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I'm Obviously Missing Something Here...

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I'm Obviously Missing Something Here... - 6/11/2011 5:15:48 AM   


Posts: 41
Joined: 4/24/2005
Status: offline
I own the original game and all of the expansion sets, but I've never done anything with them until I got my new computer. I thought that one simply installed them all in the default directory (in my case, E:/Matrix Games/Field of Glory) and then could get access to all of them as you chose. I've tried such an install a couple of times now, and this is not the result I get.

I tell each new expansion to put a shortcut on my desktop. I suppose it does, but there is only a single shortcut -- not a new one for each expansion. The list of battles remain the same -- they remain limited to the battles available for the basic FoG, and/or maybe Rise of Rome. None of the scenarios provided with Storm of Arrows, Immortal Fire, Swords and Scimitars or Legions Triumphant can be accessed, nor is there any icon, either on my desktop nor within the game or the game folder, that allows me to shift into any alternative expansion.

Do I need to ignore the default directory and install each module in its own individual sub-directory under the basic FoG directory? Do I need to apply the most recent updating patch to each module before installing the subsequent one? I'm at a loss about what to do to be able to launch the basic game and then play any of the battles from any of the games/expansions/modules. Is that even the way the game is supposed to work?

I know this sounds stupid, but can someone advise me how to install the game and its expansions to get it working the way that's intended?

Post #: 1
RE: I'm Obviously Missing Something Here... - 6/11/2011 7:44:47 AM   

Posts: 2804
Joined: 10/26/2004
From: London
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The expansions all unlock content in the main game - there will only be one shortcut. Look at the DAG and you'll see all the new content there. The new game scenario list will have the new missions. Any new features will be unlocked automatically. You can tell what is installed by looking at the bottom left on the main menu., If it says Read the pack is installed. If it says pre-loaded its not.


Iain McNeil
Matrix Games

(in reply to roth)
Post #: 2
RE: I'm Obviously Missing Something Here... - 6/11/2011 5:41:25 PM   


Posts: 41
Joined: 4/24/2005
Status: offline
I appreciate you help. Iain, but I'm afraid I'm still helpless. On my most recent effort, I installed the base game and then each of the expansions in the order in which they were released. Every thing went into the same default directory, in my case E:/Matrix Games/Field of Glory. I did not try to update anything until I had completed all installs.

When I click on the shortcut, it initially shows the Legions Triumphant screen (this is the last expansion I installed). When I hit "Play", it takes me to the basic FoG screen. There is nothing in the lower left of that screen except a message that I have Version 1.1.1.

I think I know what you're referring to, though, because I saw it once. On my very first attempt to install everything, I installed the base game first. I couldn't get the automatic update to work, so I installed the highest-number patch I found, which was 1.50. The first expansion I reached for after that was Legions Triumphant, which I installed next. When I tried things out after installing LTR, I saw in the lower left that I was now in version 1.5.6 (which I presume LTR installed), and I saw the message that said that I had FoG and LTR. I don't recall what it said about the other expansions, but it did make note of them, probably indicating, as you said, that they were "pre-loaded". At that point I thought I was on the right track, and so proceeded to install the other expansions. I tried to update after every one. On each of the others, however, when I tried out the shortcut, it showed me only the basic FoG screen, which said I was on version 1.1.1. After everything was installed and I saw that the screen still showed 1.1.1, I tried again to install the 1.50 patch, thinking that some key file(s) had been over-written. When I tried to re-install 1.50, I got a message saying "Are you sure you want to do this? You're already running 1.5.6. At no time after I installed the first expansion after LTR did I ever again see the message in the lower left that you're referring to.

When I couldn't get access to any of the scenarios except for ones from FoG and maybe RoR, I uninstalled everything and started over again, this time installing the expansions in their order of release, expecting that they would update to more recent versions of the game as we went along, and also expecting that, when all was said and done, the installation of LTR would update everything to 1.56 and that message would again appear showing that I had all the expansions available. No such luck. The screen was still the one from the basic game, and it showed only version 1.1.1. Similarly, when I click on the DAG tab in the main menu, it shows a screen that indicates visually that only RoR is available, and that all the other expansions are either in pre-order status or are "Coming Soon".

I'll uninstall everything again and give it another try, but please help me with the following:

1. Should it matter whether I install the expansions in the order of their release?
2. Should I update (either automatically or manually) each expansion after I install it?
3. After installing the base game, should I update only to 1.3.3 (or whichever update is the one that was announced in the Forum) and forget about 1.50?
4. Please confirm that everything is intended to go in the main directory (ie, E:/Matrix Games/Field of Glory) and that each expansion doesn't go in its own subdirectory. I assume that all-in-one is the way the game is supposed to work, since that shows up as the default directory for each expansion.

Please let me know if anything I've described indicates some major mistake I've made or some critical step that I've omitted or overlooked. I'd really like to take this game for a spin, and some of the scenarios I'm most looking forward to are ones that are in expansions that I so far have been unable to access.

Many thanks for your help and patience.


(in reply to IainMcNeil)
Post #: 3
RE: I'm Obviously Missing Something Here... - 6/13/2011 9:20:48 AM   

Posts: 2804
Joined: 10/26/2004
From: London
Status: offline
Sorry you are having problems. Is your base game and all of your expansions from Matrix games or are some from Slitherine? The very first version of Rise of Rome that Slitherine released had the 1.1.0 patch built in to it. This meant that if you had updated to say 1.3.3 and then installed Rise of Rome it would revert you to 1.1.0. We can issues you a a fixed instalelr which does not do this if you do in fact have the original bugged 1.1.0 version of Rise of Rome.

The issue is you are on v1.1.1, not 1.5.0. This is what the text on the main menu means.

Each update requires the latest patch to be unlcoked so Storm of Arrows requries v1.2.0 or later, Immortal Fire 1.3.0 or later and so on.

This is why you cant see any of your expansions. If the expansiosn are installed you probably just need to apply the 1.5.0 patch to see them all.


Iain McNeil
Matrix Games

(in reply to roth)
Post #: 4
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