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AG South redesignation?

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AG South redesignation? - 12/8/2011 11:37:49 PM   

Posts: 51
Joined: 12/8/2011
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Hi All,

I have been lurking here since buying this game a couple of months ago. After playing a few of the Road To ... scenarios I have started a '41 GC as the Axis on challenging. Currently in November '42.

Sorry to lead off my first post with a question, but I have one. As per Section 7.6.7 of the Manual:


When certain conditions are met, German Army Group South HQ will be split into Army Groups A and B. This will occur if the Soviet cities of Azov, Bataysk, and Manych are captured or automatically in the first turn of March 1943 if the first condition has not been met. Upon either occurrence, Army Group South headquarters will be replaced by the Army Group A headquarters and the Army Group B headquarters will be placed on the map. All the forces previously attached to AGS will be assigned to OKH and can be reassigned by the player without any administrative cost.

Please see the screenshot below for the situation around Rostov on Oct 01, 1942. I have captured Azov, Bataysk, and Manych, but AGS remains. I held the towns for a full turn, no change. Finally I withdrew my Pz Corps across the Don for other duties this coming winter.

Any idea why I did not get AG A&B out of this manoeuvre? It was the sole reason I ventured across the Don.

Game was started with ver 1.05.23, and was on ver 1.05.42 at the time of the turn shown (I believe).

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Post #: 1
RE: AG South redesignation? - 12/9/2011 8:54:42 PM   


Posts: 78
Joined: 11/22/2010
From: Juneau, Alaska
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Hmmmm, you sure the HQ wasn't activated?  I know it sounds like a stupid question but there's not a lot of fanfare when it happens.  There's a note in the event log I think but unless you check the log or your OOB screen or one of the Army HQs (to see if it's been reassigned to OKH), then you could miss it (I know I have!).


(in reply to Mentor)
Post #: 2
RE: AG South redesignation? - 12/9/2011 9:02:17 PM   
Joel Billings

Posts: 32265
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If you can send a save (ideally just before a German logistics phase when you've taken the required cities), please send it to


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-- Soren Kierkegaard

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Post #: 3
RE: AG South redesignation? - 12/9/2011 11:09:59 PM   


Posts: 19
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Is there an earliest date that these new HQ's can activate?

Ive had the same problem, I held these towns for several turns in Summer 41 and no new HQ's.
Playing with the latest patch.

Attachment (1)

(in reply to Joel Billings)
Post #: 4
RE: AG South redesignation? - 12/9/2011 11:17:37 PM   


Posts: 19
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I have sent a copy of file for end of turn 14. Hope this helps.

(in reply to Killzone)
Post #: 5
RE: AG South redesignation? - 12/9/2011 11:23:44 PM   

Posts: 51
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Hmmmm, you sure the HQ wasn't activated?  I know it sounds like a stupid question but there's not a lot of fanfare when it happens.  There's a note in the event log I think but unless you check the log or your OOB screen or one of the Army HQs (to see if it's been reassigned to OKH), then you could miss it (I know I have!).


Thanks for your thought. Here is the current OOB from Nov '42. No, AGS is still there, and no sign of AG A & B.

The only possible "unusual" thing I can think of is that back in July I had captured 1 or 2 of the towns, but not all 3 at the same time, in my capture of Rostov. Later when I realized how close the towns needed for redesignation were I recaptured all 3 (I had assumed that the required towns for the split were much further east/south - now I know). Perhaps this back-and-forth changing of hands screwed something up?

Attachment (1)

(in reply to AKCLIMBER)
Post #: 6
RE: AG South redesignation? - 12/9/2011 11:26:37 PM   

Posts: 51
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Here is my autosave from the turn prior to my capture of the 3 required towns. I don't have a save following my moves but before the logistics phase, but it should be easy to recreate the capture.

Attachment (1)

(in reply to Mentor)
Post #: 7
RE: AG South redesignation? - 12/19/2011 1:15:22 AM   

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Bumping this. It is now April '43, and still no split. I have met both conditions for the redesignation, and nothing. My C&C is a bit of a mess.

