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RE: State of the Air War in AE

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RE: State of the Air War in AE - 3/9/2012 3:52:40 PM   
Panther Bait

Posts: 654
Joined: 8/30/2006
Status: offline
The battle of the Philippine Sea is generally smaller than most people think.  There were 4 Japanese attacks on the morning of the first day involving less than 400 Japanese aircraft total.  Something like 130 of those planes survived to make it back to the carriers (some/many were very heavily damaged and didn't fly again and some were likely lost on Hiyo when she was sunk later).  I think the IJN finised the Battle with something like 35 planes left.

By the end of the second day, the Japanese had lost about 600 planes total, but these included planes not involved on the main strikes such as the planes on the carriers sunk by subs before they even got to engage. And plenty of Japanese planes were killed by Hellcats at Orote Field in Guam as well.

Regardless, the Great Marianas Turkey Shoot was nothing like the 2000-3000 plane mega fights we see in some AARs.




When you shoot at a destroyer and miss, it's like hit'in a wildcat in the ass with a banjo.

Nathan Dogan, USS Gurnard

(in reply to EUBanana)
Post #: 121
RE: State of the Air War in AE - 3/9/2012 4:07:52 PM   
Commander Stormwolf


Posts: 1623
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Well i would say that is because IRL
commanders were throwing all they had into the meat grinder
(even Shokaku and Zuikaku airgroups were sent to land bases in the solomons)

by the time of Marianas, japanese airpower had been annhiliated over rabaul
and new guinea

also i would like some limits on japanese AC production (right now AC
are much cheaper than ships), in reality japan started to run out of aluminum
but had plenty of steel to build shinano & other warships with no planes to
put on them. In AE japanese player can cancel ships and use the HI points
to build AC (really suggest to separate HI points in the steel and aluminum)


"No Enemy Survives Contact with the Plan" - Commander Stormwolf

(in reply to Panther Bait)
Post #: 122
RE: State of the Air War in AE - 3/9/2012 4:33:55 PM   

Posts: 9590
Joined: 12/6/2002
From: Maryland
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I would like to make one small recommendation-which I think would be fairly easy to implement. Allow, Allied fighter squadrons to recombine into their larger parent group. As it is now I don't sweep too often as I have difficulty coordinating my sweeps. It is really no better for the Japanese player but because there are a lot of larger Japanese squadrons (40 to 50) aircraft it is easier for the Japanese player to put up a decent sweep. And Japan gets at least one "90" plane unit later in the game that usually gets filled up with franks and just is a great unit to sweep with. Combined with unit stacking limits at airfields this really puts Japan in a better position. It is especially hard to try and sweep with the small commonwealth fighter units. I think allowing the Allies to conbine squadrons-perhaps with some limits (date or airfield size) would be a very good and fair idea.


I am the Holy Roman Emperor and am above grammar.

Sigismund of Luxemburg

(in reply to Commander Stormwolf)
Post #: 123
RE: State of the Air War in AE - 3/9/2012 4:37:50 PM   

Posts: 3100
Joined: 3/19/2009
Status: offline

Greyjoy is essentially trying to invade Japan with zero strategic preparation

Well he is not allowed to make any additional strategic preparation. He has moved mountains of fuel & supplies, not to mention aircraft, ships and troops. I the US found itself in the position it is in in GJ's game he would be swimming in aircraft. Foothold on the mainland in 1944 with supporting bases? Now if he was allowed to alter his production he would probably take tons of B-17's instead of B-29's or even B-24's and billions of fighters. But the allies can't change their strategic production. Japan can. and they can accelerate research at an unrealistic rate. Combine that with one sided house rules and you get what you get. A game that is unwinable for him no matter how well he played.


Today I come bearing an olive branch in one hand, and the freedom fighter's gun in the other. Do not let the olive branch fall from my hand. I repeat, do not let the olive branch fall from my hand. - Yasser Arafat Speech to UN General Assembly

(in reply to EUBanana)
Post #: 124
RE: State of the Air War in AE - 3/9/2012 4:48:47 PM   
Commander Stormwolf


Posts: 1623
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I would like to make one small recommendation-which I think would be fairly easy to implement. Allow, Allied fighter squadrons to recombine into their larger parent group.

Agreed. The WITP community wanted more detail in AE, so the units became smaller.

