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full screen mode?

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full screen mode? - 6/23/2011 9:00:21 AM   


Posts: 453
Joined: 6/29/2005
From: scotland
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im tryin to run LSA on a 40 inch tv (1920x1080) but it wont run full screen.

any ideas?
Post #: 1
RE: full screen mode? - 6/23/2011 11:52:41 AM   


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Starting with the obvious - did you go into the game options and select the 1920x1080 screen resolution, exit the game and restart it?

Attachment (1)

(in reply to cato13)
Post #: 2
RE: full screen mode? - 6/23/2011 2:04:28 PM   
RD Oddball


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And in case it's not obvious, only check "Windowed" if you don't want it to run in full screen but instead a Windows OS window.

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Post #: 3
RE: full screen mode? - 6/23/2011 4:35:26 PM   


Posts: 453
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From: scotland
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thanks for obvious answers

yep i have it set that way. when i play one of the battles its full screen but the grand campaign battles arent for some reason, very weird. its been a few months since i played but i dont remember seeing this happen before.

so you guys are gettin full screen when playing campaign battles?


could it be that the 1st campaign battle (allies) is just small map so thats why it aint full screen?

< Message edited by tonedog -- 6/23/2011 5:15:50 PM >

(in reply to RD Oddball)
Post #: 4
RE: full screen mode? - 6/23/2011 7:33:55 PM   


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The Valkenswaard map is one of several 'narrow' LSA maps. Its only 1800 pixels wide so there is an unplayable 120 pix black fill on the right side at 1920x1080 resolution. However, the green toolbar at the bottom is the full width of the screen - the first clue that the game is actually running at 1920x1080 screen res. At lesser resolutions (eg. 1680x1050), that map would fill the screen and need to be scrolled left/right.

Attachment (1)

(in reply to cato13)
Post #: 5
RE: full screen mode? - 6/23/2011 8:55:45 PM   


Posts: 453
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From: scotland
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thats not what im seeing on my tv. there are two large gaps black fill gaps on either side of the map, nothing like that screenshot. i got this tv in december so its the 1st time ive played LSA on it which is why ive not seen this issue before.

if its only a handfull of maps its no biggie.

(in reply to xe5)
Post #: 6
RE: full screen mode? - 6/23/2011 9:23:09 PM   


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My screenshot is from a 42" LCD @ 1920x1080.

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Post #: 7
RE: full screen mode? - 6/24/2011 7:50:23 AM   


Posts: 453
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From: scotland
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right now im even more perplexed, i would post a screenshot but the screenshot aint showin the black gaps so theres no point. why does my screen look nothing like yours?

the black fill gaps are pretty large.

(in reply to xe5)
Post #: 8
RE: full screen mode? - 6/25/2011 5:11:46 PM   


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Is the game working fine on regular computer monitor? If so then it is most likely something with the video drivers TV out configuration....

(in reply to cato13)
Post #: 9
RE: full screen mode? - 6/26/2011 10:29:46 AM   


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From: Berlin,Deutschland
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i've met this problem too, the LSA can't run on Windowed mode by 1366X768 and other 16:9 resolutions.

But TLD runs OK.

(in reply to Tejszd)
Post #: 10
RE: full screen mode? - 6/26/2011 11:46:37 AM   
Andrew Williams

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LSA running at 1680x1050 in windowed mode on my PC


(in reply to link1983)
Post #: 11
RE: full screen mode? - 6/26/2011 11:39:16 PM   
RD Oddball


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ORIGINAL: tonedog

so you guys are gettin full screen when playing campaign battles?

Saw the other thread with your reminder about the issue you're experiencing. Unfortunately it's not something we've been able to replicate so it makes it tough to troubleshoot. What might help though is if attach your DirectXdiag file and OS info to a post please. It might give some info to narrow the search.

What other resolution settings have you tried in full screen mode? If not please try others. Do they all give the same result or does it resolve the problem? I just tried 1920x1080 and several other resolutions and they all worked fine for me. It's interesting that link1983 and yourself are experiencing the same problems.

Link1983 what graphics card and OS are you using? What resolution are you running TLD under?

(in reply to cato13)
Post #: 12
RE: full screen mode? - 6/27/2011 12:02:01 AM   
RD Oddball


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ORIGINAL: link1983

the LSA can't run on Windowed mode by 1366X768 and other 16:9 resolutions.

But TLD runs OK. Any idea?

My graphics card doesn't have an option for 1366x768 but I tried other 16:9 resolutions and they all work fine for me.

BTW I did some quick math on the 1366x768 resolution you mentioned and it doesn't come out to 16:9. Am I doing something wrong on the math. There are a few ways to do it but I took 768 and divided it by nine then multiplied that result by 16. It comes out to 1,365.3333333333. What am I doing wrong? or did you post the incorrect number for that first number? I did the same math on other 16:9 resolutions available with my graphics card and they all come out exactly perfect so I'm nearly certain I've got the math right. Let me know if not.

Tonedog do you have other CC titles? Do you happen to have TLD? If so does 1920x1080 work for you with TLD as it does for link1983?

(in reply to RD Oddball)
Post #: 13
RE: full screen mode? - 6/27/2011 8:08:04 AM   


Posts: 8
Joined: 6/16/2011
From: Berlin,Deutschland
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ORIGINAL: link1983

the LSA can't run on Windowed mode by 1366X768 and other 16:9 resolutions.

But TLD runs OK. Any idea?

My graphics card doesn't have an option for 1366x768 but I tried other 16:9 resolutions and they all work fine for me.

BTW I did some quick math on the 1366x768 resolution you mentioned and it doesn't come out to 16:9. Am I doing something wrong on the math. There are a few ways to do it but I took 768 and divided it by nine then multiplied that result by 16. It comes out to 1,365.3333333333. What am I doing wrong? or did you post the incorrect number for that first number? I did the same math on other 16:9 resolutions available with my graphics card and they all come out exactly perfect so I'm nearly certain I've got the math right. Let me know if not.

Tonedog do you have other CC titles? Do you happen to have TLD? If so does 1920x1080 work for you with TLD as it does for link1983?

THX Oddball for the patience math work. My monitor type is DELL E1910H, the largest resolution it provides is 1366x768, you can see the hardware report on the attach below, in which it tells me 1366x768 is 16:9.

if the reason of the problem is the strange resolution, why it runs well with TLD? that mazes me.

I have reintalled twice, the problem goes on.

BTW, my OS is Windows 2003rc2, graphic card is nVIDIA GeForce GT 240.
I've set both LSA and TLD on the resolution 1366x768(Maximum) with windowed mode, the TLD runs well but LSA doesn't.

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by link1983 -- 6/27/2011 8:17:22 AM >

(in reply to RD Oddball)
Post #: 14
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