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Hailstones, and Lotus Blossoms -Admiral Mitscher(A) vs Richard III(J)

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Hailstones, and Lotus Blossoms -Admiral Mitscher(A) vs ... - 12/16/2011 8:32:15 PM   
Admiral Mitscher

Posts: 122
Joined: 12/10/2011
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Hello Folks...

This is my first Pbem game, and also my first AAR. I have been playing AE for around two years now, but against the AI. I have played two long-term Allied grand campaign one AI games, with both going up to late 1944. But the AI was getting too predictable, and even cheating a bit I think.

Before AE I played WitP stock and CHS, and before that UV which first got me hooked on operational wargames. I never joined the forum in all those years, because to be honest it was a bit scary in the old days. I have always lurked from time to time in the forum, and learned to play the game from it.

So to cut the story short, I decided to join the forum and find a pbem opponent. I have been fortunate enough to find a good opponent, which I read is not always the case. Richard III has taken the Japanese side, as I have never played Japan. Rich is an experienced player, but has never played Japan in Pbem, which is good for me I think.

We are playing the DaBabes-Lite 26A scenario, with the December 7th start. We have both made a firm commitment to play this campaign out to the bitter end. So I will give my best, but know that at the start I will get beat up somewhat. I now wish Richard III good luck, as I am confident that he will need it.

Please read no more of this AAR Rich, as it is now closed to you, bye and good luck.

Here are the HR's, option, and setting -

-Accept air/ground replacement off.
-Advance weather on.
-AI historical.
-Allied damage control on.
-Auto sub ops off.
-Combat reports on.
-Dec 7th surprise on.
-Factories to expand off.
-Fog of war on.
-Historic 1st turn off.
-PDU on.
-Plane move radius on.
-Show combat animations on.
-Show combat sum on.
-Show clouds on.
-Ships/air groups upgrade off.
-TF move radius on.
-Turn cycle 1.

House Rules:
- Air Combat TFs to contain no more than 500 aircraft (no death stars).
- Allies cannot form new TFs in turn 1, but can alter orders for existing TFs.
- Allied LCUs and Air units in China can be moved on turn 1.
- Fighter sweep or CAP altitude is restricted to the band of their second best maneuver rating.
- Invasions are only allowed in hexes with bases.
- No Carrier Hunting by KB after the Dec 7 strike.
- No creating dozens of 1 ship TF `s ( AK`s PT`s )in 1 hex on either side.
- No naval attack bombing below 10k feet for 4E bombers other that for navy 4E bombers.
- No night bombing if moonlight is less than 50% other that for B29s.
- No strategic bombing in or from China before 1943.
- No using fragments of Para units to take bases.
- Only one Japanese port attack on turn 1.
- PPs have to be paid to release units from restricted commands.


< Message edited by Admiral Mitscher -- 1/15/2012 6:16:33 PM >


Post #: 1
RE: The Flattop War - Admiral Mitscher (A) vs Richard I... - 12/16/2011 8:55:29 PM   


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Good luck!

I just started my first PBEM aswell after playing the AI for many years. Can´t understand now why i waited so long!

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Post #: 2
RE: The Flattop War - Admiral Mitscher (A) vs Richard I... - 12/16/2011 8:59:48 PM   

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Good luck, Admiral Mitscher!  Welcome to the game and to the forums.  Nice sig, too. 

(in reply to JocMeister)
Post #: 3
RE: The Flattop War - Admiral Mitscher (A) vs Richard I... - 12/16/2011 9:03:42 PM   

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Good luck to both of you and enjoy the game.


(in reply to Canoerebel)
Post #: 4
RE: The Flattop War - Admiral Mitscher (A) vs Richard I... - 12/16/2011 9:17:01 PM   

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Welcome and good luck! It will keep you much more on your toes to play a person, and an experienced one as well. It's exciting and I find I'm learning a ton.

Use the Boise wisely!

