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Joined: 9/6/2009 From: NYer living in Boise, ID Status: offline
Turn 84; Jan 21, 1943...Blizzard Looks as though the front may be stabilizing. Soviets failed to rescue their isolated elements, and both Tank Corps and a tank brigade were destroyed. Numerous Soviet attacks to rescue their comrades were repulsed, resulting in very heavy soviet losses. In most areas, the Soviets are back to their start lines, or within 10 miles of them. That's the good news.... The bad news is that the panzer divisions are in pretty bad shape, many with 50 or so panzers remaining. If the Soviet continues to press his attacks, things might get ugly fast. Along the front, 2nd Army's position is probably the weakest. 2nd Pz Armee, with 2xPzKps, holds the northern shoulder of the Kursk bulge, is in pretty good shape. 2nd Pz Div is replaced by 19th Pz Div which is sent to recover in 3rd Pz Armee's AO. 6th Army pulls back a few square miles, but for the most part, retains its fortified lines. 4th Pz Armee moves into the line, and creates a bullward of concentrated forces where the current most dangerous Soviet attack is likely. This could get expensive if he attacks, but I figure he'll look for easier avenues after the losses he's sustained. 2nd Hungarian's frontage is reduced, and seems to be in pretty good shape. 17th Army is untouched, but possesses no real reserves to counter any major thrust. Further to the south, the Soviets did not attack 1st Pz Armee, but rather seemed to consolidate. Overall, its been an interesting month of attack and counterattack. While the Soviets have been bloodied, so have the panzers. With some luck, he'll give me a few weeks to rest and refit the panzer divisions before resuming the attack.
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