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RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING]

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RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] - 3/28/2012 4:06:41 PM   


Posts: 305
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Thanks kraft, great tips. oil is still kind of a mystery though. do units use it depending on their movements that turn or use it up every turn like supplies regardless of movement?

I also cant find where its consumed at start of turn. if its -0, +2000 I still only find +700 or something on the next turn, and just use that on few of my trucks and the rest stay at HQ doing nothing, lol

(in reply to TPM)
Post #: 151
RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] - 3/28/2012 5:05:22 PM   


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Generally theres a base line supply use a unit has, but if its taken a readiness hit, like been in a battle, there are a few extra supplies "eaten" to get back up to 100%. If theres no supplies, readiness will continue to plummet. If only the baseline supply, the supply required in its stats, its readiness will just stay put wherever it is.

So theres some supply that isnt really being "tracked" per say in any screen, that gets eaten by units to increase their readiness.

Oil is used, I think 10 oil per hex, per SFT, so it can get quite expensive. 10 Light tanks, moving 1 hex, is 100 oil. I also think planes and tanks use up 10 oil per combat. Might be per round but I forgot. Theres an oil use figure in each units stats that uses it, that may be what it costs per combat round (or movement). But either way theres a "hidden" oil cost of 10 per SFT going on somewhere.

In the statistics screen, theres an Oil, and Oil after movement graph. Some oil is going to be consumed if your planes intercept (and they wont intercept if there isnt enough oil) and if im not confusing classic with one of the many mods, I think transferring stuff by truck or train, costs oil.

But then again some of this stuff might be off a bit. I have to admit I was thrown for a loop playing a Classic masterfile game agian after so long playing mods and scenarios. I keep hunting for recon planes to build, after ive flown all my fighters and remember, damnit, totally a mod unit.

And ive had the pleasant surprise of thinking...what the hell is a Jeep?! about every 3rd turn before I remember, oh yeah, classic game.

< Message edited by Kraftwerk -- 3/28/2012 5:07:39 PM >

(in reply to hatemf90)
Post #: 152
RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] - 3/28/2012 5:09:16 PM   


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Well said...yep, if you're playing someone with even average skill, if they have more production than you, chances are, you'll's just a numbers game in some ways. That being said, as you stated, if you can weather the storm, and hopefully catch him making a mistake, you might be able to pull off a miracle.

Which are hands down the most satisfying wins you can have.

(in reply to TPM)
Post #: 153
RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] - 3/28/2012 5:09:44 PM   


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IIRC, train transfer does not use oil. Otherwise...nice assessment.


aka SailingGuy

To his dog, every man is Napoleon; hence the constant popularity of dogs.
~Aldous Huxley

(in reply to Krafty)
Post #: 154
RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] - 3/28/2012 5:11:53 PM   


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Yeah that might be the resource mod. Its been ages since ive played classic.

(in reply to SailingGuy)
Post #: 155
RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] - 3/28/2012 10:09:01 PM   


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TPM, I think it is your turn. However, you did post yesterday (I believe) that the turn was back to me. However, there was nothing new in the DropBox. So your turn might be complete and you just need to post it to the DropBox.


aka SailingGuy

To his dog, every man is Napoleon; hence the constant popularity of dogs.
~Aldous Huxley

(in reply to Krafty)
Post #: 156
RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] - 3/28/2012 10:10:34 PM   


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Trains use coal, but trucks do use up oil, thats why I had units piling up in my HQ and the trucks to move them but I still couldnt send anything and i was like wth? lol

(in reply to Krafty)
Post #: 157
RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] - 3/29/2012 3:21:46 AM   

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Hatem, when you are transferring, there is a screen that shows you your rail capacity and shows how much a transfer will cost.
On these small maps you can make your new units at supremo, already attached to front HQ and just walk them up, shouldnt really need more transport than you start with.

(in reply to hatemf90)
Post #: 158
RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] - 3/29/2012 3:36:38 AM   


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Aye, i wont transfer but a rifle here, or a mortar there, using trucks or trains. I make a new formation at the HQ im sending production to, and walk them up slowly.

Freshly built units have 10 xp, and low readiness. Throwing them right into battle is a terrible idea.

You can see the couple times I threw fighters and bombers with 10xp at you, you slaughtered them. My strat bombers with 40xp wouldnt have died so easily either, but they went fresh from the factory showroom to the front and into battle.

That few turns they spend building up readiness and xp as they walk to the front is invaluable.

If I have a HUGE production advantage, ill build 50 trucks and simply shove new recruits right into units and constantly attack, but thats ultra rare.

(in reply to Meanfcker)
Post #: 159
RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] - 3/29/2012 4:16:55 PM   


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ORIGINAL: Kraftwerk

Aye, i wont transfer but a rifle here, or a mortar there, using trucks or trains. I make a new formation at the HQ im sending production to, and walk them up slowly.

Freshly built units have 10 xp, and low readiness. Throwing them right into battle is a terrible idea.

