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RE: Messed Up Big Time

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RE: Messed Up Big Time - 2/13/2012 10:30:10 PM   

Posts: 3615
Joined: 7/14/2007
From: Toledo, Ohio
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I came up with a solution though it won't get me too far. I have all three USMC para BTN sitting at San Diego. I do not have a lot of transports yet but I could use them a bit to at least get close. One solace I have is that Larry actually lost over 180 a/c in this venture over two days. While I am sure the airframes can be replaced fairly quickly, the air crews cannot. I still have five CVs so I am not totally screwed. I will need to use some very quick unloading Amph TF to move units into the battle zone. If I can get to Luganville, I can build a 4 E base to suppress Lunga and the rest of the southern Solomons. Of note, Munda has not yet been occupied by the Japanese.

Also, moving that much combat power around burns fuel. He will have to be careful in how he projects his powere from here forward.


"We have met the enemy and they are ours" - Commodore O.H. Perry

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Post #: 181
RE: Messed Up Big Time - 2/14/2012 1:15:39 AM   

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15 July 1942

Okay, so the IJN is still milling about NW of Koumac. At Least one CVTF is out there. Is Larry trying to bait me? I am think he may very well be doing just that. I "found" 45 SBD-3 airframes in various Marine units. Unfortunately, that means some of them will be flying Biplane Helldivers for a while. The F4F-4 pool is rising and most of my carriers have in the mid 20s now. Once the last few liberated airframes make their way through the system, I should be in okay shape there. If my pilot skills were not so crappy, I'd go after that CVTF. Patience is the name of the game here.

Once my CVs meet up, I will move them to Melbourne to repair then non-major SYST and ENG damage. The high speed run out of Indian Country has everybody a bit battered.

IJN Bombards Ramree Island with BBs and CAs. No supply left there now. My thorn in Larry's side is doing its job.

Eight units are now at Hankow. Well at least I got Larry spooked a bit down here. The Changsha area is doing well with forts rising every turn. The ARTY and AT from Chungking made it to the RR. They will STRAT move to Hengyang then be distributed to the other two bases.

Also, I am considering not killing off LT(jg) James West. I may just wound him to an extent where he can no longer fly. Have time to contemplate it.


"We have met the enemy and they are ours" - Commodore O.H. Perry

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Post #: 182
RE: Messed Up Big Time - 2/14/2012 3:04:17 AM   


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ORIGINAL: vettim89

... How many CVs were torpedoed by a Nellie in the PTO. NONE!!!!!!!! Not a single friggin one!!!!! ...

Not quite. A night attack by Betties plugged CV Intrepid off Truk on 17 Feb 1944. And CV Lexington was nailed by a Betty, also in a night attack, off Kwajalein on 4 Dec 1943.

There may be other instances, not sure. The Nellies ignited like candles, but you can't say they didn't have teeth when then got close!

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Post #: 183
RE: Messed Up Big Time - 2/15/2012 6:35:08 PM   

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ORIGINAL: sourdust


ORIGINAL: vettim89

... How many CVs were torpedoed by a Nellie in the PTO. NONE!!!!!!!! Not a single friggin one!!!!! ...

Not quite. A night attack by Betties plugged CV Intrepid off Truk on 17 Feb 1944. And CV Lexington was nailed by a Betty, also in a night attack, off Kwajalein on 4 Dec 1943.

There may be other instances, not sure. The Nellies ignited like candles, but you can't say they didn't have teeth when then got close!

I stand corrected. But they were not the daytime menace that they are in the game.

16-19 July 1942

Things are very quiet. Only action over these turns is air activity over China and slight movement in western Java. The Allies reoccupied Kaidjati. Larry took it then abandoned it to push on Batavia. Guess he will have to turn around.

Having calmed down from the weekend misadventures, I contemplate my situation. The US based Allied push in late 1942 was largely built around the fact that the IJN had suffered asymetrical carrier losses in mid 1942. So I am faced with the "what if" of what would have happened if the IJN had husbanded it's resources and then only employed them in force. Where I was quite frustrated afer the recent carrier battle, I now am stoked. I like a challenge and this game has finally presented me with some issues that will be hard to deal with efficiently. So, what are my options?

1. Move very slowly and deliberately through the New Hebrides and perhaps PNG using LBA to cover the advance
2. Establish a new front distant from the SoPac to force the IJN to spread it's resources out.
3. Apply pressure in areas of the map that will not require moving by sea. In other words, push forward in the CBI.

