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AvG-Japan vs AI

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AvG-Japan vs AI - 3/7/2012 11:09:52 AM   


Posts: 83
Joined: 5/4/2005
From: The Netherlands
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It is already some years ago that I played WitP.
I discovered a major update was made on AE (never realy used AE).
So I made a fresh install of AE and patched to
My PC: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 6000+, MMX, 3DNow (from DxDiag). Windows XP.
Since I like complicated wargames I allways play as Japan (because of the production system).
I allways play against AI.
I don't see many AAR's of Japan against AI, so it might be a good idea to wright down my experiences in the form of an AAR. I consider myself as beeing a newbee, so this could also be a bit of help for new players.
Do not expect big stories to create some atmosphere.
Game Setup:

Fog of War: on
Advanced weather: on
Allied damage Control: on
PDU: off
Historical 1st turn: on
Dec 7th surprise: on
Reliable torps: off
Realistic RD: on
No unit withdrawals: on
Variable reinforcements: fixed
Production expansion: on
Auto upgrade: on

Scenario: Full Campaign starting 8 dec.

So I started this scenario and waited what would happen.

Disaster: The first thing you (I) do in such a situation is look around on the screen and click a little.
Game would be unplayable as is (was). Clicking the minimap had a response time of ca 5 sec and scrolling 2,5 secs.
In the readme there are some hints to improve PC-performance.
After some trials I decided to use: -w -dd_sw -px1440 -py900
Result: Playing in a window, not fullscreen but readable text and mouseresponse immediately.
Playing in a window has IMHO the advantage of access to other support-programs.
Using 1680x1050 was not possible because the bottompart of AE-screens was not visible.
Post #: 1
RE: AvG-Japan vs AI - 3/8/2012 12:45:18 PM   


Posts: 83
Joined: 5/4/2005
From: The Netherlands
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OK, so I started the 6th scenario and am looking at a huge map of the Pacific area.
It is realy overwhelming. What and where to begin with??
I decided to run it for a couple of days and in the meantime make an analysis of lots of things.
I remember from history that Japan had very little amounts of commodities, such as Res(ources) and Oil.
A second matter was the fact that in WitP China was a nuisance to me?
First things on the to-do-list:
Divide the area around Japan in 3 regions:
- Japan+Formosa
- Manchuko
- Occupied China.
First task is making overviews of these regions to have an insight in what these regions can produce and their needs.
I am used to use Excel for this task. It is however quite a job to enter all those difficult names.
The AE-attach-1 is such a document that I allways have open and can easily be expanded for several tasks.

In tab Area-1 you see an overview of the region in that area.
Here you see that:
- Res: We are short of resources of 9700. The real problem is however Japan with it's lots of HI. The other 2 region have a surplus
so we can transport that to Japan.
- Oil: Every region is short of Oil. Per day the area lacks allmost 8K of oil ONLY for production.
- Supplies seems for the moment not a problem.
- Fuel is, except Manchuko, also a problem. This fuel-amount is again ONLY for production.

The real Fuel consumption is to found in the fleet.
From the manual you may conclude that EVERY ship, the moment it is part of a TF, is supposed to to sail at cruise-speed.
Again an overview of the fuel-need in tab Fleet A. (destroyers, cruisers, battleships and carriers).
Here you can see that only this part of the fleet (if in TF) is consuming >10K fuel/day.
The rest of the fleet (AP, AK, support) is still under investigation. Due to the numbers I expect also here a huge amount
of fuel-need which is NOT produced.
Conclusion: We have to be extremely carefull on how we spend our Oil.
Action: All TF's without a task go home and dismantle.

All conquest-actions like Philippines, Miri and Malaya go on. Only Miri will mean some relief in the Oil-problem.

Now China.
On 15 dec you see already lots of Chineese units appearing on the map.
Is this going to be a problem? In tab MapChina I try to get a better insight. The AE-map is of course the first means to
get that insight, but in my experience it is not enough. Clicking on a hex gives you lots of info and clicking on this info
gives even more detailed info. The problem, at least for me, is that after clicking some hexes you tend to forget the info-
content of the first one. So that is the reason of these map-tabs.
Anyhow, on these maps you see a lot of orange. The numbers in the orange field have the following meaning:
3 ? means: 3 units of unknown strength.
33/120 means 33000 man with 120 guns.
The green field numbers mean: 267/40 is Available AV=267 and needed garrison is 40.

I started in China with the idea of encircling the enemy, weaken them with bombardments, and finish him.

