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Anticipated Releases for 2012

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Anticipated Releases for 2012 - 1/11/2012 10:19:05 PM   


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Interesting read from Rock Paper Scissors....Dead State is on my must have watch list!
Post #: 1
RE: Anticipated Releases for 2012 - 1/12/2012 1:38:58 AM   

Posts: 10762
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Dead State has been in development for a long time already, not sure if it will be released this year even.

My wants are...

1 Conflict of Heroes
2 Commonwealth module CMx2
3.Over Flanders Field Phase 4 (great new trailer came out just before Xmas)
4. Tigers Unleashed to fullfill it's potential.
6. Squad Battles WW1.
7. Bioshock Infinite
8. Iron Front
9. Panther East front game (wishful thinking)

I wish there where more wargames on that list...but the future is quite...Ive never seen the Matrix coming soon forum have so few games three of which are either vaporware or years away i.e Combined Arms, Lock N Load and World in Flames.

Oh Xenonauts and the recently announced turn based XCom game I have my fingers crossed. Also hope the Alien game is good.

< Message edited by wodin -- 1/12/2012 1:43:55 AM >


(in reply to Hanal)
Post #: 2
RE: Anticipated Releases for 2012 - 1/12/2012 1:43:34 AM   


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Don't forget Sea Lion and maybe FoG Napoleon from Slitherine. Hopefully, we will be surprised by a few titles that seem to "pop up." Otherwise, looks like 2011 was a bumper crop.

(in reply to wodin)
Post #: 3
RE: Anticipated Releases for 2012 - 1/12/2012 2:08:01 AM   

Posts: 2972
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From: Tacoma
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my list in no particular order

combined arms
modern wars
decisive campaigns-east front
team assault
bioshock infinite
twisted metal
thief 4 would be sweet

o yea a patch for combat command would be sweet also


Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must. ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"Be Yourself; Everyone else is already taken" ~Oscar Wilde

*I'm in the Wargamer middle ground*
I don't buy all the wargames I want, I just buy more than I need.

(in reply to Rosseau)
Post #: 4
RE: Anticipated Releases for 2012 - 1/12/2012 8:55:55 AM   


Posts: 1017
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World in flames?

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Post #: 5
RE: Anticipated Releases for 2012 - 1/12/2012 9:22:02 AM   

Posts: 5321
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What is Iron Front?


(in reply to JamesM)
Post #: 6
RE: Anticipated Releases for 2012 - 1/12/2012 10:38:59 AM   

Posts: 10762
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Iron Front is an east front game using the Arma 2 engine. It was my back up plan in case Ro2 was rubbish...I'm now relying on said plan.

< Message edited by wodin -- 1/12/2012 10:39:12 AM >


(in reply to doomtrader)
Post #: 7
RE: Anticipated Releases for 2012 - 1/12/2012 12:19:12 PM   

Posts: 8622
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Steel Panthers was an instant classic, a tactical scale land-based wargame of combat during WWII which covered every theatre during that war. It is a testiment to it's popularity that a large cadre continues to play and even mod the game some twenty years after it's release.
(I played it when my dad was still alive and he thought it was quite accurate, for what it was supposed to be.)
Dad survived the European conflict as a combat infantry officer whose first day in fighting was on Omaha Beach, 1st wave, with the 116th RCT..

I look forward to a re-make of the "old girl" and hope it's designers can make it flexible enough that it can be the next "Gooney Bird" of wargames, as Steel Panthers has certainly been..


