Andrew Loveridge
Posts: 606
Joined: 7/20/2009 Status: offline
Hello all, We have a new update in the works. You can get a beta version in the Members Club. It has a long list of data changes, some scenario fixes, rules corrections, and bug fixes. It also includes Scenario changes for Don to the Danube, if you have that installed. V1.06.05 March 20, 2012 New Features and Rule Changes 1. New Scenario Added an alternate 1941-45 Campaign scenario with adjusted victory conditions. The scenario is titled 1941-45 Campaign Alt VC260. This is identical to the normal 1941-45 Campaign except that it ends at the start of turn 212 (5 July 1945). The Axis Decisive Victory level (Automatic Victory) is 260 instead of 290. The Soviet Major Victory timeframe ends on 31 March 1945 (instead of 31 May 1945) and the Soviet Minor Victory timeframe between 1 April 1945 and 30 June 1945. A draw occurs if Germany does not surrender by 1 July 1945 and the Axis has less than 142 victory points. Note for scenario modders: These altered victory conditions will apply to any scenario that is set to end on turn 212. 2. New Interface When the auto assign button (or g hotkey) is used, a message will now appear if the Leader has made a successful leader role and reduced the AP expenditure. Per the item above, all transfers will now cost a minimum of 1 point. 3. AI Improvements Improved the German AI with regards to operations to secure the Leningrad area and capture Odessa. Sped up Soviet AI, especially when dealing with its units that are isolated. Fixed a bug preventing the AI when at an advantage from attacking as much as it should (especially for the Soviet AI). 4. Rule Correction (sections 6.2.2 and 14.1.5) The movement cost for both Motorized and Non-Motorized units to move into a mountain pass hex, if moving along the rail, is 4 MPs (not 8 or 3). Also, the presence of any enemy zone of control does not prevent the use of the mountain pass movement rate (although units must pay all normal ZOC movement costs). 5. Rule Correction (section 12.2) The following sentence in the manual should be deleted as there is a minimum cost of 1 for any unit transfer: A successful leader admin check that normally costs one point will reduce the admin cost of transferring that unit to zero. 6. Rule Correction (section 22.2.2) There will be at most one mud turn per weather zone during turns from 01 December to 29 February (not 31 March as stated in the manual). Bug Fixes 1. Fixed a bug that could cause excessive rotation of elements during the replacement phase. 2. Fixed the Insert/Delete functions for air groups in the editor. 3. Fixed a bug where factories could be ordered to move to invalid (off rail) cities. 4. Fixed a bug where withdrawing units were not set to be frozen for 6 turns when destroyed and were showing up as retreated in the battle report when in fact they had been destroyed. 5. Fixed the display of supplies available for units involved in an HQ build up. 6. Fixed a crash bug in the AI line forming function that appeared in the Road to Leningrad scenario. Data and Scenario Changes War in the East Scenario Changes 1. Added new 1941-45 Campaign Alt VC260 scenario. See New Feature item #1 for details. 2. General Updates * Varazdin is now a Yugoslavian city * Minor factory changes 3. 