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Joined: 9/3/2011 Status: offline
I have backed up a couple of turn and tried something else, once again I don't know if the ahistorical path would be different. I still find this extremely difficult simply on a gameplay basis to counter-act the NM bleeding but I didn't get the Archangelsk-Perm axis, maybe that would have helped. Now, my point is that Koltchak's faction don't seem to get enough from is initial military conquest. In a way, no matter how far in one direction I pushed ( except for Moscow as the computer didn't really seem to react to my attack there but I didn't want to achieve victory that way), I would end up on the defensive but without anyway to hold off the Reds attack past a few months. There is no tolerance for a mistake for this faction. I have a few ideas, some better then others IMO and yet again, maybe they won't fit your view on what you wish this faction look like. They are only there to give gameplay options to a player that choose the historical path with Siberian Whites. First one is to limit the moral bleeding to a minimal value, it could still go down from other factors but would stop at a set value so that a defensive war, a win to the victory point, would be made possible. That way, maybe a Red distraction could give you a chance to counter-attack a weak enemy position etc. My second idea would be to give an event to the SibW that would cost EP and lock for a set number of turn some units in exchange for NM. When it end, it would be repeatable at the same cost. You explained that Koltchak didn't even try to solve is party internal issues, well maybe the player is ready to try it and thus, giving a chance (ahistorical indeed) for a Siberian White victory. The cost in EP and the locking effect for a number of turn would simulate that the faction is working on her internal issues and that there is a limited attention on military affairs. My third idea would be to give military objective to the player each years that, until they are achieved, would drain is NM. This would reflect that the military success gave Koltchak a temporary solidified political status. These are only rough ideas that maybe some are good or are all terrible and that you have all the rights in the world to reject. I still think this faction should be hard to play, the effect should be felt and they should pressure the player to act aggressively. That being said, I also believe that the player should have a possibility of winning even if he didn't get all is strategic objective by the early 1919 without weakening the Red Army or boosting the SibW. Again, I would need to test my game more, having only repeated a few turns to test if I could have a different outcome after 1918 with the advance I had at that time. Maybe Keke is having a different experience with is Siberian White game.