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Important Info about the WaW ATG Scenario.

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Important Info about the WaW ATG Scenario. - 10/15/2011 8:28:52 PM   

Posts: 1083
Joined: 12/19/2008
From: tennessee
Status: offline
This is my favorite scenario and I have noticed that there is a issue that is causing some confusion.

This scenario is designed to follow WWII historically for the first year to year and a half of the game. What happens during this time frame has a major effect on the rest of the game. All the countries starting up and their economies are based on what happened historically.

By this I mean that it is vital for Germany to take western Europe very rapidly and Norway if possible. Japan,Russia and Italy all wake up when Paris is taken. Their whole economy and their ability to participate in the game is dependent on this happening quickly just like it did in 1940. The whole game in fact is dependent on this.
Anything that changes this effects the long term outcome of the game.

So whats the point ?

Well in the game variants the "Wake France and SU early" variant is checked by default. BUT this is a variant and not the way the game is designed to be played. In fact this variant is in my opinion the single most powerful variant that can be played for the West. It gives the west a big advantage in the hands of a good player and it can greatly prolong the time it takes for Paris to be taken and the other countries being able to wake up and enter the game. This can allow the west to get a huge production and technology advantage over Japan especially, one that Japan being so small can never overcome and this can really shorten the game.

This scenario is designed for Germany and Japan to make rapid progress and for the west and Russia to struggle early. I believe that it is really very balanced in its Vanilla form and that anything can happen. But any variant of the game can cause drastic changes in balance.

So if you want to play a fair game the way it is designed then un-check ALL variants. Do this especially if this is the first time you are playing this scenario.
Just because this variant is checked by default it doesn't mean this is the way it should be played.



HHC 302nd Engineer Battalion
82nd Airborne Division
Honorably Discharged Jul/80
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