The old way was fine (allied units were 72 planes).
Japanese units should be 81 (split into 3 daitai of 27)

There is still a problem that has existed since the day WITP was made..
if you are conservative or there is not much action, you can end up with lots of aviation support units,
lots of planes in the pools, lots of pilots, but no slots to put them in (sometimes thousands of planes in the pools)

what is required:

many empty to&e slots to fill as you wish

but remember that AE's big advantage was improving the mechanics of the battle engine (permeable cap, pilot skills, etc)


"No Enemy Survives Contact with the Plan" - Commander Stormwolf

(in reply to JohnDillworth)
Post #: 125
RE: State of the Air War in AE - 3/9/2012 5:43:23 PM   

Posts: 4776
Joined: 1/26/2003
From: Vienna, Austria
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This would have additional averse effects on large scale air battles. Also it would be a change contrasting design decisions based
on a realistic OOB. And last, we are not discussing DB but code/game mechanics aspects here.

So, bad idea.

Mod away as you wish, thats what the editor is for...


(in reply to Commander Stormwolf)
Post #: 126
RE: State of the Air War in AE - 3/9/2012 6:41:41 PM   

Posts: 1400
Joined: 10/8/2007
From: Austin / Brisbane
Status: offline





... The 300 pass rule seems to exist alright. You can work around it, sure. You can split your CVs up so your CAP does not exceed 300 fighters (which is admittedly a pretty damn big bunch of CVs, so it's probably not that onerous... unless near land bases, which still might not be that onerous I suppose given the historic role of CVs). It doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out that if the code will only count the first 300 fighters, that having 500 is wasting your time...

Again you refer to a 300 CAP fighter limit. People who don't pay close attention or for whom English is a second language may not realise that you are totally wrong.

1. There is a 200 flight pass limit, which michaelm especially upped to 300 for the benefit of rader-GreyJoy.

2. Each flight can comprise up to 8 planes.

This means that excluding the special exe provided to rader-GreyJoy, the theoretical maximum number of CAP fighters who might participate in combat is 1600 aircraft.

Not all flights will necessarily engage in combat. There are several factors for this, such as not arriving in time etc. Nonetheless, under the existing main code, it is only the number above 1600 which would be quite redundant.


I always respect your knowledge and perspective; however, are you truly saying that the current CAP vs Escort model works well enough that most players with at least a general eye towards history will not see very unusual results as the endgame approaches?


(in reply to Alfred)
Post #: 127
RE: State of the Air War in AE - 3/9/2012 6:57:26 PM   

Posts: 9590
Joined: 12/6/2002
From: Maryland
Status: offline



This would have additional averse effects on large scale air battles. Also it would be a change contrasting design decisions based
on a realistic OOB. And last, we are not discussing DB but code/game mechanics aspects here.

So, bad idea.

Mod away as you wish, thats what the editor is for...

As always I appreciate your input and have relied on a lot of your knowledge in the past to develop my own ideas about the air aspect of the game. However, after re-reading the original post in this thread I was unable to come away with any indication that this discussion was to be solely about code. I think my suggestion is viable and gave my reasons. Surely it has at least enough merit to be included in this discussion.


I am the Holy Roman Emperor and am above grammar.

Sigismund of Luxemburg

(in reply to LoBaron)
Post #: 128
RE: State of the Air War in AE - 3/9/2012 7:29:11 PM   

Posts: 1400
Joined: 10/8/2007
From: Austin / Brisbane
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: JohnDillworth


Greyjoy is essentially trying to invade Japan with zero strategic preparation

Well he is not allowed to make any additional strategic preparation. He has moved mountains of fuel & supplies, not to mention aircraft, ships and troops. I the US found itself in the position it is in in GJ's game he would be swimming in aircraft. Foothold on the mainland in 1944 with supporting bases? Now if he was allowed to alter his production he would probably take tons of B-17's instead of B-29's or even B-24's and billions of fighters. But the allies can't change their strategic production. Japan can. and they can accelerate research at an unrealistic rate. Combine that with one sided house rules and you get what you get. A game that is unwinable for him no matter how well he played.


the game is can be very difficult for an Allied player if they believe the air war will necessarily follow the actual war. Grigsby's WITP family of games allows players to explore what might have the war been like if the Japanese approached making war with more of the singleminded focus that characterized the Soviet war effort. The Soviets, with a smaller industrial capacity then Germany, significantly outproduced the Germans in almost every key category of war material. What if the Japanese had truly been able to focus their considerable talents on producing the most and best fighter aircraft and pilots they could, would the Allies ever have been able to achieve complete air superiority? Not until the means of producing those aircraft was choked-off or destroyed I surmise.

I am not arguing that the game engine handled the massive air battles between Greyjoy and Rader smoothly, but the game engine as a whole did fully portray the titanic weaknesses in GJs strategy. Invading the Home Islands without first isolating them from the sources of the raw materials and achieving air superiority should fail--disasterously. I was also stunned by the surreal nature of using a large force of Commonwealth troops to invade the Home Islands while most of India remained in Japanese hands. That being said, the GJ game did help illustrate for all of us approximately where the game engine can be broken by implausible mass. Armed with this, it seems likely that opponents can play within the bounds the system can handle.