(in reply to wodin)
Post #: 8
RE: Anticipated Releases for 2012 - 1/12/2012 1:34:02 PM   

Posts: 10762
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@M10bob, funny enough the post below is somethign I just posted on the BftB forum when someone said the hex is dead

"I'm desperate for a new either IGOUGO or WEGO Top down hex squad level game that incorporates all the best bits form other tactical level games. This day and age there is no need for a bland looking 2D hex map, it could have hexes overlayed on a google earth map where every rut in the ground effects movement and cover etc but still top down with counters, though the game monitors every single soldier in the counter and where they have postioned themselves in that hex. I want Squad Battles but with Multilevel buildings and proper ammo counts, destructive environment to the point where you can blast holes into cellars and through walls, I want sewer combat and a tacai that monitors each soldier in the unit (similar to Tigers Unleashed), where the AI of your own troops will react on their own if needs be in a realistic fashion, not to the point where the game plays itself but at least know when to crouch\hit the dirt get in close to cover use the right weapons at the right time in returning fire etc. I want a grand campaign with historical troops, an extensive OOB plus RPG elements. With awards being handed out for actual events that played out rather than some abstract formula with regards to their kill rate. I wont combat based of physics and ballistics rather than an abstract formula (Again like Tigers Unleashed but this time it works) I want replacements and casualty clearing stations and supply issues all part of a combat strategic\management layer in the Grand Campaign that also deals with air support in the combat phase. I want to be able to play any part of Stalingrad in depth, say the Barrickady attack by the Pioneers or the assualt on the Tennis Racket etc etc. All wrapped up against an AI on the same level as BftB. Most of all I want immersion and the game to be fun to play.

So no I don't think the hex is dead"

< Message edited by wodin -- 1/12/2012 1:37:34 PM >


(in reply to m10bob)
Post #: 9
RE: Anticipated Releases for 2012 - 1/12/2012 1:56:38 PM   


Posts: 3170
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World in flames?


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Post #: 10
RE: Anticipated Releases for 2012 - 1/12/2012 2:04:39 PM   
Yogi the Great

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Brother against Brother! Should be this year, really.

From the first clash at Manassas to the epic confrontation between Lee and Grant, the Brother Against Brother series will bring new levels of historical detail and realism to the battles of the Civil War. This regimental-level game, created by the developers of the award-winning Forge of Freedom, builds on that game’s acclaimed tactical engine, adding scrupulously researched orders of battle, high-quality map graphics, command and control rules reflecting the numerous challenges faced by army commanders, and plenty other features. Beginning with The Drawing of The Sword – which recreates the pivotal opening battles at Manassas , Wilson ’s Creek, Mill Springs and Williamsburg – Brother Against Brother lets you refight the Civil War from start to finish.

< Message edited by Yogi the Great -- 1/12/2012 2:06:23 PM >


Hooked Since AH Gettysburg

(in reply to pzgndr)
Post #: 11
RE: Anticipated Releases for 2012 - 1/12/2012 2:07:52 PM   

Posts: 1928
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Looking forward to a patch for Combat Command.

Decisive Campaigns East Front would be terrific. Yeah I believe in Santa Claus too.

(in reply to Yogi the Great)
Post #: 12
RE: Anticipated Releases for 2012 - 1/12/2012 6:53:39 PM   

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ORIGINAL: sabre1

Looking forward to a patch for Combat Command.


"In War: Resolution. In Defeat: Defiance. In Victory: Magnanimity. In Peace: Goodwill." - Winston Churchill

(in reply to sabre1)
Post #: 13
RE: Anticipated Releases for 2012 - 1/12/2012 8:28:03 PM   

Posts: 1517
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ORIGINAL: sabre1

Looking forward to a patch for Combat Command.

Decisive Campaigns East Front would be terrific. Yeah I believe in Santa Claus too.

Basically, SSG ceased to exist before Mr. Trout passed away. They already stopped working when ATD II didn't create high sales numbers.

Look at the run5 forum activities from last two years.


(in reply to sabre1)
Post #: 14
RE: Anticipated Releases for 2012 - 1/12/2012 10:25:21 PM   

Posts: 441
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From: München, Bayern, Deutschland
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Waiting for Mass Effect 3 and Planetside 2 =)


(in reply to Lützow)
Post #: 15
RE: Anticipated Releases for 2012 - 1/12/2012 10:25:45 PM   

Posts: 3564
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Metro: Last Light and Bioshock Infinite are must-buys. STALKER 2 and Thief 4 would be great if they ever show. I'll buy Crusader Kings 2 at some point, but not until the Steam Xmas sale at the earliest when it will no doubt be available for peanuts and hopefully be patched to a vaguely playable state.