#1 is pretty simple and self evident. The goal here would not only be to hold and eventually retake real estate but hopefully draw the IJN carriers in to impale itself against LBA. One lesson I learned from the recent carrier battle is that while overpowering the IJN air groups are brittle and die easily. While I came out on the losing end of that battle in ships, Larry lost over 180 a/c in two days.

#2 is dicey. While a move into say Timor or Sumatra would certainly divide Larry's attention, it would force me to divide my forces also. My advantage would be that I can determine the where and when. I may be able to achieve local superiority in pulses while my opponent will have to guess my intentions. Problem being that if he guesses correctly, I could be in trouble. Also, while my forces are in one theater, the other one would be vulnerable.

#3 is a foregone conclusion but the question remains when I will begin the move. As more transport a/c make their way into the CBI, my mobility will increase. Perhaps all I need to do is apply pressure.


"We have met the enemy and they are ours" - Commodore O.H. Perry

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Post #: 184
RE: Messed Up Big Time - 2/16/2012 3:07:50 AM   

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20-21 July 1942

Turns are slow again.

SS Perch found some working torpedoes and hit Ryujo again. This is the same CVL a dutch sub hit in the Java Sea in March. Saratogoa syndrome.

My RN BB's hit Sibolga but did not do much damage. A deliberate attack there on the 21st was 1 to 1 and reduced forts to 0. The IJA attacked at Bendoeng on the 21st and lost 500 casualties to 180 for the Dutch. Forts untouched.

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"We have met the enemy and they are ours" - Commodore O.H. Perry

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Post #: 185
RE: Messed Up Big Time - 2/17/2012 10:25:37 PM   

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22- 25 July 1942

The AE god gives, he taketh away. CV Saratoga is hit and will require months of repair time because she is just a hair too big for the Sydney yards. So all the way back to the WC for reapirs after pumping out and fixing syst damage in OZ. That leaves me with just four CVs. I feel like I am having horrible luck in the game of late. WIth my CVs laid up for repairs, I am sending my DDs out on some aggressive ASW operations off Oz, NZ, and near Noumea.

Only other news of not over these three days is that Sibolga fell.

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"We have met the enemy and they are ours" - Commodore O.H. Perry

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Post #: 186
RE: Messed Up Big Time - 2/20/2012 4:53:46 AM   

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26 July - 2 August 1942

Larry is on the move. Koepang, Makassar, Luganville, and Ramree Island all are invaded and fall in this week. The RN was out of position so was not able to interfere at Ramree Island. The IJN came twice to Chittagong with Netties escorted by A6M2 and Ki-43Ib. I lost three AMc that were clearing a sub laid minefield on the second raid and had a CL take one TT during the first. That ship is on her way to Calcutta for repair with minor damage. The Japanese lost 35 A6M2 and 25 Ki-43 in these too raids offset by 8 P-40E, 1 P-38E, and 2 Hurricane IIc. What is especially frustrating is that 40-45 fighters escort 25-30 bombers fought off the entire CAP of 130 planes. My fighters ripped the Japanese fighters apart but failed to get at the bombers. They really need to fix this soon

The USN did not interfere at Luganville as their CVs are still in the yard.

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"We have met the enemy and they are ours" - Commodore O.H. Perry

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Post #: 187
RE: Messed Up Big Time - 2/20/2012 5:52:10 AM   

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From: Argleton
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I would not say they fought off the entire CAP, I would say they got shredded by the CAP but did manage to take all the heat upon themselves. I know they are looking at some air combat things but I'm not so sure this one is off base.

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Post #: 188
RE: Messed Up Big Time - 2/20/2012 6:22:14 AM   

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ORIGINAL: witpqs

I would not say they fought off the entire CAP, I would say they got shredded by the CAP but did manage to take all the heat upon themselves. I know they are looking at some air combat things but I'm not so sure this one is off base.

Well losing 25 A6M2 in two attacks against negligible Allied losses helps, but on the second attack I had increased the CAP level and over 100 fighters rose to meet them and less than have that number were able to keep my fighters off his bombers.


"We have met the enemy and they are ours" - Commodore O.H. Perry

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Post #: 189
RE: Messed Up Big Time - 2/20/2012 2:27:43 PM   

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If that is the only sort of combat result we see I would agree, but as a sometimes result I don't see a problem with it. Maybe I'm wrong but that's my impression at the moment.