(in reply to JohnDillworth)
Post #: 129
RE: State of the Air War in AE - 3/9/2012 8:43:35 PM   

Posts: 21100
Joined: 12/14/2002
From: Northwestern Georgia, USA
Status: offline
On second thought, I redact and retract my post (as noted, I'm very happy with AE and getting involved in this discussion is above my pay grade).

< Message edited by Canoerebel -- 3/9/2012 8:46:42 PM >

(in reply to Wirraway_Ace)
Post #: 130
RE: State of the Air War in AE - 3/9/2012 10:32:57 PM   

Posts: 4776
Joined: 1/26/2003
From: Vienna, Austria
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: crsutton



This would have additional averse effects on large scale air battles. Also it would be a change contrasting design decisions based
on a realistic OOB. And last, we are not discussing DB but code/game mechanics aspects here.

So, bad idea.

Mod away as you wish, thats what the editor is for...

As always I appreciate your input and have relied on a lot of your knowledge in the past to develop my own ideas about the air aspect of the game. However, after re-reading the original post in this thread I was unable to come away with any indication that this discussion was to be solely about code. I think my suggestion is viable and gave my reasons. Surely it has at least enough merit to be included in this discussion.

Apologies, crsutton.
Rereading my post I have to admit it comes over more harsh than has been my intention.

I think I understand the reasoning behind your suggestion, let me explain more detailed why I doubt the effect will be beneficial.

A large part of the content of this thread is to evaluate if there are any possibilities to enhance the capability of WitP AE to handle extreme situations
such as massed air battles - even though my personal belief is that by intelligent play such situations are avoidable as a whole, or that player governed
actions can reduce or remove the impact of such extreme situations.

These possibilities lie in improvements to certain game functions or code parts. I don´t see how the option to combine squadrons to groups have
any positive impact on the capability of the air model to handle large scale raids. Rather I think that by providing players with another tool to
simplify the task of massing a high ammount of planes, an obvious sideffect of the option to create larger air units, the chances of such extreme
situations occuring would be increased.

Furthermore, combining fighter squadrons to fighter groups in fact reduces the flexibility of the unit. The only part of air warfare which it would
strenghten - as you pointed out already - is the sweep, which already is one of the most powerful tools. All other air war situations would either
not benefit from it (e.g. escort), or decrease the units combat effectiveness ((layered) CAP).

You can "coordinate" sweeps. Not in the game mechanics way of how true coordination works, as this is only available for (escorted) bombing mission.
But part of the same factors which increase chances for coordination also increase chances of units not coordinated by the air model in the first place
to arrive over target at the same or similar timeframe.

These are: commander aggression, plane type, cruise speed, distance to target, base of origin, alitude, morale, fatigue, air support, airbase size, weather.
I cannot always ensure arrival of my sweepers over target at the same time. But I can effectively maximize the chances of this happening, quite
easily and reproducable.

< Message edited by LoBaron -- 3/9/2012 10:46:23 PM >


(in reply to crsutton)
Post #: 131
RE: State of the Air War in AE - 3/9/2012 11:27:53 PM   
Commander Stormwolf


Posts: 1623
Joined: 2/19/2008
Status: offline
main ideas to improve air combat model a bit further:

- gun accuracy based on ammo and muzzle velocity rather than ROF

(example: A6M2 with 60 rounds of low velocity Type-99-1 is almost as accurate as A6M3a with 120 rounds of high velocity Type-99-2.. needs fix)

(second example: 12.7mm Ki-61 or Ki-44 tojo with 200 round per gun is almost as accurate as F6F with 400 rounds per gun.. needs fix)

remove drop tank mvr penalty (only makes sense with those ridiculous DT where DT range is > 2x non-dt range)
remove sweep bonus (still have no idea why this was implemented, IRL CAP with radar was more effective than sweep)

< Message edited by Commander Stormwolf -- 3/9/2012 11:34:17 PM >


"No Enemy Survives Contact with the Plan" - Commander Stormwolf

(in reply to Panther Bait)
Post #: 132
RE: State of the Air War in AE - 3/10/2012 2:26:33 AM   


Posts: 6685
Joined: 9/28/2006
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: Wirraway_Ace





... The 300 pass rule seems to exist alright. You can work around it, sure. You can split your CVs up so your CAP does not exceed 300 fighters (which is admittedly a pretty damn big bunch of CVs, so it's probably not that onerous... unless near land bases, which still might not be that onerous I suppose given the historic role of CVs). It doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out that if the code will only count the first 300 fighters, that having 500 is wasting your time...