Quite a lot there that I'll wait for reviews on, but look interesting; esp. Dead State, Syndicate and Aliens: Colonial Marines (which will either be terrific or total cr*p).

(in reply to Lützow)
Post #: 16
RE: Anticipated Releases for 2012 - 1/12/2012 10:27:37 PM   

Posts: 151
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Okay, Squad Battles WW1 got my attention. A real project? I'm guessing HPS or Tiller. I really miss the old SPI game Soldiers for early WW1 gaming.

(in reply to wodin)
Post #: 17
RE: Anticipated Releases for 2012 - 1/12/2012 10:33:34 PM   

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Good luck. Ive given up on it and Band of Brothers. Ill be 100 years old by the time those two are released, if ever.

ORIGINAL: jamesm

World in flames?


"Before Guadalcanal the enemy advanced at his pleasure. After Guadalcanal, he retreated at ours".

"Mama, There's Rabbits in the Garden"

(in reply to JamesM)
Post #: 18
RE: Anticipated Releases for 2012 - 1/12/2012 10:56:35 PM   

Posts: 346
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Drox Operative and The Occult Chronicles are high on my list.

Naval War: Arctic Circle, Command: Naval Warfare are up there too.

Anything new from Matrix (Battle Academy: Sealion, Commander: Great War, Team Assault: Baptism of Fire, Brother against Brother?, Lock N'Load?, World in Flames? etc).


(in reply to Titanwarrior89)
Post #: 19
RE: Anticipated Releases for 2012 - 1/12/2012 11:37:43 PM   

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Naval War: Arctic Circle, Command: Naval Warfare are up there too.


and Iron Front, of course. Regading mainstream title I still watch the news for Thief 4, D3 and STALKER 2. Aside of that I don't have high expectations for 2012. Pd is going to release CK 2 by next month, but all their recent games sucked.


(in reply to spelk)
Post #: 20
RE: Anticipated Releases for 2012 - 1/13/2012 2:42:33 AM   


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I wouldn't say Supreme Ruler Cold War sucked, but I sure wish I waited for the sale 

(in reply to Lützow)
Post #: 21
RE: Anticipated Releases for 2012 - 1/13/2012 12:57:12 PM   


Posts: 103
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#1 on my wishlist is War in the West. I've put a ton of hours into War in the East this past year. Hopefully we'll see WITW in 2012!

(in reply to Hanal)
Post #: 22
RE: Anticipated Releases for 2012 - 1/13/2012 3:01:36 PM   

Posts: 10762
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From: England
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Okay, Squad Battles WW1 got my attention. A real project? I'm guessing HPS or Tiller. I really miss the old SPI game Soldiers for early WW1 gaming.

yes... but it's a no....I'm sure they've relaxed their secretive nature on new games and WW1 has been mentioned as a future release.

I shall do a mod for it as soon as it's done similar to my in progress RV mod. forgot Conflict of Heroes which I feel is the WW2 project that the Brother against brother team are it will come first.

< Message edited by wodin -- 1/13/2012 3:02:31 PM >


(in reply to jimi3)
Post #: 23
RE: Anticipated Releases for 2012 - 1/13/2012 3:04:49 PM   

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ORIGINAL: sabre1

Looking forward to a patch for Combat Command.

Decisive Campaigns East Front would be terrific. Yeah I believe in Santa Claus too.

Basically, SSG ceased to exist before Mr. Trout passed away. They already stopped working when ATD II didn't create high sales numbers.

Look at the run5 forum activities from last two years.

I think he is talking about Warsaw to Paris game not an SSG one.


(in reply to Lützow)
Post #: 24
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