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Post #: 190
RE: Messed Up Big Time - 2/20/2012 10:50:41 PM   

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ORIGINAL: witpqs

If that is the only sort of combat result we see I would agree, but as a sometimes result I don't see a problem with it. Maybe I'm wrong but that's my impression at the moment.

Agreed. One sample is not enough to make a judgement yet I think a player needs to be aware of this issue. In other words: do not assume that overwhelming CAP will be able to protect anything because it may not perform as well as it should. In my mind even if you allowed the escorting fighters to occupy 2x their number of CAP fighters, that still means some fighters should be able to get in amongst the bombers. If we are guaranteed "leakers" in AE, it should go both ways, i.e., CAP should leak past the escorts into the bombers,

3 August 1942

The almost single underwhelming AE turn ever. Total combat was three events.

1. RNN sub hits and likely sinks a large TK NW of Ambon
2. A single Sally strike against KMT troops interdicting the Sinyang/Hankow rail line
3. BOMB Attack by the IJA at Batavia.

That is all

PS: I love it when the fuel burns. Well not when it is my fuel burning, but you know what I mean

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"We have met the enemy and they are ours" - Commodore O.H. Perry

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Post #: 191
RE: Messed Up Big Time - 2/21/2012 10:23:10 PM   

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4-6 August 1942

We are officially in the SUmmer 1942 lull. Larry has quite a bit of cleanup work to accomplish in the Banda Sea region and three bases in western Java remain mine. He tried another deliberate attack on the 4th at Batavia but failed. Still base AS is 1200+ for IJA vs 375 for Dutch. Nonetheless, cannot complain about holding part of Java into August.

These turns were filled by requisite aerial bombardments in China and little else. I ran a sweep over Mandaly on the 6th. Once again I had a loner group of P-40E that went in alone. That squadron accounted for the bulk of my losses of 15 of that airframe on this turn. Then eveybody else went in and gave the Japanese a good mauling: 13 A6M2, 6 Ki-43, and 1 Ki-44II. 20 to 15 is not bad but I fear Larry can absorb these losses better than I can.

My CVs are almost repaired. The three Yorktown Class went through their July Upgrades while operational damage was repaired. Saratoga will have all but the FLOAT damage repaired in two turns then take the long trip back to the WC for complete repair. I suspect I will not have her for use again until October.

Once my CVs are out of the yard I will put a Sept Inf Rgt and BR ashore at Tana (or is it Tama). Anyhow the southern most base in the New Hebrides. The 1st Marines are prepping fore Efate and a NZ BGD for Luganville. That is the short term plans.


"We have met the enemy and they are ours" - Commodore O.H. Perry

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Post #: 192
RE: Messed Up Big Time - 2/22/2012 3:09:56 AM   

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7 August 1942

Woulda, shoulda, coulda.

Sub attack near Ternate at 76,103

Japanese Ships
CV Soryu
CA Haguro
CA Takao
DD Arashi
DD Natsushio
DD Minazuki
DD Amagiri
DD Inazuma

Allied Ships
SS Searaven (launches four dud torpedoes - ugh)

'nuff said

IJA is landing at Dili.

IJN TF out and about east of Luganville. What are they doing hanging out here?

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"We have met the enemy and they are ours" - Commodore O.H. Perry

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Post #: 193
RE: Messed Up Big Time - 2/24/2012 4:41:23 AM   

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8-13 August 1942

Highlights of a week of game time

* BB Yamato is sighted near Ambon.

* IJA routs my unit blocking the Sinyang-Hankow Rail line.

* Four USN CVs sortie head to NZ from Sydney

* Damaged CV Saratoga leaves Sydney heading for Cape Town

* I lose a fully trained VSD OSU ASW sq to a very lucky TT attack near Hiva Oa (GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR)


"We have met the enemy and they are ours" - Commodore O.H. Perry

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Post #: 194
RE: Messed Up Big Time - 2/25/2012 3:16:05 AM   

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14-16 August 1942


* BB TF built among Warspite and USN old BBs hits Adak Island

* S-Boat takes on an xAK on the surface at Buna!

* RAF hits AB at Ramree Island. No Japanese resistance. I figure that is a problem that will correct itself soon.

* Cooktown AB reaches level 4. Slowly working my way up the East Coast of Oz.

* Exmouth port reaches level 4 and AB reaches Level 1.

* Undamage USN CVTF (x4) make it to NZ.