You can see the couple times I threw fighters and bombers with 10xp at you, you slaughtered them. My strat bombers with 40xp wouldnt have died so easily either, but they went fresh from the factory showroom to the front and into battle.

That few turns they spend building up readiness and xp as they walk to the front is invaluable.

If I have a HUGE production advantage, ill build 50 trucks and simply shove new recruits right into units and constantly attack, but thats ultra rare.

yea. the 50 truck strategy is a waste when our prod. is almost similar. but the making units at front HQ ideas is great, never thought of that, frees up production for oil atleast but I dont think it will work if theres an emergency or retreating and need to quickly send reinforcements to plug any holes in the line...

(in reply to Krafty)
Post #: 160
RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] - 3/29/2012 4:25:27 PM   


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1 question: air units sometimes are unable to move/scout etc, and the move button is grey even though it is 100 AP, 100 readiness and full supply, are the pilots sleeping then?

(in reply to hatemf90)
Post #: 161
RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] - 3/29/2012 5:12:51 PM   


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ORIGINAL: SailingGuy

TPM, I think it is your turn. However, you did post yesterday (I believe) that the turn was back to me. However, there was nothing new in the DropBox. So your turn might be complete and you just need to post it to the DropBox.

SG -

Hmmm...OK, I'll check my files...I thought we were on track. You posted turn 18a, and I still need to do that turn (meaning, I don't have a turn 18b that needs to be put in dropbox). I'll double check my files to make sure. Also, I may have posted here on the forum after I put the turn in dropbox. Anyway, I'll check it out.

(in reply to SailingGuy)
Post #: 162
RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] - 3/29/2012 5:24:43 PM   


Posts: 483
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ORIGINAL: SailingGuy

If we want to convert March Madness to a double elimination.

What do you guys think?

Any thoughts on whether to convert March Madness to a double elimination tournament?


aka SailingGuy

To his dog, every man is Napoleon; hence the constant popularity of dogs.
~Aldous Huxley

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Post #: 163
RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] - 3/29/2012 9:10:09 PM   


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ORIGINAL: hatemf90

1 question: air units sometimes are unable to move/scout etc, and the move button is grey even though it is 100 AP, 100 readiness and full supply, are the pilots sleeping then?

Cant fly during mud. Or out of oil. Would be the two reasons that spring to mind.

(in reply to hatemf90)
Post #: 164
RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] - 3/29/2012 9:11:07 PM   


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Giving every one another go is good with me.

(in reply to SailingGuy)
Post #: 165
RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] - 3/29/2012 9:21:46 PM   


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ORIGINAL: hatemf90

yea. the 50 truck strategy is a waste when our prod. is almost similar. but the making units at front HQ ideas is great, never thought of that, frees up production for oil atleast but I dont think it will work if theres an emergency or retreating and need to quickly send reinforcements to plug any holes in the line...

Yeah the time for the 50 truck strategy is when youve been on the defensive with similar production to the enemy, but have been killing more of them, than they of you. If youve been able to maintain the ratio, stay defensive, and start piling up PPs, then you can build a slew of factories (factories are also good when youre ahead in production, as in our game, ive put up 4 factories instead of researching another level of rifle or staff which is usually what im doing at this stage of the game, but piling on more crap units is a good idea with all the considerations in) this slew of factories is gonna start churning out masses of equipment. Soon yer force rating should start to climb over the enemy, you keep holding the line and let the XP build up on those new tanks and artillery and such.

Then you break his offensive in a small area, utterly destroy it. Generally people start pulling back. Thats when you can start pumping tons of trucks to yer HQs that have production going to them. (can assign production to go to any HQ, shortening the distance a bit there for free) You can start sending units, sans xp, right to to front line units to make them look bigger than they really are. This persuades them to not attack you, which is something they dont want to do anyways to ruin their entrenchment.

Pumping all the units right to front line units that arent gonna be attacked till he realizes whats going on is a great way to tilt the scales in your favor where previously you were losing. By the time they do gather themselves and are ready for an offensive, all those new units are around 30-40 xp, and decent fighting units.

At this point you now have a production advantage because of the factories, you have a force advantage because of the factories and the trained up units, you have a world class reinforcement infrastructure, you have the initiative, and you have an enemy who was just whoopin on you who may make the mistake of trying to go on the offensive again. Then its really your game to lose at that point.

Course most of us wont just sit around letting all this happen if we can do anything about it lol.

Like I said, your playbook will fill up rapidly. Then its a matter of just doing these things at the right time, and youll be competitive in every ATG game/scenario. The learning curve is steep, but levels off quickly.