(in reply to Olorin)
Post #: 5
RE: The Flattop War - Admiral Mitscher (A) vs Richard I... - 12/16/2011 9:21:41 PM   
Grfin Zeppelin

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Welcome and good luck :)


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Post #: 6
The Flattop War - Admiral Mitscher (A) vs Richard III (J). - 12/17/2011 2:46:28 AM   
Admiral Mitscher

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Thank you Guys, and Gal for the words of encouragement, and good luck. I will need it, but I am confident that I will give Richard III some headaches, while that's the plan anyway. Please feel free to offer me advice, even if it is of the hard kind. As there is still alot I need to learn on this game, especially pbem.


(in reply to Grfin Zeppelin)
Post #: 7
RE: The Flattop War - Admiral Mitscher (A) vs Richard I... - 12/17/2011 2:49:55 AM   
Admiral Mitscher

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Thoughts on Strategy.

Well what am I going to do after December 7th, a saint Robin, or stand and fight? Maybe a bit of both I think, depending on the local circumstances. But The Allied forces are for the most part spread out, and pretty thin on the ground.

Alaska, West Coast: Not much chance of any Japanese invasions here in the opening game, apart from maybe the western Aleutian Islands. So this will for the most part be my work-up and training area. Also it goes without saying that it is my main supply/fuel/oil hub.

Pearl Harbor: Is my main base in the Pacific, it is unlikely that Rich would attempt anything other than a raid here. But if he was to invade the Islands, I would fight even with my CVs early. It would work for me I would think, as he would be fighting on stretch LOC, and at serous disadvantage. Whereas I would be close to my main hub, and easily able to reinforce.

Midway, Johnston, Line Islands: Chances of early action here is also much on the par with Pearl Harbor. Again the advantages would be on my side, but apart from Johnston not a serious threat to me. I will be building up midway, Johnson, and Palmyra as forward bases for Pearl Harbor.

Central Pacific: Some chance of Japanese operations here, maybe south toward Fiji and Pago Pago. But not a game breaker, as I can just move further back. As an extra few days for the convoys to the South Pacific is not worth being caught forward and unconcentrated. Having said that I still expect to build up Pago Pago, and Fiji as main bases, with Canton as a forward base.

Southwest Pacific: Could be some early landing Japanese operations here, even as far south has New Caledonia. I defiantly expect Rich to go for Rabaul, Lae, and Port Moresby in the first phase. This would not be a problem, as I can pound Lae and PM from North East Australia. I also think that this would be good, as it would allow me time to build up New Caledonia, and maybe even Luganville.

Northern Australia: There is the real possibility of Japanese landing along the northern coast, as far as Port Headland. He will probably move south though Ambon, Kendari, and into Timor. His best option would be to at least take Darwin, to deny it as a base for me. This would slow me in the area, but Darwin can be bypassed by the Allies I think.

Philippines: In all probability Rich will land on Luzon, as the Japanese did historically. If he does so in force, the Philippines are indefensible and all the ground forces there are lost. So my plan here is to slow him down with small delaying forces, while building up the forts at Clark Field, and Bataan. I want to keep his infantry here as long as possible, and to damage his units enough that he needs to refit them. I will maintain a fighter force here as long as possible to attrite his air forces. Plus I will use my S-boats and PT-boats to harass his landing convoys. The bigger submarines and all other surface vessels will attempt to withdraw to safer bases.

Dutch East Indies: Same has the Philippines, if Rich moves in force here the area is lost. So again Delay, and build up forts to damage his infantry. While my air power will attempt to attrite his air forces when practical, and hide when overwhelmed. The local naval forces including submarines with the aid of some RN, and USN heavy units will attempt to harass the enemies landing convoys. All other surface vessels not needed in this area will retire to India and Australia. But I will attempt to ship out has much fuel, then oil as possible without heavy tanker losses.

Malaya, Borneo: Again if Rich moves here historically, both areas are indefensible and will fall. Borneo and the units there are lost, and nothing can save that. The trick in Malaya is to hold on as long as possible, but early forward delay could be dangerous here. I have to get the infantry units in northern Malaya, under Singapore’s airpower intact and undamaged. So all aircraft and ground units in the northern part of Malaya will withdraw south of Kuala Lumpur as soon as possible. I will keep fighter cover over the Singapore as long as possible, even in the face of heavy casualties. Also I plan to withdraw the Australian infantry brigades, along with the air HQ’s for use in the India, Burma areas.