Again you refer to a 300 CAP fighter limit. People who don't pay close attention or for whom English is a second language may not realise that you are totally wrong.

1. There is a 200 flight pass limit, which michaelm especially upped to 300 for the benefit of rader-GreyJoy.

2. Each flight can comprise up to 8 planes.

This means that excluding the special exe provided to rader-GreyJoy, the theoretical maximum number of CAP fighters who might participate in combat is 1600 aircraft.

Not all flights will necessarily engage in combat. There are several factors for this, such as not arriving in time etc. Nonetheless, under the existing main code, it is only the number above 1600 which would be quite redundant.


I always respect your knowledge and perspective; however, are you truly saying that the current CAP vs Escort model works well enough that most players with at least a general eye towards history will not see very unusual results as the endgame approaches?


My overall position is as follows.

1. Gary Grigsby game designs are always very dependent on die rolls. It is therefore practically guaranteed that any game design of his will experience some very odd outcomes. Players either accept these odd outcomes and tailor their play accordingly or they should not bother playing any of his games.

2. Personally I have no problems with odd outcomes. War is a very messy business and many events which are unforeseen and beyond the participants control occur. IRL, wargaming particular scenarios in advance do not fully predict what will subsequently occur when the actual operation is mounted.

3. This game is very abstracted, it is not a simulation. Within the abstracted game design parameters, the air combat model is close enough to be good enough. To make the air combat model more "realistic" for those who find it to be quite unsatisfactory, many things would have to be un-abstracted. Things such as (there are many more):

  • introduction of avgas into the game
  • breakdown of supplies into the various different ordnance carried by different aircraft models
  • abandonment of the game's point to point air combat with area combat as per the naval combat side

These are things which simply cannot be accommodated within the current legacy code.

4. This game is not a tactical representation of the PTO. Invariably when people complain about an aspect of the game (not just the air combat model) their suggested fix is always to introduce more tactical and micromanagement elements into the game. That is fundamentally a dead end for these reasons:

  • it harms future sales of the game. There is no one who decides to not buy the game because it is not detailed enough but there are potential purchasers who do not buy the game precisely because it is already too detailed with too much micromanagement
  • adding more tactical elements is more likely to reduce the playability of the game rather than enhance its playability. The existing 50 or so regular posters who might relish the additional tactical details and who are very vocal advocates of playing only PBEMs, are not representative of the much broader and generally silent customer base
  • coding and grafting additional tactical elements onto quite old legacy code is a complex task. Solutions which might cater to the small but extremely vocal PBEM crowd are not necessarily valid for the AI crowd and therefore much thought and play testing is always required. More importantly there is no one around to do the work

5. Complaints invariably arise when a player experiences an outcome which is contrary to their expectations. These expectations are preconceived and are usually based on wrong premises and errors in knowledge or understanding. Rather than examining whether their expectation was valid they immediately jump to the conclusion that because their own expectation and play simply could not be the problem, the game itself must be at fault. Because they fail to properly self analyse their own play decisions, these players fail to notice what can be done to avoid the failures they experience.

6. The code requires arbitrary limits to be incorporated. That is how any software operates. Players who are determined to "game" the code, or at least explore its outer limits will always find a way to highlight code issues. No solution will ever remove this behaviour and it always carries within it the seeds of creating greater unintended problems elsewhere.

As I said above, taking into account the overall picture, the air combat module is close enough to be good enough. Assemble a new AE development team, give them the necessary resources and time to do the job, and then we can start to consider real changes to the air combat module. Until then skillful play is the order of the day. And accept that Grigsby die roll outcomes are a fact of life.


Edit:fixed spelling and "grammar" in point 4

< Message edited by Alfred -- 3/10/2012 3:17:57 AM >

(in reply to Wirraway_Ace)
Post #: 133
RE: State of the Air War in AE - 3/10/2012 2:30:47 AM   

Posts: 9847
Joined: 11/28/2001
From: Finland/Israel
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: Commander Stormwolf

main ideas to improve air combat model a bit further:

- gun accuracy based on ammo and muzzle velocity rather than ROF

(example: A6M2 with 60 rounds of low velocity Type-99-1 is almost as accurate as A6M3a with 120 rounds of high velocity Type-99-2.. needs fix)

(second example: 12.7mm Ki-61 or Ki-44 tojo with 200 round per gun is almost as accurate as F6F with 400 rounds per gun.. needs fix)

remove drop tank mvr penalty (only makes sense with those ridiculous DT where DT range is > 2x non-dt range)
remove sweep bonus (still have no idea why this was implemented, IRL CAP with radar was more effective than sweep)



"To meaningless French Idealism, Liberty, Fraternity and Equality...we answer with German Realism, Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery" -Prince von Bülov, 1870-

(in reply to Commander Stormwolf)
Post #: 134
RE: State of the Air War in AE - 3/10/2012 2:38:26 AM   
Commander Stormwolf


Posts: 1623
Joined: 2/19/2008
Status: offline

generally the chance to hit a enemy plane is a function of how much ammo you carry..