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"We have met the enemy and they are ours" - Commodore O.H. Perry

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Post #: 195
RE: Messed Up Big Time - 2/26/2012 4:59:36 PM   

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17-20 August

We are still in the SUmmer 1942 doldrums. The game is definitely in a lull right now. As it is Sunday and I have some time, I will go over my plans just to update my readers.


A solid defensive line now exists in Central China snaking from the hex West of Hengshow to just NE of Changsha. All the major bases have at least 1700 AS behind now at least level 4 forts. The IJA is similarly aligned opposing my forces. I orginally thought Larry was going to mount an offensive here but I now think he was just pushing the Chinese back to a more defensable arrangement. My efforts to suppply the KMT have largely been fruitless as any supply flown in from Ledo tends to evaporate. Alos keeping the C-47 sq at even 50% TOE is a challenge.


I have been reconning bases heavily here and it seems Larry is just digging in for the most part. I still hold Katha and Myetina (SP?). The IJA does not seem to be moving at all. Howevere it is Monsoon season so perhaps he is just waiting for that to end. I have left Akyab and Cox Bazaar open hoping to entice Larry to strike. As of yet, no movement. Will have to see what October brings in this theater. I could be more aggressive with an aerial campaign against Northern Burma, but I think that Larry can absorb airframe losses better than I can at this point in time


The Dutch are holding by a thread at Batavia. I only hold that base plu two others in Western Java. Sumatra is nearly all Japanese with the exception of the small dot base in the center where the Palembang Refugees have fled to die. Larry still has not cleared the Celebes nor the Moluccas. Odd. He hold Koepang and Dili on Timor but most of the bases between Timor and Java are still Allied. All the bases in the Banda Sea region are still Allied.


Exmouth is being developed. A convoy with engineers just arrive at Melbourne. These units will be mostly sent to NE Oz but an Air Advance BF is bening sent to Perth and then Exmouth. Up in the NE, Townsvile is a Level 9 AB and port is expanding, Cairns is maxed out at 8/5, and cooktown is growing at 4/2. I am sending some engineers overland to Coen with the eventual plan of developing Portland Roads. The back burner plans would be to reinforce PNG or developing the bases to the East of Milne Bay (Kiriwin, Rossel, etc). More on that later. I am training up my 4E units and trying to get their TOE filled out. I have a total of nine sq I would like to assign to the Fifth AF, but the last three only have 3-4 airframes per sq. B-17E production is done; -F will produce for a few months. Once that is done, I will have to lean on the B-24 for my primary Bomber. They are being built now and a few Sq have upgraded.


The USN carriers are moving north to escort an Inf RGT and two CB units to Tanna. This base will be fully developed before I move on Efate. Again, one Efate is developed, I will move on Luganville. Basically I am going to employ an Island Hopping campaign in the SoPac.


Adak Island now has a full Inf RGT plus a small BF. I will continue to move units forward as they become available. I don't know how well garrisoned Amchitka Island is at this point. I think it is a rather small force but will need to do some recon. Obviously, the eventualy plan will be to retake that base and continue to creep forward

Overall Strategy

I know my opponent well enough to have a feel for how he is going to conduct further operations. The first thing is that he is very careful. The AMchitka invasion was about as bold as Larry will get. Considering his need to consolidate the DEI, I do not forsee and bold moves in the near furture. The second is that he seems to be moving in operational pulses. I have seen a lot of activity followed by slow periods. I discussed earlier how to deal with the IJN Death Star and my conclusion is that I don't, at least for now. I need to wait for Larry to go through one of his operational pulses then as soon as it is over move forward. As my air forces grow and airframes improve, I can hopefuly whittle the IJN pilot pool down enough to neuter it's effectiveness to a point of vulnerability.

Here is where a move on PNG and neighboring islands may come into play. If Larry pulses his carriers into the Coral Sea, I may be able to time some quick moves forward as they withdraw. Timing will be particularly important.

(yes, I know, I need maps)


"We have met the enemy and they are ours" - Commodore O.H. Perry

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Post #: 196
RE: Messed Up Big Time - 2/27/2012 1:52:43 AM   

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21-22 August 1942

Batavia falls on the 21st. The Fat Lady is warming up on Java

USN TF are almost all at Norfolk Island. The will move to Tanna in two turns most likely.

I have three additional ENG units that need lift to the NoPac. Unfortunately I am still experiencing a DD shortage. One thing I could do to help that would be to combine my CVTF. I am nervous about it but wa wondering if two TF with two CV each is safe to use in 1942. Anyone have any experience with this arrangement?


