
-192/21 Pz uniticon changed to Armor symbol
-BG’s do not recycle
-No night turns after June 6
25/12 SS - added to Active Roster: 1-Panzer IV and 1-250/9 Lt HT
-Churchill and Centaur ... one of each in some British/Canadian BG's (June 7,8,9)
-352/915: slightly reduced Tank and ATG
updated M1 Garand
New Campaign:
-"GT Objective Bayeux" (found in game: "Command" Screen, "Campaign" tab)

-Sound update
-Vehicles.txt update (Aircraft allocated to wrong side)

-Game Ranger compatible with ModSwap
-Main Screen (and other screens) returned to stock TLD, but with added GT text on Main/MP
-updated some sounds (from: TRSM, GJS)

-Air Strikes Fixed: now same as TLD original values
-Data: Workbook error checked and corrected (Dima)
-updated several main gun sounds

List of changes - Dima:
Reworked weapons/vehicle data, including:
1-All vehicles use their own weapons (not shared)
2-All AA MGs were removed
3-Open tops are much less vulnerable vs mortars
4-Hvy ACs are now counted as AVF - not vulnerable to small arms
5-ATGs have different rotation rates (f.e. it will take quite a time to rotate pak43)
6-Mortars are now much less accurate
7-All armor/penetration values were revised to be more realistic
8-No Fire animation for snipers (more realistic concealment)
9-smoke size reduced for: smoke grenade and 2"/5cm
10-numerous other edits for realism and historical accuracy

List of changes - squadleader_id:
Gadget files (CCImages, ScrnGadg, GameGadg):
-Integrated Ground Tactics background graphics into all menus and tabs
-Replaced TLD weapons gadgets with artwork from LSA and artwork based on Rogue5's weapons collection
-Imported cannon graphics from CC4 VetBoB
-New and expanded rank gadgets:
+ Heer Panzer crews: Black panzer Wrap, death's head collar tab, pink waffenfarbe
+ Waffen-SS Panzer crews: Black panzer Wrap, SS collar tab rank insignia, pink waffenfarbe
+ Heer Assault Gun crews: Feldgrau Assault Gun Wrap, double Litzen collar tabs with red piping, red waffenfarbe
+ Waffen-SS Assault Gun crews: Feldgrau Assault Gun Wrap, SS collar tab rank insignia, red waffenfarbe
+ PanzerGrenadiers: Feldgrau Assault Gun Wrap, double Litzen collar tabs, grass green waffenfarbe
+ Waffen-SS: new rank gadgets with camo uniforms (using standard SS ranks insignia instead of special stripes insignia for camo)
+ French Commandos: with French Naval ranks insignia (updated version)
-New uniforms slots for US Rangers (feat. most Rangers not wearing sand brown M41 jackets)
-Ranger Company HQ, fixed Icon for BG Icon gadget
-Para Company HQ, fixed Icon for BG Icon gadget
-British Commandos Teams, corrected Style so that they're now using Commandos uniform slots
-Assault Gun crews, allocated Nations & Style for new rank gadgets
-Armored Car crews, allocated Black Panzer Wrap ranks and uniforms
-M7 RGL and Schießbecher don't share the same gadget file anymore
-Unused US infantry style slot now customized for US Rangers uniforms
Updated uniforms.txt:
-Tweaked US Infantry uniforms, incl. GIR uniforms (light brown jackets, olive drab pants)
-Tweaked Commonwealth crew uniforms (khaki tunics, black berets or headgear)
-Tweaked Commandos uniforms (more soldiers with green berets)
Terrain file: replaced VL flags with LSA VL flags

List of changes - Pzt_Kanov:
-Additional GJS vehicle graphics imported (Half Tracks, etc)

Further list of changes:

-Medium Mortars re-instated
-Updated Main screen
-New grenade,explosives,molotov sounds (from Dima's Utah mod)
-VetBOB sounds: 2cm Flak38, tube loading sound
-Various other sound updates
-Different Landing Zone (Entry Point) for Merville Battery and Pegasus Bridge
-More variety of Allied tanks in some Active Rosters
-Heavy Howitzer/Assault Guns removed
-Panzerschrecks removed from 709, 716, 21Pz
-SdKfz 222: quick fix for oversized shadow (replaced with 251/10 shadow)