(ask Jimmy Thatch)


"No Enemy Survives Contact with the Plan" - Commander Stormwolf

(in reply to Sardaukar)
Post #: 135
RE: State of the Air War in AE - 3/10/2012 5:37:25 AM   
Mac Linehan


Posts: 1484
Joined: 12/19/2004
From: Denver Colorado
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Elf -

It takes courage to state the facts, and humility to be open and listen to another's take on this very important aspect of the game.

My respect and deep appreciation to you, Sir.

Gents -

I seem to have labored under the misapprehension that I had at least a basic grasp on the air combat system; you have disabused me of this notion. While there are a number of differing opinions of what approach to take on several key concepts of the air combat system, I have learned an incredible amount from your posts - by men far superior in knowledge and experience than I. This is really good stuff, I shall follow this debate with great interest.

Elf - I will trust that you will not be deterred from your desire - a work of love - to improve (by whatever means, large or small) the air combat model. Men of character and a high professional standard do not allow challenges (or outside opinion) to deter them from following through with their goal and dream. (Sir) Michael, The Babes and The Reluctant Admiral Teams (and others) come to mind.

A Much Enlightened Mac

P.S. Should Elf and JWE actually play a campaign game, I shamelessly hope for some kind of AAR. It would help this little minnow to see the Big Boys in action...


LAV-25 2147

(in reply to TheElf)
Post #: 136
RE: State of the Air War in AE - 3/10/2012 8:08:13 AM   

Posts: 3870
Joined: 5/14/2003
From: Pax River, MD
Status: offline




ORIGINAL: Wirraway_Ace





... The 300 pass rule seems to exist alright. You can work around it, sure. You can split your CVs up so your CAP does not exceed 300 fighters (which is admittedly a pretty damn big bunch of CVs, so it's probably not that onerous... unless near land bases, which still might not be that onerous I suppose given the historic role of CVs). It doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out that if the code will only count the first 300 fighters, that having 500 is wasting your time...

Again you refer to a 300 CAP fighter limit. People who don't pay close attention or for whom English is a second language may not realise that you are totally wrong.

1. There is a 200 flight pass limit, which michaelm especially upped to 300 for the benefit of rader-GreyJoy.

2. Each flight can comprise up to 8 planes.

This means that excluding the special exe provided to rader-GreyJoy, the theoretical maximum number of CAP fighters who might participate in combat is 1600 aircraft.

Not all flights will necessarily engage in combat. There are several factors for this, such as not arriving in time etc. Nonetheless, under the existing main code, it is only the number above 1600 which would be quite redundant.


I always respect your knowledge and perspective; however, are you truly saying that the current CAP vs Escort model works well enough that most players with at least a general eye towards history will not see very unusual results as the endgame approaches?


My overall position is as follows.

1. Gary Grigsby game designs are always very dependent on die rolls. It is therefore practically guaranteed that any game design of his will experience some very odd outcomes. Players either accept these odd outcomes and tailor their play accordingly or they should not bother playing any of his games.

2. Personally I have no problems with odd outcomes. War is a very messy business and many events which are unforeseen and beyond the participants control occur. IRL, wargaming particular scenarios in advance do not fully predict what will subsequently occur when the actual operation is mounted.

3. This game is very abstracted, it is not a simulation. Within the abstracted game design parameters, the air combat model is close enough to be good enough. To make the air combat model more "realistic" for those who find it to be quite unsatisfactory, many things would have to be un-abstracted. Things such as (there are many more):

  • introduction of avgas into the game
  • breakdown of supplies into the various different ordnance carried by different aircraft models
  • abandonment of the game's point to point air combat with area combat as per the naval combat side

These are things which simply cannot be accommodated within the current legacy code.