"We have met the enemy and they are ours" - Commodore O.H. Perry

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Post #: 197
RE: Messed Up Big Time - 2/27/2012 1:42:24 PM   

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23 August 1942

Took less than five minutes to run the entire Combat Replay. How's that for a slow turn. Only thing of note is that a USN Fleet Boat put a working TT into a TK off Tarakan. Having posted my CV question in the War Room, I think I will keep mine in single CV TFs for now. REPL group arrives Norfolk Island this turn. Tanna force will take three days to make it to their objective. Hopefully this will be a quick in and quick out operation. Do not want to linger too longer with the threat of IJN carriers.


"We have met the enemy and they are ours" - Commodore O.H. Perry

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Post #: 198
RE: Messed Up Big Time - 2/27/2012 11:26:14 PM   

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I will keep mine in single CV TFs for now

I do not have the luxury of a two CV TF.. However, I am ( I think..) gaining leverage through judicious use of the B24 and B17. Like the allies with Kido Butai, the IJ have a very difficult time dealing with an 80-150 plane raid of these types. Are you in a position start leveling his forward bases? It looks as if you could level Luganville in one day from Noumea.

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Post #: 199
RE: Messed Up Big Time - 2/28/2012 12:22:10 AM   

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ORIGINAL: zuluhour


I will keep mine in single CV TFs for now

I do not have the luxury of a two CV TF.. However, I am ( I think..) gaining leverage through judicious use of the B24 and B17. Like the allies with Kido Butai, the IJ have a very difficult time dealing with an 80-150 plane raid of these types. Are you in a position start leveling his forward bases? It looks as if you could level Luganville in one day from Noumea.

I am such a nit picker on Pilot training - call me the anti-Canoerebel. Nobody geos until their primary skill is at least in the 70s. So I have 48 planes in Oz. 72 at PH where the are holding up some of the NavSearch burden, and potentially about another 100 in the US. Almost everybody is good to go but I am struggling with airframes. B-17E is done and -F produces for only two or three months. All units will eventually upgrade to B-24 but that will take some time. Also I am sending two sq to Unmak to level the AB at Amchitka.

But yes, I plan to level these three AB: PM, Luganville and Amchitka


"We have met the enemy and they are ours" - Commodore O.H. Perry

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Post #: 200
RE: Messed Up Big Time - 2/28/2012 2:37:23 AM   

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24-25 August 1942

Slow turns still. SS Sturgeon sinks an xAK. No troop casualties reported; so, either empty or hauling supply/resources.

The Tanna force will either arrive next turn or the turn after. Suddenly three I-Boats appear out of the mist as my TF traverse SE of Noumea. This area of ocean is under heavy surveilance by Hudsons out of both Noumea and Suva. Odd that they would all appear as my CVs and troops pass by. Could Larry have received a SigInt nugget? Corrected my error with my CVs covering the landing. They are all set to follow Enterprise's TF with Halsey in command. That TF is set to a two hex patrol zone East and NE of Tanna with reaction range of 3. At the big air battle near Noumea they were set to follow the TRANS TF with a stand off range of 1. A little nervous about this. Hopefully my troops will disembark quickly. I have them all on APs with a 150% margin of safety.

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"We have met the enemy and they are ours" - Commodore O.H. Perry

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Post #: 201
RE: Messed Up Big Time - 2/28/2012 3:41:38 AM   

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This is just a guess, but maybe the concentration of float planes and carrier planes on search spotted the subs?

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Post #: 202
RE: Messed Up Big Time - 2/28/2012 4:16:20 AM   

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ORIGINAL: witpqs

This is just a guess, but maybe the concentration of float planes and carrier planes on search spotted the subs?

That would be my guess but I really am learning some things about NavSearch of late. I think perhaps out at extreme ranges, say 400+ NM, it is not very effective.

26 August 1942.

TF arrives at Tanna but does not have enough ops points to unload. Will unload next turn. US CVs reveal themself by bombing Luganville's Port. Odd, I had everybody set to NavAttack/Rest. They literally did this on their own. Very odd.

Withdrew, CV Formidible this turn eight turns early. With only eight days left, I was not likely going to send the RN CVs raiding. I did drain the squadrons of all the decent pilots before sending her off.