1944 Campaign * Cleared some erroneous equipment in the Finnish Pool Don to the Danube Scenario Changes 1. General Updates for RAR, DitU, RFL and DotD scenarios * Minor factory changes * Rumanian Air Bases Rebuilt to use latest OB changes 2. Decision in the Ukraine * 1st Rum. Armored Division rebuilt for recent OB updates 3. Drama on the Danube * Rumanian bomber airgroups upgraded to SM79JR * Fixed a few minor naming inconsistencies in Hungarian airgroups * 1st Rum. Armored Division rebuilt for recent OB updates 4. Red Army Resurgent and Operation Uranus * 1st Guards Mech Corps assigned to 1st Guards Army, frozen and given 0 MPs. Changes in Device, OB and Leader files 1. Corrected the upgrade path on (Panzer Pioneer Squad 102). 2. Cleaned up outstanding errors and omissions and make some corrections based on better understanding of the game system to hopefully make the games work better data wise. Some highlights: Removed all circular references (things upgrade to themselves); Restored the German divisional artillery to full strength in 44 Infantry Division in WitE; Reversed the allocation of BA-20 and BA-64 armored cars in all Soviet units using both to correct shortage problem; Changed the default 76mm Field gun in most Soviet units from the F-22 to the ZiS-3 from 1942 on; Removed most overlapping upgrades where a ground element is supposed to continue in production after it upgrades in order to allow production to continue to last date; hopefully this will reduce mass upgrades occurring; Fixed any omissions/errors in upgrade paths which hopefully will stop weird messages in the event long. 3. Corrected yet again the upgrade path of the SS Motorized Brigades (OB 44 & 283) and fixed a file copy error that had the Hungarian Motorcycle Squad (0354) erroneously upgrading to a Rifle Squad. Both the 41 SS Motorized Brigade (OB 44) and the 43 SS Motorized Brigade now have end dates of January, 1945 and no upgrade paths. 4. Fixed the amount of Support elements in the Rumanian Air Base TOE (OB 570). 5. 42 Separate Tank Battalion (OB 241) no longer upgrades to Tank Regiment and Last Year/Last Month changed to 43/12 (historically these battalions were disbanded or used to form tank brigades). 6. Changed Eugen von Schoberts rank to Generaloberst 7. Corrected the Maximum Command Level of Ivan Chernyakhovsky to Front. 8. Corrected Morale rating of Fyodor Krasovsky to 5. Changes in AC file 1. Some minor changes like maxload or max alt rounding not noted, other changes below: GERMANY Ar 234B bombs set to external and changed to single 1000kg bomb, fuel increased to 7004 (1800+1990l *0.84kg per liter) endurance down to 130 min, maxload down to 2207, sortie ammo down to 2340 Bf 109E-3 MG FF changed to device 33, sortie ammo down to 102 (sync with E-7) Bf 109E-4/B MG FF changed to device 33, upgrade to Fw 190A, maxspeed up to 339 mph Bf 109E-7 MG FF changed to device 33, drop tank to device 0077, maneuver +1 to 34 (same as E-3) Bf 109F-2 drop tank changed to device 77, ammo up to 90 Bf 109F-4 drop tank changed to device 77, ammo up to 100, build cost +20 to 388 Bf 109G-14 build limit down to 30, build cost down to 458 Bf 109G-6 main gun changed to MG 151/20, ammo up to 120, build cost down to 433 Bf 109G-6/R2 main gun changed to MG 151/20, remove underwing gondola guns, performance data changed to Bf 109G-6 level cost down to 453 (G-6 + 20), ammo down to 120 Bf 109G-6/U4N max alt down to 36748, maneuver +2 to 30 (impact of -5 is more than enough), build cost -100 to 473 Bf 109K-4 main gun changed to MK 108, add missing