4. This game is not a tactical representation of the PTO. Invariably when people complain about an aspect of the game (not just the air combat model) their suggested fix is always to introduce more tactical and micromanagement elements into the game. That is fundamentally a dead end for these reasons:

  • it harms future sales of the game. There is no one who decides to not buy the game because it is not detailed enough but there are potential purchasers who do not buy the game precisely because it is already too detailed with too much micromanagement
  • adding more tactical elements is more likely to reduce the playability of the game rather than enhance its playability. The existing 50 or so regular posters who might relish the additional tactical details and who are very vocal advocates of playing only PBEMs, are not representative of the much broader and generally silent customer base
  • coding and grafting additional tactical elements onto quite old legacy code is a complex task. Solutions which might cater to the small but extremely vocal PBEM crowd are not necessarily valid for the AI crowd and therefore much thought and play testing is always required. More importantly there is no one around to do the work

5. Complaints invariably arise when a player experiences an outcome which is contrary to their expectations. These expectations are preconceived and are usually based on wrong premises and errors in knowledge or understanding. Rather than examining whether their expectation was valid they immediately jump to the conclusion that because their own expectation and play simply could not be the problem, the game itself must be at fault. Because they fail to properly self analyse their own play decisions, these players fail to notice what can be done to avoid the failures they experience.

6. The code requires arbitrary limits to be incorporated. That is how any software operates. Players who are determined to "game" the code, or at least explore its outer limits will always find a way to highlight code issues. No solution will ever remove this behaviour and it always carries within it the seeds of creating greater unintended problems elsewhere.

As I said above, taking into account the overall picture, the air combat module is close enough to be good enough. Assemble a new AE development team, give them the necessary resources and time to do the job, and then we can start to consider real changes to the air combat module. Until then skillful play is the order of the day. And accept that Grigsby die roll outcomes are a fact of life.


Edit:fixed spelling and "grammar" in point 4

Though I think I have said all these same things before and in this very thread, this is a much more concise, lucid, and well articulated summation. Thank you Alfred. You have a gift sir.



(in reply to Alfred)
Post #: 137
RE: State of the Air War in AE - 3/10/2012 8:48:47 AM   

Posts: 4776
Joined: 1/26/2003
From: Vienna, Austria
Status: offline


ORIGINAL: Sardaukar


ORIGINAL: Commander Stormwolf

main ideas to improve air combat model a bit further:

- gun accuracy based on ammo and muzzle velocity rather than ROF

(example: A6M2 with 60 rounds of low velocity Type-99-1 is almost as accurate as A6M3a with 120 rounds of high velocity Type-99-2.. needs fix)

(second example: 12.7mm Ki-61 or Ki-44 tojo with 200 round per gun is almost as accurate as F6F with 400 rounds per gun.. needs fix)

remove drop tank mvr penalty (only makes sense with those ridiculous DT where DT range is > 2x non-dt range)
remove sweep bonus (still have no idea why this was implemented, IRL CAP with radar was more effective than sweep)


Erm...because..crap? I don´t know.

Commander Stormwolf:

Basing gun acc on ammo and muzzle velocity rather than ROF (one of your wrong theories, you might want know that this was not
the only attribute this values are based on by the devs) would, just to provide an easy random example, give 37mm Type 94 very
similar attributes as the 37mm T9, which would be COMPLETELY wrong. Nothing prevents you to carry your proposal to the modders
section and let yourself get ripped to pieces by people far more knowledgable than me.

There is no drop tank penalty except higher supply consumption, as drop tanks usually get jettissoned before combat. So the thing you want
removed is not there in the first place.
There is a penalty on fatigue on longer (extended) ranges, but this is unrelated to drop tanks - or even the aircraft itself - but rather to the pilot.

The sweep bonus has a reason, you seem to think CAP with radar defaults to an F-22/AWACS combination. You just have to know how to use sweep
and how to counter it, thats not rocket science.

I am still not completely decided whether you are a very sophisticated troll or just got a too large ego preventing you to think twice before posting.
You sell weird or incorrect theories as facts, which is sometimes irritating because it confuses people who are new to the topic and still unable to
discern BS from serious information.

But from what I have seen up to now, I am sure you will provide the opportunity to investigate this further...


(in reply to Sardaukar)
Post #: 138
RE: State of the Air War in AE - 3/10/2012 8:51:37 AM   

Posts: 4776
Joined: 1/26/2003
From: Vienna, Austria
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He definitely has.


(in reply to TheElf)
Post #: 139
RE: State of the Air War in AE - 3/10/2012 12:02:28 PM   

Posts: 9847
Joined: 11/28/2001
From: Finland/Israel
Status: offline
Indeed, as LoBaron said, most Commander's issues have already been addressed in game..or do not exist. One example is centerline weapon accuracy in comparison of wing mounted weaponry. Former is inherently more accurate and is modelled in game.