Burma: Rich will in all probability move into Southern Burma from Thailand, and strike at Moulmein. Which I will hold as long as possible, by moving a good infantry brigade south from Rangoon. But Moulmein can be flanked, so when this happens I will withdraw. I can delay him south of Rangoon on the two river lines, but not indefinitely. I intend to bring the rest of the 17th Indian division to Rangoon, and maybe one of the Australian brigades from Malaya, but that will be all the reinforcement I do for Burma. Because if Rich wants Burma he has the recourses to do it, but I will make him work for it. I will stand and fight in some positions, but know I will be forced back to the Indian boarder.

India, Ceylon: On the Burmese border I will stand and fight with no retreat, and most of the early British and Indian reinforcement will go here. Apart from the 18th division which will go to Ceylon, which must be held at all cost. While the 44th, 45th, and 46th Indian brigades will go to the Calcutta area for garrison duty and to train. The Deccan Coast of India will only be lightly screened by individual infantry battalions in the early game. I intend to build-up several airfields in the Calcutta and Bengal area, for a air campaign over Burma. Also to build-up three big airfields on Ceylon, to command the Bay of Bengal, and the Deccan coast. This is the way to combat him if he comes this way, from the air. The Shipping in the Calcutta, Deccan coast, and Ceylon areas will be thinned out to the minimum, just in case of KB raids.

China: The basic philosophy in China is withdraw the ground units from the plains, and fight him in the rough terrain whenever possible. I will try not to give up my fuel, oil, and supply baring bases. While my airpower attempts to stay out of trouble, while building up and training. I will probably use the AVG air group to do some bomber hunting. But I think that I will wait, and see what his strategy is going to be. Because if he concentrates all his forces in China on one area, I will be in trouble.


< Message edited by Admiral Mitscher -- 12/17/2011 10:07:58 PM >


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Post #: 8
RE: The Flattop War - Admiral Mitscher (A) vs Richard I... - 12/17/2011 3:17:00 AM   

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Post #: 9
RE: The Flattop War - Admiral Mitscher (A) vs Richard I... - 12/17/2011 3:19:23 AM   
Dan Nichols

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Note on the Line Islands. Christmas Island is a very large atoll. That means you can put anything you want on it and if he invades he must do a shock attack. A regiment with some artillery is hard to take. A division with artillery and a CD unit is mostly impossible for him to take. Plus it can be built to be a large base.

(in reply to Admiral Mitscher)
Post #: 10
RE: The Flattop War - Admiral Mitscher (A) vs Richard I... - 12/17/2011 3:26:58 AM   
Admiral Mitscher

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ORIGINAL: Dan Nichols

Note on the Line Islands. Christmas Island is a very large atoll. That means you can put anything you want on it and if he invades he must do a shock attack. A regiment with some artillery is hard to take. A division with artillery and a CD unit is mostly impossible for him to take. Plus it can be built to be a large base.

Good point there Dan Nichols, and thanks for passing it on. My thinking was to make Palmyra a forward air-search base, and use PH as it's support. But a Marine regiment with some engineers and AA early, would make Christmas Island secure for future build-up.


(in reply to Dan Nichols)
Post #: 11
RE: The Flattop War - Admiral Mitscher (A) vs Richard I... - 12/17/2011 6:46:38 AM   

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Good Luck Adm.    Will follow your exploits.  Theres a nice (4) 6in gun CD unit in Oz that has done well for me at PM in my game.  Might want to think about putting it into action.

(in reply to Admiral Mitscher)
Post #: 12
RE: The Flattop War - Admiral Mitscher (A) vs Richard I... - 12/17/2011 1:26:44 PM   


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Keep in mind that early in the game you are extremly thin on reincforcents so decide very carefully were to send it. Also remember that with very few exceptions he can take what he wants and you can´t do anything about it. So don´t waste waste what you have on futile defense operations. I´m not saying that you shouldn´t fight back but do it were it counts and you can achieve something.

Don´t ever forget that you are playing a human and nothing will be like when playing the AI. I´m learning that every turn, again and again. Don´t be too slow in Malaya. A human moves so much faster then the AI and its easy to have your forces cut off. I have something like 3 battalions cut off because I was expecting a certain pace from my opponent.