droptank, fuel up to 1229, build cost up to 478, ammo down to 92 Bf 110C MG FF changed to device 0033 Bf 110C-4B MG FF changed to device 0033 Bf 110D-1 MG FF changed to device 0033 Bf 110E-2 MG 15 to TR position, bombs to 2x500kg, ammo up to 2469, build limit reduced to 5 Bf 110F-4a MG 151 to MG FF, add missing droptanks, fuel up to 3086, add build limit of two and expansion rate of 1 Bf 110G-2 MG 81 to TR position, 2x250kg -> 2x500kg, ammo up to 2909, add end date of 3/1944 build cost down to 740, max speed up to 367mph Bf 110G-4 MG FF to MG 151/20, MG 15 -> 2x MG 81 in TR, drop tanks changed to device 79, build cost -50 to 823, maxspeed up to 315mph Bf 110G-4/U8 MG 151 (SM) changed to MG FF, remove Naxos, drop tanks changed to device 79, build cost -70 to 873, maxspeed down to 320mph Do 17Z-2 ammo reduced by 100 to 2400 Do 215B-1 reliability +2 to 10 Do 215B-5 MG FF changed to device 0033, add MG 15 in TR, change Spanner and bombs to internal, reliability +2 to 10 Do 217E-2 bombs changed to 2x1000 + 2x500 (all internal), maxload down to 6617, ammo down to 6850, add upgrade to new Do 217K, MG 151 -> MG 151/20, +1 MG 15 side gun, MG 131 TR -> turret (360 degree ring mount), endurance up to 300, cruise speed up to 274 mph, build cost -100 to 1452 (my previous increase was too harsh) Do 217J add missing MG 131 turret, add build limit of 2 and expansion rate of 1, endurance up to 300, max alt down to 26906, build cost -100 to 1529 Do 217N max alt up to 29530, endurance up to 300, durability up to 44, build cost -100 to 1567 Do 335A MG 151 -> MG 151/20 Fi 156C max alt -90 to 5000m (16407ft) FW 189A ends 3/1944 FW 190A remove drop tanks, fwd guns changed to two each MG 151/20, MG FF and MG 17; bomb changed to 500kg, upgrade to new Fw 190A-8, fuel down to 865, ammo up to 1308, availability date to 6/42 (from 8/42) FW 190A-5/U2 +1 drop tank, fuel up to 1856 FW 190A-8/R2 remove MG 17 (weight saving), add drop tank, fuel up to 1551, endurance to 110 min Fw 190D build limit reduced to 10 to account for the additional Fw 190G factories FW 190F MG 131 to MG 17, 2x250 to 1x500kg bomb, add upgrade to new Fw 190F-8 FW 190G 2x250 -> 500kg bomb, droptanks to external, fuel +1 to 1856, maneuver +5 to 35, tactical bomber -> fighter-bomber (was called JaBo-Rei - FB with extended range), upgrade to Fw 190D, not enough Fw 190D production in-game Fw 200C-3/U4 guns changed to MG 151/20 fwd, one MG 15 and one MG 131 Turret, two MG 15 side, one MG 15 BR He 111H-20/R2 Guns changed to MG 131 fwd+turret, two MG 81 each in BR and side, build limit down to 10, expansion rate of 1 added, first date set to 10/1943 He 111H-3 add build limit of 30 and expansion of 1, fuel down to 5335 (2425kg with full internal bombload) He 111H-4 fwd MG 15 -> MG FF, bombs changed to 8x250kg internal, upgrades to new He 111H-6, build cost down to 1044 (as H-3), fuel down to 5335 He 111P add two MG 15 side He 112B MG FF to fwd position He 170A (actually the He 70F), change guns to single MG 15 in TR, reduce ammo to 25 He 177 change bombs to 4x1000kg, maxload down to 8822, ammo down to 9261, endurance up to 420min, fuel up to 17705, guns changed to MG 151/20 fwd, 2x MG 131 turret, 1 MG 131 turret, 1 MG 131 BR, 1 MG 151/20 rear, build limit up to 10, ends 12/1944 He 219 remove MK 103 He 46C TR MG 17 -> TR MG 15, bombs from fwd to external Hs 123A remove 250kg bomb, ammo down to 540 Hs 126B max alt slightly down to 26906 Hs 