"To meaningless French Idealism, Liberty, Fraternity and Equality...we answer with German Realism, Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery" -Prince von Bülov, 1870-

(in reply to LoBaron)
Post #: 140
RE: State of the Air War in AE - 3/10/2012 12:13:48 PM   

Posts: 14050
Joined: 1/17/2011
From: PDX (and now) London, UK
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I have nothing real to add to this thread as a new player. I just want to say thanks to those are put so much time and energy into clarifying these issues for the players who have not been around here for years and who are just touching on some of the complexities being mentioned and discussed.

We all start this game thinking in succession, amazing! Then wait a minute, why are these things happening? Then, how do I even find out what is really happening? And at some point hopefully realize it's only through communication here on the forum, from sharing experiences and ideas, through learning the game by playing it MANY TIMES, that we will get close to understanding how it works. Could there still be changes? Sure. Does it all need fixing to enjoy playing the game? No.

I'm thoroughly enjoying my PBEM, and I'm consistently learning on my own and through reading what you all have to say. This thread has enlightened me to some things that are happening in the air war in a way that I think my opponent and I can use, can make work, and can accept that part of the combat system far into the future of our game.

So, just a thank you.

(in reply to Sardaukar)
Post #: 141
RE: State of the Air War in AE - 3/10/2012 2:30:11 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

.... (as noted, I'm very happy with AE and getting involved in this discussion is above my pay grade).


(Thanks Elf for the insights. And Alfred for your words as always. Brilliant writing.)



(in reply to Canoerebel)
Post #: 142
RE: State of the Air War in AE - 3/10/2012 3:26:11 PM   
Commander Stormwolf


Posts: 1623
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Basing gun acc on ammo and muzzle velocity rather than ROF (one of your wrong theories)

I am not a programmer, but a historian, aeronautical genius, bad amateur pilot, and progeny of SSBN designer (see if you can guess which one )

My knowledge of the pacwar is based on the history that was written long ago. I have had many encounters with the veterans from the RAF in the Bob,
the Malaya campaign, and Bmr command

What is attempted is to separate what is history as it was written when the war ended - how it is rembembered by those who participated, apart from
how it is re-written today by artists who are more on the side of creativity than fact (however this is to be expected, as time moves forward, the knowledge of history will become more confabulated)

Since few of the posters have first hand experience with WW2 air combat, it is suggested to base
the concepts of the air combat on the words of those who did.

Jimmy Thatch --> complains about F4F-4 and the small ammo capacity "if you miss with 4, you miss with 8"
but the RAF staff thought it's a good idea to have 6 guns with only a little bit of ammo

Saburo Sakai --> says he shot down 70% of the enemy with 7.7mm MG because of the low muzzle velocity and small
ammo (60 rounds) of the 20mm... but IJNAF thought ammo supply doesn't matter

< Message edited by Commander Stormwolf -- 3/10/2012 3:27:12 PM >


"No Enemy Survives Contact with the Plan" - Commander Stormwolf

(in reply to PaxMondo)
Post #: 143
RE: State of the Air War in AE - 3/10/2012 3:31:25 PM   
Commander Stormwolf


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Posted this a few times, this is my rendition of what the A6M2-21 should look like in the game


-7.7mm range incrased, effect decreased to 1 - it hits often but no serious damage
- 20mm accuracy massively decreased, effect increased from 4 to 5
- 10% penalty for gun accuracy due to heterogenous armament with large balistic incompatibility


1-stage supercharger has good low altitude performance, but poor between 15-20 (50% penalty)
and cannot fight at above 20,000 feet - it was a historical fact.. that has been forgotten
A6M2 was unable to intercept B-17 flying at high alt and P-39 was unable to intercept G4M at high alt
due to 1-stage supercharger

Remember this is the year 2012, and 50 years from now history will be even less accurate
There is only one game I am conviced when these things were modeled accurately,
the flight sim Aces of the Pacific that was made 20 years ago with help from WW2 pilots

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by Commander Stormwolf -- 3/10/2012 3:39:38 PM >


"No Enemy Survives Contact with the Plan" - Commander Stormwolf

(in reply to Commander Stormwolf)
Post #: 144
RE: State of the Air War in AE - 3/10/2012 3:50:44 PM   
Commander Stormwolf


Posts: 1623
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Here is the F6F for comparison.. remember Marianas Turkey shoot? How did McCambell shoot down 9 planes in one day.. without ammo?