< Message edited by Kraftwerk -- 3/29/2012 9:23:13 PM >

(in reply to hatemf90)
Post #: 166
RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] - 3/30/2012 7:19:55 AM   


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Turn to SG

(in reply to Krafty)
Post #: 167
RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] - 3/30/2012 6:44:57 PM   


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It appears that only a few of us want to convert March Madness to a double elimination tournament. That being the case, March Madness 2012 will remain a single elimination tournament. Maybe something different for MM:2013.


aka SailingGuy

To his dog, every man is Napoleon; hence the constant popularity of dogs.
~Aldous Huxley

(in reply to TPM)
Post #: 168
RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] - 3/31/2012 4:02:26 AM   


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Turn to TPM.


aka SailingGuy

To his dog, every man is Napoleon; hence the constant popularity of dogs.
~Aldous Huxley

(in reply to SailingGuy)
Post #: 169
RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] - 3/31/2012 2:19:23 PM   


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Turn to TPM.


aka SailingGuy

To his dog, every man is Napoleon; hence the constant popularity of dogs.
~Aldous Huxley

(in reply to SailingGuy)
Post #: 170
RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] - 3/31/2012 9:36:23 PM   


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I surrender, lol. Theres no way to slow you down now.

(in reply to SailingGuy)
Post #: 171
RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] - 4/1/2012 3:02:20 AM   


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*salute* good game

(in reply to hatemf90)
Post #: 172
RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] - 4/1/2012 1:16:39 PM   


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Seed #1 -> All5n
Seed #2 -> Kraftwerk
Seed #3 -> Meanfcker
Seed #4 -> TPM
Seed #5 -> SailingGuy
Seed #6 -> Nego
Seed #7 -> hatemf90
Seed #8 -> AdamRinkleff

First Round -
Game 1: Meanfcker defeats Nego
Game 2: SailingGuy vs. TPM
Game 3: Kraftwerk defeats hatemf90
Game 4: AdamRinkleff vs. All3n

Second Round -
Game 5: Winner of Game 2 vs. winner of Game 4
Game 6: Winner of Game Meanfcker vs. Kraftwerk

Finals -
Winner of Game 6 vs winner of Game 5

Consolation -
Loser of Game 6 vs loser of Game 5

(First player listed sets up game, takes the first turn, and must declare war on turn 1.)

Seeding for March Madness 2013...
#1: To be determined
#2: To be determined
#3: To be determined
#4: To be determined
#5 through #8: Nego, hatemf90 (randomly determined)

< Message edited by SailingGuy -- 4/1/2012 1:18:55 PM >


aka SailingGuy

To his dog, every man is Napoleon; hence the constant popularity of dogs.
~Aldous Huxley

(in reply to TPM)
Post #: 173
RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] - 4/1/2012 5:54:06 PM   

Posts: 371
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From: Republic of Texas
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I dont mind making it a double elimination tournament.

More play = more fun.

(in reply to SailingGuy)
Post #: 174
RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] - 4/1/2012 5:57:38 PM   


Posts: 395
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Good luck Meanfcker! Do we wait for the round 1 to end or start now?

(in reply to all5n)
Post #: 175
RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] - 4/1/2012 6:57:49 PM   


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Seed #1 -> All5n
Seed #2 -> Kraftwerk
Seed #3 -> Meanfcker
Seed #4 -> TPM
Seed #5 -> SailingGuy
Seed #6 -> Nego
Seed #7 -> hatemf90
Seed #8 -> AdamRinkleff

First Round -
Game 1: Meanfcker defeats Nego
Game 2: SailingGuy vs. TPM
Game 3: Kraftwerk defeats hatemf90
Game 4: All3n defeats AdamRinkleff

Second Round -
Winner of Game 2 vs. All3n
Winner of Game Meanfcker vs. Kraftwerk

(First player listed sets up game, takes the first turn, and must declare war on turn 1.)

Seeding for March Madness 2013...
#1: To be determined
#2: To be determined
#3: To be determined
#4: To be determined
#5 through #8: Nego, hatemf90, AdamRinkleff (randomly determined)


aka SailingGuy

To his dog, every man is Napoleon; hence the constant popularity of dogs.
~Aldous Huxley

(in reply to Krafty)
Post #: 176
RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] - 4/1/2012 6:58:12 PM   


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ORIGINAL: Kraftwerk

Good luck Meanfcker! Do we wait for the round 1 to end or start now?

You can start now.


aka SailingGuy

To his dog, every man is Napoleon; hence the constant popularity of dogs.
~Aldous Huxley

(in reply to Krafty)
Post #: 177
RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] - 4/1/2012 8:34:03 PM   

Posts: 307
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Turn to Kraftwerk. Good luck and have fun.

(in reply to SailingGuy)
Post #: 178
RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] - 4/1/2012 8:49:48 PM   


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Am I the Sultinate? It appears theres already been a password entered for me.

Cant get into the turn.

< Message edited by Kraftwerk -- 4/1/2012 10:52:25 PM >

(in reply to Meanfcker)
Post #: 179
RE: March Madness 2012 [RECRUITING] - 4/2/2012 1:14:02 AM   

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No idea what happened. I was sultinate when I started, so I frigged it up some how. I will restart and put in dropbox tonight.

(in reply to Krafty)
Post #: 180
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