This is the same game with the monster Soviet corps, and the lack of almost any AI resistance south of Voronezh.

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Post #: 8
RE: AG South redesignation? - 12/19/2011 12:14:19 PM   

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It was fixed in 1.05.46


Pavel Zagzin
WITE/WITW/WITE-2 Development

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Post #: 9
RE: AG South redesignation? - 12/19/2011 2:47:29 PM   

Posts: 1376
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May we please have that patch asap? I am in a PBEM using the most recent patch and I am about to cross the Don...if I can't get the A and B HQs, then if will delay the game until this is fixed.

Much thanks,


(in reply to Helpless)
Post #: 10
RE: AG South redesignation? - 12/20/2011 10:56:08 AM   

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Mark, I can't say when it will happen exactly. We plan to issue another patch to the beta testers this week (today or tomorrow). Hopefully it will get posted to the public soon. Unfortunately things are getting slow due to the holiday season.


Pavel Zagzin
WITE/WITW/WITE-2 Development

(in reply to mmarquo)
Post #: 11
RE: AG South redesignation? - 12/20/2011 12:49:34 PM   


Posts: 1045
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Related to this issue, does Army Group B ever turn back into Army Group South (technically it was Army Group Don that was renamed Army Group South and Army Group B was withdrawn)? It didn't in a test game I'm running which is up to early 1944.


(in reply to Helpless)
Post #: 12
RE: AG South redesignation? - 12/20/2011 1:16:25 PM   

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Happy Holidays to you and yours; all the best in 2012.


(in reply to Helpless)
Post #: 13
RE: AG South redesignation? - 12/20/2011 3:26:16 PM   

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Related to this issue, does Army Group B ever turn back into Army Group South (technically it was Army Group Don that was renamed Army Group South and Army Group B was withdrawn)? It didn't in a test game I'm running which is up to early 1944.


Yes, Jim - it should be renamed to AGS. Actually it was related to the bug when code was renaming instance of AGB in database prematurely to AGS, so there was two AGS and AGB was not showing up. Fix doesn't allow this to happen, also it is restoring AGB in the database if it was renamed.



Happy Holidays to you and yours; all the best in 2012.


Same to you, Mark. Merry Christmas! :)


Pavel Zagzin
WITE/WITW/WITE-2 Development

(in reply to jaw)
Post #: 14
RE: AG South redesignation? - 12/23/2011 9:04:21 PM   
Michael T

Posts: 4443
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My game is now on hold for this patch. Is it possible to get a copy to use before official release? I really don't want to have to wait for it over the xmas hols, I was looking forward to getting some game time in. But my opponent has put the game on hold until this problem is fixed (he has just qualified for the split and it did not happen) which is fair enough.


(in reply to Helpless)
Post #: 15
RE: AG South redesignation? - 12/23/2011 9:04:47 PM   
Michael T

Posts: 4443
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PS Merry xmas to all :)


(in reply to Michael T)
Post #: 16
RE: AG South redesignation? - 12/23/2011 9:14:43 PM   
Joel Billings

Posts: 32265
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From: Santa Rosa, CA
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If you email me at, I can send you the latest exe with this fixed. I have to warn you though, that due to many recent changes, you could experience other problems. We are testing other things now. We were going to release a version this week as a public beta, but due to the Matrix partial shut down for the holidays, this has not been possible, and as I've said, it could use some testing anyway. If you want to be an unofficial tester on this since it is an important bug you are trying to work around it's ok with me. Pavel and I are testing the very latest now and it will go out to testers shortly. Of course you and your opponent should both use the same exe. I don't know how soon a public beta will be posted by Matrix and it could be January before this happens. Sorry for the delay.


All understanding comes after the fact.
-- Soren Kierkegaard

(in reply to Michael T)
Post #: 17
RE: AG South redesignation? - 12/23/2011 9:27:58 PM   
Michael T

Posts: 4443
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From: Queensland, Australia.
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Thanks for the link and help here Joel. I will put it to my opponent. I don't mind giving it a go :)


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Post #: 18
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