Posts: 570
Joined: 7/9/2007 From: Germany Status: offline
Turn 8 – August 7, 1941 Finland: Finns reach their stop line at Terijuki. Hanko is cleared of evil invaders. AG North: Did some air supply missions at last turn’s end as advised to PzGr 4, then cried over the aircraft losses… 18th Army is fighting through the isthmus at Lake Peipus. PzGr wreaks havoc south of the Luga river, while creating a small pocket south of Lake Peipus. 16th Army breaks through the lines well to the west of Velikie Luki, but 126th InfDiv fails to take an important hill in the army’s flank. Still, the Soviet line around the Sorot river is unhinged by this and will have to retreat quickly or they will be pocketed next turn. AG Center: Two thrusts here, as before, one aiming chiefly at Smolensk and the terrain to the east with the only viable railroad crossing over the Dnepr at Durovo on the road to Vyazma, and one aiming in the direction of Gomel – Chernigov as part of the Kiev pincer. Meanwhile 2nd Army arrives here with a single corps, and is put between the two groups of AG Center to plug the gap there. PzGr 3 and 9th Army work their way to the gates of Smolensk, but – shock! – their assault is bloodily repulsed with over 10,000 casualties on my part. Uaahh!! What happened …!? I have no idea. PzGr 2 completely disengages from the Mogilew area. I will go on the defensive here with a screen of two infantry corps from 4th Army. The rest of that army and the whole of PzGr 2 will rush south east. Gomel is the first major city on the way, but I can’t get into the position for an attack this turn. AG South: Has the Zhitomir line become thinner? It certainly looks so to me. Well. I have only that one plan with the Kiev pocket. Go for it. Well. PzGr 1 faces tough opposition. The road to Cherkassy is blocked by tons of Soviet tank formations. Some costly battles here and I lose another 50 or so AFVs for 30 to 40 miles of advance. Not a too good ratio. The Hungarians, Slovakians, and Romanians on the flanks of my Panzers are of little use as well. 6th and 17th Army do little more than to pin down the Zhitomir front. West of Zhitomir the Soviets have already erected quite strong fortifications. I don’t want to assault them, I want to pocket them. Only the right wing of 17th Army and the left wing of 6th Army attack on the flanks. The small reinforcement XXXIV Corps was added to PzGr 1. In the south, the Romanians can’t get anything done… no significant advance on Odessa once again. The only exception from the rule is the 8th Romanian Division, integrated into the 11th Army, which fought two successful battles this turn. 11th Army as a whole advanced very well, brushing all Soviet resistance aside easily. I also get an Italien corps (a tiny one) this turn, but they are still stuck in Yugoslawia. Hey, you! (points at the Dnepr) The war is over there!! Losses after 7 ½ turns Axis: 220,000 men – 2,000 artillery – 1,200 tanks Soviets: 1,329,000 men – 21,100 artillery – 9,500 tanks Ratio: 6:1 in men – 10.5:1 in artillery – 8:1 in tanks That's not the quickest pincer movement the world has ever seen ...:
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