"We have met the enemy and they are ours" - Commodore O.H. Perry

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Post #: 203
Leveling The Playing Field - 2/29/2012 5:28:33 PM   

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27-28 August 1942

Tanna operation went off without a hitch. I got all the troops and 13k of supply unloaded in two turns. The sole Japanese interference was that one sub penetrated Tanna harbor but was rebuffed by an ASW attack by DD Perkins (whose Torpedo/ASW officer is LT Greg Cummins!) I left about 3k of supplies loaded and ordered everybody back to Norfolk Island. I think three days in the combat zone is all I am up for right now. If I had lingered longer, the I-Boats of perhaps the IJN carriers might have become an issue.

Ramree Island AB was hit hard by Blenheims out of Comilla. I think Larry will have as much trouble keeping this base viable as I did when I held it.

Oh, and TADA! Plunger fired four duds. Then she fired her XT tubes which netted one dud and one hit. No Critical Hit message, and her close proximity to the HI pretty much assures she will make port. Still, this reduces the net Japanese CV advantage to +1 with Hiryu now offsetting Saratoga. Also, Larry's e-mail message was "back to the yard for her" implying she had just left the HI after upgrading. Perhaps she is not the only IJN CV upgrading which inclines me to push the Efate operation up. Perhaps I can run in and back out before his carrriers are back in theater. Have a few days to contemplate this.

ALso, I have been thinking about running the COY sized Commando units out to Christmas Island IO and the Cocos Islands. They would be merely a speed bump but would force Larry to commit a reasonable force to conquer those two bases. With the "buy back" feature, I can rebuild these units fairly quickly as they are quite small.

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"We have met the enemy and they are ours" - Commodore O.H. Perry

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Post #: 204
RE: Leveling The Playing Field - 3/4/2012 12:49:45 AM   

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29 August - 6 September 1942.

The buildup to the inevitable clash continues. Highlights of over a week by region


Adak Island slowly being built up. I have an Inf RGT and a small BF here. Forts will be built to three before any facilities expansion on the off chance Larry comes in force and tries to take the base. No freebies on base building. The 4E from Unmak hit AMchitka twice a a week keep both AB and port damage above 50


Very little going on here other than resupplying bases. USN subs mine Tarawa, Wake, and or Kwajalein constantly


Exmouth continues to develop with Port maxed out at 4 and AB now at 3. I have two sq of A-24 that will move up here soon. Cooktown is also developing nicely with port at 4 and AB at 5. As more engineers arrive, I will move some overland to Coen.


Dutch continue to hold at Buitzenzorg where they have survived several Deliberate and one Shock attack. Three full IDs are tied down here. I also hold Merak. Larry used Paras to take Ternate and one base on Flores. Doesn't he have like two dozen small combat units for this duty? Don't get it


No movement in front lines here at all. I see daily bombings moving around the map to keep my meager CAF fighters from interfering too much. Still they have shot down over a dozen Sallys and Helens during this period.


Saw some units moving along the road from Shwebo toward Katha. They disappeared and have not yet reappeared. RAF is suppressing Ramree Island weekly. I ran a sweep over Shwebo a few days ago that caused the loss of 10 Ki-44IIa vs 9 Allied fighters. I only lost two pilots though. Will start pushing in this area more to try to whittle at the a/c pools a bit.


I sent a small BF to Norfolk Island to act as an air bridge between NZ and NC. The second group of units for Tanna including AV is on its way to Norfolk Island. The US CVTF are 240 NM SSE of Norfolk Island. Oh, and the IJN is out and about. Wonder if this is a raid or more likely a drive by BOMB mission for Tanna. All units at Noumea taken off training in case the IJN wants to raid there. Don't trust the cursor intel here just yet. Hopefully will get better info next turn

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by vettim89 -- 3/4/2012 12:52:44 AM >


"We have met the enemy and they are ours" - Commodore O.H. Perry

(in reply to vettim89)
Post #: 205
RE: Leveling The Playing Field - 3/4/2012 3:01:23 AM   

Posts: 3615
Joined: 7/14/2007
From: Toledo, Ohio
Status: offline
7 September 1942

So one CVTF morphed into three CVTF - which is exactly what I expected. Now to see what they are up to. Are they

1. On a general raid
2. Escorting an invasion TF hidden behind them or
3. Trying to intercept reinforcements to Tanna

Having done so myself, I am seriously wondering if Larry might have got a SigInt report regarding "such-and-such a units is loaded on an xAP bound for Norfolk Island". Perhaps he deduced that was a way point for units moving up the chain. Next turn will tell.

