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Where is Ralph?

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Where is Ralph? - 2/9/2012 12:34:52 AM   
Jeff Norton

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From: MD, USA (You're not cleared for specifics...)
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Just an inquiry - we used to see him about, but, I don't even see any recient updates on his TOAW website, or, even on Facebook....

Where, Oh where art thou?!


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Post #: 1
RE: Where is Ralph? - 2/9/2012 3:13:47 AM   

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The playtester's are considering an award for anyone that knows Ralph's where-abouts...........

Your not the only one, Jeff!


"I have the brain of a Genius, and the heart of a Little Child. I keep them in a jar under my bed!"

(in reply to Jeff Norton)
Post #: 2
RE: Where is Ralph? - 2/9/2012 5:19:31 AM   

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Maybe that WitE/WitW gang abducted him ??

I hope Ralph is ok, and I hope someone finds out something. I certainly don't want bad news, but no news is almost ... as bad.

(in reply to 1_Lzard)
Post #: 3
RE: Where is Ralph? - 2/9/2012 4:49:04 PM   

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Holy MIA Batman!! The testers have not seen him?? 

Perhaps Mr. Cross knows of Ralph's whereabouts.


(in reply to sPzAbt653)
Post #: 4
RE: Where is Ralph? - 2/9/2012 5:04:42 PM   


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I've just sent him a direct msg via a business network account, so let's hope he will give us at least a beep or sign of life. I remember the late 90s when it was possible *and still is*, to contact the master *Norm* himself and ask about certain things about Age of Rifles.

Klink, Oberst


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Post #: 5
RE: Where is Ralph? - 2/9/2012 7:36:46 PM   
Curtis Lemay

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The last code update from him was 8/15. The last time he was truely active on the site was 8/20 (and his last Facebook update was 8/23).

We got a cryptic message from him on 9/7 saying he was having his computer worked on and should make a new update in a few days. That never materialized.

By Thanksgiving, I got concerned enough to call him on the number he had given me. All I could ever get was an answering machine - and no response to my messages. Attempts to get his office or house number led nowhere - numbers found were disconnected or such. I posted on the development board about this, and, after a bit of venting by everyone, we suddenly got a short post from him on 11/25 saying he would file an update that weekend. Never happened. That's the last we've heard from him.

There seems to be some sort of crisis with Ralph - even if it's just a crisis of interest. And now you all know as much as we do.

(in reply to Oberst_Klink)
Post #: 6
RE: Where is Ralph? - 2/9/2012 11:15:31 PM   

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Ouch. I can understand burn out and other emotional issues. Hopefully whatever happened isn't serious.

Can anyone else step in and at least complete 3.5? I guess that's probably already been looked at?


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Post #: 7
RE: Where is Ralph? - 2/10/2012 3:45:02 AM   
Curtis Lemay

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Can anyone else step in and at least complete 3.5?

Not without the source code.

(in reply to Panama)
Post #: 8
RE: Where is Ralph? - 2/10/2012 8:22:13 PM   


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ORIGINAL: Curtis Lemay



Can anyone else step in and at least complete 3.5?

Not without the source code.

Unless we will have a surprise here, the game is Matrix property, if they do not have the source code of the latest version sent to the playtesters, then something is very wrong in Matrixland management... (or lack off, if this is the case)

As a PS, I do hope everything is well with Ralph!

(in reply to Curtis Lemay)
Post #: 9
RE: Where is Ralph? - 2/10/2012 8:36:10 PM   

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So do we, my son, so do we...........!


"I have the brain of a Genius, and the heart of a Little Child. I keep them in a jar under my bed!"

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Post #: 10
RE: Where is Ralph? - 2/10/2012 9:03:32 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Curtis Lemay



Can anyone else step in and at least complete 3.5?

Not without the source code.

I find it difficult to imagine Ralph is the only one with the source code for the latest build. That would be crazy. But if that is true...

Given that the testers probably have the last build, how buggy is it? If, heaven forbid, Ralph is not capable or no longer desires to code this game, is it usable by the Opart community?

< Message edited by Panama -- 2/10/2012 9:05:49 PM >


(in reply to Curtis Lemay)
Post #: 11
RE: Where is Ralph? - 2/11/2012 9:48:39 AM   


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Considering how large the fan base of TOAW is around the world, one should consider to send a petition or something? Scenario designers, who are working on projects that eats up hundreds, if not thousands of hours their spare time, should be kept in the loop and updated, no?

The amount of hours R-T, as well most of the hardcore community has spent to improve the game, advertising it via various private blogs, reviews, etc. And just use the 'Search' and keywords like 'new player, or thread like 'worth buying the game' is also proof enough to realize the game, after 15 (!!!) years of it's release is still popular and in demand...

Thought, feedback?

Klink, Oberst

< Message edited by Oberst_Klink -- 2/11/2012 9:50:27 AM >


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Post #: 12
RE: Where is Ralph? - 2/11/2012 10:49:46 AM   

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ORIGINAL: Oberst_Klink
And just use the 'Search' and keywords like 'new player, or thread like 'worth buying the game' is also proof enough to realize the game, after 15 (!!!) years of it's release is still popular and in demand...

Considering I just bought the thing, I would incline to agree...


(in reply to Oberst_Klink)
Post #: 13
RE: Where is Ralph? - 2/11/2012 3:33:14 PM   
Curtis Lemay

Posts: 12969
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I find it difficult to imagine Ralph is the only one with the source code for the latest build.

I hope you are right - that's how I would be doing it if I were in charge. But if there is such a depository, they've kept it a secret from me, at least (not that I have any offical status - it just looks that way sometimes due to the total absence of any officialdom on this board). And the endless delays with Combined Arms seems to suggest to me that there either isn't any, or if there is, there is some sort of legal barrier to ever using it.


Given that the testers probably have the last build, how buggy is it? If, heaven forbid, Ralph is not capable or no longer desires to code this game, is it usable by the Opart community?

Don't think we haven't considered it. But it's like a disassembled car engine. It's a "last resort" option.

(in reply to Panama)
Post #: 14
RE: Where is Ralph? - 2/12/2012 1:31:49 AM   

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No Fears, people......He's BACK! Evidently somebody found a way to awaken him, LOL!


"I have the brain of a Genius, and the heart of a Little Child. I keep them in a jar under my bed!"

(in reply to Curtis Lemay)
Post #: 15
RE: Where is Ralph? - 2/13/2012 7:33:59 PM   

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Ah, what a relief. I hope he's doing ok. So, now that the head is back on the body we can expect 3.5 by...?


(in reply to 1_Lzard)
Post #: 16
RE: Where is Ralph? - 2/15/2012 12:24:41 AM   

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When it's done, of course!


"I have the brain of a Genius, and the heart of a Little Child. I keep them in a jar under my bed!"

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Post #: 17
RE: Where is Ralph? - 2/15/2012 2:00:23 AM   
Jeff Norton

Posts: 2054
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Oh, good... I can call off the SEALS....


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Post #: 18
RE: Where is Ralph? - 2/16/2012 1:49:01 PM   


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Back in where, doing what? TOAW IV?

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Post #: 19
RE: Where is Ralph? - 2/16/2012 2:46:01 PM   

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There's still 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9 to get through.

And we've not seen 3.5 yet.


(in reply to Karri)
Post #: 20
RE: Where is Ralph? - 2/16/2012 3:44:01 PM   

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Where is Bagdad Bob with an update ??

(in reply to Panama)
Post #: 21
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