129B remove 250kg bomb, ammo down to 470, ends 9/1944 Ju 188E bombs changed to 2x1000+2x500, only one MG 131 in TR but two MG 81 in BR, end date set to 9/1944 Ju 52 guns changed to 2x1 MG 15 turret, ammo down to 50 Ju 86K-2 bombs changed to internal, ammo down to 2275, upgrade to Ju 88A added Ju 87B bombs changed to the typical 250kg + 4x50kg, ammo reduced to 1065, maxload down to 994 Ju 87D bombs changed to 1x1000 + 4x50kg, maxload down to 2648, ammo down to 2740, add upgrade to new Ju 87D-5 Ju 87G maxload removed - carried no bombs, build cost up to 544 Ju 88A guns changed to one MG 15 each in fwd+TR+BR and 2x MG 15 side, ammo down to 4525, upgrade to new Ju 88A-4, build cost -50 to 1217 Ju 88C-2 MG FF changed to device 0033, bombs changed to internal, ammo reduced to 1350, build cost +50 to 1255 Ju 88C-6 MG 15 BR changed to two MG 81 TR, build cost +20 to 1269 Ju 88D-1 guns changed to MG 81, TR/BR now has two guns, add two MG 81 side guns, ammo increased to 150, ends 12/1943, upgrade to new Ju 188F Ju 88G MG 131 BR -> TR, build cost +50 to 1339 Me 210A max speed up to 357mph Me 323 guns changed to two MG 131 fwd/TR + one MG 131 turret + four MG 81 side, add build limit and expansion rate of 1; fuel up to 10131 (6x690l + 4x500l aux tanks), endurance up to 375min Me 410A add end date 9/1944 Si 204A fuel up to 1023 (620l), max load to 2207, max alt to 21000, use air symbol from Do 17P Ta 152H fuel down to 1918 (172+268 kg fuselage, 296 kg in wing tanks, 104 kg GM1, 64 kg MW-50 (counted with 50%)), build limit raised to 10, reliability raised to 15 (=less reliable, problems with the second stage engine supercharger), cruise speed down to 342 mph, endurance down to 140 min, max alt up to 48559 ft, add max load of 250kg (drop tank option), build limit down to 5 to account for the additional Fw 190G factories Fw 190A-8 New 1/1944 model, upgrade path from Fw 190A upgraded armament, more internal fuel, a bit faster and more durable than Fw 190A, higher production Fw 190F-8 New 1/1944 model, upgrade path from Fw 190F increased armament, a bit more bombs, performance, maneuver, durability, higher production Ju 87D-5 New 7/1943 model, upgrade path from Ju 87D changed back from ground strafer version to bomb-equipped variant, ends 9/44 Do 217K New 1/1943 model, upgrade path from Do 217E-2 slightly improved performance (same engines but better aerodynamic form), improved armament, ends 12/43 Ju 88A-4 New 1/1942 model, upgrade path from for Ju 88A and to Ju 188, ends 9/1944 improved armament/performance He 111H-6 New 1/1942 model, upgrade path from He 111H-4 and to He 177, ends 9/1944 improved armament/performance Ju 188F New 3/1943 model, upgrade path from Ju 88D-1 Ju 188 version to the then out-of-production Ju 88D series ---- FINLAND Bf 109G-6(F) equipment and data adjusted to match German Bf 109G-6 Ju 88A(F) equipment/data changed to Ju 88A-4, modified/adapted to 3t bombload and short range, bombs to 2x1000 + 2x500, import source kept at Ju 88A Do 17Z-2(F) ammo reduced by 100 to 2400 Fi 156C(F) Data sync Hurricane fuel reduced to 705 (94 imp gals) Pe-2(F) maxload down to 2207 to match bombs SB-2(F) maxload fixed at 1t (2207) VL Myrsky II maxload adjusted to 443 to match bombs, bombs fwd -> ext ---- ITALY Ca.135bis maxload down to 3309 to match bombs Ca.311 bombs fwd -> int G.55 Centauro maneuver rating +3 to 35 - way underrated with 32, comparable to other 5-series fighters and Bf 