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Stalingrad Scen 3 Exit to windows

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Stalingrad Scen 3 Exit to windows - 11/26/2002 10:50:58 AM   


Posts: 72
Joined: 11/23/2002
From: Montreal, QC
Status: offline
Anybody encountered this problem!

Around turn 5 I think I ended my turn the computer was playing is turn and suddenly in the middle of it's turn the exited back to windows. I did not save! I do not think about saving in the middle of a scenario.

And I was doing very good on this on :mad:

Win98SE, 256mg ram , AMD Duron 1100mhz!
SPWAW 7.1, OOB 7.1+
Post #: 1
JP... - 11/26/2002 11:30:35 AM   
Orzel Bialy

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A couple questions:
1. Are you playing a version of SPWAW that you downloaded...or did you get it off a disk (mega-campaigns)?
2. When you did the 7.1 upgrade did you make sure that the upgrade took properly?
There were glitches with some of the first patches where there was an errant "space" in between the words "MatrixGames" when the file was being exploded...resulting in the files being placed in a new folder and not the correct game folder.
If this happened and you loaded the OOB 7.1 may be causing the error. Now, I'm not saying that is certain...I'm not a big time tech ;)...but I know I had all sorts of issues when I didn't catch the file upgrade the first time around...and started using scenarios from people who had installed it correctly.
Getting the Mega-Campaign Lost Victories was the best solution in my case...I had an updated copy of the complete game at my disposal, not to mention a great campaign to play! ;)


(in reply to jphamel)
Post #: 2
- 11/26/2002 12:15:52 PM   


Posts: 72
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From: Montreal, QC
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I downloaded 7.1 last week never had the game before,
so it's a clean install.

Then I saw a 7.1+ oob so I downloaded those.

I restarted from the last save which was right after scenario 2, but I gave up before completing the first turn, I did not do as well and the frustration does not help.:mad:

It's frustrating having to restart a scenario that was going very, very well for me.:(

(in reply to jphamel)
Post #: 3
- 11/27/2002 3:05:34 AM   


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[QUOTE]Originally posted by jphamel
[B]I downloaded 7.1 last week never had the game before,
so it's a clean install.

Then I saw a 7.1+ oob so I downloaded those.

I restarted from the last save which was right after scenario 2, but I gave up before completing the first turn, I did not do as well and the frustration does not help.:mad:

It's frustrating having to restart a scenario that was going very, very well for me.:( [/B][/QUOTE]

Did you have a previous save?

Delete the prf file located in the save folder. Sometimes this prf file will cause crashes. prf file governs the preference settings in the game. Sometimes another scenario, campaign, pbem game that uses different settings will come in conflict with another scenario, etc.. Deleting the prf file and resetting the preferences will usually fix the problem.


(in reply to jphamel)
Post #: 4
- 11/27/2002 3:38:23 AM   


Posts: 72
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From: Montreal, QC
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by BryanMelvin

Did you have a previous save?


Yes I had a previous save. Thanks for the tip.

It's a great campaign to play, I uninstalled and reinstalled the game to drive C: instead of E:.
So I lost my saves, meaning I'll have to restart from the first scenario. Doesn't matter since I've learned a lot, I think I'll do better this time.

Just think of it, I play other scenarios in between the campaign, does that mean with only one prf, I should complete the campaign I'm playing before playing any others.

Sorry for the long post.

(in reply to jphamel)
Post #: 5
- 11/27/2002 5:01:53 AM   

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What version of DirectX are you using?

I never had a SPWAW crash to desktop until I upgraded my Win2000 system to DirectX 8.1. Then, during bombardments, sometimes crashes. Rolling back to 8 fixed the problem.


Squatting in the bush and marking it on a map.

(in reply to jphamel)
Post #: 6
- 11/27/2002 5:26:51 AM   


Posts: 72
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From: Montreal, QC
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DX 8.1,

But I'm on win98, so I can't rollback like when I had winXP.

DOn't know How I could get back to DX 8.0 whitout reinstalling windows again.

If you have a suggestion on how to do it, let me know.

(in reply to jphamel)
Post #: 7
- 11/27/2002 5:46:32 AM   


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[QUOTE]Originally posted by 11Bravo
[B]What version of DirectX are you using?

I never had a SPWAW crash to desktop until I upgraded my Win2000 system to DirectX 8.1. Then, during bombardments, sometimes crashes. Rolling back to 8 fixed the problem. [/B][/QUOTE]

11 Bravo, I can't thank you enough!:)

Found DXEradicator, reinstalled DX8.0, and all seems to run much better now. I think they MS needs to check back on their team of developpers. Anything that is Microsoft is buggy anyway.

(in reply to jphamel)
Post #: 8
- 12/1/2002 4:56:20 AM   


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[QUOTE] [I]Originally posted by jphamel [/I]
Just think of it, I play other scenarios in between the campaign, does that mean with only one prf, I should complete the campaign I'm playing before playing any others. [/QUOTE]

NO, what you should do is remember to change your preferences to whatever they should be for the game/senario/campaign you are playing

(in reply to jphamel)
Post #: 9
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