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"We have met the enemy and they are ours" - Commodore O.H. Perry

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Post #: 206
RE: Leveling The Playing Field - 3/4/2012 6:56:06 AM   

Posts: 3615
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From: Toledo, Ohio
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8 September 1942

Getting interesting here. Cursor intel drifted again on me. This turn I get two CVTF, a SCTF, and a fourth TF that says "CA,PG,PG". That last one could be an invasion TF. I have to believe that the target is Tanna. Now whether that is an invasion or just a bombardment remains to be seen. Of note, the IJN CVs did not launch a single strike this turn. I decided I would chance an encounter here. Depending on where the IJN CVTF land, The may be in range of LBA out of Noumea. All strike a/c are set to max range of 6 so no one goes all "light brigade" on me like they did last time. I do not know if my carriers will react or not. The are set to move north with three CVTF following Enterprise's TF with Halsey as leader.

It will be an anxious nights sleep.

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"We have met the enemy and they are ours" - Commodore O.H. Perry

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Post #: 207
RE: Leveling The Playing Field - 3/5/2012 6:01:20 AM   

Posts: 3615
Joined: 7/14/2007
From: Toledo, Ohio
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9 September 1942

Well weather socked in my carriers which may not be a bad thing. The true nature of the IJN was three CVTF plus an invasion TF for Tanna. <y LBA out of Noumea impaled itself against the CAP. I had a few leakers but none of them scored hits. Definitely a "close but no cigar" moment. Seeing the true nature of the IJN force, I have to wonder if this was not necessarily a bad result for me. Larry failed to bring enough force to dislodge my defenders. Base AS is 113 to 61 for the good guys. I suspect the IJN units are highly disrupted. I have the 1st Marine Div 71% prepped for Tanna. I loaded up 1/3 of that division for a quick trip up. This is a long way for Larry's carriers to travel and I think they will likley have to withdraw soon to replenish. I hope to be able to time the counter move to avoid the "Death Star"

As a counter to this, I moved four CB units to LaFoy where there is a SPS 5 AB. That said, I have almost every trained air unit deployed in theater. My only option would be to strip Oz of some of its units to help out.

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"We have met the enemy and they are ours" - Commodore O.H. Perry

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Post #: 208
Big Carrier Battle - Initial Results - 3/6/2012 4:01:28 PM   

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OK so we had a monster carrier battle ESE of Norfolk Island.

Set Up

I had pulled all my units back while the IJN Death Star was hovering off Tanna. I thought they had retired to the NE last turn so I sortied the additional engineer support that was loitering at Norfolk Island plus 1/3 of 1st Marines from Auckland. I sent my CVTF back towards Tanna hoping I might catch some stragglers. So again the effectiveness of NavSearch at extreme ranges comes into question because Larry snuck two CVTF through the gap between Suva and Noumea without being detected. I am at work so I cannot post screenies. THe IJN is actually ESE of Norfolk Island with the USN 200 NM WNW of them.

We only had one set of attacks as weather seemed to come into play. I lost Hornet to 11 bomb hits and one TT. Enterprise is out of action but not in crtical condition. FOW has me confused as to which IJN ships are actually present. The Combat Report suggest Hiryu is present but there is no way she can have her TT damage repaired and make it this far South. So I discount that info. For sure I know Soryu, one or possible two Shokaku Class CVs, Junyo, Ryuho, and Shoho.

I had perfect coordination with only one strike. Larry came in one big strike and then two small unescorted Kate strikes which were anihilated. Smoke obscured Junyo, Ryuho, and Shoho after my planes departed. In addition Soryu took two 1000 lb hits both resulting in critical hits. Shokoku took one 1000 lb hit. Cursor intel suggests no carrier aircraft are flyable this turn, but I don't beleive that for a minute.

I initially rushed through the turn and was about to send it back. I rethought that and decided to finish it at lunch. Initially I moved Lex and Yorktown to a point between the IJN and Tanna. My thinking was that I could pick off some cripples. Now thinking about it, I have some concerns as Akagi and Kaga are unaccounted for at the moment. Perhaps I should slide to a point south of the IJN retreat path still hoping to get some cripples but not interposing myself into the potential path of the last of the IJN carriers that could be rushing South. I have a little over an hour to decide


"We have met the enemy and they are ours" - Commodore O.H. Perry

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Post #: 209
Battle of Norfolk Island - 3/6/2012 5:55:45 PM   

Posts: 3615
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From: Toledo, Ohio
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12 September 1942