109G series Re.2001 add build limit of 3 and expansion rate of 1 SM.75 added 7.7mm Breda turret + 25 ammo, maxload down to 3000kg, fuel quadrupled to 4452, endurance down to 330min SM.79 bombs reduced from 6 to 5, ammo and maxload adjusted accordingly, guns (except side) changed to 12.7mm SAFAT SM.81 fuel doubled to 3970, maxload down to 1500kg, endurance down to 350min ---- ROMANIA Bf 109E-3(R) Equipment/Data sync Bf 109G-2(R) Data sync, increase imports by 42 Bf 109G-6(R) equipment/data sync, reduce imports by 42 Blenheim I recon remove empty equipment slot and maxload (no bombs) Hurricane fuel reduced to 705 (94 imp gals), upgrade to IAR 81B Do 17M(R) maxload removed Fi 156C(R) Data sync He 112B(R) MG FF in TR -> fwd, upgrade to Bf 109G-2(R) Hs 129B(R) Equipment/Data sync, MK 103 removed and replaced by four more 50kg bombs, ammo up to 800 IAR 37-39 fuel up to 1312 (540+130+125l), guns changed to 7.92mm FN MG IAR 37 bombs changed to 12x50kg IAR 38 bombs changed to 8x50kg, maxload down to 400kg, ammo down to 920, maxspeed up to 168mph, cruise speed up to 125mph, endurance up to 200min IAR 39 bombs changed to 12x50kg, maxload up to 600kg, ammo up to 1420, ends 8/1944 now IAR 80A maxspeed up to 320mph IAR 81A built limit and expansion rate of 1 added, bombs changed to 1x500lbs + 2x50kg, ammo down to 920 IAR 81B maxload reduced to 300 (just for drop tanks) Ju 52(R) Equipment/Data sync Ju 86K-2(R) Equipment/Data sync, bombs fwd -> int, upgrade to Ju 88A(R) Potez 63 end date to 2/1943, shall be auto-upgraded to better aircraft then PZL 11F guns changed to 4x 7.92mm FN MG PZL 24E cannon changed to MG FF (closest match, Oerlikon gun in-game modeled as newer variant), upgrade to Bf 109G-2(R) SET 7K maxload removed (no bombs) SM.79(R) equipment/Data sync with adaption to the twin-engined SM.79B data, guns changed to 7.92/13.2mm FN MG (two side guns) SM.79JR guns changed to 7.92/13.2mm FN MG (two side guns) , add Italian SM.79 as import source with 60 aircraft (pending a better solution with local factory) Ju 87D(R) Equipment/Data sync Ju 88A(R) Equipment/Data sync to Ju 88A-4, import source kept at Ju 88A Ju 88D-1(R) Equipment/Data sync ---- HUNGARY Bf 109F-4(H) Data sync Bf 109G-14(H) Data sync Bf 109G-6(H) Equipment/Data sync, build limit +1 to 2, delayed from 6/43 to 8/43 CR.32 Upgrade to Re.2000 CR.42 upgrade to Me 210 Fw 189A(H) Equipment/Data sync Fw 190F(H) Equipment/Data sync He 170A(H) guns rear -> TR He 46C(H) bombs fwd -> ext, TR gun changed to MG 15 Ju 52(H) Equipment/Data sync Ju 86K-2(H) Equipment/Data sync, bombs fwd -> int Ju 87D(H) Equipment/Data sync Ju 88A(H) Equipment/Data sync to Ju 88A-4, import source kept at Ju 88A, removed empty equipment slots Ju 88D-1(H) Equipment/Data sync Me 210Ca-1(H) Equipment/Data sync with adaption to DB605 engines, bombs fwd -> int Re.2000 Upgrade to Re.2000 Heja II SM.75(H) Equipment/Data sync WM 21 ammo reduced to 75, fuel reduced to 900, removed maxload Re.2000 Heja II new late 1942 model, upgrades to Bf 109G-6(H) License-built version of the Re.2000 with higher performance, more range and more reliable engine uses Italian Re.2000 as import source with 120 aircraft (pending a better solution with local factory) ---- SLOVAKIA Bf 109E-3(S) Equipment/Data sync Bf 109G-6(S) Equipment/Data sync Fw 189A(S) Equipment/Data sync Ju 87D(S) Equipment/Data sync S-328 bombs fwd -> ext ---- SOVIET General: Most self-update paths removed I-16 