Elements changes:
1-Fixed Sandbags and Sandbag Barrier: now crush to Debris( 221)
2-Leaves 92,93,94,95:
Hindrance: L,M,N ... was "0", now is "200"
Protection: G,H,I,J ... now is "0"
3-Large Hedgerow: vehicles can not enter this terrain (done in ver1.4)
4-Small Hedgerow: changed to "block Line of Sight" (done in ver1.0)

Recoded maps: by AT_Stalky
-Lebisey Woods

Vehicle graphics: Gold-Juno-Sword mod

Thanks bernd for: ModInstaller
Thanks to editing tool creators, and to contributors of technical help,
historical information, and comments.

-Naval Support is now as original TLD. No German Heavy Support
-Support values tweaked
-GJS vehicle graphics and wrecks imported
-updated some sounds,
-Naval icon replaces howitzer icon for Stragetic interface
-Gammon icon fixed (ScrnGdg)
-FJ (MG) Team changed back to one MG42
-Changed Schiessbecher firing sound (now same as M7 Spigot)
-Retreat enabled in Campaign
-Tank and Gun crews can be issued orders after abandoning
-Most scout units are now privates, without a leader
-Panther model 'A' available, now is the most common model
-Panther Command tank is now an 'A' model
-Most team names now have connotation denoting their branch
-Enfield: increased power
-MN: reduced range
-Added Command Panther to 16/12 SS Panzer Active Roster
-Large Hedgerow: vehicles can not enter this terrain
-PG: new uniforms
-various small data corrections

-Stratmap text file error fixed

-Added missing Tiger GSUNIT icon
-Removed .50 cal impact animation
-Fixed explosives sound, to throw sound
-Added new main screen

missing "Games" folder

-Medium Mortars removed
-5cm Mortar added to German BG's (limited quantities)
-MMG and HMG changed to 3 and 4 man Teams
-Recon Teams added. Most BG's have one in Active Roster
-Naval support changed to Heavy support. Voice cues don't say "Naval"
-Allied Heavy Support available for all maps
-German Heavy Support available for (non beach) maps below Bayeux (on the Strategic map) ... in limited quantities (June 8,9). This represents Heavy support brought to Normandy
-Support quantity values changed (Naval,Mortar,Air)
-BG 901 Pz.Gr./Panzer Lehr replaced with 130 Pz./Panzer Lehr
-Tiger I added to 130 Pz./ Panzer Lehr
-130 Pz./Panzer Lehr arrives on June 9
-902/Panzer Lehr arrives on June 8
-2 inch Mortar smoke capabilities added, and new firing sound
-M7 Spigot made into a new weapon, and new firing sound
-Schiessbecher made into a new weapon
-2 pzfaust 30 for German pzjäger teams (of all branches)
-Spatrupp: replaced MP44 with MP40
-Light Mortar explosion animation size increased
-Added a crew to the Füsiliere(MG) team
-Grenade explosion animation size increased
-Created separate GIR and PIR Platoon and Company HQ
-Added another MG42 to FJ (MG) Team
-Minor adjustments to some Allied Airborne BG's
-Reduced number of Panzerschrecks in Active Roster of some BG's
-Some Allied BG's arriving on June 7,8 will have three tanks instead of two in Active Roster
-One less ATG for some German BG's
-DD's replace 57mm ATG in Active Roster for 16/1 and 26/1
-Molotov added to Ost
-Small Hedgerow: changed to "block Line of Sight"
-Other minor corrections/adjustments
-OnGroundFX sound mod included

GT Objective Bayeux
Time line: June 7-9

The 12th SS Division, along with the 21.Panzer-Division, was the closest Panzer divisions to the landing beaches.
Initial planning for both Divisions was to counterattack and retake Bayeux … considered a pivotal strategic hub.
This plan was abandoned when the divisional staff were killed in a bombing raid.
“The 21st Panzer division was grouped with two SS units under the command of Sepp Dietrich which were to push Northwest to retake Bayeux but this plan was abandoned when the divisional staff were killed in a bombing raid.”