I am in the proces now of freeing strong divisions and sending back NCPC and RGC units.
The latter can be used for garrison and training purposes.
I don't know what will happen if I succeed in occupying China. If I keep a garrison as needed everywhere, will there still
come new Chineese units in the game???

Edit: For some reason I can't attach a .zip file!! Can anybody help?

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Post #: 2
RE: AvG-Japan vs AI - 3/8/2012 1:54:49 PM   
Dan Nichols

Posts: 863
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There is a limit of 1MB to the size of a file you can attach in this forum.

I would suggest you get WitPAE Tracker from here.
I find it is the most useful tool to have.

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Post #: 3
RE: AvG-Japan vs AI - 3/8/2012 4:41:20 PM   


Posts: 83
Joined: 5/4/2005
From: The Netherlands
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A new trial to upload the attachment. Zipped size 51 kB
Again not possible.
The small upload window says: Max 1000 kB and also gif/txt/jpg
I know that zip differs from these extensions, but I see so many .zip attachments that it must be possible someway.


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Post #: 4
RE: AvG-Japan vs AI - 3/8/2012 5:10:43 PM   
Dan Nichols

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I forgot which sub forum we were in. You can not put zip files in this sub forum, but you can in the tech support one.

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Post #: 5
RE: AvG-Japan vs AI - 3/8/2012 8:07:18 PM   


Posts: 83
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From: The Netherlands
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I am very sorry to hear that. Is there a reason for not allowing zip-files here?
My xls-file is at the moment my only tool I can use.

I reinstalled WitPTracker for the 4th time (including Java en the MS service pack patch), but it still will NOT work.
Every time I get: Exception in "main" java.lang.NullPointerException.

If not one of these two problems can be solved I have to quit my AAR.

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Post #: 6
RE: AvG-Japan vs AI - 3/8/2012 8:29:54 PM   
Dan Nichols

Posts: 863
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For the tracker file, try this from floyd, one of the developers of tracker:

Delete the trackerdb.* files.
Copy the pwsdll.dll file from the main folder to the tracker folder.
Try running the WitPTracker.bat again.

I think some people have gotten around the zip file problem by renaming the zip file with a txt extension and
telling people about that.

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Post #: 7
RE: AvG-Japan vs AI - 3/9/2012 11:47:38 AM   


Posts: 83
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From: The Netherlands
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2nd trial to overcome the zip-problem.
The first time I dicoverd I had 2 extension
So I went to mapoptions and unchecked the 7th option (hide file-extensions)
Now I can rename my attachment from AE-attach-1.xls to AE-attach-1.txt.
I copied the latter to another dir, renamed back to .xls. Still working.
The file seems to be accepted by the uploading-system.
So if you can and will look at the file rename it from .txt to .xls.

Edit: I checked, found a file with a very complicated name, downed it renamed to AE.xls and it worked.

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by AvG -- 3/9/2012 11:53:44 AM >

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Post #: 8
RE: AvG-Japan vs AI - 3/9/2012 8:45:40 PM   
Dan Nichols

Posts: 863
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Yes, it worked fine. Now try to get tracker up and running.

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Post #: 9
RE: AvG-Japan vs AI - 3/12/2012 6:12:29 PM   


Posts: 83
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From: The Netherlands
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OK, thanks a lot Dan.
So I took the solution of the devs, and yes it worked.
In my view that was a also proof of the right functioning of Java and MS Visual.
New trials with the standard setup. Problems.
Then i saw the problem. After 40 years working with computers I know that if there is a problem, it is allmost allways a human error.
2 weeks ago I thought it would be wise to make a fresh install of WitP-AE.
So I made a new path: D:\Games\WitP-EA, installed the game, patched it and off I went.
No problem at all, except I could not run WitP-Tracker.
It took me until yesterday to find out the EA vs AE difference in the path. Stupid beginners error!!!!!
I corrected that in the setup file of WitP-tracker and now it is working.
So now it is possible to continue the AAR

(in reply to Dan Nichols)
Post #: 10
RE: AvG-Japan vs AI - 3/17/2012 5:53:26 PM   


Posts: 83
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From: The Netherlands
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I have to make a correction.
Ships in a TF allways use Endurance except if the TF is docked (See man. 6.2.15 Docking)

WitPTracker is still causing problems. It often refuses to load a new turn due to unequal databases or halts when comparing databases.
Restart the load-turn sometimes helps.

The scenario is still goiing on. Date is now 29-12-41.
Miri is occupied, so some Fuel-relief.
Aparri and Legaspi are also occupied and adjacent area is under control.