Also, don´t forget to have fun! :)


(in reply to DOCUP)
Post #: 13
RE: The Flattop War - Admiral Mitscher (A) vs Richard I... - 12/17/2011 10:29:53 PM   
Admiral Mitscher

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Hello DOCUP... I follow you AAR, and you have tort me alot thank you.

I have found the CD unit you mentioned thanks, it is the 5th RAA Coastal Artillery regiment at Sydney. I intend to lift it along with the two other battalions of the 30th Australian brigade into PM, when I have finished evacuating the Rabaul. That should stiffen PM till I can get a regular brigade from the Middle East there.



(in reply to DOCUP)
Post #: 14
RE: The Flattop War - Admiral Mitscher (A) vs Richard I... - 12/17/2011 10:35:20 PM   

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Thanks Adm.  I'm glad I'm doing something.  I wish I would have a lil more time to put my thoughts in my AAR.  Also the transport sqd in China is a good group to move so you can airlift units around DEI.  Padang BF has 2 5 in guns, you might think about moving them to Pbang for a lil extra firepower.

Edit. I will be following this AAR Adm.

< Message edited by DOCUP -- 12/17/2011 10:41:16 PM >

(in reply to Admiral Mitscher)
Post #: 15
RE: The Flattop War - Admiral Mitscher (A) vs Richard I... - 12/17/2011 10:48:41 PM   
Admiral Mitscher

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Thanks JocMeister... You are correct, and there are only so many bases that I can reinforce in the early game. So I think I will work my way across the Pacific in this order, as Resources become available:

Midday, Johnston, Christmas, Palmyra, Pago Pago, Canton, Tahiti, Suva and Nadi, Auckland, Noumea and Koumac, Efate, Luganville, Ndeni. With the ones in bold lettering being the priority bases, and Pago Pago able to replenish aircombat TFs.

This I intend to be my line in the sand so to speak, but depending on Rich's moves some could change.


< Message edited by Admiral Mitscher -- 12/27/2011 9:06:41 AM >


(in reply to JocMeister)
Post #: 16
RE: The Flattop War - Admiral Mitscher (A) vs Richard I... - 12/17/2011 11:29:29 PM   
Mac Linehan


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Admiral Mitscher and Richard III -

The best of luck to both of you!



LAV-25 2147

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Post #: 17
RE: The Flattop War - Admiral Mitscher (A) vs Richard I... - 12/22/2011 2:44:16 AM   

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(in reply to Mac Linehan)
Post #: 18
RE: The Flattop War - Admiral Mitscher (A) vs Richard I... - 12/22/2011 3:27:33 AM   
Admiral Mitscher

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ORIGINAL: zuluhour


Still doing the huge Allied second turn, will write-up December 7th when I finish it.


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Post #: 19
RE: The Flattop War - Admiral Mitscher (A) vs Richard I... - 12/22/2011 3:30:47 AM   

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allow time for wrist cramps

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Post #: 20
RE: The Flattop War - Admiral Mitscher (A) vs Richard I... - 12/22/2011 3:52:44 AM   
Admiral Mitscher

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ORIGINAL: zuluhour

allow time for wrist cramps

Yes the right wrist, and my eyes that are giving problems, I need my ex-office assistant back I do.


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Post #: 21
RE: The Flattop War - Admiral Mitscher (A) vs Richard I... - 12/25/2011 7:03:12 PM   
Admiral Mitscher

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Just an update on my game against Rich; we are going to do a restart of the game, and in Vanilla Scen 1. The reason is that we both overlooked the withdrawal option, me in the agreed HR's, settings, and options txt. Then Rich overlooked the No Withdrawals setting on the actual game set-up, and you guessed it, it was set to NO.

So we are starting again, and Rich is just finalizing the settings and options. I will the check them, and he will then work up the first turn. I will probably then have the write up for the first turn in two weeks maybe. Sorry about the break in my AAR, but I will make it upto you, by learning how to do and post screenshots.


(in reply to Admiral Mitscher)
Post #: 22
RE: The Flattop War - Admiral Mitscher (A) vs Richard I... - 12/26/2011 6:31:36 PM   
Admiral Mitscher

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Update to Thoughts on Strategy.