Watched the replay twice and FOW is playing tricks on me. So when my TF was attacked I got notations for the following air groups: Junyo, Ryuho, Soryu, Hiryu, Shokaku, Zuikoku, Hiyo, and Hiryu. Thought occured to me that it may have been FOW a few weeks ago and either Akagi or Kaga was actually torpedoed. Here are the results of the IJN strike

CV Enterprise, Bomb hits 4, heavy fires
DD Patterson
CA Portland, Bomb hits 3, Torpedo hits 1, on fire
DD McCall, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires
CA Chester, Bomb hits 1
DD Craven, Torpedo hits 2, and is sunk
CV Hornet, Bomb hits 11, Torpedo hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage (sunk)
CA San Francisco, Bomb hits 1
CA Vincennes
CA Indianapolis, Bomb hits 1
DD Gridley
CLAA Atlanta
DD Ralph Talbot
CLAA San Diego
DD Maury
CL Nashville, Bomb hits 2
DD Jarvis

Here is the results from my strike (with IJN airgroups included)

CVL Shoho, Bomb hits 1
CV Soryu, Bomb hits 2, on fire
CA Tone
BB Haruna, Bomb hits 6, on fire
CV Junyo, Bomb hits 3, heavy fires
CVL Zuiho, Bomb hits 2, heavy fires
CV Hiyo, Bomb hits 1
CV Shokaku, Bomb hits 1
CVL Ryujo, Bomb hits 6, heavy fires, heavy damage
CVE Hosho
DD Satsuki
BB Nagato
CLAA Tatsuta

CAP engaged:
Hiryu-1 with A6M2 Zero (0 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(12 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 8 being recalled, 4 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 20000
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 26 minutes
Zuikaku-1 with A6M2 Zero (4 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(14 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
4 plane(s) intercepting now.
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 4 being recalled, 6 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 20000
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 29 minutes
2 planes vectored on to bombers
Zuiho-1 with A6M2 Zero (2 airborne, 4 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(2 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
2 plane(s) intercepting now.
Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 11000 and 20000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 24 minutes
2 planes vectored on to bombers
Hiyo-1 with A6M2 Zero (0 airborne, 3 on standby, 0 scrambling)
(4 plane(s) diverted to support CAP in hex.)
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 7 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 17000 and 20000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 39 minutes
3 planes vectored on to bombers
5th Ku S-1 with A6M2-N Rufe (1 airborne, 4 on standby, 0 scrambling)
1 plane(s) intercepting now.
Group patrol altitude is 16000 , scrambling fighters between 13000 and 15000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 21 minutes
2 planes vectored on to bombers
Tainan Ku S-1 Det A with A6M2 Zero (2 airborne, 0 on standby, 0 scrambling)
2 plane(s) intercepting now.
Group patrol altitude is 20000
Raid is overhead
Soryu-1 with A6M2 Zero (0 airborne, 7 on standby, 0 scrambling)
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 3 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 19000 and 20000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 4 minutes
Shokaku-1 with A6M2 Zero (0 airborne, 8 on standby, 0 scrambling)
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 4 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 17000 and 20000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 21 minutes
4 planes vectored on to bombers
Ryujo-1 with A6M2 Zero (0 airborne, 3 on standby, 0 scrambling)
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 0 being recalled, 1 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 13000 and 20000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 34 minutes
2 planes vectored on to bombers
Junyo-1 with A6M2 Zero (0 airborne, 7 on standby, 0 scrambling)
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 3 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 12000 and 20000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 26 minutes
4 planes vectored on to bombers
Shoho-1 with A6M2 Zero (2 airborne, 4 on standby, 0 scrambling)
2 plane(s) intercepting now.
Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 15000 and 16000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 21 minutes
Hosho-1 with A6M2 Zero (0 airborne, 2 on standby, 0 scrambling)
0 plane(s) not yet engaged, 1 being recalled, 0 out of immediate contact.
Group patrol altitude is 20000 , scrambling fighters between 12000 and 16000.
Time for all group planes to reach interception is 34 minutes
2 planes vectored on to bombers

The Three combined IJN strikes were 120 A6M2, 135 Kates, 137 Vals. Total CAP was 89 A6M2 with a few Rufe thrown in there.

Very hard to interpret who was really hear and who is wounded badly (although I think Ryuho is a goner)

< Message edited by vettim89 -- 3/6/2012 6:04:38 PM >


"We have met the enemy and they are ours" - Commodore O.H. Perry

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