T18 Bombs fwd -> ext I-16 T24 Bombs fwd -> ext MiG-3 Bombs fwd -> ext Yak-9T add two 100kg bombs, ammo up to 500 Yak-2 maxload down to 500kg to match bombs, ammo down to 1150 Yak-4 maxload down to 500kg to match bombs, ammo down to 1150 Yak-2 maxload down to 500kg to match bombs, ammo down to 1150 LaGG-3 29 add two 100kg bombs, ammo up to 505 LaGG-3 66 add two 100kg bombs, ammo up to 505 SB-2 recon maxload removed U-2 recon maxload removed U-2VS maxload down to 300kg to match bombs and ammo Pe-2 maxload down to 1000kg to match bombs Pe-2R maxload removed (no bombs) Yer-2 43 maxload down to 4000kg to match bombs Pe-8 maxload down to 3000kg to match bombs Li-2 fuel up to 5022(804 US gals), crew +1 to 3, maxload reduced to 6400 (max overload weight at 29k lbs with max fuel), maxspeed reduced to 240mph, endurance down to 400min Li-2VP maxload reduced to 1500kg to match bombs, fuel up to 5022(804 US gals), endurance down to 400min, cruise speed down to 170mph A-20B two .303 rear changed into single BR, fuel reduced to 2500 (400 US gallons), endurance down to 180min A-20G replace 2cm guns with .50 (unreliable, only 250 built (out of 2500+ A-20G)), fuel down to 3397 (544 US gal, one bomb bay tank), bombs changed to 4x500 int and 4x500 ext, cruise speed down to 245mph, endurance down to 220min B-25D fuel up to 6085 (974 US gal in main and aux wing tanks), +1 fwd .50 gun B-25J fuel up to 7426 (974 US gal in main and aux wing tanks + 215 US gals above bombbay), guns changed to 5 fwd + two each Turret/Rear/side, bombs down to 6x500lb, ammo down to 3300, endurance up to 460 Hurri IIB armor changed to one - not a heavily armored variant, maneuver +2 to 33, minor maxspeed reduction, fuel reduced to 705 (94 imp gals), cruise speed down to 256mph, endurance up to 105min Hurri IIC armor changed to one - not a heavily armored variant, durability +3 to 29 (some protection against ground fire), fuel reduced to 705 (94 imp gals), maneuver +1 to 32, minor maxspeed reduction, endurance down to 105min, cruise speed up to 245mph P-39D remove droptank, fuel up to 750 (120 us gals), cruise speed down to 230mph, endurance up to 155min P-39N remove droptank, fuel up to 534 (86 us gals), maneuver +1 to 30, cruise speed to 240mph, endurance to 100min P-39Q remove droptank, fuel up to 750 (120 us gals), armor 2 > 1, maneuver +1 to 29, cruise speed to 250mph, endurance to 155min P-63 remove droptank, Fuel up to 850 (136 us gals), cruise speed down to 250mph, endurance up to 170min, max alt up to 40k, ammo up to 1760, maneuver +1 to 31, armor 2 -> 1, bombs to 3x500lb P-40B fuel to 1250 P-40E remove droptank, fuel to 1250 P-40K remove droptank, fuel to 1250, 100lb bombs removed, ammo down to 743, maxload down to 500, maxspeed down to 362mph P-40N remove droptank, fuel to 1250, bombs changed to 3x500lb, endurance down to 140min, maxload up to 1500, ammo up to 1743, maxspeed up to 378mph P-47D remove droptank, bomb changed to two 1000lb, maxload up to 2000, ammo up to 2204, fuel to 1905 (305 us gals fuselage), endurance up to 160min, cruise speed down to 340 to account for bombs Spit IX bombs/maxload removed, ammo reduced to 126 Spit Vb bombs/maxload removed, ammo reduced to 126 C-47 fuel up to 5022(804 US gals), crew +1 to 3, maxload reduced to 6400 (max overload weight at 29k lbs with max fuel), max alt up to 26k ft, endurance down to 400min ----
< Message edited by Andrew Loveridge -- 3/24/2012 1:41:45 AM >