Malaya, Borneo: I think from reading some of the current JFB’s AARs; that it would appear that the Mersing landing gambit is back in vogue. There could then be the distinct possibility of Rich landing a division sized force at Mersing, in the first few days.

This will offcourse force me to change my plan, for withdrawing the 2 Australian infantry brigades. I will now have both these brigades at Mersing as soon as possible, to cover any early landing. This is a damn shame, as I had planned to redeploy these 2 units to Burma. But my thinking is that it is better for the overall situation in Burma, to hold Singapore for as long as possible.

My original plans for the deployment of airpower in Malaya will stay the same, as I was always going the redeploy my ‘Stringbags’ and ‘Beasties’ back on Singapore. The Problem here would be fighter escort for my naval attack, and ground attack aircraft. Because he would at the very least have a LRCAP from Kota Bharu, with some possibility of a carrier.

I will still have Force Z rebased at Batavia, which is within two days steaming of Mersing. But I will watch to see if Rich deploys a carrier to cover any operation at Mersing. As there is no good reason to throw away these valuable ships for no good purpose. If a carrier was present, I would look at CL, DD, and MTB sweeps of his landing convoys.

Elsewhere my strategy will remain the same, with offcourse some flexibility to react to Rich’s early moves. But one little side operation I tried, I will not repeat in this restart. That is a raid by the 3 Hong Kong DD's on the Port at Samah, as Rich had a strong covering SCTF present there.


< Message edited by Admiral Mitscher -- 12/27/2011 7:20:15 AM >


(in reply to Admiral Mitscher)
Post #: 23
RE: The Flattop War - Admiral Mitscher (A) vs Richard I... - 12/27/2011 5:27:51 AM   

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first turn in two weeks maybe

Lets see....a turn every two weeks......war goes to August '45.......18,690 days later......Ill be 102 years old!!!!!

(in reply to Admiral Mitscher)
Post #: 24
RE: The Flattop War - Admiral Mitscher (A) vs Richard I... - 12/27/2011 7:16:36 AM   
Admiral Mitscher

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ORIGINAL: zuluhour


first turn in two weeks maybe

Lets see....a turn every two weeks......war goes to August '45.......18,690 days later......Ill be 102 years old!!!!!

No no.... two weeks for Rich's part of the turn, the two weeks for my part, so a full game turn will take a month. A good well thought-out slow game, that will take around two centenaries to complete.


(in reply to zuluhour)
Post #: 25
RE: The Flattop War - Admiral Mitscher (A) vs Richard I... - 12/27/2011 8:38:05 AM   

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Damn, this is starting to get metaphysical. Will medical technology keep pace to allow us to see this one out?



Beer, because barley makes lousy bread.

(in reply to Admiral Mitscher)
Post #: 26
RE: The Flattop War - Admiral Mitscher (A) vs Richard I... - 12/27/2011 2:27:09 PM   

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(in reply to CaptBeefheart)
Post #: 27
RE: The Flattop War - Admiral Mitscher (A) vs Richard I... - 12/28/2011 1:17:29 AM   
Admiral Mitscher

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The 208 Years war.


(in reply to zuluhour)
Post #: 28
December 7th, Day of Infamy. - 1/7/2012 4:12:31 AM   
Admiral Mitscher

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Day 1, December 7th, 1941.

The war has begun with Rich launching a sneaky morning air-raid with his main carrier force, on my main Pacific base at Pearl Harbor. He has also attacked my forces in the Philippines and Malaya, with land-based aircraft raids from his bases in Thailand and on Formosa. While he has landed troops on Batan Island in the Formosa strait, and along the eastern coast of Malaya as far south as my airbase at Kota Bharu. There were also air-raids by Japanese land based aircraft against Changsha, Chengchow, Hong Kong, Nanchang and Changsha in China.

Thought-out the day there has been extensive reconnaissance aircraft over-flights of my bases in China, Malaya and the Philippines. Enemy reconnaissance aircraft have also been detected in northern Borneo and southern Burma, so I must surmise that Rich has operations planned in these areas.