For the purpose of this Campaign … Bayeux remains the highest priority objective, but Caen still plays an important role in the success or failure of the Campaign.
Some German Battle Groups (in the Campaign) have a strength advantage, due to the makeup of their Active Rosters. Therefore, in order to best simulate the possibilities of the Campaign’s outcome … it is recommended to use the game play rules noted at the bottom of this page.
Although, at times, the advantage weighs in favor of some of the stronger German Battle Groups … the Allies out number them and have greater overall presence, due to the comparatively slower arrival of some German Battle Groups.

The main objective, for either side, is to have control of Bayeux at Campaign’s end.
note: for the purpose of this Campaign ... BG 915/352 represents various regrouped units from June 6 engagements

Points Cap - Suggested Rules:

"Active Roster" unit selection. It's basically just limiting players to use the point amount that is available in the Active Roster before the beginning of each battle. Any units can be selected, but the point total can't be exceeded.

Reasons for points cap:

1. Varied BG strength:
A Battle Group's (BG) strength is directly related to the amount of points available in the Active Roster ... although the type of units available and the depth of the Force Pool are also important factors.
Limiting a BG to the amount of points that is available, when a player enters the unit selection screen, ... provides a way of depicting varying strength among different BG's.

2. BG historical imbalances:
The varied point strengths of different BG's represents historical imbalances between opponents in certain areas.

3. Prevents overloading with tanks and mortars, etc:
It also prevents players from filling an Active Roster with high priced units or numerous mortars ... doing so (with a points cap) would reduce the number of available unit slots.

4. Resource management:
Players are forced to manage units in a more specialized way.

5. BG type difffernces:
A points cap will, in most cases, keep intact the inherent differences between BG types. For example: An armored BG will have four or five tanks, resulting in a strong 600-700 point BG ... while an Infantry BG (with two or three support tanks), will result in a 400-500 point BG.
Therefore, an armored BG will naturally be (and remain) a stronger force ... instead of players just selected many tanks, etc (without a points cap).

Things to consider regarding Active Roster points cap

a. Changing units will, in most cases, lower your point total ... maybe by just a few points depending on what changes are made, and how close you can match the original amount.

b. Close Combat (CC) allocates different types of units to show up in an Active Roster ... reflecting the data in the "bgroups.txt" file.
In most cases ... CC places the most point expensive unit of each type in each designated slot. Therefore, if one of your Tiger tanks is destroyed ... it will be replaced with a Tiger tank next time that BG battles (if one is available in the Force Pool). If a Tiger isn't available ... CC will put in a less costly unit of that type, or a less costly type of tank, and will continue to default down as less units are available, due to battle field losses. Therefore, as the more costly unit types are lost, and replaced by less costly ones ... your BG point total with be reduced ... thus simulating less strength due to losses.

c. Loss of a certain type of unit can result in a substantial loss in points total. For example: A BG with a one Command tank in its Active roster will have a high point value for that slot. If the only Command tank is destroyed ... the Active Roster will be filled with a normal Command Infantry team, resulting in less total points available. This is true for other slot types also.
The strategy would be, when the last one of a high value type is left, ... is to replace it will a similar value unit from the Force Pool. Then if that unit is lost ... the original unit will again appear in the Active Roster, which then again can be replaced with a similar value unit. This keeps the slot from defaulting to a lower value type.

d. The challenge will be to keep your point total as close as possible to the original amount, without going over ... while at the same time getting the units you want into the battle.

e. It's possible to replace a tank with a mortar (if wanted) ... and when the mortar is lost ... the slot will default back to tank. But until the mortar, or lower value replacement unit, is lost ... the BG point total will remain less than the original amount. Thus a BG point total can possibly go down and then back up again ... in this circumstance. If you force a slot to use a less valuable unit ... it must remain until lost. Thus ... kind of a penalty for changing a slot unit.