China is still causing troubles.
I am in the process now of freeing INF-cap in Manchuko and use that to conquer China.
I lost Hwainan and Pengpu is under attack.
Now Hwainan has been retaken and Pengpu reinforced.
In the South I will try to encircle Chuhsien and Wenchow.

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Post #: 11
RE: AvG-Japan vs AI - 3/17/2012 8:11:14 PM   

Posts: 9750
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Yeah, the AI is quite agressive in China.  If you play the Ironman version, yikes.  They are agressive and Andy has given some of the units real teeth to boot.



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Post #: 12
RE: AvG-Japan vs AI - 4/19/2012 9:27:10 PM   


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From: The Netherlands
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I had major problems with my PC.
Videocard was burnt out.
Is replaced now, so I can go on.
I did some investigations and concluded that the average unit is using ~0,1 supplies per 1000 men per day.
After putting the data of Allied-China in my data-file I see that there is a max prod of supplies of 2612/day.
That implies that Allied-China can support ~26000 men from its own production.
According my intel there is a lot more than 26K. My pilots tell me >100K or even >200K.
It looks promising to base my next moves on this info and try to cut them of from outside supplies.
Outside possibilities are:
-Via sea. There is only one harbor left. Wenchow. I have to take that asap, and till that time patrol the coast near Wenchow.
-Via land. Will Russia supply Allied-China ??? I have no idea!! Has anybody info on this??
If supplies will come only from the Burma-side it seems possible to cut that off. From Hanoi upwards till the mountains.
Have to sort out what supply via the mountains means.
-Via air. Normally an army of such a size can't be supplied by air.
A DC-3 has a cargo-cap of 6000, which is allmost the same as the cargo-cap of ships like AK. Is that OK or do I miss something? Needs to be cleared!!
Is it possible to intercept cargo-planes??
Lots of things to sort out before I can make the right decisions.


(in reply to PaxMondo)
Post #: 13
RE: AvG-Japan vs AI - 8/6/2012 11:06:45 AM   


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It has been a while since my last entrance. Quite a while.
The via air supply problem has been cleared. Airloads in kg and shiploads in tons.
Decided again to free China first as main target.
In a huge simulation like this it is important to keep surveyability.
After lots of thinking I hope I have a solution for this matter.
I divide China roughly in 6 regions: NorthWest, MiddleWest, SouthWest, NorthEast, MiddleEast and SouthEast.
Each region has a color code: Black, Darkgrey, Lightgray, Darkblue, MidBlue and LightBlue.
Every unit has an entry in my Exceltables and has a color entry corresponding to the above mentioned.

A second colorcode is used for planned actions.(theater)
Every major operation gets a colorcode wich is added to the units involved. f.i. Encircling and destroying unit on 94,38
In the same column every free unit gets a light green entry. To big garrison-units get darkgreen (indication to replace by a smaller unit)
In a third column you can add a colorcode wich indicates the status of the involved unit. (ready to start battle, en route, replacements, etc)

All this is combined with an Excel-tab where the theater is planned. Here every unit is planned (Unit name, target hex, remarks)

This is quite a lot of work, but I think it will work and prevent a lot of frustration.


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Post #: 14
RE: AvG-Japan vs AI - 8/6/2012 5:00:21 PM   

Posts: 39932
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From: Tucson, AZ
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Are you sure you want to play the Jap side with PDU's "off"? I'm playing with PDU's "on" and it's the cat's meow.

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Post #: 15
RE: AvG-Japan vs AI - 8/7/2012 1:10:08 PM   


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What do you mean exactly?
My Player Defined Upgrades are ON.
I do NOT understand the expression where your cat is involved. ( English is not my native language)

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Post #: 16
RE: AvG-Japan vs AI - 8/7/2012 1:25:04 PM   

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It is expression to mean "very good".  Very old expression I might add.  I haven't heard it myself for over 30 years, and even then it was dated. 



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Post #: 17
RE: AvG-Japan vs AI - 8/8/2012 8:30:55 PM   


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From: The Netherlands
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OK, cat's problem solved.
But what about that PDU remark? Is it on topic?

I am extending my theater approach and up till now it seems to work.


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Post #: 18
RE: AvG-Japan vs AI - 8/8/2012 10:04:23 PM   

Posts: 39932
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From your earlier post I thought you had your PDU's set to "off" and I was wondering if you really wanted to play that way as I always
thought that playing with PDU's "on" was better. Sorry for the confusion.

Attachment (1)

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