Pearl Harbor.
The Pearl Harbor raid was the most damaging raid overall, with a DD, DM, SS, and a PT boat being sunk. But there will be some more sinking’s in the days to come for sure, with 8 BB, 2 CA, and a CL receiving damage and flooding from multiple bomb and torpedo hits.
The airfields around Pearl Harbor were also hit by enemy carrier borne dive bombers, and number of aircraft were destroyed and damaged, along with damage to the runways and airfield buildings. Rich lost only 4 dive bomber and 4 torpedo bombers in the raid and returning to the carriers.

Morning Air attack on Pearl Harbor , at 180,107
Weather in hex: Clear sky
Raid detected at 113 NM, estimated altitude 10,000 feet.
Estimated time to target is 42 minutes
Japanese aircraft
A6M2 Zero x 52
B5N2 Kate x 90
D3A1 Val x 101
Allied aircraft
no flights
Japanese aircraft losses
B5N2 Kate: 4 damaged
D3A1 Val: 5 damaged
D3A1 Val: 1 destroyed by flak
Allied aircraft losses
PBY-5 Catalina: 68 damaged
PBY-5 Catalina: 3 destroyed on ground
R3D-2: 4 damaged
B-17E Fortress: 6 damaged
B-18A Bolo: 20 damaged
B-18A Bolo: 2 destroyed on ground
P-40B Warhawk: 13 damaged
P-40B Warhawk: 2 destroyed on ground
B-17D Fortress: 17 damaged
B-17D Fortress: 2 destroyed on ground
SBD-1 Dauntless: 15 damaged
SBD-1 Dauntless: 1 destroyed on ground
C-33: 2 damaged
A-20A Havoc: 16 damaged
O-47A: 5 damaged
O-47A: 2 destroyed on ground
P-36A Mohawk: 6 damaged
P-36A Mohawk: 1 destroyed on ground
F4F-3 Wildcat: 1 damaged
Allied Ships
BB Maryland, Bomb hits 5, Torpedo hits 1, heavy fires
BB Nevada, Bomb hits 3, Torpedo hits 2, on fire
DM Sicard, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
PT-22, Bomb hits 1, and is sunk
BB Pennsylvania, Bomb hits 2, Torpedo hits 1, on fire
BB Arizona, Bomb hits 2, Torpedo hits 3, heavy damage
BB West Virginia, Bomb hits 2, on fire
BB Oklahoma, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 3, on fire, heavy damage
BB Tennessee, Bomb hits 3, Torpedo hits 3, on fire, heavy damage
CA San Francisco, Bomb hits 2, Torpedo hits 2
DM Breese, Bomb hits 1, heavy fires
BB California, Bomb hits 1, Torpedo hits 3, on fire, heavy damage
CL Honolulu, Torpedo hits 1
DD Helm, Torpedo hits 1, and is sunk
CA New Orleans, Torpedo hits 2, on fire
CL Phoenix, Bomb hits 1
Allied ground losses:
13 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Repair Shipyard hits 2
Airbase hits 19
Airbase supply hits 1
Runway hits 27
Port hits 14
Port fuel hits 6
Port supply hits 1

As you can see overall it is not too bad of a result for me, and my air power is still intact, especially my fighter forces. My hunch is that he will strike again tomorrow for effect, and even though I dread losing more ships. I know it will cost him in aircraft and aircrew big time, if he does strike again. So over night I took the precaution of sending 3 task forces of undamaged CA’s, CL’s and DDs away to the south to mitigate the damage to my fleet.

Meanwhile my 2 air combat task forces that are operating from Pearl Harbor are in the process of clearing the area for the time being. The Lexington task force will be about halfway between Midway and Wake Islands in the morning. Lexington will fly on the Wildcats currently based on Wake, she will then head well to the north of Midway. While the Enterprise task force will be just to the south Johnston Island, and will continue on to Pago Pago.

There were air raids by Japanese LBA from Formosa on my airbases at Iba, Clark Field, and Manila, but here again I seem to have got off lightly, with the damage and aircraft losses again low. So in the Philippines my fighter forces are also basically intact, and when Rich attacks again tomorrow he will suffer.

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by Admiral Mitscher -- 1/7/2012 4:16:00 AM >


(in reply to Admiral Mitscher)
Post #: 29
RE: December 7th, Day of Infamy. - 1/7/2012 4:32:21 AM   

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I hope they cancel training and shore leave for the P40 fighter jocks at Pearl Admiral.

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