F6F has 2-stage supercharger with medium alt performance -

6x12.7mm with 400 rounds each, homogenous armament (+10% acc bonus)

range and acccuracy increased to 500 yards, effect decreased from 3 to 2. M2 Browning hits often but not hard
(kills Zeroes and Judys)

Attachment (1)


"No Enemy Survives Contact with the Plan" - Commander Stormwolf

(in reply to Commander Stormwolf)
Post #: 145
RE: State of the Air War in AE - 3/10/2012 4:00:48 PM   
Commander Stormwolf


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As it stands in AE right now, the A6M2 and A6M3a are identical
when really they were not --> once the A6M3a was in service
the A6M2 was sent to training units... you just couldn't hit a corsair
with 60 rounds of low velocity type-99-1..

.. and even 120 rounds of high velocity type-99-2 wasn't enough
for the rookie pilots at Marianas (USN lost 27 hellcats only?)

Germans, Soviets, RAF, and finally Japan with the N1K and J2M
realized you need 20mm with at least 200 rounds so you can
use your tracers to adjust fire and do some deflection shooting

.. USN pilots had 40 seconds of fire and could blast away until they hit something

Attachment (1)

< Message edited by Commander Stormwolf -- 3/10/2012 4:01:50 PM >


"No Enemy Survives Contact with the Plan" - Commander Stormwolf

(in reply to Commander Stormwolf)
Post #: 146
RE: State of the Air War in AE - 3/10/2012 4:16:13 PM   
Commander Stormwolf


Posts: 1623
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but this this the most important component of the Air Model - keeping Japanese quantity
under control by keeping the correct ratio of Steel versus Aluminum (about 50:1) stop people from halting ships to use HI to build AC when this was not possible

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"No Enemy Survives Contact with the Plan" - Commander Stormwolf

(in reply to Commander Stormwolf)
Post #: 147
RE: State of the Air War in AE - 3/10/2012 4:37:33 PM   
castor troy

Posts: 14330
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Stormwolf, can't you just bring all this into scenario design forum. You act like a bot, really.


(in reply to Commander Stormwolf)
Post #: 148
RE: State of the Air War in AE - 3/10/2012 5:33:10 PM   

Posts: 4776
Joined: 1/26/2003
From: Vienna, Austria
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: Commander Stormwolf


Basing gun acc on ammo and muzzle velocity rather than ROF (one of your wrong theories)

I am not a programmer, but a historian, aeronautical genius, bad amateur pilot, and progeny of SSBN designer (see if you can guess which one )

My knowledge of the pacwar is based on the history that was written long ago. I have had many encounters with the veterans from the RAF in the Bob,
the Malaya campaign, and Bmr command

What is attempted is to separate what is history as it was written when the war ended - how it is rembembered by those who participated, apart from
how it is re-written today by artists who are more on the side of creativity than fact (however this is to be expected, as time moves forward, the knowledge of history will become more confabulated)

Since few of the posters have first hand experience with WW2 air combat, it is suggested to base
the concepts of the air combat on the words of those who did.

Jimmy Thatch --> complains about F4F-4 and the small ammo capacity "if you miss with 4, you miss with 8"
but the RAF staff thought it's a good idea to have 6 guns with only a little bit of ammo

Saburo Sakai --> says he shot down 70% of the enemy with 7.7mm MG because of the low muzzle velocity and small
ammo (60 rounds) of the 20mm... but IJNAF thought ammo supply doesn't matter

I am not a certified historian, but I read books on history since I began to read. Many of them well founded works, some of
them are reccommended in several threads around the board.
I am not an aeronautical genius, simply because this is not how I would describe myself. I don´t believe I am a "genius" at
anything. But I think I know a lot about aircraft and air warfare.

Also I am quite sure of where my area of expertise begins and where it ends, and there I usually ask or let others talk.

I happen to know a lot about programming, because I work together with programmers on a daily basis.
And I am pretty sure I am able to combine my knowledge on history with my knowledge on programming.

Your expertise ends with programming, and you make obvious mistakes when trying to implement your (partly incomple) knowledge on
WWII into the game mechanics, and also obvious mistakes in the results you expect through this.

And this is what you do not seem to understand.

< Message edited by LoBaron -- 3/10/2012 5:35:40 PM >


(in reply to Commander Stormwolf)
Post #: 149
RE: State of the Air War in AE - 3/10/2012 5:50:46 PM   
Commander Stormwolf


Posts: 1623
Joined: 2/19/2008
Status: offline

watch at 3:00 minutes ~ emperor nero fixing the artwork on the ground

PacWar is my passion,
.. the curse of a man who has never toiled, never voted, blessed by his majesty king george V to keep
the empire's savages in line.. collect interest in banks.. and like nero... produce art

my thanks to the AE team for making this world possible - i stay on the floor with my scalpel
changing the art on the streets of rome


"No Enemy Survives Contact with the Plan" - Commander Stormwolf

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Post #: 150
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