< Message edited by davidss -- 12/30/2010 6:35:58 AM >
Post #: 1
RE: Ground Tactics 1.9 (final version) - 12/30/2010 12:28:45 AM   
Andrew Williams

Posts: 6116
Joined: 1/8/2001
From: Australia
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GT updated to version 2.0 is now available

-renamed for ModSwap version


(in reply to davidss)
Post #: 2
RE: Ground Tactics 1.9 (final version) - 12/30/2010 1:56:45 AM   


Posts: 343
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ORIGINAL: Andrew Williams

GT updated to version 2.0 is now available

-renamed for ModSwap version

Hi Andrew
There is an error in the mod.ini file. While installing the mod (via ModSwap)... the ModSwap program refers to installing 1.8 instead of 2.0.
This reference to the mod version needs to be corrected
Everything else seems OK ... thanks

To all:
Please don't download until this has been corrected ... thanks

< Message edited by davidss -- 12/30/2010 1:57:47 AM >

(in reply to Andrew Williams)
Post #: 3
RE: Ground Tactics 1.9 (final version) - 12/30/2010 3:23:27 AM   
Andrew Williams

Posts: 6116
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(in reply to davidss)
Post #: 4
RE: Ground Tactics 1.9 (final version) - 12/30/2010 4:27:44 AM   
Andrew Williams

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Post #: 5
RE: Ground Tactics 1.9 (final version) - 12/30/2010 6:15:15 AM   


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ORIGINAL: Andrew Williams


That's got it ... thanks very much for putting the Plugin together and getting it hosted :)


(in reply to Andrew Williams)
Post #: 6
RE: Ground Tactics 1.9 (final version) - 12/30/2010 6:17:22 AM   
Andrew Williams

Posts: 6116
Joined: 1/8/2001
From: Australia
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All part of the Matrixgames customer care package.


(in reply to davidss)
Post #: 7
RE: Ground Tactics 1.9 (final version) - 12/30/2010 6:32:09 AM   


Posts: 343
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ORIGINAL: Andrew Williams

All part of the Matrixgames customer care package.

(in reply to Andrew Williams)
Post #: 8
RE: Ground Tactics 1.9 (final version) - 12/30/2010 6:50:51 AM   


Posts: 3437
Joined: 11/17/2007
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Great job Andrew!

One suggestion; you should put the patch/version of the game (in this case TLD) required for the mod to work...

(in reply to davidss)
Post #: 9
RE: Ground Tactics 1.9 (final version) - 3/3/2011 5:32:53 AM   
Iron Stringbean


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When I go to unpack the file I downloaded, it comes up with an error report saying that I don't have room on my C:\ drive for the 29.3mb file. I have over 28 GB's free on my c:\ drive...

Any thoughts? I tried re-downloading and restarting.

UPDATE: nevermind. I downloaded it one more time and it worked :P

< Message edited by Iron Stringbean -- 3/3/2011 5:38:45 AM >

(in reply to Tejszd)
Post #: 10
RE: Ground Tactics 1.9 (final version) - 4/15/2011 5:27:49 PM   
Iron Stringbean


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I have a question as to why AT weapons like the Bazooka, PIAT, and shreck were changed to allow them to fire at all targets. I kept having my zook teams waste their rockets on infantry targets; so I went in and changed the values to only have vehicles as a valid target. I'm just curious as I'm sure there was a good reason why it was changed from that in the first place.

(in reply to Iron Stringbean)
Post #: 11
RE: Ground Tactics 1.9 (final version) - 4/16/2011 12:59:37 AM   

Posts: 2004
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From: brisbane oz
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because they shot them at all targets Bazooka and the more powerfull shreck we very often fired at all targets...but because it a game and u need the ammo for tanks keep then on ambush.


You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life

(in reply to Iron Stringbean)
Post #: 12
RE: Ground Tactics 1.9 (final version) - 7/2/2011 7:22:53 AM   


Posts: 343
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Seems there are still a few errors in this mod attempt ...

1. wrong Elements file was put in ... it is supposed to have windows and doors without high hindrance values. Was a mix up somewhere ... definitely not what I wanted to have in the release
2. noticed a German plane still in the Allied air strike
3. M10 Tank Destroyer has 3 times slower turret speed than Tiger ... noticed this while playing a while ago, that the M10 TD was always getting blown up ... just checked the data and found this strange error

I'm not sure it there are any more errors, but it would be a good idea to remove GT2.0 from CCS and Matrix until these things can be fixed ... thanks


(in reply to tigercub)
Post #: 13
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