Posts: 349
Joined: 3/27/2000 From: Adelaide, SA, Australia Status: offline
Hello All Something I've noticed not that I'm playing as the Japanese. F1M airgroups do not receive replacement aircraft. AS per my Tip on the main page, I have been stripping most of my CA's, BB's, and AV's of one of their attached squadrons. And I'm seeing that the Air Groups flying E7's, E8's, and E13's are collecting replacement aircraft just fine. But Ive built up a large pile of spare F1's, with NO F1 equipped airgroup receiving any replacement aircraft. The only time one of my F1 equpped airgroups grew was when a mysterious 1/Kimikawa-1 airgroup apperared on the AV Kimikawa while she was in the port of Shortland, with 3 F1's and no pilots. this subgroup then moved to merge with the original Kimikawa-1 airgroup (6 F1's and 4 pilots) operating out of Tugali. AS a note, the Kamikawa-1 Airgroup is not getting replacement pilots either. I've tried a variety of missions, including 100% training, and sending them off to bomb passing Allied cruisers. But to no effect. its still stuck with 9 F1's and 4 pilots. (Maximum size is 12)
"We're having a war, and we want you to come!" So the pig began to whistle and to pound on a drum. "We'll give you a gun, and we'll give you a hat!" And the pig began to whistle when they told the piggies that.